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This Week in Games - The Modest Life of Virtual Console

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 10:34 am Reply with quote
I have to say the Virtual Console option has always been a pretty decent feature, as has the PSN. Despite all the new and great games we get excited for, there are times we pine for the old days, when games were just straightforward and not littered with menus and stats everywhere. Even the games of the last five or so years ago feel like classics compared to today's modern offerings. Not saying today's games are all bad or dull, but we can all admit that despite the latest release of FF or Shin Megami Tensei with all their bells and whistles, we can't help but want to go back to Chrono Trigger or Super Mario Kart from time to time and relive the good ol' days. Nostalgia is funny like that.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 10:43 am Reply with quote
Considering the size of cartridges now,maybe Nintendo should think about releasing compilations of different systems. I know many of the titles could easily be downloaded from VC,but here's my reasoning. Instead of buying an e-shop card and downloading a limited amount of games with a limited amount of data on your machine(not to mention the data usage for those who don't have unlimited wireless),you could go out and buy a cartridge with GameBoy or SNES titles,pop it in and play to your heart's content. (Note I'm not including the n64 because I'm not sure the size of cartridge to carry multiple titles is there yet.)
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 10:56 am Reply with quote
-The main portion of this article is based on a misinterpretation, sadly. Nintendo quickly clarified that the online-enabled classic games would not be replacing the traditional Virtual Console. Essentially, subscribers will have exclusive access to those games, but there will still be a VC on the Switch, which makes sense. The VC will be there for everyone, subscription or not, & aim to be just like the original games, while the subscription service will be special versions that feature added incentives, like online play.

Granted, does this make sense? Maybe not, but within a day or so Nintendo did clarify this, so I don't know why Dustin's article is based on the initial misconception. Still, I've been fine with the VC overall, though it definitely was much better on the Wii than the Wii U or 3DS. There are even some Wii VC games I still should get before Nintendo eventually closes the Wii Shop Channel.

-As for Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, the only thing that really boggle my mind is the exclusion of Mega Man & Bass. Since it was a Super Famicom game that utilized MM8's sprite work, it would have made perfect sense to include in this collection (not to mention bump up the line-up to five games instead of just four). Still, my main hope is that MM8's anime cutscenes get a complete remastering for this release, if possible. While the English voice work was terrible (but oh-so enjoyable), the animation itself was nicely done & I'd love to see it in the best possible condition.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 1:28 pm Reply with quote
This one isn't being developed by Digital Eclipse, and that's the biggest bummer of the story. Digital Eclipse is partly port-house and partly game preservationist studio, doing real work to help ensure that old games keep living on. They did the original MMLC and the Disney Afternoon Collection, both of which were excellent from a rerelease and preservation standpoint. I really hope CAPCOM doing this one internally isn't indicative of future plans.

I was wondering about that, considering the intent of the first collection was NES accuracy and this one encompasses...two old systems plus two modern multi-port games. I assume it's just a straight up quick and dirty follow up based on good sales, but I hope there's still some level of quality.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:01 pm Reply with quote
Getting the games which had minimal chance for success on Wii U onto the already more popular Switch is definitely a good move, but gosh darn it would be great to have a proper Pokémon on the new system.

While I personally haven't bought a Pokemon game since the Nobunaga tie-in one, I know that many people will consider the 3DS a "dead system" as soon as a mainline Pokemon title is announced for any other console. For that reason, it seems like a smart move on Nintendo's part to at least keep up the illusion that they'll continue to simultaneously support both the 3DS and the Switch... especially considering that they're about to release yet another version of the handheld in the form of the 2DS XL.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:05 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
-The main portion of this article is based on a misinterpretation, sadly. Nintendo quickly clarified that the online-enabled classic games would not be replacing the traditional Virtual Console.

Nah, that was all written with the knowledge that the traditional Virtual Console may continue to exist--though admittedly it does come across as pretty eulogy-like.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:23 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
we can't help but want to go back to Chrono Trigger or Super Mario Kart from time to time and relive the good ol' days. Nostalgia is funny like that.

I remember doing that with Mario Kart 64........it did not feel right.

(Not to mention the final surreal step in reconciling Sega games on Nintendo platforms with the Genesis.)

...Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Crazy Taxi, Phantasy Star? all Sega games that originally on Sega platforms that wound up on a Nintendo platform?

Lord Geo wrote:
-As for Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, the only thing that really boggle my mind is the exclusion of Mega Man & Bass. Since it was a Super Famicom game that utilized MM8's sprite work, it would have made perfect sense to include in this collection (not to mention bump up the line-up to five games instead of just four).

