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What's the Worst Ending Anime you have ever seen?

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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 5:53 pm Reply with quote
The worst ending that I've seen is probably Kiddy Grade. I swear, it's like they pulled the last 3-4 episodes out of their ass. They pretty much ignored the plot line that had happened up until then and wrapped it up with poor explanation and started a new story arc that had almost nothing to do with the rest of the series.

Last edited by HitokiriShadow on Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:52 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:30 pm Reply with quote
If we are going off just the anime by itself, then I say Berserk. I know that the story continues on in the manga but the anime completely changes from a story of young man goal to become the leader of the world. But then it switch to this monster story with demons and such. And not only that spoiler[The brutal and violent rape of Casca kinda made me sick to watch] I am sure that the story gets better with the manga and makes more sense, but I am just saying from only watching the anime.

Also I would Hellsing in this group as well but with the new ova coming out I am willing to give it a chance.

Also someone mention Eva which I suspected would be when I saw the title of this thread, and to answer I found that the TV series ending to be the hardest to understand, but once you rewatch it again it does make more sense since the series does deal with Shinji and his emotional connection with other people. Whereas the movie makes more sense it for puting the actual story elements together.
There's a lot of anime that could be in this but I will leave it at that.
Till next time,

Delta Kiral
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:12 pm Reply with quote
Mai Hime: subtitled: how to ruin an entire series in ten minutes
the show got awesome in the last 9 episodes, but whenspoiler[everybody magically came back to life at the end(even people who weren't killed by the Hime carnival), and were suddenly best buddies and singing Karaoke with the people who betrayed and killed them] this show just went to hell.

Madlax: the ending just felt pointless spoiler[the whole thing's suppoosed to be about opening the door to a new era, and Margaret finding her own strength through Madlax, and then suddenly she just magically wishes everything back the way it was at the end] it just cheapened the whole plot.

Magical Shopping District Abenobashi: hilarious series, but the ending was a total copout. spoiler[Sassahi magically changing fate to the way he wants it at the end] just killed the entire point of the series. still a hilarious show.

Wolf's Rain: it should've just ended there with Kiba in the snow, the rest was unnecessary.

Witch Hunter Robin: worst cliffhanger ever.

Star Ocean EX: same as Witch Hunter Robin

Last edited by v1cious on Thu Feb 02, 2006 2:52 am; edited 2 times in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:15 pm Reply with quote
I felt that Gravitation had a poor ending. For one, spoiler[Shuichi finds Yuki, and he arrives at his concert, but Shuichi and Yuki together as a couple never really seem to get along, I would like to see some of that rather than hearing the same song throughout the series over and over again], that's my opinion, however.

I also felt that the Fruits Basket anime left you hanging. I know that it continues off into the manga, but they really over-dramatized when spoiler[Kyo turned into the demon cat and Tohru was all scared and was bawling at her mother's grave. If it were me, I seriously woulda thought Kyo was cute in his "ugliest" form. It just proved to me that she was... a coward at first until she finally calmed him down. It was way dramatized.]
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Joined: 30 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:15 pm Reply with quote
Ok Ichigok90 I will respect what you said. I will give my opinion. I honestly can not tell you what the worst ending anime I have ever seen is. But i will tell you about the worst ending anime that I can remember.

