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Anime Events Track schedule for MegaCon 2010!

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Joined: 29 Jan 2010
Posts: 17
Location: Orlando, Florida
PostPosted: Mon Feb 22, 2010 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Anime Events at MegaCon!

MegaCon - Florida's largest comic book, sci-fi, anime, and gaming convention - will take place in beautiful Orlando, Florida from Friday, March 12th to Sunday, March 14th in the Orange County County Convention Center. MegaCon hosts a large dealers hall, guest from all over the entertainment industry, and a wide variety of contests, panels, and other fun for fans to participate in! More details about the convention can be found at www.megaconvention.com!

Once again, Anime Sushi brings you: the biggest anime costume contest in Florida, the legendary Cyberia Dance "big anime themed dance party", AMV and Ninja Olympics; with discussion panels for cosplay, anime, art, gaming, Japanese culture and more. We will also be bringing you guests from the anime industry and show hours of the newest anime in Japan on our 10’ x 14’ screens.

Look what’s going on in all three anime event rooms. Plus a forth room with the newest anime videos from Japan.

Main Events in rooms W224F

Friday, March 12th

Voice Acting with Cherami Leigh
3:00pm – 4:00pm in W224 F, G, & H

FUNimation voice actress Cherami Leigh will introduce you to what it is like to be a voice actress for anime such as Soul Eater, Peach Girl, and Sgt. Frog.

Acting 101 with Chuck Huber
4:00pm – 5:00pm in W224 F, G, & H

Learn the three key skills for any type of acting and have a blast doing it. Encompassing games and exercises designed to loosen you up and free your imagination and culled from his time studying at the Goodman School of Drama in Chicago this will be a productive hour. First twelve people in line get to participate while all are invited to listen and watch from the audience.

Anime Directing & Auditing with Sonny Strait
5:00pm – 6:00pm in W224 F, G, & H

Sonny Strait, director of such shows as Dragonball, Dragonball Z, Case Closed, Lupin III (and many more) goes over the processes of directing as well as what directors look for in casting. Learn what it takes to make it in the business and how not to tick a director off. Learn tips for giving a good read to your director as well as getting good reads when directing

Voice Acting with Darrel Guilbeau
6:00pm – 7:00pm in W224 F, G, & H

Darrel Guilbeau has been active in voice acting since 2004, working on Dynasty Warriors 6, Samurai Champloo, Overman King Gainer, as well as many other anime and videogames.

Rebirth of Evangelion
7:00pm – 8:00pm in W224 F, G, & H
Hosted by Corey “Waldo” Waldusky and Emilio Lopez-Centellas

Neon Genesis Evangelion: A mile-stone in anime history, and still one of the greatest anime of all time. Want to know more about it, or maybe you’ve never even heard of it? Whatever your depth into the world of Eva may be, come in and learn all about the original series all the way to the rebuilds.

FUNimation presents Rebuild of Evangelion 1.11: You Are (Not) Alone
8:00 pm – 10:00 pm in W224 F, G, & H
Hosted by FUNimation

A special showing of the English dub of Evangelion 1.11: You Are (Not) Alone! It’s the first of four movies that retells the story of the classic Neon Genesis Evangelion with a bold new direction!

Saturday, March 13th

Cosplay: Above and Beyond
10:00am – 11:00am in W224 F, G, & H
Hosted by Team Awesome

Alright, you can sew, you can paint, you can hem….now what? For cosplayers looking to go above and beyond with their next project, join Team Awesome as they share with you tips and tricks on bringing your costume to the next level. There will be special emphasis on how to make an impact on the competitive level, how to present your work to judges and just what goes into making an award-winning costume. Tutorials, resources and community info will also be made available for those looking to become more involved with local costume enthusiasts.

Voice Actor: Chuck Heber
11:00am – 11:30am in W224 F, G, & H

The voice of Hiei in Yu Yu Hakusho and Franken Stein in Soul Eater talks!

Voice Actor: Sonny Strait
11:30am – 12:00pm in W224 F, G, & H
The voice of memorable characters such as Maes Hughes, Krillin, and Arsene Lupin III!

Voice Actor: Darrel Guilbeau
12:00pm – 12:30pm in W224 F, G, & H

Anime and videogame voice actor Darrel Guilbeau discusses his past 6 years in voice acting!

Voice Actress: Cherami Leigh
12:30pm – 1:00pm in W224 F, G, & H

Appearing Peach Girl, Soul Eater, and School Rumble has much to share about her experiences as a voice actress.

