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Joined: 17 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:32 am Reply with quote
"UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie is essentially a series about naked women taking baths, starring two princesses of who have landed from a faraway planet, but have been transformed into children."

You know, despite being in the perishable bin; the impression I got from the opinion was like 55% positive. Probably to prevent a repeat of the UFO's Review thread.

Besides this part:
"95% of it is loaded with déjà vu moments from other series, but then you realize that the characters are mad cute and all disgust is replaced by sadness."

It points out who excatly is going to buy it, and that they'll probably enjoy it.

Speaking of which... *sigh* ...if I had extra money, catgirls would be mine!

Damn you KH2 and LE Strat. Guide!!
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:34 am Reply with quote
Linear storytelling is underrated. I’m all for creative uses of time and unorthodox transitions, but there needs to be some logic tying everything together. One can’t just look at their calendar, suddenly remember that their show contract is running up soon, and slap together a makeshift ending. Well, correction—they can, but they shouldn’t

Unfortunately, there are a few not-too-linear anime that seems to randomly pull an ending out of their rear. Of course, some people can pull that off better than others.

And as the only apparent Valkyrie fan here, I can say that this rating wasn't totally unexpected, but even I am a little disappointed.

Oh, and I don't remember the women being "cold". Of course, I normally don't find breasts attractive, anyway, so maybe it's just me.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:37 am Reply with quote
Can we please not turn this into another "complain about the score UFO Princess Valkyrie got" thread?
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 12:54 am Reply with quote
After my complaint about the GA review and seeing what it turned into, I don't think I'll ever be complaining about any reviews here anymore. It's far more work then it's worth.

I've been wanting to get Bottle Fairy Vol. 2 for a while, but all the Best Buy's I've gone to don't seem to be getting anymore in. Same goes for Vol. 2 & 3 of Doki Doki School Hours, Leave it to Piyoko vol. 1 & 2, and Galaxy Angel A (bought that one online though). Why aren't they supplying me with my cute anime anymore!?

Kind of off topic but has to do with cute anime. What ever happened to Di Gi Charat Nyo? It was supposed to come last year, then it was supposed to come out in February, then on Bandai's website it said it was coming out in October or something. Now... it's completely gone. It's vanished from their website. I don't know what's up but they sure seem to be having some troubles releasing that anime.

And what? Yumeria's gotten out of the perishable bin? I'm still torn whether or not to give it a try though. Even if the ending isn't crap like the rest, I'm not sure if it's worth it. But then again, a lot of the stuff rated crap here I love. So I may enjoy all of it. Who knows? I guess the best thing is to find a viewer with similar tastes to yours and listen to their reviews. For me on ANN, that would be Key. But I still don't agree with all of his reviews though. Anyway, I have too many unfinished series I'm watching right now so Yumeria will have to wait.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:34 am Reply with quote
"Wiggles & Giggles & Catgirls, oh my" ??!

If I had been at a store and read that on the back of the dvd, I would have instantly lit myself on fire.

Anyway- yay new Shelf Life! It seems like it's been a while. Damnit Bamboo, stop learning how to cure cancer and write! Anime hyper I fully agree with the Gankutsuo review. I just finished that series a week ago and I can't get over how amazing it was! Does anyone know if there is an artbook or anything for this series? I want to merchandise-otaku-whore out for it, but I can't seem to find any merchandise for it.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:55 am Reply with quote
Jadress wrote:
I want to merchandise-otaku-whore out for it, but I can't seem to find any merchandise for it.

2 soundtracks, a drama CD, 2 mangas, a whole bunch of doujinshi, and a cigarette case and lighter is all I could find with my searching skills. Can't find any artbook. The limited edition import DVDs apparently include postcards and some booklets but that's all. Don't know if you're interested in any of that stuff though...
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 1:57 am Reply with quote
I have GOT to get my hands on Gankutsuou soon...every review I read for it just makes me even more desperate to see it.

I should probably get a subscription for Netflix, I don't have the money to buy every anime DVD I want...
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:03 am Reply with quote
PantsGoblin wrote:
Jadress wrote:
I want to merchandise-otaku-whore out for it, but I can't seem to find any merchandise for it.

2 soundtracks, a drama CD, 2 mangas, a whole bunch of doujinshi, and a cigarette case and lighter is all I could find with my searching skills. Can't find any artbook. The limited edition import DVDs apparently include postcards and some booklets but that's all. Don't know if you're interested in any of that stuff though...

