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The King of Harts
![]() Posts: 6712 Location: Mount Crawford, Virginia |
Wait a tick. You can't tell us this and not provide pictures. That's Teasery, also known as the eighth (and lesser known) Deadly Sin. Quick question to all the new people: Why do you post here and then leave for all eternity? I'd think you'd introduce yourselves so we know who you are around the boards. If you're worried egoist or Blood- are gonna break into your house and eat cookies over you while you sleep, don't be because I keep those two silly nannies in check around here. |
Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
Forums Superstar ![]() Posts: 16979 |
First of all a very big ANN welcome to all the new recent members who have signed up. Hopefully you guys will enjoy your stay here and actually post and not just lurk. I normally give out stupid made up welcome bags as a gimmick to try and make people feel welcomed but I gotta pass this time and bring up something that has gotten lost.
I concur. With such talk about the piercings and the black tips in your hair it sounds like awesomeness. You must share it with us so we may bask in your pierced glow heh. Speaking of that though I must say I am thoroughly disheartened. We're at 108 pages now and yet virtually no one ever posts pictures anymore. I mean when Bamboo started this way back when it was as a more detailed way to introduce ourselves over our old intro thread. One of the things that was hoped would happen is many people would post pics so we could all get to know each other better. Put a face to a name and hopefully turn a random internet handle into a real person. It started off great but now...well now no one does it. Not to mention it does seem like so many people who introduce themselves here don't post much at all afterwards. Very sad indeed. So in an effort to promote further friendliness and comradery here I'm asking all new members who post here to post a picture as well. Show us all your smiling, or angry, face so we can get to know you better. To get the ball rolling I updated my own post back on page 1 with a recent picture. Be pre-warned looking at it might burn your eyes right out of their sockets. |
![]() Posts: 827 Location: ORE NO TSHIRT |
This sounds like a fun plan, and I have no problems with any of you attempting to hunt me down. You guys like piercings, huh? My left eyebrow is pierced though you can't really see it in this pic. My photos are pretty readily accessed anyways; this is my most recent photo from a band promo shoot. Funny story; I had a broken leg for this shoot and nearly all the pictures have been carefully shot to obscure my left foot from view. I had it carefully concealed by my pants but one foot is wearing a white etnies skate shoe and the other is wearing swelling, pain and plastic. I had to stand on one leg for all the shots. It was a long day.. If you're keen to post photos though, might as well add it to your most recent post Psycho, so we don't have to dig for it ![]() EDIT: since I'm already shamelessly plugging my band, here's a slightly less aggressive photo with the other members. EDIT2: Images are probably too big and everyone else is just linking them so meh. |
The King of Harts
![]() Posts: 6712 Location: Mount Crawford, Virginia |
Yea, I wouldn't exactly call that first picture "aggressive" since I laughed when I saw it. I'm sorry, but the way you're bulging eyes out is pretty funny. As for myself, I recently made a 4 minute trying to convince someone to get the Air art box and singles over the S.A.V.E. Edition. Unfortunately, misunderstood their original post, but it was fun nonetheless. |
![]() Posts: 827 Location: ORE NO TSHIRT |
It's an aggressive photo in context ![]() At least your video made me laugh for the right reasons. Good job in that regard. Don't think you'll be getting a position as a sales rep though sorry ![]() Anyways since I don't recall doing it the first time and since I have a huge ego and think you all might vaguely be interested in learning a bit about me. So here goes: Name: Nathanael (Nate) Young Sex: Male Blood Type: AB+ Location: Glass House Mountains, QLD Australia Marital Status: Single Age: 22 Ethnicity: half German but all Aussie Religion: i believe in science lulz Pets: A dog and a cat, although I am not entirely sure that the cat isn't just keeping me.. Drink/Smoke: Smoke rollies, 10ish a day. Don't drink regularly, but the weekends that I hit it I usually end up in a hospital haha. I occasionally dabble in the "harder" substances but only once or twice ever, not really regular. Actually that's a lie, I drink all the time to try and sleep. Pills don't work for me and I don't sleep real well, like, ever. Likes: Playing guitar, writing songs; I'm experimenting in mixing jazz changes and soloing techniques in a metal context for my solo album entitled "Spectrum". Love belting heavy music in my car on long drives, singing and screaming as loud as I want. Being fit. Dislikes: People, public transport, my father, laziness, wasting time (not the same; you