FUNimation presents Soul Eater
1:00pm – 2:00pm in W224 F, G, & H
Hosted by FUNimation

A special English language showing of Soul Eater! From the studio that worked on Full Metal Alchemist comes a series about kids who train to become weapon meisters by collecting the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch! If you like Naruto and Bleach, then this will be the next big thing in anime for you!

Anime Costume Contest
4:30pm – 6:30pm in W224 B, C, D, F, G, & H
Hosted by Anime Sushi

This is MegaCon’s 11th annual anime costume contest! Whether you are a competing or not, you will not want to miss over 200 cosplayers compete for prizes!

CYBERIA Dance Party
8:00pm – 11:00pm in W224 A-H
Hosted by Anime Sushi

CYBERIA is a high-energy Anime themed techno dance with the freshest music from Japan and Europe. As always, the dance is FREE to convention attendees! Convention pass is required for entry.

Sunday, March 14th

FUNimation presents Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood
10:00am – 11:00am in W224 F, G, & H
Hosted by FUNimation

It’s the retelling of the Full Metal Alchemist story that’s darker and more grown up than before! The Elric Brothers are still again on their quest to recover their bodies lost in an alchemy experiment gone wrong, but now there will be new characters, locations, and story arcs not seen in any other FMA anime!

Ninja Olympics
11:00am – 1:00pm in W224 F, G, & H
Hosted by Propeller Anime Club

Do you and your buddies want to become supreme ninja masters? Of course you do! Being a ninja means you get to stand on a mountain top, play guitar, and make people’s heads explode with the sheer power of your awesomeness! The first step in your way of the ninja is to compete in the Ninja Olympics and test your physical and mental abilities in against other ninja teams! The team with best harmony will be the supreme ninja masters who take the golden shuriken home to their ninja village! Not only that, the top ninja teams will win prizes provided the ninja elite of MegaCon!

Anime Sushi AMV Contest
2:00pm – 3:30pm in W224 F, G, & H
Hosted by Anime Sushi

It’s Anime Sushi’s 4th Annual Anime Music Video Contest! Don’t miss the many great entries competing for prizes and the chance to cheer on your favorites!

Pretentious Internet Theatre
3:30pm – 5:00pm in W224 F, G, & H
Hosted by DJ Megaplay

The podcast that brings you the finest in fan-fiction comes to MegaCon. We'll be reading a classic and recording an episode live. You could be part of the show!

Special Events in room W224B

Friday, March 12th

Propeller Anime Potluck
12:00pm – 2:30pm in W224B
Hosted by Propeller Anime Club

A Megacon-style anime club meeting with the Propeller Anime Club, established in 2006! This will be a different take on the video room, where classic anime (predating Naruto and Inu Yasha) will be shown. Feel free to come in and socialize with the club while watching some great anime!

Anime is Already Dead?
2:30pm – 3:30pm in W224B
Hosted by Kent Ward

Anime in America boomed with tremendous popularity in the beginning of the last decade and by now the bubble has burst. What happened and who is to blame? What about anime has changed over the past ten years? Is there hope for the Japanese import? The founder of the Propeller Anime Club provides insight into this matter and how it will affect anime fandom in the future.

Sonic the Hedgehog: This is his life!
3:30pm – 4:30pm in W224B
Hosted by Brandon Bernard, John Merced, and Brotha Kyo

We’ve seen him grow in the many years of our childhood, from Sonic the Hedgehog, to Sonic Unleashed. We welcome you to join us in event that is of course, Sonic the Hedgehog. From laughter, to humorous disappointments, we will rejuvenate the young child in you once again.

The Panel about Everything!
4:30pm – 6:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Kent Ward, Larry Furry, and Jessica Roth

Everything you should hear about convention culture will be discussed! Convention survival, how to talk to girls, the dos and don’ts of anime conventions, and all the dark secrets of the anime community will be covered!

WOW Machinima
6:00pm – 7:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Jason Sadeghi

Come see the best World of Warcraft Machinimas ever made! What’s a Machinima? It takes game footage and uses it to recreate funny and/or epic short films! This will be a great event for WOW fans all over!

Cosplay Beauty: From Set to Stage
7:00pm – 8:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Blikku and Yaya Han

This panel focuses on cosmetic selection and application methods for various skin tones in both stage and photography environments. There will be make-up demonstration of methods which include themes such as Lolita, Gothic, Ganguro, Rave, etc. Instructions will be included for achieving many looks in cosplay related to both genre and character-specific applications. People that are new to make-up can get their start here, while the make-up veterans can also join in and share their knowledge.

