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YaoiCon Takes 1-Year Break in 2018

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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 7:48 pm Reply with quote
Hmmm, negative issues. I wonder what they were.
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Joined: 21 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:32 pm Reply with quote
Chrno2 wrote:
Hmmm, negative issues. I wonder what they were.

Are you referring to the negative issue's in regards to the cancelled documentary they wanted to do?If so,they is a lot of megativity when it comes to the LGBTQ community.There is a lot of americans that dislike people that are part of that group.Plus there is is a lot of people who are not "out" yet.Being caught on film at a con that caters to an alternative lifestyle can be harmful.
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Joined: 16 Aug 2016
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:32 pm Reply with quote
Maybe no money. The way they been asking for money up front for everything else I wouldn't be surprised if we see a Kickstarter. Yaoicon might be on its deathbed with them in charge.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 13, 2017 11:58 pm Reply with quote
There were complaints about Viceland filming at YaoICon simply because the majority of people had never watched Viceland. I had seen their documentaries, such as the one they did about Sailor Moon that was partially filmed at Anime Expo and was about the anime’s influence on the LGBTQ community, to know that Viceland would portray Yaoicon attendees favorably. But most people don’t watch Viceland and panicked that, with that name, they’d be mocked. Additionally, YaoiCon didn’t announce that Viceland would be filming at the convention until a couple days prior to the event. Something like that should have been announced months in advance.

I don’t know if cancelling YaoiCon was the right decision. DMP makes a lot of money off this convention; They make thousands during the auction alone. Maybe they think they can make the same amount of money through Kickstarters? They’ve managed to piss off a lot of backers simply by failing to communicate why there are so many delays, and only offering Kimagure Orange Road backers 10% of what they paid because DMP is unable to fulfill the signed book portion of their tiers, had alienated potential customers even more.

I honestly think DMP is on its deathbed. Definitely a lesson in corporate “what not to do”.
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R. Kasahara

Joined: 19 Feb 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 12:31 am Reply with quote
Cutiebunny wrote:
I honestly think DMP is on its deathbed. Definitely a lesson in corporate “what not to do”.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if the YaoiCon break is due to... whatever is going on behind the scenes at DMP right now. They've been shipping out rewards for the Under the Air KS since the summer and are still not done yet, plus it looks like their other successful Kickstarters aren't making much headway either, in terms of fulfillment. The KOR backers definitely have it the worst; my condolences to them.

I'd normally hate to say this about any manga publisher, but maybe it would be for the best if DMP died off. Hoping that someone would rescue their better licenses (Twittering Birds Never Fly and certain Tezuka books being the big ones for me) would be less agonizing than watching them drag their feet.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 3:57 am Reply with quote
R. Kasahara wrote:
I'd normally hate to say this about any manga publisher, but maybe it would be for the best if DMP died off. Hoping that someone would rescue their better licenses (Twittering Birds Never Fly and certain Tezuka books being the big ones for me) would be less agonizing than watching them drag their feet.

My issue with DMP closing is that that would mean Viz under its SubLime label would be the sole US provider for yaoi manga. I've never been a huge fan of SubLime's Twitter feed; They mock customers who voice opinions contrary to what Viz wants. Yeah, DMP absolutely blows when it comes to timely Kickstarter fulfillment and communicating delays to its customers, but at least they're not insulting to the people who buy their product.

Having been to YaoiCon for a few years now, I've met some of the DMP staff. There are some good people, but the DMP president, Mr. Sasahara, is not one of them. I don't want those few good people to lose their job because Sasahara can't properly run a company.
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R. Kasahara

Joined: 19 Feb 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 7:03 am Reply with quote
Cutiebunny wrote:
My issue with DMP closing is that that would mean Viz under its SubLime label would be the sole US provider for yaoi manga. I've never been a huge fan of SubLime's Twitter feed; They mock customers who voice opinions contrary to what Viz wants. Yeah, DMP absolutely blows when it comes to timely Kickstarter fulfillment and communicating delays to its customers, but at least they're not insulting to the people who buy their product.

