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Anime Quote Guessing Game Round 3~!

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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:34 pm Reply with quote
First of all, a big thanks to JesuOtaku, our mastermind, for creating such a delightful game.
For those curious, she won't be able to monitor the game anymore. As most of us know, she's now an ANN reviewer, so unfortunately she won't be able to administer the game any longer. But hopefully, and highly likely, she will keep guessing a few quotes once in a while.

>Previous round's results<

Round 3:-
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010

1. Quote to be guessed must be in bold.

Ex: "The balls are inert."

You cannot bold a short dialogue. If a short dialogue is needed to give your quote meaning, you may use it, but bold only one character's part, as you can only have one character in a guess, to be fair.

"What does the scouter say about his power level?!"

(Yeah, two internet memes in one rule. Reaching new lows here.)

2. Whoever guesses the quote (anyone can guess!) must use spoiler tags, and name the character, the show, and either

...who the quote was aimed at,

Ex: spoiler[Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z, to Gohan and friends]

...or a little blurb giving the context of the quote,

spoiler[Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z, complaining about starting at square one without Dende.]

...or both! (If you wanna show off, or whatever.)

spoiler[Piccolo from Dragon Ball Z, to Gohan, complaining about starting at square one without Dende.]

Why the extra little context? To prevent this from becoming a google-fest, that's why. Laughing

If a guesser does NOT enter the context, even if they are right, their guess cannot be counted until they edit it in. So, even if they have it right, someone could post right after them with the same answer, in context, and get it right.


3a. The quote must be very distinctive, and unmistakably from one show.

It doesn't have to be a "well-known" quote. (Although that would make the game go faster, which I think is more fun...) It could be an obvious line from an obscure anime, but it couldn't be something like, "Screw you, I make my own rules!" or "Thank you, nii-san! You are just my type!" It has to be something very profound or very funny that would be clear to anyone that had seen the show in question, no matter how obscure that show is.

If it is something more generic, some identifier like a location or character name must be in the quote: "Shigure, you pervert, pervert, pervert!" would be fine, but it wouldn't be without the name in the quote there...

3b. Do not post quotes that are direct spoilers for a series. Honestly, this is kinda hard to do, but if you are goofy enough to do this, chances are very good that this game will get shut down, and that would suck and I would stare at you like this every day: Evil or Very Mad

However, this raises an interesting dilemma with the "context" part of the official guess. If the context for a quote is something of a spoiler...

Ex: "...Bang."

...but the not the quote itself, this is how you answer: Just put who the quote is addressed to and leave context out of it.

If you find this impossible or, heaven forbid, the audience to a quote is a spoiler, reply with two spoiler tags separated by a double line break, just like this:

spoiler[Spike Spiegal from Cowboy Bebop]

spoiler[to his stunned audience as he smiles, points, and falls over dead.]

This unique kind of answer will let those who haven't seen the show in the first spoiler NOT to read the second, while allowing others, namely the judge, to check it at their leisure.

If you haven't seen the show and read it anyway, it's your own darn fault. I don't know what else I can do for you. Laughing

3c. PLEASE NOTE: While it may be possible to find the answer to a quotation question through the skillful use of Google or other search engines, this defeats the purpose of the game. If you can't answer, then by all means try googling the answer -- but don't submit it as your answer. Feel free to PM the poster of the question with your answer, to show how cleverly you have prevailed on the internet to think for you. But don't claim it as your own knowledge.

3d. IF you make it horribly obvious that you have cheated via search engine, the ball will return to the poster's court. They may be nice and let you go next OR simply post a different quote themselves. This is only if there is heavy evidence that you have not seen the show and just googled it, and therefore pissed people off or something. It's just not kind, so don't do it unless: see rule #3c.

4. This should not come up, but if the general consensus from numerous posters is that your quote is extremely generic could be attributed to multiple series and characters,

Ex: "I'm gonna send you straight to hell!"

"I love you! I really do!"

...the game moderator (moi) will negate the quote and the turn will be up for grabs. As previously stated, please include extra lines as context to avoid this problem if the quote is ambiguous.

5. This should be avoided, but if by chance the quote in question is only heard in the Japanese or the English and isn't translated fairly closely, put "SUB:" or "DUB:" before the quote to be guessed. Again, TRY to avoid this, but with liberally translated or old anime, it happens, I know.

Ex: SUB: "Dattebayo!"

Ex: DUB: "Believe it!"

6. That leads me to another point. Unless it's honorific-related or can't be translated DIRECTLY, like the above example, quote in English...sillies...Razz

7. Clues are optional and they must be related directly to the character or situation surrounding the quote. Clues can be given at any time, and participants can also ask for clues, but make sure it doesn't exceed the limit (2 clues/day) Clues must be in spoiler tags.

8. If the quote used is one that is repeated in the same series by a different character than the poster had in mind, as in verbatim parroted, because this happens, that answer must be accepted, and either character must be considered correct.

9. A quotation being offered must come from a different source (i.e. anime series or group/franchise of anime series) than the preceding four quotations, or it becomes invalid and the "baton" passes to the first person thereafter to pose a new quotation.

10. Obviously, the person to guess correctly gets to put up the next quote. Each person gets only one guess per quote. Guess wisely!

11. If no one gets it right after 10 guesses (or if no one gets it right for 2 days, regardless of the number of guesses), ANYONE can post a quote but it’s first come, first serve. This rule shall also be observed if there is no new quote in 2 days.