There are (at least) two artbooks for the series. One is the official artbook https://animeten.com:4433/details.php?productID=C-MAFA-M753C5-02&aku=0

and one is the one I have, which was a limited edition one with production art.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:15 am Reply with quote
Gankutsuou can be summed up in two words:
Absolutely brilliant.

It's breathtakingly beautiful and, as mentioned in the review, even though I knew the story very well it STILL managed to have me on the edge of my seat not once, not twice, but EVERY SINGLE EPISODE. The series is woven in such a way that the episode can end at any time, and you sit there in awe at the plot and pray that you won't have to wait for the next DVD to find out what happens. It's brilliant, it's exhilarating, it's perfect.

Take note though, this is a serious anime that might bore a lot of people just because it's on a much much higher level than your standard Naruto or Inuyasha type of series. The fandom is a very small one, but ironically everyone I've talked to whose actually seen the series has loved it. I can't wait for the final DVDs to come out so I can buy the boxed set! Anime smile
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:17 am Reply with quote
Congrats to John Maxwell for his winning entry.
First I thought it was just an octopus that you find in the back area of any asian super market, but it definitely does look creepy. It's also pretty huge.

Gankutsuou is pretty good, but it seem like most people who read the original novel seem to hate it. I really like the openning theme song for that series.

Last edited by darkhunter on Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:18 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:18 am Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
PantsGoblin wrote:
2 soundtracks, a drama CD, 2 mangas, a whole bunch of doujinshi, and a cigarette case and lighter is all I could find with my searching skills. Can't find any artbook. The limited edition import DVDs apparently include postcards and some booklets but that's all. Don't know if you're interested in any of that stuff though...

There are (at least) two artbooks for the series. One is the official artbook https://animeten.com:4433/details.php?productID=C-MAFA-M753C5-02&aku=0

and one is the one I have, which was a limited edition one with production art.

HOT. Thanks guys, I kind of suck at looking for merchandise.. the only places I know to look are the ANN sponser store sites and Froogle.. ^^; The soundtracks are tempting too, but artbooks were what I am really looking for. *squee*
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:35 am Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
There are (at least) two artbooks for the series. One is the official artbook https://animeten.com:4433/details.php?productID=C-MAFA-M753C5-02&aku=0

and one is the one I have, which was a limited edition one with production art.

Hmm, I've tried that site before but the fact that they don't carry any import CD's, DVD's, and video games kind of turned me away from it. Ya, I'm into the more electronic type collecting.

Oh ya, the soundtracks:

Actually, you can find them for less on ebay but I can't link there.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:55 am Reply with quote
Wow, only one Shelf-Worthy item this week? Too bad this column doesn't include the March 28th releases, because there are lots of great ones in there. I liked Bottle Fairy, but I won't complain...if you weren't a cute-anime fan to begin with, BF won't make a believer out of you. You know, I heard that the reason they changed the title of that UFO~~ series is that Best Buy had decided not to stock any more anime with the word "Princess" in the title. I wonder if that means that these series are getting too clichéd? Sure, I like cuteness, and I can enjoy a bouncing-breast-fest, but UFO~~ really doesn't appeal to me. ADV does get credit for the creative volume title, though.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 5:38 am Reply with quote
I too haven't been able to pick up Gankutsuou and I really can't wait until I get the opportunity to see it. I decided to get serious in college by quitting my job and becoming a full time student so I can pursue an English major... why couldn't these series come out when I was in High School and making $200 a week and I used to spend it on crappy Anime releases and beer, a whole lot of beer. Damn you Evangelion "Perfect Collection". Last time I spent $100 on a "Perfect Collection" from ADV.
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:13 am Reply with quote
darkhunter wrote:
Gankutsuou is pretty good, but it seem like most people who read the original novel seem to hate it.

Well, those who read the novel and can't get over the fact that Gankutsuou is not a faithful adaptation. Me, I read the novel several times (actually, it's a personal favorite), and was delighted to see that no matter how different Gankutsuou was, no matter that it went a completely different way than the novel, it still retained the "feel" of the story, and even added many interesting twists and undertones. (Except for Franz. Franz annoyed the hell out of me and I blame the inexplicably great emphasis on him for the glaring holes in plot and characterization in the second half of the anime.)
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