Having been to YaoiCon for a few years now, I've met some of the DMP staff. There are some good people, but the DMP president, Mr. Sasahara, is not one of them. I don't want those few good people to lose their job because Sasahara can't properly run a company.

Huh, I don't follow SubLime's social media accounts, but that's interesting to hear. They put out some quality releases, but that treatment of their customers/fans doesn't sound good Confused Viz has long seemed to be a rather picky-- and less fan-friendly-- company in general. I'm just glad that nowadays it's (slightly) easier for other companies to pick up Shogakukan/Shueisha titles that Viz doesn't want to publish.

And yes, there should definitely be more than one major localizer of BL manga. Competition is good! However, one has to wonder if DMP is up to the task these days. The people there working on the yaoi side of things do indeed seem passionate; Kristine and Gracie were very helpful when I ran into a problem with my Sakira Kickstarter shipment. Wish there were more like them at the company, but I wouldn't be too broken up if DMP went under and their best staffers found better work elsewhere.
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Joined: 05 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 14, 2017 11:48 am Reply with quote
R. Kasahara wrote:
Cutiebunny wrote:
My issue with DMP closing is that that would mean Viz under its SubLime label would be the sole US provider for yaoi manga. I've never been a huge fan of SubLime's Twitter feed; They mock customers who voice opinions contrary to what Viz wants. Yeah, DMP absolutely blows when it comes to timely Kickstarter fulfillment and communicating delays to its customers, but at least they're not insulting to the people who buy their product.

Having been to YaoiCon for a few years now, I've met some of the DMP staff. There are some good people, but the DMP president, Mr. Sasahara, is not one of them. I don't want those few good people to lose their job because Sasahara can't properly run a company.

Huh, I don't follow SubLime's social media accounts, but that's interesting to hear. They put out some quality releases, but that treatment of their customers/fans doesn't sound good Confused Viz has long seemed to be a rather picky-- and less fan-friendly-- company in general. I'm just glad that nowadays it's (slightly) easier for other companies to pick up Shogakukan/Shueisha titles that Viz doesn't want to publish.

And yes, there should definitely be more than one major localizer of BL manga. Competition is good! .

It’s probably better if you don’t follow on social media. I don’t even follow any of the related accounts anymore and I still get awful things on my TL from other people who do from time to time. One of their employees is exactly the type of fujoshi that has made me terribly uncomfortable ever since I started looking for fans with similar interests. Their bullying, reprehensible behaviour has also bled over into SuBlime’s social media accounts at times. Leaving people in tears over interactions should be a wakeup call to reevaluate how you use social media. I seriously wonder what sort of culture SuBLime and their larger company VIZ has if their employees act that way with apparent impunity. I’m not even talking about spats with fans over piracy. I hate piracy. I don’t understand either as a grown adult how you can misrepresent and disparage a teenager joking about BL, invoking more harassment on them from your BL followers and not face some professional consequences too. I guess that it’s kind of a blessing that SuBLime barely licenses anything I care for.

DMI basically got into BL publishing because it used to make them a lot of money. As Cutiebunny said this isn’t to say there aren’t passionate BL fans who work there it’s just a management problem. I’ve had more issues with quality or business decisions like the Guild, censoring, POD, and exclusive releases over the years. People accuse Sasahara of being a racist, but I’ve had no personal interactions with him. Still, I’ve bought much more from DMI than other publishers. YaoiCon skipping a year shouldn’t be awful if DMI can get it together. I know that’s a big if though. BishounenCon is also not going to come back for 2018.

Maybe Seven Seas will end up bringing in some new BL licenses since they have the Ghost Ship imprint now (also have that monthly survey for fans) and are publishing one lighter BL title already. One Peace nabbed I Hear a Sunspot too so, perhaps there is still hope.

I do find the state of BL publishing in English so sad.
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