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Another Look At New York Comic-Con 2019

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Joined: 23 Jun 2017
Posts: 16
PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2019 1:35 am Reply with quote
However, as much of an awesome ensemble as they were, and as lovely as the camaraderie for each other and their passion for the project was to see, at neither panel was there a trailer for the highly-anticipated third season or any mention of a release date, making me actually wonder -- did I miss something?

There wasn't a trailer, but the Castlevania panel did show a short preview clip from season 3, showing Trevor and Sypha bantering before being attacked by some demons. It was a comedy-focused clip, and not as hype as a real trailer, but it was something I suppose.

I haven't went to NYCC in a couple years, but I went this year and was pleasantly surprised at how chill the experience was, at least compared to my past experiences. I didn't have any line woes and even the traffic inside the convention wasn't too bad. The highlights for me on the anime/manga side were definitely the Yu Yu Hakusho Reunion Panel with Chris Sabat and Justin Cook, and the Sound & Fury and Castlevania panels were awesome thanks to the insight given on the creative process by a ton of folk who worked on both projects. I'll also give a shout-out to Manga Ikimashouka, which had a great panel of folks and was a fun family-friendly manga recomendations panel. My only regret is that I wasn't able to attend the Veronica Taylor panel since I did Shonen Jump that morning, but hopefully I can catch her at another con I go to in the future.

It wasn't mentioned in this article, but FUNimation also went out of their way to do some extra events at a few places. The Friedman's restaurant nearby was redecorated as a My Hero Academia cafe, and they had events at The Lightbox for three nights where they served a free drink and had a room where clips and images from an anime play across all four walls (Tokyo Ghoul on Thursday, Fate/Grand Order on Friday, and One Piece on Saturday), and another room that had games to play. I didn't stay at them long, but I appreciated having a few more anime/manga related activities to do outside of the con.

I'll also say that they really went all out on promoting the new One Piece movie at the con - they were showing the trailer on the monitors CONSTANTLY, to say nothing of the giant banner they had for it outside the exhibitor's hall. Definitely one of the most inescapably promoted things at the con in general.
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