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OVAs you wish had a full series?

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Joined: 09 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:50 pm Reply with quote
From time to time (more so back in the day) a manga will get turned into an anime. Great news usually! BUT, sometimes all we get is a glimpse at in in OVA form. Seems like it was more popular in the early 90s, nowadays a series is made rather than just a 2-4 episode OVA. Sometimes we are lucky and OVAs get turned into a series (like Ah My Goddess!), but other times, they sit there... And have lots of potential, I believe.

So my question is, what OVAs do you wish had a full series to back it up? I'm sure there are many around, but for me the two I wish to see, are the couple I can recall, which are RG Veda and Tokyo Babylon. 2 episodes and just being an "in the middle of the series" thing. I wish the whole thing could have been done! Especially with the graphics nowadays, would be a nice upgrade (although if it still used CLAMP's old art style, that is).

I know there is many more OVA-cut short series such as Angel Sanctuary I'm SURE that many fans would wish to have an actual series instead of... that confusing mess I recall^^
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:58 pm Reply with quote
Mine would be FAKE. They took the weakest story arc (IMO), and made a so-so OAV out of it. FAKE is one my all time favorite manga, and I really really wish they had made a good 26 episode series of it.

Now I think they missed the boat, because I think the style would be too dated for today's anime.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:45 pm Reply with quote
Two titles come to my mind: Battle Angel and Armitage III. Each OVA had lots of potential thematically, and provided visuals and characters that I'd love to see more of. Had there been more development of the central relationships, combined with antagonists of more substance, then the end results could have been more endearing than what was allowed by their existing release formats.
(Not that I'm suggesting short OVAs are lumbered with any sort of inherent flaw though; titles such as Area 88 are of a perfect length for their content.)
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Joined: 04 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 3:57 pm Reply with quote
Kenichi Sonoda's Gunsmith Cats, for sure. A three episode OVA doesn't even scratch the surface of how long the manga ran (I forget how many volumes). And said OVA didn't even give us a single story from the manga...side stories aren't necessarily bad, and as mildly diverting and somewhat enjoyable as this OVA was, its story didn't have anywhere near the emotional or visceral impact as any of the story arcs from the manga. (i.e. way more violence and...um, shall we just say, more adult situations...than the initial anime adaptation.)

Furthermore, the attention to detail in the manga is remarkable. Granted, even though Rally Vincent explaining the advantages of packing a CZ75 over another firearm didn't necessarily relate directly to a given story, I for one still found it fascinating. It shows just how much homework the GSC staff did to keep a nonstop action-packed series firmly footed on realistic ground. In the OAV, attention to detail pretty much began and ended with depicting the Shelby Cobra GT. That, and making Chicago look adequately gritty...and, at least, like Chicago.

A proper Gunsmith Cats series (of even 13 episodes, never mind 26) would have so much potential, what with all that high-octane action, so many volumes of storylines--heck, just the Shades of Gray storyline alone would look kick-*** in animated form--and so many fascinating characters with compelling backstories. Oh, to see Rally and Minnie May on the small screen. Without the PG13 filter.
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The King of Harts

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:39 pm Reply with quote
You know what, I'm gonna be the first to say it: KissxSis. Instead of an actual full on TV season I'd prefer something along the lines of Dirty Pair Flash where it's a long OVA series. I want this because they'd have to edit out a lot of stuff to put it on TV and if it's an extended OVA they could leave it uncensored. KissxSis is the kind of fanservice I wish there was more of instead of this "k-k-kissu" and accidental boob gropes we get a lot. It's full blown shove my tongue down your throat while I put my hand on your junk fanservice. Not to mention, I find it hilarious.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 4:54 pm Reply with quote
I'm going to say the new Negima! OVAs, yes we all know Negima got it's chance with two 26 episode series. (which both kind of suck with trying to go with manga plot.)

Really the OVAs follow the manga perfectly and the art style was changed to fit that of the manga's. To bad it starts off at the latest ark and is only bundled with the manga meaning at best it may get a movie next year.

Really a new 26 episode series to cover the one ark not yet covered in the anime would be fine, 100 or so chapters gives you plenty of room for story. It just comes down to funding and how they would be able to keep up the art for a 26 episode series which only fans of the series would want to watch. Sadly it's never going to happen, I mean at best it maybe the movie's plot (if Another World sells well that is)
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:10 pm Reply with quote
Easy, Please Save My Earth without a doubt. I am lucky in that I also got ahold of the entire series in manga too and have read it as well, the OVA stops about halfway into volume 7 or so (out of 21 volumes) and then shoves a tidbit from a later volume at the end of the episode. I didn't particularly mind that it was somewhat rushed (the first episode pretty much covers the entire first volume) since they did it just fine, but it's just torture to anyone who only got to see the OVA without really truly getting to see all the other things that happened in the manga. Those 6 episodes were great enough for me to say "must get manga! MUST GET IT!!!" and a few years later I was able to, but something of Please Save My Earth's epic and fame should've gotten an entire series, not just a 6 ep OVA. This series was popular enough to have its own unique Otakukin problem but not more than 6 episodes? Sheesh! In one of the manga though, Saki Hiwatari said it was supposed to originally be 12 episodes, I really don't know why it was cut short though.
It's a shame, the OVA really missed to character development of both Shion and Mokuren and the whole moon base in general, as is, it'll make you interested to read the manga. Not saying it's bad, it was featured in Buried Treasure and with good reason! For similar reasons, Here is Greenwood as well (haven't read the manga on that one yet Crying or Very sad )

Shinesman was another one that got cut a bit short. Super sentai business men. That is the premises and you could tell the series wanted to go a bit further, but I think funding cut it short, but it had some good potential if you ask me.

