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REVIEW: One Piece DVD Season 2 Part 6

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Joined: 10 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:31 pm Reply with quote
Oh, fie on "perspective". There are enough people who don't give this series a chance because of its art style that it already comes to America with one hand tied behind its back. I know, because I was one of those people, and I've also never been a fan of the long, drawn out combat of shonen epics. I only bought the series as revenge against the individual who leaked the Funimation episode, but I have not regretted it since.

Thank you for this review, which gives the series the respect it deserves, despite it being a kids' show about a rubber pirate. Harry Potter is just another kids' series about a boy wizard, but it has long been granted respect.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:04 am Reply with quote
I friggin' LOVE One Piece!

I was so turned off to Shonen after DBZ many years ago, and after 4Kids deplorable treatment of this gem. But since Funi's rescue, I've been smitten ever since.

CROCODILE FIGHT! I can't begin to say how much I'm looking forward to the climax of the Vivi/Alabasta Arc! I've been waiting for a good Crocodile beat down for many episodes.

And if I'm honest, the other big draw for this Arc was Nico Robin aka Ms. All-Sunday ;3 Her English VA, Stephanie Young, as the sultry vixen Nico, makes my toes curl. She's like chocolate on the tongue... but, for your ears ;3

I think the quality of this Arc is consistent with the other character arcs in that, they tend to be better written and more exciting than the filler that runs in-between and I could do without, mostly.

I'm so excited!
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Joined: 07 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:38 am Reply with quote
Carl Kimlinger, you neglected to mention how much the One Piece franchise borrows from Dragonball... Ranging from Luffy's personality and facial expressions to the goofy villains with strange traits (not to mention the exact same DB/Z sound effects used by the studio in an attempt to give it a DB feel), I've seen other Naruto and Bleach reviews on this site where it's been stated that they borrow from former Shonen series (namely Dragonball), not to mention the reviewer's enthusiasm towards what's being reviewed was kept reasonable due to the amount borrowed from other anime (unlike this review where the writer lets his excitement out and hardly points anything contrary to One Piece being perfect in his eyes).

So when a series like One Piece is reviewed, which is the most guilty of plagiarism (just take a moment to look at Luffy's big round eyes, small black puples and huge smile, you'd get young Goku from Dragonball without the big hair) is always spared the "it borrows from former shonen series" in almost all its ANN reviews, I've never read a single ANN review that clearly points out the huge influence that Eichiro Oda draws from Akira Toriyama, please do not inflate the ego of One Piece fanatics and get them thinking that One Piece is more original than Naruto and Bleach, you're experienced enough to realize how unoriginal it is. Its already a dark period for anime fandom when a show like One Piece is rated "Masterpiece" by the majority of ANN users. I'm not asking you to put it down, just please make a small reference to the borrowed (or to a great extent plagiarized) material that One Piece cannot possibly survive without.

If an established reviewer like yourself is making Luffy out to be an original and iconic character (when in truth he sets the record for the most anime hero to have facial, personality and stylistic traits stolen from Kid Goku of Dragonball), how do you think the noobs would view him? perhaps THEE most original main character ever!? (P.S The point I made about the excessive borrowing from Goku is not what I would call an opinion, it's very obvious to notice these things if you watch Dragonball when Goku is a kid, I think a great deal of people do not notice this because most of us have Adult Goku from DBZ in our mind)
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Joined: 24 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:00 am Reply with quote
Oh dear me, One Piece was inspired by the other biggest manga series of all time. What a a suprise. Oda himself says all the time how much Dragonball inspired OP, the author of the review doesn't need to mention it. Being inspired by something is far from plagiarism, and OP and may share some traits with Dragonball, but what shonen doesn't? Feel free to dislike whatever without the validation that comes from a review agreeing with you.

As far as the dvd, this part of the series was in many ways a true high point. There are many other parts of OP that are on the same level, but something about the stawhat's silent farewell sticks in your mind. Love it.
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Joined: 10 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:57 am Reply with quote
It's not really necessary to point out how most shonen series borrow from Dragonball. Dragonball and Fist of the North Star basically set the format. It's like complaining that most Eva reviews don't mention how it was partially inspired by Gundam. Well, yeah.

