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Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV).

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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:39 pm Reply with quote

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV)

Genres: action, drama, magic, psychological, science fiction
Themes: Alternate history, mecha, military, mind control, politics, real robot, school, strategic minds, war

Plot Summary: The Empire of Britannia has invaded Japan using giant robot weapons called Knightmare Frames. Japan is now referred to as Area 11, and its people the 11's. A Britannian who was living in Japan at the time, Lelouch, vowed to his Japanese friend Suzaku that he'd destroy Britannia. Years later, Lelouch is in high school, but regularly skips out of school to go play chess and gamble on himself.

One day, he stumbles on terrorists 11's who've stolen a military secret and is caught by a member of the Britannian task force sent after them, who is Suzaku. As the rest of the squad arrives, Suzaku is shot for disobeying orders, while the military secret, a young girl, gives Lelouch the power of Geass, which makes anyone obey any order. While Suzaku is secretly made the pilot of Britannia's brand new prototype Knightmare, Lancelot, Lelouch becomes the masked Zero to lead the rebellion to destroy Britannia once and for all.

Remember, Pizza Hut supports the rebellion!

After seeing episode 5, I have to say this has to be one of the most amusing mecha series Sunrise has dished out. Yes, the nationalistic pride might rub off viewers the wrong way, but try to go with the flow. Wink

There are some developments that happened so far. spoiler[For example, Suzaku is finally released from being accused of killing Clovis. He then catches a falling "Lacus Clyne"-esque girl named Yuffie, and later he gave her a tour around Area 11 and the "ghetto" area of Shinjuku. Oh, and by the way, Yuffie is a princess of Britannia, and Suzaku is now a student in Lelouch's school.

Meanwhile, that mysterious, green-haired who gave Lelouch that Geass power and then later got shot is now alive. And anyone who expects her to be one of those mindless, submissive female android type is SORELY mistaken. She calls herself C.C., and she has LOTS of spunk, very bitchy, and one heck of a backbone of which Lelouch got caught completely off guard. Laughing

And there seems to be a love triangle forming among Lelouch, Karen, and Shirley. Wink]

I have to say this. C.C.'s character seriously surprised me to a point of total awesomeness! spoiler[I mean the way she just TAKES Lelouche's bed and tell him that men sleep on the floor had me laughing. And not to mention her rather bitchy personality allowed her to dodge most of Lelouche's cunningness. ]
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 1:39 am Reply with quote
darkchibi07 wrote:
Remember, Pizza Hut supports the rebellion!


There are many more shots. Check the blog of my friend KichikuMan (it's written in Chinese but doesn't matter, does it?).

Having company logo within anime is far better than between first and second half of an episode, for the latter would be cut off in the home video version but not the former.
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 2:12 am Reply with quote
wow, they eat a lot of pizza. i wonder why this doesn't happen more often in anime. is it a creative issue? or are most companies just not interested in this kind of endorsement. Also, how would this effect licensing? would the licensee have to promote Pizza Hut for having their ads on the screen in America?
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 15, 2006 9:41 am Reply with quote
I noticed first the Pizza Hut ad banner on the train. I do prefer FMP:TSR's "Pizza but" though Razz
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 8:44 am Reply with quote
Episode 6 proves that even though Lelouch may have similar characteristics as Light from Death Note, he's still human, and there's ALWAYS unaccountable variables! And MAN did he encountered is a rather hilarious matter. Hell, most of the episode was hilarious which is good in order to break some tension! Laughing

spoiler[During when C.C. order ANOTHER pizza from Pizza Hut (which according to Lelouch, he's collecting points Laughing), that cat from last episode appeared again, and ran away WITH Zero's helmet! Lelouch surprised shriek was a FUI**ING WIN!!! Laughing Laughing

Even worse, when Millay found out that cat was running away (in hope that cat carries some embarrassing secrets of Lelouch), she order all clubs to stop what they're doing and catch that cat. The reward is getting a kiss from one of the student council members. And in the end Lelouch and Suzaku were able to capture it.]

Oh there were some plot points presented as well so it wasn't a useless episode. Wink

spoiler[That female pilot Cornelia looks REALLY ruthless. Makes me wonder how Lelouch is going to deal with her when they encounter each other. Also there were tensions in the school ever since Suzaku became a new student.]