12. If there is an outstanding guess (made within the time limit) that has not yet been confirmed, please be patient and wait for confirmation. If there is no confirmation in 24 hours, rule 10 will take effect.

13. After confirmation but before the next quote is posted, if everyone is bored, a minigame can be played!

Anyone may post a minigame, but only one may be in play at any time. Here's how it works: the poster grabs a screenshot from an anime and the players must guess what is being said in the image. Though not required for a point, do also include the name of the speaker and what anime it is. Not all of us, um...know the answers when compiling data. Embarassed
These do count for points but do not have to be guessed, so be sure to catch them before they zip away!

14. No off topic comments or chat room speak. None. Uh-uh. Don't do it. I will smite you. Twisted Evil

The scoring at the end of 100 pages (if it gets that far, and these things do tend to) will be one point per correct guess for a main game or minigame quote in official play. Pretty simple, right?

This game was created to be a more useful and interactive kind of quote dump and also to allow any random person an opportunity at playing, as the pic game is, by nature, going to be ruled by the most hardcore otaku. You could try to be all hardcore here...but no one will think your quote is memorable or cool. Wink

That being said, I hope that the difficulty will spike and dip as we play, with some more unusual quotes being mixed in with classics. All the same, they need be memorable.


By JesuOtaku

As already mentioned, I'll record and try to organize every quote used.
Score will be posted by the end of each month along with a file of already used quotes.
Perhaps I'll count the score for the previous round as well, but I won't promise anything. But in case I do so, it should be here around Christmas.

Last edited by egoist on Wed Mar 31, 2010 9:13 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:36 pm Reply with quote
Current Maingame:

BES Null Core wrote:
"It's true. You two are alike. There's part of you that's really bitter, but people don't notice it because of the superficial sweetness."

Hint #1: spoiler[After explaining its origin in this dialog, the characters do not mention the title of this TV series again.]

Hint #2: spoiler[After getting her toast, the speaker should have gone for jam.]

Hint #3: spoiler[Another long TV series that started not long after this TV series ended is sometimes described as this TV series on crack, most likely because the male and female leads of that series look somewhat like younger versions of the leads of this series, and the female lead of that series talks very fast.]
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 9:48 pm Reply with quote
spoiler[Miki to Yuu in Marmalade Boy?]
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BES Null Core

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 10:17 pm Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
spoiler[Miki to Yuu in Marmalade Boy?]

That is correct.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 12:34 am Reply with quote
"You don't have to use that spell; I've NEVER felt sadder than I do right now!"
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 7:10 pm Reply with quote
Dunno - maybe a hint? It certainly sounds familiar.
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Joined: 31 Mar 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 12:46 am Reply with quote
Bento-Box wrote:
Dunno - maybe a hint? It certainly sounds familiar.

Hint 1: spoiler[Parting can be such "sweet" sorrow.]
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 1:51 pm Reply with quote
So since the hints aren't coming and I'd like so see a new quote up, this is the anime I came up with: spoiler[Romeo x Juliet].
As for the context and characters, well, I can't remember much so I'll simply give it a shot:
spoiler[Speaker: Juliet
Addressee: Ophelia
Context: During one of the scenes involving Escalus and the seed within Juliet.]
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Joined: 09 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 13, 2009 3:37 pm Reply with quote
Not totally sure, because I have not read much of the respective manga, but it sounds like something spoiler[Chocola would say to Vanilla in Sugar Sugar Rune.]
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:29 am Reply with quote
Labbes wrote:
Not totally sure, because I have not read much of the respective manga, but it sounds like something spoiler[Chocola would say to Vanilla in Sugar Sugar Rune.]
That is correct, though I'd like to think my version of the line is better than what the manga had Cool
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 1:41 am Reply with quote
Zalis116 wrote:
Labbes wrote:
Not totally sure, because I have not read much of the respective manga, but it sounds like something spoiler[Chocola would say to Vanilla in Sugar Sugar Rune.]
That is correct, though I'd like to think my version of the line is better than what the manga had Cool

I'm currently reading it in German, and I have not yet come across anything resembling that line. Awesome hint, though.

Here's a quote of a show I'm currently watching (from the dub, will check later if it's 100% correct):

My name is not John Carter!
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BES Null Core

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 2:27 am Reply with quote
spoiler[James Links to Baan Dorfloum, the head of the UN Intelligence Bureau, in Zone of the Enders: Dolores, i.]
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:28 am Reply with quote
BES Null Core wrote:
spoiler[James Links to Baan Dorfloum, the head of the UN Intelligence Bureau, in Zone of the Enders: Dolores, i.]

That's correct. The officer never fails to crack me up, his dub voice is just perfect. Although I expected the show to be quite different, I love how it doesn't take itself seriously most of the time.
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BES Null Core

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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 11:45 am Reply with quote
"X is always in top condition. Y and the crew take great care of him. He does everything I ask... He works just fine. He won't go berserk!"
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Joined: 26 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2009 4:04 pm Reply with quote
Hmm... My guess: spoiler[Daisuke from Heat Guy J. Context would be he's discussing J, and how Antonia maintains him very well. Daisuke's likely talking to his brother, Shun, who hates and fears androids because one killed their father. Shun would be trying to plant a seed of doubt about J's capabilities in Daisuke.]
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