If you read Color Walk, Oda and Toriyama have a friendly interview, where they both say they like and respect each others' work. Toriyama obviously doesn't feel ripped off.

I'm trying to catch up with Dragonball now, but the Red Ribbon Army arc is absolutely putting me to sleep. One Piece has never bored me. I think it's better than Dragonball. Is it as pioneering as Dragonball? No. I don't think anyone would claim it is.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 11:49 am Reply with quote
Damn. What's up with all the the Nerd Rage and Butthurt? Last I checked this was a DVD review for One Piece, not DBZ.

WTF, Man?! Simmer Down.
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Joined: 15 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 12:20 pm Reply with quote
CareyGrant wrote:
Damn. What's up with all the the Nerd Rage and Butthurt? Last I checked this was a DVD review for One Piece, not DBZ.

WTF, Man?! Simmer Down.

That's the One Piece fanbase for ya
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:47 pm Reply with quote
DBZ Abridged - "I liked Bleach better when it was called Yu Yu Hakusho, and it liked THAT better when it was called Dragonball Z!"
Me: "And I liked THAT better when it was called Fist of the North Star, Superman, and the legend of the Monkey King! And I liked Star Wars better when it was called Lord of the Rings, Flash Gordon, and classic samurai tales! And I liked Harry Potter better when it was called Lord of the Rings and X-men! And I liked Spider-man better when it was called Superman, and X-men better when it was called Doom Patrol!" (and so on and so forth)

Nothing's original, folks. Doesn't automatically hurt the quality, and there is ZERO obligation to mention influence when every fictional tale has influences, unless you can honestly find a writer whose never read/seen a fictional story in their entire life. So stop whining and eat your 914,787th PB&J sandwich like everyone else.
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Cain Highwind

Joined: 08 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:48 pm Reply with quote
Brice_Armstrong wrote:
Carl Kimlinger, you neglected to mention how much the One Piece franchise borrows from Dragonball... Ranging from Luffy's personality and facial expressions to the goofy villains with strange traits (not to mention the exact same DB/Z sound effects used by the studio in an attempt to give it a DB feel), I've seen other Naruto and Bleach reviews on this site where it's been stated that they borrow from former Shonen series (namely Dragonball), not to mention the reviewer's enthusiasm towards what's being reviewed was kept reasonable due to the amount borrowed from other anime (unlike this review where the writer lets his excitement out and hardly points anything contrary to One Piece being perfect in his eyes).

So when a series like One Piece is reviewed, which is the most guilty of plagiarism (just take a moment to look at Luffy's big round eyes, small black puples and huge smile, you'd get young Goku from Dragonball without the big hair) is always spared the "it borrows from former shonen series" in almost all its ANN reviews, I've never read a single ANN review that clearly points out the huge influence that Eichiro Oda draws from Akira Toriyama, please do not inflate the ego of One Piece fanatics and get them thinking that One Piece is more original than Naruto and Bleach, you're experienced enough to realize how unoriginal it is. Its already a dark period for anime fandom when a show like One Piece is rated "Masterpiece" by the majority of ANN users. I'm not asking you to put it down, just please make a small reference to the borrowed (or to a great extent plagiarized) material that One Piece cannot possibly survive without.

If an established reviewer like yourself is making Luffy out to be an original and iconic character (when in truth he sets the record for the most anime hero to have facial, personality and stylistic traits stolen from Kid Goku of Dragonball), how do you think the noobs would view him? perhaps THEE most original main character ever!? (P.S The point I made about the excessive borrowing from Goku is not what I would call an opinion, it's very obvious to notice these things if you watch Dragonball when Goku is a kid, I think a great deal of people do not notice this because most of us have Adult Goku from DBZ in our mind)

I've checked out your other posts and it seems you REALLY want to make sure people know that everything's ripped off from DBZ. Just because something does something first doesn't necessarily make it better than everything else. Fiction is all about give and take. Dragonball is not excluded from this. Thinking otherwise makes you a stuck up fanboy.

Anyways great review. I honestly liked how you give the animation crew their due. From a production side, yes the Crocodile fight is AMAZING.

I also like how you criticize the dub. A lot of One Piece fans somehow see it as a perfect dub just because it's so much better and accurate than the 4Kids dub. It's not a bad dub by any means, but definitely not without flaws.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 5:45 pm Reply with quote
Carl... you never cease to amaze me...

