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NEWS: FUNimation Licenses Burst Angel

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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:01 pm Reply with quote
What does this mean? Does this mean we won't be able to download anymore new episodes of bakuretsu tenshi when they come out?
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Joined: 01 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 8:05 pm Reply with quote
v_spec wrote:
What does this mean? Does this mean we won't be able to download anymore new episodes of bakuretsu tenshi when they come out?

You shouldn't download them anymore, but I'm sure that some files will be available on the internet still. You should wait, like I am, until the DVDs come out. It's only a 13 episode series so it shouldn't put a big whole in the wallet. Plus, the Fansub quality (as in video) I saw was terrible.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 03, 2004 10:45 pm Reply with quote
v_spec wrote:
What does this mean? Does this mean we won't be able to download anymore new episodes of bakuretsu tenshi when they come out?

Well, you shouldn't be downloading them to begin with. But yes, that means that the fansubbers will start pulling down their bittorrent links from certain sites.
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Joined: 24 Nov 2002
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:38 am Reply with quote
Are you sure it's only 13 eps? The encyclopedia says that there are 24 episodes. I am just wondering which one is correct.
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Joined: 04 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:45 am Reply with quote
Yes, there are more than 13 episodes. The last episode before licensing was 13 and had the preview for 14 "Wild Kids." And just a note to whoever knocked the video quality of their fansubs, they need to find better fansubs. Most fansubs now come out clear when I plug my video card to a 25" TV.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 1:58 am Reply with quote
The whole series will be fansub and put on [This URL is a known Fansub Distribution website] when the series is done airing in Japan. I only download the anime series that were licensed by 4Kids. 4Kids like to kill and heart of anime.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:46 am Reply with quote
gumprps wrote:
And just a note to whoever knocked the video quality of their fansubs, they need to find better fansubs.

...or attempt to be civilized and get the DVD's when they get released. The turnaround is pretty good nowadays, if I may say so Wink

[MAD]NaRu wrote:
The whole series will be fansub and put on [This URL is a known Fansub Distribution website] when the series is done airing in Japan.

Well, at least Funi now knows where to send the cease & desist letters Razz. I'm happy to report [EDIT - no. -C] lost their host after ADV's notice. Now they have to pay for a new host themselves. I hope Funi closes that one down too, maybe those dorks will come to their senses and stop being complete aho's... but there will always be ignorant 'fans', I guess Cool
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Joined: 04 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 2:40 pm Reply with quote
[MAD]NaRu wrote:
but there will always be ignorant 'fans', I guess Cool

If anyone is ignorant 'fan', it's you! ADV and all the other companies screw up the anime and charge outrages prices for a couple of eps on a dvd. I highly support the fansubbers, they are the true anime fans, they do it because they love to, the companies do it for the money. What's the biggest evil in the USA, companies that buy licenses to anime, lets leave it to the fans, they know what's right! ADV and the others mess up the scripts and make it more "american" to suit their needs, if they would leave it alone the fans would get to enjoy it for what it really is. I've seen to many animes screwed up because of companies like ADV and others butchering animes. ADV and the others can stick it. If I can't watch it fansubbed, then oh, well. I won't support them and their highway robbery!
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:01 pm Reply with quote
anifan wrote:
If anyone is ignorant 'fan', it's you! ADV and all the other companies screw up the anime and charge outrages prices for a couple of eps on a dvd. I highly support the fansubbers, they are the true anime fans, they do it because they love to, the companies do it for the money. What's the biggest evil in the USA, companies that buy licenses to anime, lets leave it to the fans, they know what's right! ADV and the others mess up the scripts and make it more "american" to suit their needs, if they would leave it alone the fans would get to enjoy it for what it really is. I've seen to many animes screwed up because of companies like ADV and others butchering animes. ADV and the others can stick it. If I can't watch it fansubbed, then oh, well. I won't support them and their highway robbery!

Highway robbery? You go to Japan and buy some anime DVDs, okay? Go pay $60 for two episodes on one disc with bare minimal extras. What we're getting is an absolute STEAL!

Also, where have you been these last five years? Domestic distributors have improved by leaps & bounds since the days of FUNi's DBZ & ADV's Samurai-X. Instead, we now have the likes of FUNi's Fruits Basket & ADV's Azumanga Daioh.

Also, I'd rethink my stance on fansubbers, if I were you. The translations are not that great...sometimes downright awful (AJ?), and it's become more about personal ego-stroking than providing fans with anime unavailable locally. They ain't what they used to be.
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Joined: 16 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 3:01 pm Reply with quote
Knowing Funimation,I should expect english versions of the opening and closing themes.
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Joined: 04 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:34 pm Reply with quote
Like'em or not, fansubbers are the reason for the evergrowing anime section in best buy and the like. People usually don't run out and buy a $30 dvd knowing nothing about it but the cover art. Most of us fans see a series first from the fansubs then go out and buy the dvd's. That's how I came about Excel Saga, Love Hina, and Hellsing. If I hadn't seen a fansub first, I would have never bought the series on dvd.
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Joined: 08 May 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 04, 2004 8:48 pm Reply with quote
Now, uh, I personally support fansubs, as being poor. Now I know I'll be downloading BakuTen, in HQ, and no one will stop me unless I suddenly win the lottery/get a high paying job. And I'll most defentily not be buying my BakuTen if...