can do something productive (ie not lazy) that is still a waste of time). Favorite anime: ef ~a tale of memories~, Clannad After Story, Elfen Lied, Toradora, Kara no Kyoukai Favorite Manga (Light novels): Haven't read too many but the Cross Game manga was fantastic. Favorite Books: Ice Station by Matthew Rielly; the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks; His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman; Eragon, Eldest and Brisingr (forget the series name); the Harry Potter series (laugh it up, the books were and are fantastic). I love fantasy escapism stuff in books pretty much. Favorite game: Resistance 2: Fall of Man - the multiplayer mode is just so much fun. Me and my brother play together and its one of the few things we do when we hang out these days so it's got a lot of good drunken memories for me. Definitely falls under my "Waste of time" category above, though. Favorite TV shows/Movies: All of Scorses/Di Caprio's recent work; ie The Departed, Shutter Island, Inception; The Matrix trilogy; Dawn of the Dead (best zombie movie ever, fast asskicking zombies ftw); the entire Saw series (easily the most clever goreshock movies in existence in my opinion). I like movies that make me think; they're only short so I want to be engaged thoroughly from start to finish. I don't really watch TV but I like the Mentalist and Lie to Me occasionally. Favorite Drink: Jim Beam and Cola. Non-Alcoholic Drink: Assam tea; I am a massive tea lover and have both green and black tea sets for doing asian and indian regional teas. I also have a tea whisk and bowl for Japanese powder tea, because my pre-existing love of tea and my fascination/nerdism with anime and its tea-drinking tropes made me curious. But Assam is one of my favourites. Favorite Foods: Spaghetti Bolognaise - it's easy, it's cheap and I'm a broke uni student. Plus it tastes awesome. Favorite Sites: The Escapist Magazine (Zero Punctuation, to be specific, is the funniest and most clever weekly game review in existence); ANN and probably Facebook. I don't really use the internet for much apart from streaming anime (which I can't advertise here), browsing through these forums occasionally and updating my band stuff. Favorite Sport (to watch):I watch soccer world cup but apart from that, watching sports falls under my waste of time category as well. Favorite Sport (to play):I don't really play team sports... I train in a few different martial arts (Hapkido, Muay Thai, BJJ and some fancy wushu crap) and taught parkour in south bank for a while. Favorite Music: I listen to so many bands it is not funny, but most of them are heavy, technical, but with solid groove and really easy to listen to, enjoy and let anger out. Bands include: Meshuggah, Dream Theater, Chimaira, Mastodon, The Faceless, The Black Dahlia Murder, Killswitch Engage, Cynic, Lamb of God, Gojira, All Shall Perish, Arch Enemy, Nevermore, Adagio, Hatebreed, Opeth, Textures, Tool, Steve Vai; and last but not least, The Dillinger Escape Plan. I couldn't really leave any one of those bands off the list, every single one is musical gold and every inch of where I am as a muso right now is in some way attributable to the artists in these bands. On the jazz side of things, I absolutely love listening to Greg Howe - have a listen to him jamming on Sunny on youtube if you don't know him; you won't regret it. He is an unbelievable improvisational artist and has really good chops too (and with that the phrasing to know when to use it and when to restrain). Guthrie Govan, Frank Gambale and Shaun Baxter are all my favourites here. Of course, Django Reinhardt as well... honestly I could list musical influences for days. It wouldn't be exaggerating to say I listen to over 4 hours worth of music every day. More usually; the commute to university is 1.5 hours each way and I am plugged into my mp3 player solidly the whole time. Job: Guitarist/student. Hobbies: Chess, martial arts/parkour/fitness, teaching, gaming (unfortunately... how many hours of productivity have gone down the drain here) Fun facts about me: I have a tattoo on my left wrist; the logo for Dream Theater. I got this after seeing the band play live and meeting the guitarist at a clinic. This was 3 years ago; and it gave me the motivation to go from dreaming about playing like John Petrucci to being able to cover a lot of his songs and solos; just by practicing and sheer determination. I owe it to them and it is a constant reminder of why I want to do it. So yeah, that little black patch of skin is pretty important to me. I was an army reservist for 2.5 years working in infantry as a section gunner. Favorite Quotes: From the Departed: - Costello: "How's your mother?" - Guy: "Oh... I'm afraid she's on her way out." - Costello: "We all are. Act accordingly." So there, read it if you''re bored. I wrote it because I'm bored. Last edited by Skylark on Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:18 am; edited 1 time in total |
The King of Harts
![]() Posts: 6712 Location: Mount Crawford, Virginia |
I'll let Lewis Black give you an answer to that.