The worst ending anime that I can remember has to be Fatal Fury the motion picture. At the end of the show the main villain becomes a creature of pure energy. All throughout the entire show has been loosely based on horrible martial art fights. With stupid special moves. Like Terry for example. He runs and jumps at his opponent fist first and yells some line. And a major explosion of power occurs. The villains are lame. And even the main characters are lame. None of them are well developed. The fight scenes are among the worst I have ever seen. Literally the main cahracters stand still and talk most of the battle. The animation is not fluid. The punches and kicks do not sound real. And the art work is insulting. It is very obvious that they did not take pride in their work. The love story between Terry and the other character is weak. I can barely remember the main characters name. By the end of the show when the main Villain bursts into pure fire energy. Terry the main character defies all common sense all logic all physics and jumps into the pure energy. Terry some how becomes pure energy also. This is utter nonsense. The don't even explain how he has acquired this level of power. And the two energy forces collide. In a mere matter of seconds Terry wins. The digital effects are so bad. I feel disgusted to even be talking about it. The tomb or building that they are fighting in is instanly destroyed by the power. A scene is shown of the sun. And what do you know Terry, Andy, Mai, and Joe are walking away. The credits spring up across the screen. Inexplicably Terry survived jumping into pure energy and he survived the explosion of power as well. It is completely illogical how he can almost get killed by being beaten to death. But when he goes against an opponent who is even stronger than the person who almost killed him and win without even a struggle is just plain stupid. The ending of the whole movie felt rushed. It was horrible from start and especially at the ridiculous fake cliche ending.

Last edited by Kin7cato on Thu Feb 02, 2006 12:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 30 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:50 pm Reply with quote
In my opinion, the anime with the worst ending is easily Hellsing. I guess I was a bit more pissed off by it because I had read the manga, and the last 7 or so episodes were just total bullshit. Lets hope the OVA does it better.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 7:56 pm Reply with quote
major_pain wrote:
In my opinion, the anime with the worst ending is easily Hellsing. I guess I was a bit more pissed off by it because I had read the manga, and the last 7 or so episodes were just total bullshit. Lets hope the OVA does it better.

The OVA is said to follow the manga more closely compared to its TV series counterpart. Besides with the OVA coming out after the TV series theres tons more manga material to work with for the OVA series. Though I did like the music for Hellsing (TV).

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- IchigoK90
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:01 pm Reply with quote
IchigoK90 wrote:
major_pain wrote:
In my opinion, the anime with the worst ending is easily Hellsing. I guess I was a bit more pissed off by it because I had read the manga, and the last 7 or so episodes were just total bullshit. Lets hope the OVA does it better.

The OVA is said to follow the manga more closely compared to its TV series counterpart. Besides with the OVA coming out after the TV series theres tons more manga material to work with for the OVA series. Though I did like the music for Hellsing (TV).

"Believe it!"

- IchigoK90

The OVA series is supposedly going to cover all of the manga. We probably won't see the end of it for several years.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:10 pm Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
IchigoK90 wrote:
major_pain wrote:
In my opinion, the anime with the worst ending is easily Hellsing. I guess I was a bit more pissed off by it because I had read the manga, and the last 7 or so episodes were just total bullshit. Lets hope the OVA does it better.

The OVA is said to follow the manga more closely compared to its TV series counterpart. Besides with the OVA coming out after the TV series theres tons more manga material to work with for the OVA series. Though I did like the music for Hellsing (TV).

"Believe it!"

- IchigoK90

The OVA series is supposedly going to cover all of the manga. We probably won't see the end of it for several years.

Yeah that would be correct. I've heard that each volume of the OVA series is gonna be released like every few months or so but then each episode will be really long soo its all good. Now back on topic.

"Believe it!"

- IchigoK90
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Joined: 31 Dec 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 8:23 pm Reply with quote
Kin7cato wrote:
Ok Ichigok90 I will respect what you said. I will give my opinion. I honestly can not tell you what the worst ending anime I have ever seen is. But i will tell you about the worst ending anime that I can remember.

