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Kanokon (TV).

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Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 8:21 pm Reply with quote
Kanokon (TV) has aired one year ago and it's a shame that no thread has been made about it yet. And since I have just finished watching the series I'll gladly take the liberty to enlighten others about this brilliant ecchi title.

Kanokon tells a story about first-year high school student Kouta, his girlfriend fox-spirit Chizuru(on the picture above: girl on the right), and another first-year student, this time wolf-spirit, Nozomu who appears to be in love with Kouta as well. As you might've guessed, Kanokon adds magic elements to the show: since Chizuru chose human as a lover other spirits don't like that and try to interfere or otherwise "test" just how strong their relationship. Surprisingly, that leads to episodes not only filled with nudity and teasing(both of which go beyond normal ecchi titles) but rather well written story as Kouta's and Chizuru's feelings bend opinion of other spirits.

As any other Ecchi title Kanokon offers plenty of nudity as offensive Chizuru is trying to seduce Kouta and Nozomu is getting in Chizuru's way trying to accomplish the same. Kanokon is certainly not the most original title out there but it offers variety of settings, progressing story and such "mark of the trade" episodes as hot-spring, beach swimming and christmas time shrine visit. Thanks to appealing distinct main and support characters none of those episodes feel too cliche-ridden. Some of the episodes are actually unique to the genre, since "normal" series just can't have it. Kanokon is a comedy as well, and light humor never fails in this one.

Unlike other ecchi titles I have seen Kanokon at least gives a reason as to why Kouta is holding himself back. Kouta was apparantly raised by his grandfather and having a rather old-fashioned moral standarts is trying to wait untill he is older (this theme is implicit, meaning find it as you watch the show). This is a nice touch to the ecchi title like this as main character is easier to understand and relate to. I'd like to add that Kouta is voiced by Mamiko Noto (Yakumo Tsukamoto in School Rumble, Anna Liebert in Monster and many others). While being voiced by an opposite genre isn't new this particular mix of voice actors make it a pleasure to hear.

Animation and art is top-notch, as animation style is not only lovely but well drawn as well. Most of backgrounds are very detailed but some are simply gorgeous with highlights of running water down the river. Also I just have to mention that transformed into a fox Chizuru is just too cute(Kawaii overdose)!

I like Kanokon a lot, it is infact the only ecchi title I've come to liking(or even finished). It does stand out among others like To-Love RU, Sekirei and Rosario to Vampire (I am sure fans of genre are more aware than me). Main attraction of Kanokon is its lovely animation & art, good humor, as well as nudity, and some other actions Wink , that goes farther than many other ecchi titles. But thats why we pick up ecchi titles in first place! Sure storyline and characters are very important but thats not what sells the show.

Bottome line: I recommend it for any Ecchi fan and if you've never seen ecchi title before, and want to try something new - this one is good.

[rereading my post makes me realise its a recommendation one... oh well, if I hadn't liked Kanokon so much I wouldn't bother making this thread in first place]
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 10:29 pm Reply with quote
I saw Kanokon, it definetly has some things I remember like New Years boared game, band aid bathing suit, cook off, techniques for Chizuru to return to her former glory. My favirout part of this show I would say is how Chizuru, the very umm "foxy" heroine, abused others, especialy her brother. The end of the series had a pretty cool fight scene, though some things felt a bitun finished. The opening song is one of my favirouts.
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:15 pm Reply with quote
I liked Kanokon for the reason that they were doing fanservice the right way. They neglected plot and character development for the sake of pure service, which a lot of other shows don't do. The point was to be teasing, so that it wasn't outright hentai. I think they tried to have some kind of conclusion in the last episode, but it was really vague and light. I guess I could liken it Ikki Tousen Great Guardians, where a good half the show had no direction and was more slice of life than anything else, and that both had amazing DVD extras. Stuff like Sekirei, To Love Ru, and the others all put fanservice second to the plot, and both suffer. Queen's Blade does it as well.
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PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2009 11:19 pm Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
I liked Kanokon for the reason that they were doing fanservice the right way. They neglected plot and character development for the sake of pure service, which a lot of other shows don't do. The point was to be teasing, so that it wasn't outright hentai. I think they tried to have some kind of conclusion in the last episode, but it was really vague and light. I guess I could liken it Ikki Tousen Great Guardians, where a good half the show had no direction and was more slice of life than anything else, and that both had amazing DVD extras. Stuff like Sekirei, To Love Ru, and the others all put fanservice second to the plot, and both suffer. Queen's Blade does it as well.
I saw the first episode of Queenes blade that looked completly different, from what I saw it did not just tease. Though, it at least felt like Kanokon had restraint from what I saw on Queen's blade.
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:51 am Reply with quote
In fact I've got something about Kanokon to be announced in the near future. While I've not signed any non-disclosure agreement, it's a gentlemen's agreement for both parties.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:26 am Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
In fact I've got something about Kanokon to be announced in the near future. While I've not signed any non-disclosure agreement, it's a gentlemen's agreement for both parties.

