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Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space Releases Version 3.10.70 Update Mar. 19 Featuring the Final Chapter of Mythos 'Shadow of Sin and Steel'

Mythos protagonist Senya's Another Style is unlocked and Kuramaru is gained as a Sidekick by playing the Mythos story
The campaign where players can get up to seven 5-star characters by progressing through the Main Story is back

TOKYO – Mar. 19, 2025Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space, the multi-platform single-player adventure JRPG from Wright Flyer Studios with more than 15 million players, launches its Version 3.10.70 update. The popular character "Jet Tactician" Shion's Another Style arrives.
The Final Chapter of Mythos "Shadow of Sin and Steel" is released, concluding the story set on the Eastern Garulea Continent.
The Mythos protagonist Senya's Another Style is unlocked, and Kuramaru is gained as a Sidekick by playing the Mythos story.

The campaign where 5-star characters become allies by progressing through the Main Story is back. Players can encounter up to seven 5-star characters this time.

◆Mythos "Shadow of Sin and Steel" Chapter 5
Tsukuyomi's plan has finally been set in motion.
With the gate to Meigoku open, and the revenants turned into specters,
the entire continent of Garulea is swallowed in the darkness of chaos.

Broken sword in hand, Senya wanders, lost.
What strength did the boy seek?
Is what awaits him at the end of his long journey eternal night?
Or could it be...

The tale of sin and steel enters its final act at last.

◆Key Figure
Senya Another Style arrives.

"Jet Tactician" Shion Another Style arrives.

◆New Astral Archive Content
1 Tome related to Mythos "Shadow of Sin and Steel" is added.

◆(Revival Campaign) Get 5-star Characters, Main Story Support Campaigns Return!
Between Version 3.10.70 and May 31, 2025 14:59 (UTC), players can get up to seven 5-star characters in total by advancing through the Main Story. Pick-Up Bonuses don't apply to these characters.

◆Increased Achievement Rewards & Today's Item
The achievement reward for starting the Final Chapter of Mythos "Shadow of Sin and Steel" is increased to 50 Chronos Stones after Version 3.10.70 Update until Apr. 30, 2025 14:59 (UTC).
The achievement reward boosts for starting Chapters 1-5 have also returned. Note that if the campaign reward was already claimed in the past, there is no duplicate reward this time.
Additionally, Today's Item (login bonus) is also increased to 50 Chronos Stones, totaling up to 900 Chronos Stones from Mar. 18, 2025 15:00 to Apr. 5, 2025 14:59 (UTC).

Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space is now available on Steam for PC, iOS via the App Store, and Android via Google Play.
For more information on Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space, please visit the official website and follow on X(Twitter) and Facebook.

About Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space

Title: Another Eden: The Cat Beyond Time and Space

Official Site: https://en.another-eden.jp/

Official Social Media Pages
Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AnotherEdenRPG.en/
Official X(Twitter): https://twitter.com/AnotherEdenRPG
Official YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp0Xenz3Tv-ZTvxlCbPsQ8g

Store URL
App Store: https://itunes.apple.com/app/id1439565347
Google Play(TM): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=games.wfs.anothereden
Steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1252600/ANOTHER_EDEN/

Genre: RPG

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