Photon: The Idiot Adventures was a ridiculously fun series, I think it could have potential for at least a 13 episode series. The villain was hilarious, the cast was dynamic, I really wish this had gone on for more than 6 episodes.

And also just a mention for Golden Boy, which was every kind of wrong + toilet fetish imaginable, but I was having so much fun watching it that when episode 6 ended I was really sad. 26 would be too much if you ask me (or maybe no, just not all at once), but 6 just isn't enough, I'd want at least 13 episodes.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:43 pm Reply with quote
Some good suggestions so far.

I am going to say Parasite Dolls. It is sort of a spin-off of the AD police/BGC universe. But it takes some of the themes from Bubblegum and adds grittiness to them. And it takes some of the horrifying aspects of AD Police and makes them less cheesy and more realistic. At only three episodes it does tell a congruent story, but man it could have taken so many more avenues to run with. I think it would have made a perfect little 13 episode series. The animation and art was a joy to look at so if it was a series I would like to keep that level up. I am not really sure how well received it was here, I know it wasn't on top of everyone's radar, but Chris seemed to like it. I thought it was quite brilliant myself, right down to the ending. There just could have been so much more.

Alien Nine is another I would like to see finished. Frankly, it was a tragedy that this story was never completed. See the manga is only three volumes long. And the anime takes it right up to just before the middle of the manga. The beauty behind this story is that it starts out like some quirky cute show. However at the midpoint we discover that there are many dark and foreboding forces at work, and that the strife that is unfolding between the three girls is really a huge experiment, and the troubles that they must endure is tantamount to torture. It is gut-wrenching but excellent. What makes it even worse is the anime sets this up almost perfectly (it really does a good job), but stops about halfway, right before some revelations are made and the dark side of the story takes over. And to top it all off the last scene of the anime is brutal (a clue to what is to come in the story), and then the credits roll. W-T-F!!!

Ghost Talker's Daydream is another I would like to see continued. I haven't started reading the manga yet, but I enjoyed the anime (although it felt rushed), and thought the story was worthy of a series. It sort of takes some typical elements and some non-typical elements and throws them together. I think it would have turned out alright anyway.

I am sure there are others but that's all I can think of now.

Edit: Typo

Last edited by Dargonxtc on Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 14 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 5:54 pm Reply with quote
Dargonxtc wrote:

Aline Nine is another I would like to see finished. Frankly, it was a tragedy that this story was never completed. See the manga is only three volumes long. And the anime takes it right up to just before the middle of the manga. The beauty behind this story is that it starts out like some quirky cute show. However at the midpoint we discover that there are many dark and foreboding forces at work, and that the strife that is unfolding between the three girls is really a huge experiment, and the troubles that they must endure is tantamount to torture. It is gut-wrenching but excellent. What makes it even worse is the anime sets this up almost perfectly (it really does a good job), but stops about halfway, right before some revelations are made and the dark side of the story takes over. And to top it all off the last scene of the anime is brutal (a clue to what is to come in the story), and then the credits roll. W-T-F!!!

I was having trouble coming up with an OVA that I thought needed expanding, then saw this, and I agree. Bought the set of the anime with the manga volumes earlier this year. The last scene in the anime had me diving right into the manga within seconds to verify that what I saw was really what I saw. W-T-F!!! is certainly right.
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Gewürtztraminer wrote:
I was having trouble coming up with an OVA that I thought needed expanding, then saw this, and I agree.

You see that picture? That's me wanting to see this story animated.

Never happen though. Sadly.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:36 pm Reply with quote
Iria - Zeiram - A really interesting setting and art, and a really kick-ass heroine. Why did they have to stop at a mere six episodes? We need more cool women like Iria.

Please Save My Earth - Yes, like ClassicalZawa explained, this should have been a 13 eps. half season at least, and considering the complexity of the story maybe even longer.
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Joined: 09 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 6:39 pm Reply with quote
classicalzawa wrote:

And also just a mention for Golden Boy, which was every kind of wrong + toilet fetish imaginable, but I was having so much fun watching it that when episode 6 ended I was really sad. 26 would be too much if you ask me (or maybe no, just not all at once), but 6 just isn't enough, I'd want at least 13 episodes.

Ah there's another I forgot. 13 eps would have been a nice number for that series. Too funny!
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:08 pm Reply with quote
I'd agree with the choice of Negima!. What I;d really like is a fiathful adaptation of the manga; the first series was fine until about the Kyoto arc, and then things got more and more divergent, shall we say... But the recent OVAs seem to be doing a much more faithful adaptation, with some nice animation. I guess it's too much to hope for them to do another TV series starting at the point where the first season went its own way...

And another one is Chrono Trigger. The OVA here is just a sidestory that barely even invovles any main characters from the game, but a series telling the whole of the game could be good.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 7:15 pm Reply with quote
the Kyoto ark was so bad in anime form (besides the added stuff of spoiler[Negi being switched with Setsuna for the kiss scene with Konoka])

Really it is a bit to much to ask seeing as the new OVA set isn't even going to get the old voice actors for Fate and his harem (or who ever showed up in the Kyoto ark) It's clearly a sign of forget the first anime ever happened.

I think Shaft could go and do a re-take starting from the Kyoto ark. But really it wouldn't work out that well seeing as there's just nothing going for the anime besides the OVAs. (which are nice but 7 episodes to cover one ark thats spanning over 100 chapters (I think?) means everything is rushed and things are left out )
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Joined: 02 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:16 pm Reply with quote
Pretty much nagato316 nailed the one anime I was going to name myself, though I probably enjoyed it more than he did. I can't say I've ever read the manga, but I'll probably get around to it eventually. But still there was something about Gunsmith Cats that I couldn't get enough of. I've probably watched it at least 10 different times (if not more) over the years because I enjoyed it so much. It certainly could have used a 26 episode TV series at a minimum.
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