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NEWS: Blue Seed, Elemental Gelade Anime Blu-rays Listed From Discotek

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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 7:48 am Reply with quote
Blue Seed I can more understand getting this treatment, but Elemental Gelade? Utterly forgettable except for it being a forerunner of the "people transform into weapons" series that would come out later in the 2000s and 2010s.
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Joined: 05 Mar 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:17 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Blue Seed I can more understand getting this treatment, but Elemental Gelade? Utterly forgettable except for it being a forerunner of the "people transform into weapons" series that would come out later in the 2000s and 2010s.

Gonna disagree. Elemental Gelade to me, was a fun series. Sure it wasn’t a perfect adaptation, but I’m glad to have it come out on Blu-Ray.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:28 am Reply with quote
ShadowZim777 wrote:
Key wrote:
Blue Seed I can more understand getting this treatment, but Elemental Gelade? Utterly forgettable except for it being a forerunner of the "people transform into weapons" series that would come out later in the 2000s and 2010s.

Gonna disagree. Elemental Gelade to me, was a fun series. Sure it wasn’t a perfect adaptation, but I’m glad to have it come out on Blu-Ray.

I agree I love Elemental Gelade to me it was not forgettable at all I am also glad its getting a
Blu Ray release,there are so many other shows I wish gets the same treatment like Kaikan Phrase and Tokyo Majin they need a Blu ray release so badly.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:06 am Reply with quote
When a Japanese upscale is so bad you have to go with previously-released masters instead...

Not blaming Discotek at all for Blue Seed but still a shame on Japan's part. Glad to see they have everything else though including the stuff ADV didn't get (including 1.5 which isn't mentioned in the article) though I will miss the Spanish dub.

Three adaptations of Yuzo Takada works (this, Nuku Nuku & 3x3 Eyes) released on Blu-ray at around the same time (Summer 2010) and with the same awful treatment. Has King Records improved with upscaling since? No clue but I highly doubt their confirmed upscale of Slayers will look any better due to how bad those R2 DVDs were.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:53 am Reply with quote
NJ_ wrote:
Three adaptations of Yuzo Takada works (this, Nuku Nuku & 3x3 Eyes) released on Blu-ray at around the same time (Summer 2010) and with the same awful treatment. Has King Records improved with upscaling since?

Their 2011 upscale of Toradora for Blu-Ray used a different technique and that one was widely praised - pretty sure that upscale was also the version NISA used for their Toradora BD release in NA. King also used the same technique for upscaling Nanoha when the first three seasons came out on BD in 2014 - I've seen less chatter about those releases for obvious reasons (never getting an equivalent North American release and all) but I have the impression that the fans were satisfied with those too. Those were all mid-2000s shows, though, so whatever they did for those might not be effective or practical for pre-digipaint 90s shows like Slayers. I wouldn't really know, though - I'm far from an expert when it comes to video stuff.
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Cain Highwind

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:17 pm Reply with quote
Oh nice! Blue Seed! Shame it's not going to be a proper HD remaster. By promos does that mean it'll include those old commercials shown on Encore Action back in the day? Man I'd be so in for those.

Blue Seed was one of my first "real" anime watches (something that wasn't heavily Americanized and/or censored), so I'm super nostalgic for it
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 1:55 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
...but Elemental Gelade? Utterly forgettable...

Until I read your post, and the series flashed back into my head.

Thanks for that. Mad

Just kidding. It wasn't a great series, just okay.

I certainly won't purchase a bluray of it. Not only have I moved onto 4k, but the animation quality was horrible even on DVD. I can't imagine this series will upscale nicely.

To each their own.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 3:16 pm Reply with quote
WingKing wrote:
Their 2011 upscale of Toradora for Blu-Ray used a different technique and that one was widely praised - pretty sure that upscale was also the version NISA used for their Toradora BD release in NA. King also used the same technique for upscaling Nanoha when the first three seasons came out on BD in 2014 - I've seen less chatter about those releases for obvious reasons (never getting an equivalent North American release and all) but I have the impression that the fans were satisfied with those too.

Thanks, I forgot about Nanoha and yeah, from the screencaps I've seen, it does look better than the typical Q-Tec job (which have always been awful).

Those were all mid-2000s shows, though, so whatever they did for those might not be effective or practical for pre-digipaint 90s shows like Slayers. I wouldn't really know, though - I'm far from an expert when it comes to video stuff.

That's fine, it just disappoints me that after giving the movies & OVAs great remasters that they're going back and screwing up the rest of the series. If they can't or don't want to use the film negatives then they should have done what NBC Universal did with the Tenchi spinoffs recently and released SD BDs for all seasons (including the yet to be announced Revolution/Evolution-R and also Lost Universe) instead of upscaling already terrible DVDs.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 8:01 pm Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Blue Seed I can more understand getting this treatment, but Elemental Gelade? Utterly forgettable except for it being a forerunner of the "people transform into weapons" series that would come out later in the 2000s and 2010s.

The anime is not good. The manga on the other hand is AMAZING. Such a great series. I can't recommend it enough.