Actually, back in high school I was the best salesmen for my Ruriteen Club (a community service club). I had tremendous people skills and knew how to draw crowd. Now I'm just a hikikomori, so I suppose I'm a little rusty. Before you go, Skylar, I gotta make fun of you one more time. I'm sorry if it seems like I'm picking on you, but you're giving me a lot to work with here. First, I want everyone to look at this picture: ![]() Now I want everyone to read this:
You truly cant judge a book by its cover. Good call on the ef a tale of memories, btw. I'm going to start importing that show soon since it'll probably never be licensed. |
Posts: 1 |
Name: Shelby Age: 19 Gender: F Pets: Currently one, a boxer, a guinea pig, and a hamster I do not drink or smoke. Religion: ? Favorite Anime: Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Evangelion, Gin Tama Favorite Manga: Godchild, King of Thorn, and Saiyuki, Evangelion Favorite Book series: Ender's Game, Dragonriders of Pern, and the Pellinor books Favorite Author: Tamora Pierce [/img] Last edited by Snwade on Tue Aug 17, 2010 3:48 pm; edited 1 time in total |
![]() Posts: 520 Location: Ohio |
Psycho 101 wrote:
Alright, I went back a page and edited mine just for you. Ladies be warned though, surround yourselves with pillows first so you don't hurt yourself when you faint after seeing my dazzling features. |
ninja noir
![]() Posts: 175 Location: Ireland |
hello there. this is my first post here. i registered a while ago, but i couldnt post because i never received an activation email for some reason. ( i requested for one to be sent a million times but it never worked until now...weird huh?)
well anyway, here are the vital stats: name: sean sex: male age: 19 ethnicity: leprechaun location: ireland religion: was born into a catholic family, am now an atheist interests: anime, manga, rpg's and not much else. favourite manga: maybe chobits, death note, yosuba&! and black jack. maybe something else too, i dunno. *shrugs* favourite anime: cowboy bebop, any ghibli films azumanga daioh and probably some others too. favorite bands: queens of the stone age, tool, nine inch nails, a perfect circle, alice in chains, and many more. ![]() hmm....i think that is all i wanna say for now, if i think of anything else, i might edit my post. thanks for reading. ![]() |
![]() Posts: 13 |
To The Kings of Harts and Psycho 101:
Hahhaha alright I'lll post some pics! ;D I'm new to forums so I'm not really sure how this all works... Sorry, I was gone for a couple of days so I could'nt reply. I cut my hair so my black tips are mostly gone but I'm redying them soon. I hope the links below work? This is about a year old This one I just took, and I look gross cause I just came back from a car trip! sorry :O |
The King of Harts
![]() Posts: 6712 Location: Mount Crawford, Virginia |
Hold on. You clearly said 5 piercings, and yet I only count 4; I don't even see a spacer. Well, those certainly turned out then the self piercings someone I knew in 8th grade did. She showed us the day after she did it, and we immediately told her they were infected. Funny part: Her parents didn't know!
And is that first picture for one those evil social networking things? It looks exactly like a generic Myspace picture. I think that pose comes after the angle down the shirt, peace sign in the mirror, but before the sad pouty face. Just sayin. |
![]() Posts: 13 |
There are 5,
there is a pink and daisy on one the left side, and on the other side there is a pink, daisy and small diamond. its hard to see behind the big pink bulb. I pierced them myself in the 9th grade, one night when I was bored. They never got infected, and my parents didn't even notice until a year later. Ha! Yeah, it is pretty classic myspace whore-pic. Except I don't have a myspace, lol. Also, it's the best pic to see my black tips because I'm wearing a light colored shirt. When I redye my tips I'll post a new picture hahah just for you. I'll make sure it's unique. |
The King of Harts
![]() Posts: 6712 Location: Mount Crawford, Virginia |
What is it with people and putting holes in themselves when they're bored? When I was bored in high school I just.....played video games
![]() As for a pic to show off your hair, two words: Vandergraph Generator. If you pretend you're going Super Saiyan, you'll get over 9000 cool points. |
![]() Posts: 827 Location: ORE NO TSHIRT |
I found this funny both because I saw the 5th piercing, and also because she said in her intro post that she dislikes "being doubted" ![]() And yes I'm well aware that my stage persona for my death metal band doesn't match my taste in anime. It makes sense in a way though; a lot of the music I listen to, write, and play is aggressive, fast, and full of energy; so when I turn to anime for relax time I prefer something the complete opposite, full of love, happiness, and chocolate. |
Player No. 3
![]() Posts: 209 Location: San Antonio, Texas |
My inner physics nerd is kicking into high gear. It's Van de Graaf generator. Yeah, so I don't get out much... |
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