One Piece
8:00pm – 9:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Jessica Roth, John Merced, and Spooky Electric

Into One Piece? This is the panel is for you! Spend an hour with other devoted fans discussing everything from your favorite characters to the recent events in the manga.

All Things Resident Evil
9:00pm – 10:30pm in W224B
Hosted by Dee & Ann of The Summasault Crew

For almost fifteen years, Resident Evil has thrilled and entertained fans and shows no signs of stopping. With a game recently released for the Wii and new content available for Resident Evil 5 this is a great time for new players and veterans alike. Come to a panel by fans for fans, where will we explore the recent additions to the series and take a look at the future of the games. Be sure to show up early to secure your raffle ticket and stick around after the panel to play both Darkside Chronicles and the new Resident Evil 5 DLC. Cosplay is always encouraged and welcomed!

Saturday, March 13th

How to be a Pokémon Master!
9:00am – 10:00am in W224B
Hosted by Steve Grinder, Zak Wilson, and Naro Lee

Have you ever wanted to be a Pokémon Master? We’ll teach you how to be the very best, like no one ever was! This will also be your chance to get all the info you need on Pokémon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, which comes out the next day!

Manga for American Comic Fans
10:00am – 11:00am in W224B
Hosted by Anime World Order

If you like comics about superheroes or even indy books and haven’t given manga a fair chance yet, then the crew from Anime World Order will help clear up any misconceptions you have about manga and make some solid recommendations on what to try out based on your tastes.

Kingdom Hearts
11:00am – 12:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Jessica Roth

Kingdom Hearts is widely popular in both the United States and Japan. Eight years, and six games later, the series is still going strong! This panel will be about the changes made to the series, its characters, and will end with a (spoiler free?) review of Birth by Sleep.

Sushi Boy’s Quick Fire AMV F&Q
12:00pm – 12:30pm in W224B
Hosted by Sushi Boy

The head judge of Anime Sushi’s 4th Annual AMV Contest will go through everything about making a quality Anime Music Videos!

It’s MANIME! The Manly Anime Panel
12:30pm – 1:30pm W224B
Hosted by Kent Ward and Brotha Kyo

Learn what is to be a true man and makes a manly anime! This one is for fans of series like Fist of the North Star, Berserk, and other testosterone-filled classics! Both old and new anime of manly proportions shall be covered and you will even learn the gospel that is the Twelve Laws of True Man!

Otaku Survival Guide
1:30pm – 2:30pm W224B
Hosted by Corey “Waldo” Waldusky and Rogelio Mosqueda

Think you’re an Otaku? Don’t know what one really is? Or maybe you’re looking for ways to live in this crazy world as one? Whatever your questions may be, come and found out all the information for your American Otaku lifestyle, and get tips on further delving into your obsession.

Sunday, March 14th

Anime Madlibs
11:00am – 12:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Spooky Electric

We’re seriously letting Spooky Electric do an event on his own! You supply the words that he’ll use to fill in the blanks of his hot new anime fan fiction, and then hilarity will ensue!

The World of J-Pop
12:00pm – 1:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Blikku

This panel is an introduction to the J-Pop genre and focuses on an array of artists and styles. Discussion of fan bases will be included such as websites, clubs, and J-Pop inspired cosplays.

SEGA: Welcome to the Next Level!
1:00pm – 2:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Brandon Bernard, John Merced, and Brotha Kyo

SEGA, from past to present, to games, and consoles! SEGA has contributed a vast amount of entertainment throughout the many years of its existence, and continues to carry on the legends that it has created. Come join us as we discuss the topics that have made SEGA to what it is now.

The Analysis of G.I.T.S. – Ghost In the Shell
2:00pm – 3:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Emilio Lopez-Centellas

A definitive Ghost in the Shell panel, covering the classic characters, what Public Security Section 9 is and the technology they use, including the Tachikomas and all of the A.I. units. Everything from the manga to the movies and television series will be discussed! Panel sponsored by Manga Entertainment!

Robotech: The Legacy Continues
3:00pm – 4:00pm W224B
Hosted by Larry Furry

One of the oldest giant robot franchises continues on! Robotech expert Larry “Fuzzy” Furry will discuss all things about the sci-fi epic. Panel sponsored by Manga Entertainment!

4:00pm – 6:00pm in W224B
Hosted by Propeller Anime Club

We’re wrapping up another awesome year at Megacon with some Karaoke! Sing with friends and have a great time! Come in early because it’s first come, first served!

