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Sunday Silence

Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:08 am Reply with quote
The one point I will give you, though, is that the days of intelligent, well-crafted productions using blatant, obvious fanservice as an extra little "bonus" are pretty much gone. I honestly lament that as well. Something like Ghost in the Shell would absolutely not exist in this scary new era - it would either have its core philosophical content scooted off to the side to make room for another 20 minutes of boob-touching and panty-ogling, or the seamier aspects would be so watered down for general broadcast as to be completely inert.

I digress. Thinking back to the infamous "Lesbian Boat Scene," could GITS actually dwell in the LGBT issues today, with a slant of eye candy attached? Could the Major be a Bi-Sexual Icon of sorts in the handling of the sensitive issues such as Civil Unions, equal benefits and the like?
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Otaku Teahouse

Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:35 am Reply with quote
I would like to post a correction about the S.A.V.E. sets. Yes, there are no extra features or goodies, but the cover is reversible, so the green line is no longer there. They know the green is annoying, that's why the covers are reversible, it's mostly just to get you to see which are the cheap sets when your browsing the anime section at the store.


It's under Part II.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:52 am Reply with quote
I went out and bought Gasaraki because its thoroughly awesome trailer was on a disk of Gundam SEED (I think), and the NewType DVDs always told which shows I should avoid.

Ah, NewType. How much I miss thee.
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Charred Knight

Joined: 29 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:52 am Reply with quote
I am sorry but their is no excuse for people who rip off crunchyrolls subs, they have the license for pretty much the entire world for several of their subs, the only convenience they offer is that you get them a week earlier for free, and you don't have to buy the DVD to watch it quickly and in an easy manner. Meanwhile the american anime industry has collapsed, and Japan is going to follow in a few years.
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 2:02 am Reply with quote
Just looked up the prices for the original FMA DVD releases.
52.99 each. The viridian collection is about 29.99 (and this is on rightstuf...).
God. Damn. Seriously...
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 3:16 am Reply with quote
Otaku Teahouse wrote:
I would like to post a correction about the S.A.V.E. sets. Yes, there are no extra features or goodies, but the cover is reversible, so the green line is no longer there. They know the green is annoying, that's why the covers are reversible, it's mostly just to get you to see which are the cheap sets when your browsing the anime section at the store.


It's under Part II.

Good to know. I wondered if that might be the case since the SAVE label is pretty big.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 5:44 am Reply with quote
InnocentSorrow59 wrote:
Just looked up the prices for the original FMA DVD releases.
52.99 each. The viridian collection is about 29.99 (and this is on rightstuf...).
God. Damn. Seriously...

Good thing I bought my tins Very Happy Wouldn't sell those for anything.
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Orange Hollow

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:22 am Reply with quote
Charred Knight wrote:
I am sorry but their is no excuse for people who rip off crunchyrolls subs, they have the license for pretty much the entire world for several of their subs, the only convenience they offer is that you get them a week earlier for free, and you don't have to buy the DVD to watch it quickly and in an easy manner. Meanwhile the american anime industry has collapsed, and Japan is going to follow in a few years.

Yeah, only for several of them. I can't watch Bleach or Durarara on Crunchyroll, what should I do? Move to Japan?
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Ai no Kareshi

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 6:24 am Reply with quote
Seriously, though, while I believe there's a niche out there for fansub groups to do projects that nobody's broadcasting (or have been completely forgotten by time), I find absolutely no reason for these groups to exist; groups whose entire catalog is based on shows that are being licensed legally and broadcast either cheaply or for free. I mean, what's the freakin' point?

Contrary to popular belief, North America is not the only country on the globe.
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Joined: 06 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:11 am Reply with quote
Still, until the day and age when everyone across the globe gets instant access to their preferred show of choice for free day-and-date with the Japanese release, simulcast-rippers will continue to exist, awash in their haze of self-righteousness.

I think even if that happened, they would still exist just to screw over the companies in their self-righteous way (though there would at least be one less reason for that leg to stand on). I mean, horriblesubs admits point blank on their site that they do it to piss CR and FUNi off.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:58 am Reply with quote
Sunday Silence wrote:
I digress. Thinking back to the infamous "Lesbian Boat Scene," could GITS actually dwell in the LGBT issues today, with a slant of eye candy attached? Could the Major be a Bi-Sexual Icon of sorts in the handling of the sensitive issues such as Civil Unions, equal benefits and the like?

Not with Masamune Shirow writing it... also, I'd like to imagine (in my naivete) that by 2030 none of those things will be an issue and equal rights will be a given. Or at least in the alternative-timeline-post-two-world-wars-and-everyone-switching-bodies future of GitS:SAC. I mean, there's a female prime minister of Japan in the second season; anything is possible!

It's porn, but without any of the fun stuff. Porn without the actual pornography. What's left is simply depressing.

That has kind of become my opinion on the Made For Fanservice's Sake Only series. Why not just get porn? I mean, sure, most porn is pretty vile in its presentation of women, but so are most of the series with constant up-skirt shots and exploding clothes and DD boobs on 15-year olds. Is it that the enticement without the payoff is actually more exciting? I mean, I know I sometimes feel that way about romantic scenes, but I'm (an admittedly somewhat atypical) female and don't want to project my tastes on everyone.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:06 am Reply with quote
Ai no Kareshi wrote:
Seriously, though, while I believe there's a niche out there for fansub groups to do projects that nobody's broadcasting (or have been completely forgotten by time), I find absolutely no reason for these groups to exist; groups whose entire catalog is based on shows that are being licensed legally and broadcast either cheaply or for free. I mean, what's the freakin' point?