I'm not a HUGE One Piece fan, nor am I a gigantic Shonen Jump fan like I used to be, but what I appreciate is a good time... Wink

And you prove that even though something can be cliche'd, not-so-fresh, and downright pointless, it can be undeniably cool.
Even you, who's the biggest fan of NANA I know can admit this!!!

And even though I'm a huge fan of dubs, I know from experience that dubbing shonen shows are actually the hardest to do.
I've seen about 10 eps subbed, and I have to admit that Luffy sounds the best that ver. I love Colleen's efforts, but it... just can't compare...
I haven't seen Crocodile's scenes yet (I'm still only on ep 33), but I do have to check it out in sub soon.
Other than that, I can't help but like the rest in dub. Sonny's ver. is something I just love. It reminds me of Krillin, which I too liked better in dub. Chris' Zoro is more gruff, Eric is swavy, Luci is spunky, and Stephanie is suductive.
Luffy is, sadly, my only concern...

Awesome review!
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Joined: 01 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 7:51 pm Reply with quote
Brice_Armstrong wrote:
Carl Kimlinger, you neglected to mention how much the One Piece franchise borrows from Dragonball...

And Dragon Ball borrows from Journey to the West, old kung-fu stories, Tezuka, and Future Boy Conan (which popularized the "super-strong dimwit hero" character type six years before Goku came along.)

Every work of fiction borrows from those that came before it. Huge chunks of Star Wars are taken from old Kurosawa films. Practically every fantasy novel is based on the structure of The Lord of the Rings. Even friggin' Shakespeare wrote very few original stories; nearly all his plays are adaptions of older stories or legends. Stories have influenced each other since the concept of stories was invented. So if One Piece is "plagiarism," then so is pretty much everything that's been written since humans began painting on cave walls.

And as an aside, Akria Toriyama himself loves One Piece. He and Oda did a joint interview a few years back, and most of it consisted of Toriyama hurling compliments at Oda while Oda acted all embaressed (it was kind of adorable.) They also collaborated on a crossover manga where the DB cast meet the One Piece crew (called Cross Epoch.)

Now here's a challenge for you: name a shonen action series made in the last 15 years that DOESN'T borrow from Dragon Ball.
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Joined: 12 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:28 pm Reply with quote
Wyvern wrote:
Now here's a challenge for you: name a shonen action series made in the last 15 years that DOESN'T borrow from Dragon Ball.

Fullmetal Alchemist obviously.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:15 pm Reply with quote
^Full Metal Alchemist, Slam Dunk, Death Note, etc. And about the review...we already know it's a show targeted toward children in japan, but will that stop older people from liking it like myself? No! It just keeps getting repeated like it's a negative or something to bring down the older fans. Did this stop people from watching DBZ? Nope. Most of my family on my father side did (both men and women of all ages). Did all adults pass over "Avatar: The Last Airbender" as just another kids show? Not at all. Some adults and older teens enjoyed it alot too. So please do us all a favor people and move on. And about the ripping off situation...really now? Eiichiro Oda worked under Akira Toriyama for peeps sake. Oda said so himself that he was inspired by Akira's work, end of story. One piece has it's own original style/idea's though, so it's far from a rip off. Also, it started in the 90's..so i don't know why some compare it to these newer shonen series. Imho, One Piece is a creative and adventurous Masterpiece.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:55 pm Reply with quote
Dragon Ball copied from other places. But Dragon Ball clearly made it its own, and now whenever an anime uses the same elements and tropes it's a rip-off of Dragon Ball. No matter what you fools say, any shonen anime out there is a Dragon Ball's rip-off. No, every anime is a Dragon Ball rip-off, rather, any anime character with big eyes. Even Disney. [/sarcasm]

"DVD Season 2 Part 6". I don't care about what this gentleman over there thinks of other shonen shows, but what's the point in mentioning something that even the creator himself mentioned in every review. The fact is that you're obviously some frustrated Dragon Ball fan.

Back to the roflcopter.
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Joined: 27 May 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 10:24 pm Reply with quote
ZeroBladez wrote:
^Full Metal Alchemist, Slam Dunk, Death Note, etc.

Are Slam Dunk and Death Note really action Shounen series, though?
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