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Joined: 11 Apr 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:45 am Reply with quote
I decided to start this series a few days before episode 2 arrived. Watched episode 2 a few hours ago as well. Enjoying it so far- I'm a sucker for cute and fluffy series. The main character (while likely annoying to at least some viewers) I find adorable, and the interaction with Ioryogi I find quite amusing so far. Also I'm a sucker for super deformed stuff Embarassed

I can't see the series going to amazing places, but so far it's been a pleasant cute series.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:56 am Reply with quote
Kobato kind of reminds me of Chii from Chobits, in that she is way to naive and innocent, though that is can always bring some nice comedic moments. And of course I quite like the dog (mascot), he plays the jab role kind of a similar role to Kotoko in Chobits, though he is funny in openly punishing her, sadly something she probably needs.

Fairly enjoyable I don't really have many complaints, at least it is something I don't have to wory too much about, such as no anoying web of character relations. I did like the part where the boy was used to people saying his mother was bad, but he stood by her. It might be good to see more moments where most people would think badly of from the outside, (another theme of Chobits).

One thing I got to say is that guy is a jerk, are we suposed to think that they will be perfect for one another.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 11:25 am Reply with quote
Just finished watching episode 2. I wasn't sure I was going to stick with this show out after the first eppie, but the second one makes me think I probably will. When you are the owner of a stony, dark heart like I am, it doesn't hurt to get the occasional saccharine injection. Plus, I have to continue my thread-stalking of dtm42. Wink

One thing occurred to me. Kobato has red hair and her get-ups look like they could have come from a clothes shop in turn of the (last) century Prince Edward Island. Knowing that "Anne of Green Gables" is so popular in Japan, I wonder if Kobato is an homage to Canada's plucky rouge-tressed sweetheart?
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 7:21 pm Reply with quote
Yay, my plug really did work. Amazing. Rejoice, for there is life in this thread now.

Mistypearl wrote:
You're underestimating 5 year-old's, that's kindergartner age, and you would be suprised on how much they know. Personally my parents got divorced around that age and I knew what was going on, even when they said 'seperation' I automatically assumed they were divorced, which somehow shows that I knew the context of beng divorced. Also, you still have naptime in pre-K and K. It starts to end in 1st grade.

Ah, different cultures. In New Zealand all children must be in some kind of schooling by their sixth birthday, but almost every child starts just after their fifth birthday. Guess the parents want to flog them off as soon as possible. And we don't have nap time, even in the first year. Hmm.

I still think it is sad that kids that age would know about divorce. Maybe I would have them being coddled too much, but five is still really young. Whatever happened to the innocence of children? Or was that a myth in the first place?

Last edited by dtm42 on Mon Oct 19, 2009 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:56 pm Reply with quote
Anyone else really like the ending theme for this show? It's such a cute and relaxing song, and I must've listened to it like 100 times yesterday as background music while doing my homework. I like Megumi Nakajima a lot more than I used to, and her voice in this song is like heaven the place Kobato wants to go to.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:32 am Reply with quote
Eh, the ending music is alright. And that's high praise, coming from me. After all, I don't really like that sort of music, so if I can tolerate it then you know it's good. On a related note, I do like the visuals for the ED; elegance in simplicity.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:47 am Reply with quote
This show would be a lot better without her stuffed animal exploding and shooting fire and stuff. Gets tiresome...
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Joined: 13 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 1:51 am Reply with quote
ep 03

garfield15 wrote:
Oh god no please no more CLAMP crossovers.

Then don't watch episode 3 whatever you do Wink

Me, I love the crossovers. I'll even re-watch all of Tsubasa someday just for that reason.

Apparently, no one is hiding spoilers, but just in case... spoiler[I loved it when Kobato arrived at her apartment building. I should have known instantly from the outside, and in fact recall it being mentioned somewhere, but didn't realize where she was until they met Chitose (does Mihara relate to something?). The detail of her room was so nostalgic, too. Then to have "Chi" and "Freya" show up, that was icing on the cake that I didn't really expect.]

Just popping in to the thread really. Normally I marathon shows, because I don't like waiting--and I forget easily. Might keep up with this one since, at least for now it's just... cute. Though with CLAMP who knows what hells may await on the road to heaven Shocked.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:41 am Reply with quote
Well, that's all very interesting, but do you mind identifying which show is part of the crossover for the benefit of those of us who are not in the know?
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:00 am Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Well, that's all very interesting, but do you mind identifying which show is part of the crossover for the benefit of those of us who are not in the know?

Haven't seen the episode yet (I will, I promise), but the names definitely point to Chobits.

. . . . . . . . .

