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Joined: 17 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:10 am Reply with quote
Episode 38 -

You can see in this episode that Olivier Armstrong does have a good side to her spoiler[as her men are in the tunnel they were left with only 24 hours to enter and leave. You see that they are let back in Briggs and that the watch that they had was stuck on a certain time and was giving to them by Olivier Armstrong.] You can clearly see that she cares for her men and their safety. She isn't heartless.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 1:25 pm Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
I can't agree that Ed hasn't matured. That he's even willing to go along with biting his tongue while he fools Kimbley is a sign that he's grown. A younger Edward would have said, "Eff it, I'ma beat Kimbley down!" and screwed up the whole plan. He's also able to accept the help of others better now, too.

For once I agree with Penguintruth. I would like to see exactly where Ed is acting immature. Okay sure there are times when it comes to his feelings for Winry he might act a little immature (but those scenes are for laughs) but when it comes down to the important bits he is very mature. Keep in mind that he put aside getting his and Al's body back to help fight for the country. I think that's maturity. And I obviously can't say anymore until we get to the next episode but Ed's dealing with Scar & Kimbley show he puts aside personal feelings to again do what's right. And as Penguintruth said Ed & Al realize that they can't do everything on their own anymore. This goes back to what Maria Ross told them so long ago "can't you trust in adults?". It seems now they are putting their trust in others. It's not just Ed and Al going at it alone but they are now part of team.

Both Ed and Al have grown and changed a lot from the early episodes. Anyone who doesn't see this is obviously blind.

So I really would like someone to explain to me how Ed has not matured. It seems P3rseus you dislike the "humor" of the series. But that has nothing to do with character development. If anything the humorous scenes of Ed & Al against the chimeras showed how clever they were, that they could use the fact that they are "just children" to their advantage.

edit: On another note the anime is definitely not ending in 12 episodes. There is no set episode count yet.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:50 pm Reply with quote
Well, they will definitely need more than twelve episodes, even at the rate they're going.

Hopefully they'll slow down during spoiler[the flashback to Hohenheim's past.] It's one of my favorite bits in the manga. If they add a bit more to it, I wouldn't mind at all. I just hope they don't handle it like the Ishbal flashback.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:25 pm Reply with quote
Maidenoftheredhand wrote:
penguintruth wrote:
I can't agree that Ed hasn't matured. That he's even willing to go along with biting his tongue while he fools Kimbley is a sign that he's grown. A younger Edward would have said, "Eff it, I'ma beat Kimbley down!" and screwed up the whole plan. He's also able to accept the help of others better now, too.

For once I agree with Penguintruth. I would like to see exactly where Ed is acting immature. Okay sure there are times when it comes to his feelings for Winry he might act a little immature (but those scenes are for laughs) but when it comes down to the important bits he is very mature. Keep in mind that he put aside getting his and Al's body back to help fight for the country.

When they are acting immature it's just to make the viewer laugh, for such a serious show they need parts like this. To lighten up the viewer and when the story becomes serious Ed becomes as serious also and you can see he has matured in a way by allowing others to help them instead of only relying on Alphonse.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:38 am Reply with quote
So I remembered that the next manga volume comes out in like a week. Yay. Smile And then I checked the release date for the volume after that: late July. Aww. Confused It's too bad that we'll see only one more volume in America before the end of Brotherhood. All the good stuff is supposed to go down in that volume too.

Pride scene was ok, but I'm not the biggest fan of the voice. Once again I'm curious about how the dub will handle it. I probably spoiled myself somewhat when I saw Princess and the Frog, because now I'm expecting a lot of cool shadow demony animation in future Pride scenes.

Titles for the next several episodes are apparently up on Wikipedia. I'm getting kind of tired of the Briggs arc already and I don't like the new chimera characters, but some good material is ahead, so... spoiler[As expected two episodes from now we get Hohenheim's backstory. This is one of the best parts of the manga, it felt like I was reading a Tezuka epic or something. Really hope Brotherhood will do a good job with it.]
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:53 am Reply with quote
I hope they do Hohenheim's story more justice than the Ishbal war flashback.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 10, 2010 2:51 pm Reply with quote
There's less material to cover there, so they probably won't gloss over things so much. Hopefully.