R.G. wrote:
Knowing Funimation,I should expect english versions of the opening and closing themes.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Maybe the ending song, but if they mess with 'Loosey' I'll be pissed! I'll---I'll write one hell of an angry letter!!!! Besides, it's already like half engrish, so maybe not...? Or if the got THE STRiPES (the original artists) to do the english version, I could deal...maybe...<runs off to a corner mumbling something about Loosey...STRiPES...DBZ...>

And no matter how many times US distributers try an say they are getting better, honestly they still are not up to the quality they should be. For example, the Newtype USA preview of DiGi Charat Panyo Panyo had poor subtitles. We all know (from fansubs) Dejiko says '-nyo' at the end of her sentences, and all her friends have some other crazy thing they say. Not according to ADV. And where are the Karaoke subs on DVDs? now that's my 2 cents. <mumbling...THE STRiPES are my gods...if they are dubbed...shiver...>
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Joined: 19 Aug 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:30 am Reply with quote
gumprps wrote:
Most of us fans see a series first from the fansubs then go out and buy the dvd's. That's how I came about Excel Saga, Love Hina, and Hellsing. If I hadn't seen a fansub first, I would have never bought the series on dvd.

I understand fansub downloading in that aspect (hell, I do it myself). But this childish "those amature collidge studunt transration (IT'S AN R NOT AN L CAPITOLIST PIGS!!!111) r bettar then evil amerikun company transration so eye not suport tham" attitude drives me up the wall.

Bara_Megumi wrote:
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! Maybe the ending song, but if they mess with 'Loosey' I'll be pissed! I'll---I'll write one hell of an angry letter!!!!

Hint hint, the dubbed theme is only on the dub audio track. They leave it intact for the Japanese audio. Since I'm assuming you'd be watching the DVDs subtitled anyway, you don't have anything to get worked up over. Chill.

Bara_Megumi wrote:
And no matter how many times US distributers try an say they are getting better, honestly they still are not up to the quality they should be. For example, the Newtype USA preview of DiGi Charat Panyo Panyo had poor subtitles. We all know (from fansubs) Dejiko says '-nyo' at the end of her sentences, and all her friends have some other crazy thing they say. Not according to ADV.

For one, it's a PREVIEW DISC, not the full-on retail version. Secondly, I think crucifying a company just because they don't put a tiny (ultimately unnecessary) sentence particle in the subs is kinda overreacting, don't you think?

Bara_Megumi wrote:
And where are the Karaoke subs on DVDs? now that's my 2 cents.

Karaoke is an obnoxious waste of time. I'd rather they sub one episode's OP in English and the next episode's OP in Romanji (like most companies do now) than have half the bloody screen completely covered in three different subtitle sets for the same damn song.
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Joined: 15 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 2:57 am Reply with quote
gumprps wrote:
Like'em or not, fansubbers are the reason for the evergrowing anime section in best buy and the like. People usually don't run out and buy a $30 dvd knowing nothing about it but the cover art. Most of us fans see a series first from the fansubs then go out and buy the dvd's. That's how I came about Excel Saga, Love Hina, and Hellsing. If I hadn't seen a fansub first, I would have never bought the series on dvd.

How about no? The rise of anime in stores is related to the increase of anime on tv. Fansub downloaders are not the most dependable group of people as evident by their posting whenever one of their favorite series is licensed.
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Joined: 04 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 05, 2004 1:43 pm Reply with quote
Nagisa wrote:
Highway robbery? You go to Japan and buy some anime DVDs, okay? Go pay $60 for two episodes on one disc with bare minimal extras. What we're getting is an absolute STEAL!

Also, where have you been these last five years? Domestic distributors have improved by leaps & bounds since the days of FUNi's DBZ & ADV's Samurai-X. Instead, we now have the likes of FUNi's Fruits Basket & ADV's Azumanga Daioh.

Also, I'd rethink my stance on fansubbers, if I were you. The translations are not that great...sometimes downright awful (AJ?), and it's become more about personal ego-stroking than providing fans with anime unavailable locally. They ain't what they used to be.

The only thing that is a steal or being stolen that is our money from the crapy ADV and other companies like them.

And you should rethink your views on fansubbers! It's BS if you think they are horrible, you're way wrong, you just don't know what you should download and what not. They might have been bad quality video and such in the past, but you're only good as what you can get. Because let me tell you, myself and several friends of mine have downloaded fansubbers and they are perfect quality, just like dvd. So you should really think about where you download from. But it goes to show anyways you have a very poor judgement.

And lastly the only "ego-stroking" going on is you, stroking your ego being all high an mighty. Get off your high horse and see what the crapy american companies are for, trash!...Heck you probably work for one of them, thats why you say what you do. Tsk, tsk, we'll try to forgive you for all the wrongs you do.
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