Contrary to popular belief, North America is not the only country on the globe.

I have a few Danish friends that would +1 you right now if they were reading this.

Having said that, old school fansubbing at least took work and dedication. Stream ripping takes almost no effort. I'm not going to say something as silly as "if foreigners want anime, they should have to get it from someone that has at least worked hard on a fansub" but in a romanticized sort of way, that is kind of how I feel.

It doesn't take a genius to realize that the one thing that ever held fansubs back a bit was the raw effort that was required, and that without that requirement, there is nothing stopping a hundred groups from popping up to take advantage. I know I'm contradicting myself, but it is kind of irrelevant where the subtitles come from, because piracy is piracy at the end of the day. People should watch the legal streams if they are available in their country, period, but that just isn't a reality for a lot of fans out there who are locked out.

Oh, and on the issue of breaking into the anime/manga business as a non-Japanese person -

Step 1: Learn Japanese. You will -never- work in anime/manga unless you can speak the language fluently. This should be obvious.

Step 2: Learn to draw/animate/etc -well-. They've got the pick of the litter from every art school in Japan; Why do they need you? You'd better figure it out if you are serious about this.

Step 3: Move to Japan. No one is going to hire you from wherever you live.

Step 4: Realize that it probably isn't going to happen, and have a backup plan (ala the kid from Bakuman with the glasses that is the top of his class)
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Joined: 16 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:19 am Reply with quote
Ai no Kareshi wrote:
Seriously, though, while I believe there's a niche out there for fansub groups to do projects that nobody's broadcasting (or have been completely forgotten by time), I find absolutely no reason for these groups to exist; groups whose entire catalog is based on shows that are being licensed legally and broadcast either cheaply or for free. I mean, what's the freakin' point?

Contrary to popular belief, North America is not the only country on the globe.

*clutches pearls* How can such a thing be true?!

But honestly, yeah, for Americans, there's really no excuse for relying on fanrips of things like crunchyroll. While I don't like fansubs to begin with, the CR argument is moot when they can't even release it for everyone. (Geez, not even Bleach? Now that's a little ridiculous.)

While I don't think rippers should spontaneously combust, I would feel satisfied if they lost their keys or had to suffer through extra long lines at the RMV once or twice.
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Joined: 12 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:21 am Reply with quote
luffypirate85 wrote:
InnocentSorrow59 wrote:
Just looked up the prices for the original FMA DVD releases.
52.99 each. The viridian collection is about 29.99 (and this is on rightstuf...).
God. Damn. Seriously...

Good thing I bought my tins Very Happy Wouldn't sell those for anything.

Lucky. I just noticed now and since I want the original one my wallet's gonna feel empty...
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:27 am Reply with quote
Greed1914 wrote:
Otaku Teahouse wrote:
I would like to post a correction about the S.A.V.E. sets. Yes, there are no extra features or goodies, but the cover is reversible, so the green line is no longer there. They know the green is annoying, that's why the covers are reversible, it's mostly just to get you to see which are the cheap sets when your browsing the anime section at the store.


It's under Part II.

Good to know. I wondered if that might be the case since the SAVE label is pretty big.

Correction: SOME of the DVDs with the green SAVE spine are genuinely reversible. Okay, technically all of them are, but some will simply show some random part of an image on the spine as opposed to the title of the show and such. There are some though that do have a genuine spine with the title and such once it's reversed.

You can check here to see which ones have "genuine" reversible spines: http://www.mania.com/aodvb/showthread.php?t=98359 (see the "Release Table" in the first post)

Also, the ones with just a SAVE sticker on the front, that sticker comes off with the wrapping so it's not big deal. My SAVE Kanon set had the removable SAVE sticker, and now looks great on my shelf with a nice spine with Ayu on it. So actually some of the SAVE sets DO look good on a shelf. Why FUNimation doesn't just release all the SAVE sets with the sticker method is beyond me.

Actually Brian, I will correct you, but on the Evangelion part. Rebuild is a reboot (well maybe, there are hints this could actually be a sequel. I mean, this is ANNO we're talking about) not a remake, and only the first movie resembles the series that much.

In terms of the answers, Brad man, have you not even looked at the anime DVD market recently? $30 for a 4-5 episode volume (and $30 is just the MSRP, it will be lower than that) is a thing of the past. And really, online distribution is anime DVDs' future for the most part, and ordering online at discounted price a lot of anime DVDs are reasonably priced. And there's no point in comparing it to American TV DVDs, the two markets have to work VERY differently.

Ahmad, no offense, but I think you're being too optimistic towards the non-fans. Many people won't touch anime just because their mindset is "animation is for the kiddies". No, it doesn't matter how dark, violent, and/or deep anime can get, they'll be close-minded about it. Yes, there are some open-minded people out there about it, but too few of them to make the expensive cost of advertising to them worth it (30 grand IS a lot to the anime DVD industry). Really, you're FAR more likely to convert your fellow geek (someone who's into video games, sci-fi, fantasy, etc.) than a sports fan or guns fan. I see plenty of anime DVD advertising on sites like TVtropes and things like that, so I would say the anime DVD industry is making a decent effort in marketing in areas where there are types of non-fans who might actually give anime a shot.
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