--New opening: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1unD4cFBXJw
--New ending: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moH2PlzYmoE

It's beyond me why Bones started these up during a relatively mediocre episode. They really should have saved this new stuff for next week.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 3:28 pm Reply with quote
new episode was pretty boring best part was prolly the new op and ending.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:52 pm Reply with quote
Episode 39:

Kimblee looks so bored when he’s trying to kill Edward. Not that I blame him, because let’s face it, Ed’s outburst wasn’t that convincing either. Scar's scene was pretty good. The soft hush of music went well with things. Miles is a pretty cool guy.

Al’s scene with the chimera-men is abridged somewhat. This is one of my least favorite scenes in the manga. Brotherhood changed some lines around to make things appear slightly less nonsensical (and these characters have children now, I think that’s brand new) but there are still plenty of holes here.

--These guys don’t think they can ever go back to being normal…why, exactly? They can turn back into their normal selves whenever they want to. Sheesh, it’s like whining because you have super powers.
--Their motivation makes no sense. They don’t want to go back to their families because… they look like monsters. Again. What the heck. They can transform at will. And they are only serving Kimblee because he’s forcing them? AND he’ll kill them if they fail? That makes Kimblee into even more of a fool, sending these two super-powered guys, on pain of death, out alone into the open like that. That’s practically asking them to escape (sadly this flaw is not exclusive to Kimblee in this show).
--These two guys are depressed and want to die when they are caught. “Wait!” Alphonse says. Ah, good old Alphonse. If there’s anything he can bring to the table, surely it’s that the worth of a man’s life has value no matter what your outward appearance or what you look l--
“You might look NORMAL again someday. That’s why you should live.”

(@#$, what a missed opportunity. You blew it, Alphonse.

The scene with Al in the snow was great, however. One of the true highlights of this arc, especially since Alphonse hasn't had many opportunities to do things by himself for a while. The preview could have done a little better job at hyping what is probably going to be one of the better episodes in the series. By the way, in the new ED, whose hands are those at the end? I want to say Hohenheim and… somebody.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:06 am Reply with quote
Greetings Fullmetal fans!

I apologize for being way behind but I have some questions about episode 20 something spoiler[(the one where Ed discovered the truth about his transmuted mother...). So huh??? What did he transmute? And why did Ed dig up some random guys bones? And why did Izumi reserach her family lineage and discover that she didn't really transmute her baby?] I am le confused...

Otherwise I just finished episode 26 and WOW that was some amazing anime. I got 3 or 4 waves of chills in the last few minutes of that episode. That's part of my criteria for giving an anime a 'masterpiece' rating. I have not read the manga, and I really loved the first anime. But I think this one is absolutely fantastic as well. I'm loving the humor, the new charactars, the performances (I watched the first series dubbed...), and that mini panda!!!

Cheers! Very Happy
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Joined: 29 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 3:11 pm Reply with quote
Stellarleen wrote:
Greetings Fullmetal fans!

I apologize for being way behind but I have some questions about episode 20 something spoiler[(the one where Ed discovered the truth about his transmuted mother...). So huh??? What did he transmute? And why did Ed dig up some random guys bones? And why did Izumi reserach her family lineage and discover that she didn't really transmute her baby?] I am le confused...

spoiler[You'll know soon enough what was in that body. The body itself is just made up of the material that they used. Even though I'm not familiar with the "science" behind it all, I think that they made up something that isn't what they wanted, hence why the physical traits were so off.

Izumi researched her family lineage to make sure that nobody had the traits that the transmuted baby had (eyes, hair color). If the baby didn't follow any of her lineage, then it must have been something else.]
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Joined: 14 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:18 pm Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
I can't agree that Ed hasn't matured. That he's even willing to go along with biting his tongue while he fools Kimbley is a sign that he's grown. A younger Edward would have said, "Eff it, I'ma beat Kimbley down!" and screwed up the whole plan. He's also able to accept the help of others better now, too.

I've been enjoying the Briggs arc, even though we're now at the point where it's getting a little stale. It's an arc that starts off strong and overstays its welcome. Still, one of my favorite bits in the manga, especially where Olivier Armstrong is concerned.

Well he was practically forced into his current situation, because he did try to fight homunculus and spoiler[only after he lost], did he give in to play along, he was practically left with no choice. In comparison, at the beginning he decided to join the army even though he thought the worst of it, for the greater good. That can be seem as a mature act as well. So I wouldn't say much has changed. Although, my point was more in comparison to the original anime and not in the context of this anime alone.

