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Cross Game (TV).

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Joined: 20 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:45 am Reply with quote
Cross Game (TV)

well seeing as there wasn't a thread for this show, i thought i would start one Very Happy (i hope there isn't. i did a search n' everything! )

episode 2:

A nice continuation from episode 1, and for once I enjoyed the spoiler[flashbacks. It really helps flesh out some of the characters thoughts and motives.] Another thing that I really like so far with this series is the soundtrack. Its nothing that I would listen on its own, but it does a great job accompanying the show without distracting the viewer. Just one question though: spoiler[when Aoba was changing the shirt she spilled on, why did she do this in front of Ko? Or did she just put the clean shirt over her own? ] Either way it made me chuckle a bit.

So far, this is looking to be the feel-good series of the season. I can't find anything "wrong" with it so far, except that I'm not a fan of the character design. Other wise this show is getting everything right.

To be honest, I have never seen a sport related anime before. I'm not a fan of watching sports, so seeking out sport-related anime was never on my agenda. Well, to be more accurate, it never even occurred to me to check out sport themed shows. Thankfully Key's review quipped my interest, and now this will be one i will follow.

Last edited by David.Seth on Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:56 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 12 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:04 am Reply with quote
Watched epi 1 and 2, and I was frankly quite shocked by how the first episode ended.

spoiler[ I never expected in a million years that his childhood sweetheart would die in a swimming accident already in the first episode. A bit like with Slumdog millionaire, I assumed this would be a feel good show, and although it may turn into that at a later date, I was left feeling decidedly down. ]

As Sethy said, I am nto the biggest fans of the character designs, however they are certainly growing on me - they have a nice old-skool vibe to them.

Should be easy enough to guess what happens in epi 3, however for some reason I can hardly wait to watch it, none of the other spring seasons have build that anticipation yet. If you only watch one spring show, then make it this one Smile
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Joined: 17 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 7:00 am Reply with quote
This show is becoming excellent. I was surprised also that spoiler[in the very first episode Ko's childhood lover died in a swimming accident] I was completely surprised it left me thinking for a while. The second episode was great, the show advances spoiler[a couple of years ahead] and it's progressing well.

I've never watched a sport Anime but I'm liking this one, oh does Basquash! count... Doesn't matter this is one of my favorite spring shows this year.
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Jedi General

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 2:27 pm Reply with quote
Nice to see a thread for Cross Game. This is one of my favorite series this spring (Eden of the East is my #1 currently, pending episode 2)

I'm a big fan of sports anime (especially baseball anime) and sports in general, so me watching Cross Game was never in doubt. Still, I was initally a bit put off by how fast the first episode was moving along, but once spoiler[Wakaba died so suddenly] I became hooked onto the series. The honest storytelling is very refreshing. The tragedy didn't feel like emotional manipulation at all -- it felt very real -- and I genuinely felt heartbroken for Kou and everyone else.

The second episode, having moved forward a couple of years, proves that this is certainly a keeper. The flashbacks were a tad excessive, but all the more effective. We got to know more about Kou and Aoba, and it was nice to spoiler[see more of Wakaba]. Also, that new guy Keiichiro is pretty funny.

I'll have to say that I like the character designs. In the first episode, I kept confusing Kou and Aoba, but now that they've aged a bit, it's much easier to tell them apart. I also like the retro feel and the bright pastel colors. The music is also great, and the direction isn't half bad either. All this makes for an excellent series.

Looking forward to episode 3.

David.Seth wrote:
Just one question though: spoiler[when Aoba was changing the shirt she spilled on, why did she do this in front of Ko? Or did she just put the clean shirt over her own? ] Either way it made me chuckle a bit.

If you look closely, you'll notice that the neckline of Kou's shirt is wider and lower than the striped shirt Aoba was previously wearing. That said, if Aoba had put Kou's shirt over the striped shirt, we would have still been able to see the old shirt around her neck. So, obviously, she just changed extremely quickly while Kou was distracted and wasn't facing her -- before Keiichiro barged in. Still, it was a bit odd that she took off her shirt while Kou was in the room.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 3:57 pm Reply with quote
Jedi General wrote:

I was initally a bit put off by how fast the first episode was moving along, but once spoiler[Wakaba died so suddenly] I became hooked onto the series. The honest storytelling is very refreshing.

I was wondering how the story could go on without spoiler[Wakaba being alive] but, then we see the next episode was in thew future and I really liked that.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 5:58 pm Reply with quote
Jedi General wrote:

.... In the first episode, I kept confusing Kou and Aoba...

Honestly, that's really my only beef with the character design. I was having trouble during both episodes figuring out who was who. Wasn't a huge distraction, and only took me like a second to figure it out, but still.
Jedi General wrote:

I also like the retro feel and the bright pastel colors. The music is also great, and the direction isn't half bad either. All this makes for an excellent series.

Yeah, retro is (usually) good. Its one of the reasons why I liked Kaiba and Metropolis so much, with all the classic character designs.
Jedi General wrote:

Looking forward to episode 3.

Couldn't agree more. Cross Game, K-On, Basquash!, and Eden of the East all are the shows I'm following and all so far seem to have great potential. Only time will tell.

Courbet wrote:

As Sethy said....

......... Please refrain from calling me that. the only people who call me that (other than my mom) are girls. Unless of course, you are of the female persuasion Mr. Green lol i don't care tooo much, but keep it to a minimum. thanks!
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Joined: 03 Oct 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 6:58 pm Reply with quote
Well the flashbacks we see in episode 2 actually happen before the stuff at the end of episode 1 in the manga. This reworking is much better imo since it really gave episode 1 that punch/hook it needs for viewers.

