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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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Location: Frisco, TX
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 3:54 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
Favorite game: Masters of Orion 2: Battle at Antares. Old but very, very addictive.

Ha! So someone else has actually played it, then? ALT C-R-U-N-C-H is how I play it. Builds everything then eventually kills everybody, while still not "technically" cheating by the scorecard's standard. I usually picked Humans with Democracy and named the leader "Pichard" (the resemblance and technology should be apparent), but more so pick Dictatorship and name "Britannia" after watching Geass.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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Location: currently stalking my waifu
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:20 am Reply with quote
Never heard of ALT C-R-U-N-C-H before. Nearly destroyed my wrists typing ALT M-O-O-L-A thousands of times, and as a youngling I found myself addicted to ALT E-I-N-S-T-E-I-N (not anymore; too easy).

I usually play with Dictatorship, Repulsive*, either Spying (-10) or Ground Combat (-10), Creative, and Lithovore. The combination of Creative and Lithovore is awesomely powerful if you can perfectly time the colonisation -> science -> ship building steps.

Lately I have been trying to max out my score; just yesterday I achieved a score of 9802 on Hard, my highest yet. Yep, want to guess which tired meme I yelled out upon beating the pathetically weak Antarans?

Cheers for bringing happiness into this sad soul's world.

By the way, can you defeat the game on Impossible? Just wondering.

Don't read too much into it please; I'm not like that in real life. It's just I figure that if I'm going to have to take everyone out in my computer game, it is honourable to declare that intention as early as possible. Even if they are just stupid AIs.
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Ta-kun The Black Kitty

Joined: 24 Jun 2008
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Location: Where the truth isn't hated.
PostPosted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 8:38 am Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
You know, somehow I've never got around to filing a post here. It always seemed too daunting, but if others can do it, so can I. Cheers to Ta-kun the Black Kitty (AKA TestamentSaki) for the "assist".

Glad to be of help, Dan.
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Joined: 04 Jan 2007
Posts: 751
Location: Canada
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 12:04 am Reply with quote
k here's my real info:

Name: John

Age: 19 (sometimes I have to think about it, isn't that weird?)

Nationality: Canadian

Studies: I'm in my second year of Uni, studying Japanese and Mandarin.

Worldview: Atheism.

Likes: martial arts, anime, film (predominantly HK/JPN, the occasional western or Korean movie), some television, coffee, tea, language, technology, philosophy, many kinds of music, video games...I'm down with anything that supports freedom and growth.

Dislikes: religion, The PRC, people deliberately referring to Burma as Myanmar, smoking legislation for private businesses, smoking...anything that opposes freedom and growth basically.

Choice anime: Akira, Angel Cop, Berserk, GTO, Ghost in the Shell, Evangelion, FLCL, Ninja Scroll, the Rurouni Kenshin OVAs and SoulTaker to name a few.

The only manga I've read in any length is Berserk; I just had to know.

Food: delicious and nutritious.

I'm male btw, just to clear that up :p
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Joined: 23 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 1:17 am Reply with quote
dewlwieldthedarpachief wrote:
Age: 19 (sometimes I have to think about it, isn't that weird?)

Not too much. Until about my birthday this year (Sept, I turned 24), I'd occasionally forget my age and think I was 18.
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Joined: 12 Nov 2008
Posts: 1
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 11:35 am Reply with quote
Hey everyone, I'm MetalMonster aka Tory. I chose MetalMonster because I love Metal, and I can be pretty monstrous in the mornings before I have my coffee.

Blood Type: Who knows?


Location:Adelaide, Australia

Nationality/Ethnicity:Caucasian, Irish Father

Marital Status:Single

Profession:University Student Majoring in Screen Studies(slacking off and watching movies in other words), Plus I have a crappy part time job, but I won't bore you with the details

Religion:Lifelong Atheist

Drink/Smoke:I never smoke, I do drink socially. I am however, possibly the only male in Australia who doesn't drink beer. I just don't see how anyone can like that taste.

Likes: Music, Especially Rock and Metal. Some of my fave bands include Led Zeppelin, Pantera, Thin Lizzy, Black Sabbath, Opeth and Megadeth. I'm currently trying to learn to play the guitar, although I'm still pretty hopeless at it. I also really like Japanese RPGS, particularly SNES and PSX era.

Dislikes:Being hopeless at playing the guitar, Beer, Pushy people, cockroaches(They're just disgusting).

Favorite Anime:Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzimiya, An embarrassing amount of Shojo

Favorite Games:Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9

Fun FactsI recently shaved my brand new moustache after an overwhelming number of negative comments from various female friends and aquaintences.