I was still excited after finishing series just recently, but after reading this... I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT!!! Hopefully its some good news, possible season 2? I'll keep my eyes open for more information now...
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:33 am Reply with quote
Hentai_JP wrote:
dormcat wrote:
In fact I've got something about Kanokon to be announced in the near future. While I've not signed any non-disclosure agreement, it's a gentlemen's agreement for both parties.

I was still excited after finishing series just recently, but after reading this... I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT!!! Hopefully its some good news, possible season 2? I'll keep my eyes open for more information now...

The only thing I couldn't see is a license. Unless it was FUNi doing this Shuffle! bit, but now with a tagline of "Like uhh..straight shota?"
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:45 am Reply with quote
Kanokon has to be the raunchiest non-hentai anime I've ever seen. I didn't find it to be particularly better or worse than other ecchi shows I've watched. It was towards the better side, to the point where characters were either mildly likeable or not too grating, and mildly attractive, with the art and animation being okay. The humor was, every now and then, original. But the thing that sets this show apart from others is just how far it would go with its fanservice.

I believe Chizuru had mounted Kouta and was almost completely undressed in the first (or second) episode before her attempt to steal his virginity was interrupted. Then by about the fourth episode, we had the spanking scene. Chizuru bends over a desk, pulls down her panties, and encourages Kouta to spank her, which he (reluctantly) does. Shameless.

Edit: Male protagonist's name is Kouta, not Shouta.
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Joined: 12 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:54 pm Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
Chizuru bends over a desk, pulls down her panties, and encourages Kouta to spank her, which he (reluctantly) does. Shameless.

Shameless? I find it priceless. Don't forget even more, umm obscene I guess, scene later in the show involving licking. Wink

As posts above mention Kanokon is focused more on ecchi aspect and does go farther than average titles. I can't help but see this as a plus for this series, ecchi elemets is what viewers are after and remaining story doesn't get too predictable or feel overused (storyline is where many other ecchi titles fail, and Kanokon has just about the right amount of character progression and its not episodic in nature[I can't stand episodic anime not being done right]). So what we have is perhaps a "true" ecchi title, focusing on just right elements and doing it right.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2009 11:16 pm Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
Male protagonist's name is Kouta, not Shouta.

But he sure looks like a shota Laughing . Aparently that is one problem some have with the show was the look of protaginist's age, and the fact that his classmates called him king of the perverts or somthing, despite the fact that Chizuru was the one trying to get in his pants.

And then there is Nozomu who kind of reminded me of Mizore from Rosario+Vampire, being very simple in what she wants, a monoton voice. With Nozomu being flat and Chizuru being umm Chizuru, there were no short on what is better discusions, especialy when there is an entire plot where spoiler[Chizuru loses her's due to some evil spell, and many awkward things hapen to get them to return.]
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:18 pm Reply with quote
Hentai_JP wrote:
Shameless? I find it priceless.

One need only glance at your username and avatar to know that this should be no surprise.
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The Amazing Rando

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2009 8:42 pm Reply with quote
I loved this series!!!

It made me hungry for "Cake"!!!! Twisted Evil

My only real beef with this series is what was going on with the class president, did she like Khota or was she just being a total prude?
at times it seemed like she was hot for him but other times it seemed like she was just holding back his fun...

It was also short, too short actually, it felt like it just stopped, like it wanted to be longer than it was...
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 3:05 am Reply with quote
walw6pK4Alo wrote:
Hentai_JP wrote:
dormcat wrote:
In fact I've got something about Kanokon to be announced in the near future. While I've not signed any non-disclosure agreement, it's a gentlemen's agreement for both parties.

I was still excited after finishing series just recently, but after reading this... I CAN'T WAIT FOR IT!!! Hopefully its some good news, possible season 2? I'll keep my eyes open for more information now...

The only thing I couldn't see is a license.

Sorry, nothing for the 'States yet, but the original creator Katsumi Nishino is coming to Taiwan this August. Questions for him are welcomed, and I'll see if I can ask for some goodies from SPP for ANN readers (but don't hold your breath on it, for I can't guarantee anything right now).
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The Amazing Rando

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 26, 2009 12:50 pm Reply with quote
I hope we get a American version of this insanity. But who would voice this one....I've thought this one over

Michell Ruff as Nozomu, she had the same personality as Yuki Nagito from Haruhi Suzumiya

Greg Ayers as Kouta, I would love to here Negi take all this madness and deal with it....

And above all Eileen Stevens as Chizuru, She's the complete opposite of Belldandy but I think she could pull it off...
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The Amazing Rando

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 06, 2009 9:09 pm Reply with quote
I've figured out your big announcement, a second season is coming... The release date will be in August's issue of Megami Magazine, I'll give you an update when I find out more details. Just wait RANDO is here...
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