For example, in the fight spoiler[against the two guys that transform, he doesn't seem to take it seriously given the situation] and only ends up working out due to the weird comical nature of this show. He also seems to underestimate his opponents, example when fighting the big guy with automail in the snow. And if we compare the small details, the development in Ed in this show is hardly significant in comparison.

The original show had Ed towards the end plan things carefully and not rush things. He showed patience, a trait of a mature person, spoiler[by not using the philosopher stone available to him, even when Al did]. Even more serious was spoiler[having to kill the homunculus made from his mother].

In contrast, this anime shows an Ed who still acts on the situation and seems reluctant to appreciate the seriousness of the situation. It's probably partly in the nature of the style of each show but I was expecting a bigger change towards the end of this show in regards to Ed.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:26 pm Reply with quote
Hm, well I think he develops plenty in both the manga/Brotherhood and the first series. And I they didn't even need to have a chunk of the story take place in flashback in Brotherhood to show this the way the first series did. It all happens as we watch, in present time.

Anyway, speaking of flashbacks, I recently watched episode 40, and was very impressed with how they handled Hohenheim's past. That was one of my favorite parts in the manga, and even though they cut at least one scene, I was plenty fulfilled. I especially liked the voice of the Homunculus in the flask.

One of Brotherhood's shining moments.
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Joined: 22 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:28 pm Reply with quote
braves wrote:
Stellarleen wrote:
Greetings Fullmetal fans!

I apologize for being way behind but I have some questions about episode 20 something spoiler[(the one where Ed discovered the truth about his transmuted mother...). So huh??? What did he transmute? And why did Ed dig up some random guys bones? And why did Izumi reserach her family lineage and discover that she didn't really transmute her baby?] I am le confused...

spoiler[You'll know soon enough what was in that body. The body itself is just made up of the material that they used. Even though I'm not familiar with the "science" behind it all, I think that they made up something that isn't what they wanted, hence why the physical traits were so off.

Izumi researched her family lineage to make sure that nobody had the traits that the transmuted baby had (eyes, hair color). If the baby didn't follow any of her lineage, then it must have been something else.]

Also, I think it was hinted in episode 14 that the soul in the body they transmuted was actually Al. When Al has his flashback of the Truth, right at the end he seems to remember looking at Ed from the point of view of the body they created. Which would support the idea that dead people don't come back, ever - the body they created wasn't their mom's body, and the soul was Al's.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 22, 2010 10:13 pm Reply with quote
p3rseus wrote:

In comparison, at the beginning he decided to join the army even though he thought the worst of it, for the greater good. That can be seem as a mature act as well. So I wouldn't say much has changed. Although, my point was more in comparison to the original anime and not in the context of this anime alone.

What are you talking about? Ed originally joined the army with the sole purpose to get access to information to get his and his brother's body back. It has nothing to do with the "greater good". It's only recently in the story that Ed & Al realize they have to put their quest aside (for now) to fight against a greater threat.


For example, in the fight spoiler[against the two guys that transform, he doesn't seem to take it seriously given the situation] and only ends up working out due to the weird comical nature of this show. He also seems to underestimate his opponents, example when fighting the big guy with automail in the snow. And if we compare the small details, the development in Ed in this show is hardly significant in comparison.

Because those scene are meant to be funny. Just because the show is not doom & gloom every second does not mean Ed does not take things seriously or that he hasn't matured.

And if anything those two Chimera underestimated Ed & Al because they saw them as just kids not the other way around.

The original show had Ed towards the end plan things carefully and not rush things. He showed patience, a trait of a mature person

So does this Ed you obviously miss important details in the story. He isn't rushing to fight the villains. He is planning things out and gaining allies. Personally I think the fact that Ed has learned to work & trust in others shows way more maturity than anything Ed in the first series did. That doesn't mean he can never show that he is still a teenager, because he is and it's logical that sometimes he won't be completely mature. Ed is growing up throughout the story...he is not a grown up.

In contrast, this anime shows an Ed who still acts on the situation and seems reluctant to appreciate the seriousness of the situation.

No in contrast this series is just not as dark/dramatic as the first series. But just because the characters are not despairing every five seconds does not mean they don't appreciate the seriousness of what is going on.
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