This is seriously fun stuff! Very Happy
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 19, 2006 2:34 pm Reply with quote
I just saw episode 5 and I have to say I agree with dark chibi %100 I think this is the funnest mech show I have seen. It has a really good mix of action and comedy, its like the funnier and more interesting version of Gundam Seed. I wonder if this will be licensed. Lelouch is a bit similar to Light in his view of the world but he comes across to be a bit more sain. Wink
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 11:11 am Reply with quote
That princess who's name I can never remember seems to have a completely different perspective on Clovis.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:37 pm Reply with quote
Episode 6 was really funny, the part where the school president asks everyone to catch spoiler[ the cat and that chick said she wanted a kiss from Millay Laughing Laughing priceless] but I have to say I am liking this more and more as it goes on. Kudos Sunrise Wink
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 4:34 pm Reply with quote
Episode 7, oh shit, this is getting good! Shocked

But in the mean time...

So that's why C.C. is buying pizzas from Pizza Hut! Laughing

And did I mention C.C. is so viciously HAWT!!! Cool

spoiler[Lelouch got screwed BADLY! Cornelia clearly saw through his overconfidence as Zero and outsmarted him by creating a similar scenario of what happened in Shinjuku. He was extremely lucky when C.C. (who wore his Zero costume) came to bail him out. It seems like she can't have Lelouch killed.

While that's happening, more fun stuff in the school especially now Suzaku discovered the little love vibe Shirley has with Lelouch.]

C.C. is starting to be one intriguing girl. I wonder what role she'll play in the future. spoiler[Heck, she was talking to herself at one time of this episode. Split personality, perhaps?]
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:10 pm Reply with quote
spoiler[I think she does have a split personality...at first I though she was talking to someone in the room but then her face and voice changed slightly. ]Yes C.C. is extreamlly hot!! I mean she definatly ranks high on my top anime babes Razz Ha through all her "bitchy-strong girl attitude" she still wants her cheese-kun. Laughing spoiler[I have to say though I wasn't expecting her to take out a gun on Lelouch she means buisness...and can you believe Karen she was goin to kife Shirly Shocked well maybe its not that surpriseing...]
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:49 am Reply with quote
Episode 8 was definitely very slick! spoiler[So Zero has converted his terrorist followers into a group known as the Black Knights, eh? Love the costumes they wear! Cool

And with it, he hopes to bring justice towards any groups who attacks the unarmed. That's pretty noble, I guess.]

And next episode is a RECAP?!! Shocked
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Joined: 21 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 10:12 pm Reply with quote
I just watched the first 8 episodes and already I'm hooked on this series. Lelouch is is typical of my favorite type of lead character in an Anime.

Although there's something else that occured to me when watching this series is the uncanny similarities Lelouch has with another fictional anti-hero. Namely the title character of the 1930's radio serials, "The Shadow" (although this crowd probably better know that character from the 1994 movie starring Alec Baldwin).
There's the dark alter ego of Zero, the ruthless almost manical personality, the strong convictions towards seeking justice, and of course the most glaring similarity, Lelouch's main power of being able to hypnotise anyone to do anything he wants them to do.

Just a random thought of course, but an intriguing one no less.

Also, CLAMP's character designs are great, as usual.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 2:07 pm Reply with quote
So, what's the big deal about Pizza Hut found in an anime?

Just imagine - product placement in anime. That's nothing new though.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 3:31 pm Reply with quote
Episode 8: spoiler[I was worried that this "Order of the Black Knights" would have the same flaw as in the Gundam series where it was hard to know who to support but this "Order of Black Knights" really are the good guys...so far. I'm glad they said what I had wanted the diffrent factions in the Gundam series to say...those who kill the weak and defenseless shall pay. Those who want peace will be saved. The whole I don't want to kill the enemy I just want everyone to be friends was really annoying. "The Order of the Black Knights" has an ideal politcal postion in this series.]
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Joined: 28 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 01, 2006 4:36 pm Reply with quote
Now that I've taken the time to look at the blog, that is frickin' cool Very Happy Did Pizza Hut like pay to get their logo into this anime or something like that?
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