Just an example of another mid-2000's anime made too early in the series' serialization with tons of really crappy original content.
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Joined: 09 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 9:36 pm Reply with quote
WingKing wrote:
Their 2011 upscale of Toradora for Blu-Ray used a different technique and that one was widely praised

I mean, I've never seen the Toradora transfer cop anything but hate and usually see it cited among examples of some of the worst upscales; but the sample pool to compare against certainly has changed since it came out.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 10:31 pm Reply with quote
Gelade was also a memorable series to me. The music was really good and I enjoyed the plot of the series. Though I wish Discotek or someone would consider rescuing series like Hikaru no GO, MÄR Heaven, and Kodocha. I'd love to own those series in a complete series release.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:11 pm Reply with quote
hack5 wrote:
ShadowZim777 wrote:
Key wrote:
Blue Seed I can more understand getting this treatment, but Elemental Gelade? Utterly forgettable except for it being a forerunner of the "people transform into weapons" series that would come out later in the 2000s and 2010s.

Gonna disagree. Elemental Gelade to me, was a fun series. Sure it wasn’t a perfect adaptation, but I’m glad to have it come out on Blu-Ray.

I agree I love Elemental Gelade to me it was not forgettable at all I am also glad its getting a
Blu Ray release,there are so many other shows I wish gets the same treatment like Kaikan Phrase and Tokyo Majin they need a Blu ray release so badly.

Yeah, I'll likely pick up both too. Blue Seed is one of those older shows I was particularly hoping to see in improved video quality some day, but Elemental Gelade was still a decently fun show, and I also remember the soundtrack being quite good.

Nice mention, I'd love to see Tokyo Majin. That "gritty" art style could come through nice on a remaster.

One super rare title that I'd imagine has very little chance, but that I'd really like to see get a surprise rescue and blu-ray, is that old superhero(ine) anime Moldiver. Loved that fun little show and wish they'd made more. The animation still looks quite nice.
Looking at the encyclopedia entry no wonder I still have fond memories of that old dub, never realized it was an early Animaze one so no wonder it got such a surprisingly good cast collection. Julia does the lead quite well for seemingly one of her only roles, and it's also got David Hayter, Joshua Seth, and Steve Blum, along with a ton of other soon to be big VAs.

Cain Highwind wrote:
Oh nice! Blue Seed! Shame it's not going to be a proper HD remaster. By promos does that mean it'll include those old commercials shown on Encore Action back in the day? Man I'd be so in for those.

Blue Seed was one of my first "real" anime watches (something that wasn't heavily Americanized and/or censored), so I'm super nostalgic for it

Yeah, it's a shame to see the Japanese attempt is so utterly awful that we can't get a real remaster of this one, but maybe as an SD-BD it'll still be a little cleaned up compared to the old original DVDs even just due to when those were made as this will be a nice opportunity for a re-watch when this comes out, always felt like a pretty big show to me when I watched it.

Definitely glad the ADV dub is being included since that's how I watched it back in the day.

One of the next biggish ones I'd like to still see remastered for BD some day is my old favorite Armitage III, including the OVA version if possible.

Last edited by DangerMouse on Thu Oct 25, 2018 12:51 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:34 pm Reply with quote
Sylontack wrote:
WingKing wrote:
Their 2011 upscale of Toradora for Blu-Ray used a different technique and that one was widely praised

I mean, I've never seen the Toradora transfer cop anything but hate and usually see it cited among examples of some of the worst upscales; but the sample pool to compare against certainly has changed since it came out.

Like anything else, it's probably going to depend on who you talk to. Hardcore videophiles and the guys who spend hours fiddling with their TV settings trying to exactly match the "black" level of Japanese televisions are generally going to hate upscales no matter how well they're done. But the professional reviews I read on DVDTalk and other places were pretty positive about it, and I've also seen favorable comments from bloggers I respect like ultimatemegax who tend to have a pretty good eye for that stuff. I think it looks great myself, but I freely admit that my own eye is very mediocre, so I often don't even notice video transfer problems that other people are complaining about unless they're really blatantly awful (like the first time I tried watching my old CPM Utena DVDs on my then-new HD flatscreen - yuck!).
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Joined: 16 Sep 2017
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:53 pm Reply with quote
WingKing wrote:

Their 2011 upscale of Toradora for Blu-Ray used a different technique and that one was widely praised - pretty sure that upscale was also the version NISA used for their Toradora BD release in NA.

I don't suppose there exists an HD master of Toradora? Was a little disappointed by my NISA Toradora BD being an upscale, but if the JP release is also an upscale sounds like there's no better alternative.

I imported the Shigofumi BD box, and even though the show aired before Toradora, it had an HD master according to the official blog:


Both shows were produced by J.C. Staff, which makes it weird that an earlier show by the same studio has HD master but a later show seemingly doesn't.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 24, 2018 11:58 pm Reply with quote
NJ_ wrote:
When a Japanese upscale is so bad you have to go with previously-released masters instead...

At least we're getting some kind of quality upgrade over the old DVDs with the SD BD format, unlike other re-releases that used the same old "signs/songs hardsubbed" masters as the previous R1 release, but with more episodes per disc.

Though as I also mentioned on fandompost, the options of "Use bad Japanese Blu-Ray upscale" and what Discotek went with, "Use the ADV masters with VHS-era hardcoded signs" feel like a false choice for Blue Seed. You'd think they could've gone back to the SD analog masters that the Japanese upscaled in the first place, then made a new SD release with the original JP credits and 100% softsubs... unless those tapes were in just too poor of a condition to use at all, or the Japanese side refused to allow it. Maybe Justin can clarify?
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