The worst ending anime that I can remember has to be Fatal Fury the motion picture. At the end of the show the main villain becomes a creature of pure energy. All throughout the entire show has been loosely based on horrible martial art fights. With stupid special moves. Like Terry for example. He runs and jumps at his opponent fist first and yells some line. And a major explosion of power occurs. The villains are lame. And even the main characters are lame. None of them are well developed. The fight scenes are among the worst I have ever seen. Literally the main cahracters stand still and talk most of the battle. The animation is not fluid. The punches and kicks do not sound real. And the art work is insulting. It is very obvious that they did not take pride in their work. The love story between Terry and the other character is weak. I can barely remember the main characters name. By the end of the show when the main Villain bursts into pure fire energy. Terry the main character defies all common sense all logic all physics and jumps into the pure energy. Terry some how becomes pure energy also. This is utter nonsense. The don't even explain how he has acquired this level of power. And the two energy forces collide. in a mere matter of seconds Terry wins. The digital effects are so bad. I feel disgusted to even be taking about it. The tomb or building that they are fighting in is instanly destroyed by the power. A scene is shown of the sun. And what do you know Terry, Andy, Mai, and Joe are walking away. The credits spring up across the screen. Inexplicably Terry survived jumping into pure energy and he survived explosion of power as well. It is completely illogical how he can almost get killed by being beaten to death. But when he goes against an opponent who is even stronger than the person who almost killed him and win without even a struggle is jut plain stupid. The ending of the whole movie felt rushed. It was horrible from start and especially at the ridiculous fake cliche ending.

it's explained in the second movie how Terry got that power, but i agree it was ass.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:03 pm Reply with quote
Kin7cato, I will have to strongly disagree with your opinion on FF: The Motion Picture. It is, in my view, one of the best video game to anime adaptations I've seen. Given your comments, I take it you don't play too many fighting games, or that you do, but you don't play much Fatal Fury.

This particular title would probably be more enjoyed among a certain niche, so it's understandable why you or other non FF fans would find this to be incredibly over the top or full of cheese. However, being one of those few people that actually enjoys this movie tremendously, I'll state my reasons for doing so.

Art wise, the character designs were very clean. The angular eyes and bright colors throughout, both on the characters and background, gave an almost bijin feel to everything. From Terry's cap to even Geese's scar, it retained a lot of the rudamentary elements that fans of the game will recognize.

Animation wise, for a movie made in 1994, I felt it was fluid enough for what they were presenting. The actual company that animated this never had much under their belt to begin with, so it's a bit unfair to expect the quality of say, a Mad House, Production I.G., or Gonzo. The fights were relatively short since they wanted to concentrate more on the actual movie, but the few fighting motions they did animate were adequate with my expectations and did not bother me a bit.

Music wise, it's a very energetic and epic score. It's mostly orchestral with a lot of emphasis on brass (especially trumpets) and string accompaniment. And given that most of the movie took place in Western countries, it was all the more fitting.

Plot wise, well, as I said. It's based off a fighting game, so a lot of people who aren't familiar with the source material will probably have a harder time getting a feel for this incarnation. A lot of the characterization was already understood, since I've played enough Fatal Fury and King of Fighters, so I sort of know their quirks. And with that, speaking from the aspect of an FF fan, the characters were easy to understand. I especially enjoyed how they attempted to actually add on to their characters beyond the game by writing in characters, both old and new from the OAVs and movie, only furthering my liking for them.

In terms of the villains, I felt each one of them added a certain persona to the overall atmosphere. For the henchmen, Jammin was the dedicated and honorable warrior, Panni was the conniving and heartless vixen, and Hauer was the arrogant and detestable manipulator. Laocorn represented the innocence of a brother and son, but got so engulfed by his own ambitions for power, that like all tragedies, ended in sadness.

I suppose you can call it revenge gone astray since: spoiler[ he orignally wanted the power to avenge their father, but as we've seen in a lot of other tales, he just got too greedy, and it eventually led to his sister's death, as well as his own. Like I said, sad, if you can get the basic idea and re-apply it to the particular context of this movie.]

Again, it's a great action film if you're a fan of Fatal Fury with a lot of simple plot and easy-to-understand symbolism. It's not the greatest anime in the world, but it's not as bad as you make it to be. For me, though, it's good enough that I'd go to the trouble of debating it a little Wink.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:11 pm Reply with quote
Thanatos01s2 wrote:
Worst series ending would be Samurai X reflections. Piece of crap, so not how it will end in the manga's.