Cross Game is my current #2 show of the season behind Eden (seen two eps of both), I'm very tempted to read the manga for Cross Game but I think I'll try not to... might read other works by the mangaka like Touch and H20 instead.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 7:54 pm Reply with quote
Animes like this and eden really make me love anime more. Goddahm this anime is beyond good from ep 1. Every other lame anime/manga writer needs to learn form this anime. Holy jesus this anime is great. I love it. Simply Wow. Truthfully, anime need to step up a notch to be this good. Lately, i've grown to hate anime that waste my time with random action or ugly drawings that make no sense. This anime truly is splendid and the beginning aspect of the op song just makes me want to cry after ep 1. wow is the word for this anime. Just brilliantly done.
edit: YES every other manga writer needs to learn from this anime. Not just this one, but all the really good ones. Learn please before making stupid animes/mangas. It saves everyone's time, energy, and life.
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Joined: 20 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 4:42 am Reply with quote
well just watched eps 3 (again) and 4. I coming to the realization that this will probably tie East of Eden as my favorite show this season. It seems that every aspect of this show is being executed perfectly. from the animation, sound track, and voice work, to the character development and story points. I really liked the opening scene for episode 4. It was the earliest glimpse of team work as we see spoiler[Aoba and Ko working together to stop the robber.]

I love the all the pent up resentment Aoba has against Ko. I can't wait for the episodes that deal with this directly (have not read the manga, so don't give me hints Razz ). I'm also liking how we get little bits of the back story each episodes such as in ep 4 whenspoiler[Osamu tells Ko that years before, Wakaba told him about the dream she had. I really like Osamu so far, especially with this bit of backstory. that line of his saying that he was just satisfied knowing that he was in her dream at all..... ahh I can relate Wink ]

Might I add that the ED is awesome, as is the shows music in general. Whats weird is that this is a show about kids and baseball, yet the talent and effort behind the background music really shows, as it not only rarely distracts the viewer, but actually enhances the scenes. Which is weird when you compare this to K-On, which is a show about kids forming a rock band. You would think this musically inclined series would have stellar background music.... It does not (or so far any way).

If you haven't watched this series give it a chance!
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 11:42 pm Reply with quote
Westlo wrote:
Well the flashbacks we see in episode 2 actually happen before the stuff at the end of episode 1 in the manga. This reworking is much better imo since it really gave episode 1 that punch/hook it needs for viewers.

Cross Game is my current #2 show of the season behind Eden (seen two eps of both), I'm very tempted to read the manga for Cross Game but I think I'll try not to... might read other works by the mangaka like Touch and H20 instead.

I suggest you to only read Touch, which is Mitsuru Adachi's masterpiece.

H2 wasn't as good, since it was way too long, imho. It's the only manga made by this author that I didn't really like.
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Joined: 17 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sat May 02, 2009 7:03 pm Reply with quote
Watched episode 3 and this show is still one of the best this spring. (Eden of the East is first )The story is deep with emotion and I really enjoy shows that touch the heart like this one. This is the first sports show I've watched and I'm happy I took the time to watch the first episode because this show is progressive great and spoiler[when Ko starts playing on a team and his pitching will be crazy and will strike out everyone, hopefully. ]
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 1:07 am Reply with quote
Just got done with episode 6... Yup, I'm pretty sure this is gonna tie Eden of the East for my favorite series this season. I just have one question, hopefully someone can help me out:

spoiler[Why didn't Koh, Nakanishi, or Akaishi go to the try outs. Whats with all this "we had stomach ache" business? I guess I must have missed something, but I just don't know the reasoning behind this. Also, they are currently part of the prefab team... so does this make them like the second-string players? I really dont know much about baseball, so I'm just kinda trying to figure it out. thanks!]
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Joined: 24 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:45 am Reply with quote
David.Seth wrote:
spoiler[Why didn't Koh, Nakanishi, or Akaishi go to the try outs. Whats with all this "we had stomach ache" business? I guess I must have missed something, but I just don't know the reasoning behind this. Also, they are currently part of the prefab team... so does this make them like the second-string players? I really don't know much about baseball, so I'm just kinda trying to figure it out. thanks!]

I haven't watched the anime yet, so I'm speaking from experience with the manga.

spoiler[To answer the first question, if it hasn't yet it soon will be a major focal point of the story. They don't like the coach of the main team basically.

And yes, that's basically what the prefab team is, although they're more like third or fourth stringers. Kind of like a junior varsity team.]
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 1:06 am Reply with quote
Finally got caught up on this one. Despite the efforts of us reviewers to say glorious things about it during the Spring Preview Guide, it still feels like the hidden gem of the new season.

Sports anime normally doesn't interest me at all, but over the course of seven episodes now I have found it so involving that it may now be my top priority view in a week. I love how they show that one character, even though long gone, still has a heavy impact on those left behind, as well as the very gradual way Koh and Aoba seem to be growing towards each other. It takes a deft touch to balance those elements with all of the baseball content, but so far the series has done it admirably. My one complaint/concern is that the writing is pushing a little too hard to make certain characters out to be total bastards rather than just make their arrogance and thoughtlessness more ambiguous.

Still, of the five series I've seen so far this season through at least their first 6-7 episodes, this one is the best, even over Eden of the East (my #2 pick).
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PostPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 2:48 pm Reply with quote
At this point, I'm just waiting for Kou to kick some serious Azuma ass. I enjoyed episode 7's focus on Aoba, but by God they're doing a painstaking suspenseful build-up.
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