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NEWS: Weta FX Specialist Talks about Evangelion Movie

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:17 pm Reply with quote
"26 hours of animation" my ass, if you get rid of the OPs, EDs, Dramatic Anime Pauses, and flashbacks, you're down to 11. Good editing will get you the entire series in a trilogy.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 12:44 pm Reply with quote
So uh could someone tell me who the fourth teenager destined to save what's left of the world is?
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:25 pm Reply with quote
Maybe he thinks Misato is a teenager?
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:25 pm Reply with quote
dokool wrote:
"26 hours of animation" my ass, if you get rid of the OPs, EDs, Dramatic Anime Pauses, and flashbacks, you're down to 11. Good editing will get you the entire series in a trilogy.

Actually, that's if you eliminate the commercials from the series. Typically, an anime start to finish without them is 25 minutes. 25 minutes x 26 episodes is 10:50. Take off the OP and ED (assuming a minute and a half for each) and it's 9:32. Take off the Next Episode Preview (30 seconds) and it's 9:19.

I'd like to know where 26 hours comes from, considering the series is 26 half-hours...
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:29 pm Reply with quote
Wow, if ADV had a nickel for every time an article about live-action Evangelion was printed with little in the way of specifics as to which studio would be backing them but a lot in the way of "some WETA guy talking about how 'excited' he is to be able to work on this project", then... umm... they'd have a big pile of nickels but still be at least $60 million short.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:37 pm Reply with quote
xSUiT wrote:
So uh could someone tell me who the fourth teenager destined to save what's left of the world is?

Maybe he's referring to Tohji Suzuhara, because he is meant to be the "fourth child", or maybe he's meaning the "fifth child" Kaworu. Guess you never know
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:09 pm Reply with quote
Joe Mello wrote:
dokool wrote:
"26 hours of animation" my ass, if you get rid of the OPs, EDs, Dramatic Anime Pauses, and flashbacks, you're down to 11. Good editing will get you the entire series in a trilogy.

Actually, that's if you eliminate the commercials from the series. Typically, an anime start to finish without them is 25 minutes. 25 minutes x 26 episodes is 10:50. Take off the OP and ED (assuming a minute and a half for each) and it's 9:32. Take off the Next Episode Preview (30 seconds) and it's 9:19.

I'd like to know where 26 hours comes from, considering the series is 26 half-hours...

It was most likely a simple lack of precision on his part, not an actual calculation.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 2:46 pm Reply with quote
BlackenedTeardrops wrote:
xSUiT wrote:
So uh could someone tell me who the fourth teenager destined to save what's left of the world is?

Maybe he's referring to Tohji Suzuhara, because he is meant to be the "fourth child", or maybe he's meaning the "fifth child" Kaworu. Guess you never know

Well he is on that picture with Shinji and Asuka, though I'm sure that means nothing.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:15 pm Reply with quote
Tenchi wrote:
Wow, if ADV had a nickel for every time an article about live-action Evangelion was printed with little in the way of specifics as to which studio would be backing them but a lot in the way of "some WETA guy talking about how 'excited' he is to be able to work on this project", then... umm... they'd have a big pile of nickels but still be at least $60 million short.

Noted, but I'm just glad it's gonna happen. At least we know those who are going to be working on it are anxious to get the job done. I don't care if this movie takes another 10 years to make, at least we can be sure it's not just a rumor with all these people talking about it. Better late than never I guess.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:18 pm Reply with quote
dokool wrote:
"26 hours of animation" my ass, if you get rid of the OPs, EDs, Dramatic Anime Pauses, and flashbacks, you're down to 11. Good editing will get you the entire series in a trilogy.

This is just a calculation mistake on his part. Obviosuly he was thinking "more than 26 episodes" and came up with hours by accident. You guys are way too aggressive.

In total there are about 9.5 hours of TV animation, a further 100 minutes from End of Evangelion bringing the total up to about 11 hours. Over 13 hours if you include Death & Rebirth (I wouldn't).

Since they're only making 1 movie, 11 hours of animation is still a lot to fit in. But a lot of evangelion was pretty lame pseudo-filler, so if they get rid of that and cut out character development and buildup in the typical movie manner, they should be able to do something decent.

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:23 pm Reply with quote
tempest wrote:
so if they get rid of that and cut out character development and buildup in the typical movie manner, they should be able to do something decent.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. Though it's probably true that something more similar a usual Hollywood blockbuster would be more accepted than something with less showiness and more substance.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:49 pm Reply with quote
xanbcoo wrote:

Noted, but I'm just glad it's gonna happen.

Bear in mind all you have right now is a series of press releases. In Hollywood, this is everyday falderal. They could have a director and a principle cast assembled and it could still fall through. Saying "this is going to happen" is being unrealistically optimistic.

It isn't a movie until you're watching it. Given the extended series of problems this film has had - and the fact that they announced it and made a huge deal about it the second they had even preliminary concept art to show - I'd be a little more skeptical than you.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 8:02 pm Reply with quote
tempest wrote:
dokool wrote:
"26 hours of animation" my ass, if you get rid of the OPs, EDs, Dramatic Anime Pauses, and flashbacks, you're down to 11. Good editing will get you the entire series in a trilogy.

This is just a calculation mistake on his part. Obviosuly he was thinking "more than 26 episodes" and came up with hours by accident. You guys are way too aggressive.

In total there are about 9.5 hours of TV animation

Meh, I can understand that as a slip-up. As an aside, it's good to know I can still do some math. Anime catgrin + sweatdrop

Not only is there lame pseudo-filler, it seems to me that there's a lot of repetitive monster-of-the-week stuff, too.
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 11:52 pm Reply with quote
The main part of all this that intrigues me is that they keep talking about "the" movie. They're going to need a Steve Kloves (Harry Potter screenwriter) or better to be able to condense it into less than two or three movies, and not make a mess, do a highlights-only version, or be four hours long.

The aspect that disturbs me about the information put out to date has been some of the reimaging shown on the NGE Director's Cut DVDs, with the more organic Evas, and with Asuka being described as 'the hot chick in the red'. I'm as much for fanservice as the next guy, but making a 14 year old girl look like a refugee from Kekko Kamen is going a bit far.

Ultimately, if a live-action Eva gets people interested in the animated version, and from there into the rest of anime, it seems like a good thing to me. Eva got me started, and even if they make a bomb, we still have the original.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 09, 2005 9:49 am Reply with quote
Tempest wrote:
But a lot of evangelion was pretty lame pseudo-filler, so if they get rid of that and cut out character development and buildup in the typical movie manner, they should be able to do something decent.
But I thought that was the main plot of the whole story! Take that away and what is there left? Just another big robot movie. (yawn)

Taylor said wrote:
I think that is the great untold story to the world.
Untold? But wasn't there an animation of it, with a printed graphic novel somewhere too? Rolling Eyes

It is sublime. It is arguably some of the most beautiful and poignant animation ever created, and a huge percentage of the pop culture world now know it,
Not sure if this was a compliment, or if he meant " unwashed geeks who live in darkened rooms and just watch this stuff" Confused

but only through a live-action feature film will it transcend that and receive the recognition for the art piece that it is."
Well there you have it. If it's animated it just doesn't matter. Good job the Bible wasn't originally animated otherwise where would Judao/Christianity and EVA be then. Just another "untold story". Wink
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