Makes somewhat less sense when you remember the Super Nintendo version was never released in North America....or anywhere else outside of Japan.

Though they could've thrown in other games like Soccer and Power Battle/Fighters.
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Joined: 08 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 2:37 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
belvadeer wrote:
we can't help but want to go back to Chrono Trigger or Super Mario Kart from time to time and relive the good ol' days. Nostalgia is funny like that.

I remember doing that with Mario Kart 64........it did not feel right.

(Not to mention the final surreal step in reconciling Sega games on Nintendo platforms with the Genesis.)

...Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Crazy Taxi, Phantasy Star? all Sega games that originally on Sega platforms that wound up on a Nintendo platform?

Lord Geo wrote:
-As for Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, the only thing that really boggle my mind is the exclusion of Mega Man & Bass. Since it was a Super Famicom game that utilized MM8's sprite work, it would have made perfect sense to include in this collection (not to mention bump up the line-up to five games instead of just four).

Makes somewhat less sense when you remember the Super Nintendo version was never released in North America....or anywhere else outside of Japan.

Though they could've thrown in other games like Soccer and Power Battle/Fighters.

But Mega Man & Bass also got a GBA version that DID get released all over the world
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 3:50 pm Reply with quote
ReNellGlover wrote:

But Mega Man & Bass also got a GBA version that DID get released all over the world

I know that though I would think it would make more sense to shoot for a retranslation and rerelease of the SNES version given the better visuals and sounding music. But that's makes too much sense so of course we won't get that.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 4:31 pm Reply with quote
It'd be nice if Crapcom lived up to its promise about 15 years ago include a Mega Man collection of the games put out on GB. Just saying.
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 7:54 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
I remember doing that with Mario Kart 64........it did not feel right.

Really? In what way? In a "Why am I placing this ancient relic when I should be playing the latest game on the market like everyone else?" kind of way?
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 8:28 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:
Really? In what way? In a "Why am I placing this ancient relic when I should be playing the latest game on the market like everyone else?" kind of way?

In the "this game used to be the shit back in the day to why did I used to like this?" kind of way.

I did like revisiting Mario Party 2 though...except when it comes to Mecha Marathon, Handcar Havoc, & Move To The Music which are just as ridiculously difficult as I remember them.
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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 08, 2017 9:34 pm Reply with quote
ReNellGlover wrote:
BadNewsBlues wrote:
belvadeer wrote:
we can't help but want to go back to Chrono Trigger or Super Mario Kart from time to time and relive the good ol' days. Nostalgia is funny like that.

I remember doing that with Mario Kart 64........it did not feel right.

(Not to mention the final surreal step in reconciling Sega games on Nintendo platforms with the Genesis.)

...Sonic Adventure 2 Battle, Crazy Taxi, Phantasy Star? all Sega games that originally on Sega platforms that wound up on a Nintendo platform?

Lord Geo wrote:
-As for Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, the only thing that really boggle my mind is the exclusion of Mega Man & Bass. Since it was a Super Famicom game that utilized MM8's sprite work, it would have made perfect sense to include in this collection (not to mention bump up the line-up to five games instead of just four).

Makes somewhat less sense when you remember the Super Nintendo version was never released in North America....or anywhere else outside of Japan.

Though they could've thrown in other games like Soccer and Power Battle/Fighters.

But Mega Man & Bass also got a GBA version that DID get released all over the world

As well as the latter version getting a Virtual Console release for the Wii U.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 4:58 am Reply with quote
Nintendo's virtual console is garbage. They conservatively drip feed these games for no real reason whatsoever and just give no real incentive to resort to this if you wanna play older games. You might as well just get your hands on older copies of games, or resort to emulators.

I may have a spot in my heart for their games, but I am beyond sick of the company being so damn stupid and making just so many arbitrary moves. Don't even get me started on that recent revelation on their idea for voice chat.
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2017 11:34 am Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
In the "this game used to be the shit back in the day to why did I used to like this?" kind of way.

I did like revisiting Mario Party 2 though...except when it comes to Mecha Marathon, Handcar Havoc, & Move To The Music which are just as ridiculously difficult as I remember them.

Ah I gotcha. That must be a pretty divisive feeling. I repurchased games I couldn't stand before and sold (Xenosaga Episode II and Suikoden IV), to try and give them a chance and judge them with a fairer mindset. Neither game is still that good, but they're not as bad I originally pegged them either. They're just average overall.
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