Wait, you mean you haven't watched Chobits? Even I have done so. Heck, I even own the DVDs, what with their sugary and mildly-Ecchi covers. And I normally wouldn't touch that sort of stuff with a burning torch and/or a pitchfork. It's actually quite a good show I have to say, much deeper than it looks at first (or second, or even third) glance. And what with your tastes, I think you'll really like it. You can take that as a dtm42 quality assurance recommendation. Yep, I just love redundancy, yes I do. Anyway, it's CLAMP so you know that it won't be as generic as it seems. Which is why I'm sticking with Kobato. despite it not being my usual fare.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:17 pm Reply with quote
I personally enjoy CLAMP's crossovers because I'm one of those people who have had the chance to read all of CLAMP's works. I've even read the obsure ones like The One I Love and their early works like Rex: A Dinosaur Story. When you think about it, what other series is a true crossover like CLAMP?

Anyway, I've watched the 3 episodes of Kobato and I'm a little disappointed. The same thing happened in the Tsubasa anime as well. There's some kind of level shift between the manga and anime. When I watch it, I don't get that same tender heartfelt squeeze in my chest. I thought it was because I already knew what was going to happen but I go back and read the manga and there it is.

Also, what's wrong with her hair? It looks like a weed whacker got to it. She's super furry instead of being super silky.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 5:41 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
Well, that's all very interesting, but do you mind identifying which show is part of the crossover for the benefit of those of us who are not in the know?

Well, there are more actually, that I didn't notice myself at first. But yes, the apartment building is the main setting for Chobits. As in Tsubasa, nearly all the crossovers aren't direct, since they are different people. But obvious analogs for the originals. The only true crossovers in the Tsubasa anime are from xxxHolic, though the OVAs have true X characters, I think.

If you haven't seen Chobits, you should. It's just one of those... and it is one of my favorites overall, not just in the CLAMP universe.

The significance of this particular crossover is that Kobato is happening in the same setting as Chobits, which puts it in the same "dimension" (in CLAMP terms) as other CLAMP shows, e.g., Angelic Layer and xxxHolic (you might catch a small crossover already from that show as well). There's already a theory developing based on something in xxxHolic as to what's really going on with Kobato herself, but it hasn't been revealed in the manga yet.

More importantly, the couple walking at the very end of the episode are from the manga Wish, which was never animated. The "girl" is Kohaku and the guy is Shuichirou. The producers and CLAMP have said that the Kobato anime will mesh the Wish and Kobato manga, so expect to see more of them. I went to just check out the Wish manga online and got sucked into reading the whole thing. Not very long, 24 chapters, though that last chapter and with extras is about 60 pages alone.

Crossovers have become trademark fanservice for CLAMP, so we'll likely see many more. It's a game for fans, because a lot of them are obscure and just a walk-by in the background. I also expect the show to be generally lighter from what I've heard of the manga, but not without it's eventual drama. By them combining Wish and Kobato, it sort of tosses expectations up in the air and should make it more interesting as well.

But it's also rare that you need to know all this to enjoy a CLAMP show. Only where the crossovers are direct does it really matter. The reason a lot of people don't like Tsubasa much is the show itself was purposely written as fanservice to commemorate CLAMP's 20th anniversary. Over 100 CLAMP characters show up, primarily as a gift to fans.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:04 pm Reply with quote
Funny y'all mention Chobits because I actually watched the first episode of it last night for purely random reasons. (Full disclosure, it was the dubbed version that I streamed illegitimately.) When I first encountered the character of Chii, I snorted and thought, "Wow, what a complete rip-off of Nyuu from Elfen Lied." Only to discover that Chobits came first. Shocked

I'll have to give Chobits a few more eppies, but I have to say that it wasn't totally grabbing me.
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Joined: 13 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:19 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
I'll have to give Chobits a few more eppies, but I have to say that it wasn't totally grabbing me.

Do give it a chance. There's much more than seems from the early episodes if you enjoy a trip into metaphysical, light cyberpunk territory, and not anyways in an Elfen Lied way Wink. I'll take it over Lain any day, and especially in terms of message. Although, Hideki truly is one of the most annoying male leads in anime to me. I also don't mind the dub in this one so much.

Caveat being that the anime was completed just a couple chapters I think before the manga finished, which ends differently and, nearly all agree, better. The anime follows the manga pretty closely up til the last chapters, so it's not much effort to compare.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:00 pm Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
I'll have to give Chobits a few more eppies, but I have to say that it wasn't totally grabbing me.

Yeah, you should. As I said before it has hidden depth, and the themes it presents are quite intelligent and well-explored.

Of course, there is also the blatant and almost ridiculous fanservice. One guy (whom you'll meet in episode two) owns four Persocoms dressed up in lingerie bordering on bondage gear, and in episode four we get this interesting piece of trivia:

ANN's Chobits trivia page wrote:
In the english language version of Episode 4, the words "Underwear" and "Underpants" are said a total of 116 times. (111 for "Underpants" and 5 for "Underwear.")

Yeah, you have to promise me you won't drop the series just because of that. You HAVE TO. The show - along with its main character - gets really stupid in parts, and yet it is still worth watching. And that's coming from me; if I can tolerate heavy fanservice and idiotic characters and whatnot, then there has to be a good reason.
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