People who have seen Samurai X: Reflections (a.k.a Rurouni Kenshin: Seissouhen) seem to be divided. Theres the half that likes it (which includes me) and the other half (such as yourself) who seem to hate it. I myself enjoyed it more so than the TV series as I had stated in my post earlier in the thread. Its a good ending though, much better than the TV series ending in my opinion.

By the way could you please as to why you didn't like it because I am quite curious as to why you didn't like it.

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- IchigoK90
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:25 pm Reply with quote
Well, I don't think any discussion of disappointing endings is complete without Kare Kano; due to various disagreements between the anime producers and the manga creator, the anime spoiler[went off in a different direction, included numerous recaps and sidestories, and ended on a very open note that didn't resolve anything between Arima and Miyazawa.]

Other series that deviated from the manga or only animated "not enough" include Sakura Diaries, Berserk, and Hellsing.

v1cious wrote:
Madlax: the ending just felt pointless spoiler[the whole thing's suppoosed to be about opening the door to a new era, and Margaret finding her own strength through Madlax, and then suddenly she just magically wishes everything back the way it was at the end] it just cheapened the whole plot.

I'd agree with this, except that the plot of Madlax was pretty cheap to begin with Surprised

Sure, I would have wanted more Haibane Renmei, but it was okay the way it was.

If one counts Steel Angel Kurumi Zero as the conclusion of the SAK series, I'd have to say that it was pretty disappointing as an ending, since spoiler[it's a pretty pointless, cheaply animated three-episode series about Kurumi pining over some guy, with no exploration of the world they live in, no connection to the past series, and nothing is resolved. ]

I think this is enough for now. . .

EDIT: On the Mai-Hime ending. . .in my opinion, it was a perfectly good ending for the type and flavor of the series. Mainly, because spoiler[seriously, if they had left all those people dead, it would have been a serious overkill.] I've said the same thing in other posts, so I won't go into a long spiel about it.

Last edited by Zalis116 on Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:31 pm Reply with quote
IchigoK90 wrote:
I myself enjoyed it more so than the TV series

The issue for most detractors of Seishouhen is not that it was "worse than the TV series' ending," but that it was so much worse than the manga's ending. The Jinchuu Arc in the manga pretty much puts the series at its darkest point by way of essentially spoiler[shattering Kenshin emotionally,] all with the express purpose of showing him reach the final step in atoning for and moving on from his past. It's supposed to have a spoiler[happy ending to show how people can redeem themselves from the most terrible of circumstances,] and to have them simply fester and cry and moan and die pointlessly as in Seishouhen—all while being written wildly out of character, at that—runs very, very intensely counter how the series was meant to conclude and from the themes it was meant to convey.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 9:33 pm Reply with quote
IchigoK90 wrote:
By the way could you please as to why you didn't like it because I am quite curious as to why you didn't like it.

I'll help him out.

The context of Seisouhen was taken completely out of line with what happens in the manga. In Seisouhen, much of the atmosphere is just too melancholy and dreadful in comparison to what Watsuki-sensei always wrote. Instead of the well balanced mix of action, comedy, and drama you usually get, in this OAV, you get a rewritten defamation of what a lot of Kenshin fans consider to be the best arc of the franchise.

Not only is the OAV too short to even come close to covering that material, but the characters become dull and miserable shadows of what I've grown so accustomed to seeing in both the TV series and manga.

Normally, I don't mind alternate stories and am always open to re-interpretations, a la the Escaflowne movie, but regarding this particular franchise, my favorite, I'd rather not have it altered.

It's like saying, if they made a retelling of Bleach, would you want spoiler[ Ichigo to die in his attempt to rescue Rukia from Soul Society and end it all there, or would you like it to progress even further with how Aizen and the others left?]
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