Workshops and Panels in room W224C

Friday, March 12th

Pocky Photo Patrol <3 Contest Sponsored by Glico
12:00pm – 1:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Anime Sushi

The Pocky-lypse is upon us. Your mission: to take as many pictures as possible of people having fun with Pocky. You must be present, signed in, and have a digital camera of some sort. Pictures must be submitted no later than 1PM Sunday for judging. Prizes will be awarded Sunday afternoon in the Main Event Lobby.

Armor Construction
1:00pm – 2:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Team Awesome

Alright, you can sew, you can paint, you can hem….now what? Topics discussed will range from armor to appliqué, leather to chain mail, paperclay to grommets, much more. Tutorials, resources and community info will also be made available for those looking to become more involved with local costume enthusiasts. There will be a Q&A session at the end of the panel, so feel free to discuss that dream costume you just can’t figure out how to make!

Pokémon Fight! Fight! Fight!
2:00pm – 3:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Pikabellechu

Gotta to Catch Em’ All! Join the Pokémon panel with the famous Pikabellechu. Afterwards, join her in the dealer room and get a close look at her award winning Pokemon Volkswagen.

Customizing Resin Horns
3:00pm – 4:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Wonderland Creations

Let out the little devil in you by customizing your own set of horns on hairclips (with elastic for the hair-impaired). Glitter, flames, feathers, your colors, your taste, your style or lack thereof!

Wig Styling
4:00pm – 5:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Yaya Han

From cutting, styling and dying colors, Yaya Han will show you hands on different techniques in achieving the perfect anime character hair style for your cosplay!

Iron Cosplay Contest
5:00 pm – 7:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Anime Sushi

Like the famous Japanese show, this is a stylized costume making competition featuring accomplished cosplayers in the battle of craftsmanship and speed. What will be the secret ingredient? Who will reign supreme!?

Plants vs. Zombies Costume Contest
7:00pm – 8:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Anime Sushi

Sponsored by PopCap Games! Has MegaCon been overrun by plants or zombies? Come one, come all. Winner won't be getting brains or fertilizer, but official PopCap merchandise!

8:00pm – 10:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Mecha Anime HQ

Join the hosts of the podcast, GUNDAMN@MAHQ, for a live recording. Topics to be discussed, Favorite/Least Favorite Mecha Clichés and Your Ideal Mecha Show. Each topic discussion will included audience participation and Q&A sessions.

Sunday, March 14th

Kiri-e (Japanese Papercraft)
11:00am – 12:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Wonderland Creations

A traditional Japanese paper art. Capture tiny figures and scenes on paper for art cards!

MAHQ.net Podcast
12:00pm – 2:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Mecha Anime HQ!

Join the hosts of the podcast, GUNDAMN@MAHQ, for another live recording and a controversial topic discussion, Live Action Adaptions of Anime. Audience participation and Q&A sessions will play a key part of this highly charged debate.

Quickdraw! Contest
2:00pm – 4:00pm in W224C
Hosted by the Propeller Anime Club

Are you an artist who wants to test their skills against others, or do you just want to have a fun time drawing with other artists? The Quickdraw! Contest breaks artists up in groups of novice and advance and has them compete in three different 20 minute drawing sessions for prizes! Come on and show your skills.

Props for Beginners
4:00 pm – 5:00pm in W224C
Hosted by Jaime

Learn the basics of making props to go along with your costumes! There will be a lot of useful information provided by someone very experienced in prop-making!

Pre-register on-line for the Anime Costume Contest until Feb. 28th. Go to: www.animesushi.com for more details and a full list of the rules and what to expect as a contestant.
Anime Costume Contest Simplified version of rules:
• Only costumes from Japanese anime, manga, video games or J-pop/J-rock
• One minute on stage
• Skits aren’t required, contestants will be prejudged
• Music on audio CD only and will start when you come on stage. No MP3s
• One entry per person/costume/group
• No commissioned costumes
• Contestants must be present to all mandatory stages to qualify. (Pre-judging, presentation, award ceremony)
• Provide reference material
• Peace-bond and be careful with weapons and props (follow rules)
• No swinging of props and weapons
• No messes
• No jumping off stage
• Anime Sushi will not be responsible for your items, leave them at your own risk. Bring them to your vehicles if at all possible.
• No obscene costumes, languages or skits. PG rated show
• Children under 13 judged separately
• Be courteous and kind
• Prepare your day accordingly. Drink plenty of fluids and stay cool
• Registration ends 11:00am Saturday
• Prejudging begins 11:00am Saturday, room W224. Mandatory.
• Be ready by 4:15pm Saturday, W224 for stage presentation, all children first inline.
Go to www.animesushi.com for more details and photos of past events.
Subject to change without notice.

A big “thank you” to all our panelist and volunteers who make these all possible.
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