My Chinese roomates nicknamed me "The Master of Eating" ater I ate an entire Large pizza and some Chinese sweet dumplings in one sitting. I didn't think it was that impressive, but I guess they did.

I first got into anime after watching Technoman (Tekkaman Blade) on morning tv as a kid.
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Joined: 14 Oct 2007
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Location: Bay Area
PostPosted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 9:41 pm Reply with quote
MetalMonster wrote:
Favorite Games:Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9

YES! Final fantasy 7, 8 and 9 are the beesst... my favorite is 7. I just started playing it again after beating the game too much, it got boring. There were just things i never did, but like 2 days ago i beat the Emerald Weapon. I went so crazy i won, i called my brother in Oregon and told him and i showed my mom. Man, i was soo happy. I still can't beat that damn Ruby Weapon though, i don't understand how to hurt it, and it alwasy takes away one of my players, always the one i give good materia too. Man, i think i'm gonna go play that now.

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Joined: 04 Jan 2007
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Location: Canada
PostPosted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 9:28 am Reply with quote
WHAT?!? No Judas Priest? Evil or Very Mad
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Joined: 14 Nov 2008
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Location: Nevada
PostPosted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:51 pm Reply with quote
Name: Justin

Age: 19

Sex: Male

Location: Las Vegas

Studies: University student for Culinary Arts

Ethnicity: Filipino

Religion: Roman Catholic

Likes: Cooking, learning Japanese, Football, video games, Anime, Sci Fi, J Rock, tea, history playing Shogi and lots more

Dislikes: American companies butchering anime series’, fillers,
smoking of any kind, waiting too long for anything and some more

Goal: My goal is to become a chef and live in Japan

Random Facts: I want to watch the wholes series of Inuyasha, but I’m holding off on it with what my friends are saying that the later direction goes nowhere and the ending is horrendous. Counter Strike and Final Fantasy Tactics are my favorite games.
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Joined: 16 Nov 2008
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Location: South Texas
PostPosted: Sun Nov 16, 2008 5:41 am Reply with quote
Name: Sunflowerseed

Sex: Male.

Blood type: don't remember but its red!

Location: South Texas.

Marital Status: Single.

Age: 45

Ethnicity: 10percent Choctaw Indian, 90percent Oklahoman, 0percent Texan.

Religion: Nascar and Anime

Pets: 12 year old yellow lab mix. he his 100 percent pure blooded dog.

Drink/Smoke: Some Vodka shots occasionally/ smoked 23 years quit 12 years ago, no thanks...

Likes: Forums and Topics I am interested in. Some online mmos that don't have too many cheaters in them. I like breathing, guess thats a good thing.

Dislikes: All car stereos with sub-woofers, all local bands that practice in houses in neighborhoods, all home stereos with sub-woofer bass that I can hear from more than 150 feet inside my own house.

Favorite Anime: Simoun, Shinkyou Sokai Polyphonica, Kimi-Kiss Pure Rouge, Chobits.

Favorite Books: Startrek novels, Starwars novels.

Favorite Tv shows/Movies: Clan of the Cavebear. Original Startrek TV and movies.

Favorite drink: Vodka and water.

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Filtered water.

Favorite Foods: Cheese on 4 pieces of bread stacked melted in microwave - with or without ham. Spaghetti with only cheese and touch of butter.

Sport: Nascar Racing

Sport to play: Frisbee with the dog.

Favorite Music: 1965-1975 Rock. Lots of J-pop (light anime type)

Hobbies: Online mmos, messing with the computer, buying anime, anime figurines and j-pop music now.

Fun facts about Me:
I have flown, probably 50 yards, didn't land too well though.
I can imitate lots of animals 'sounds after hearing them a short while'.

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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
Posts: 12
PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:10 pm Reply with quote
Well, I graduated college in 2008, and currently hold a professional job that I pray I can keep. I start tomorrow. (I am keeping my anime life out of my work life, so i'm not saying what I do.)

The two conventions I've been to are J-Fax 2007,J-Fax 2008, and Youmacon 2008.

Likes: dogs, anime (GetBackers and FullMetal Alchemist being my 2 favs at the moment), cosplay, hearing other people's opinions,

dislikes: movies (Hollywood's regurgitated crap), drama for no good reason, discrimination against anyone for any reason, illogical arguements, rabid fanboys/fangirls, filler episodes, bad dubs, animal cruelty,

pets: 2 dogs, one pomeranian and one pomeranian mix
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
Posts: 5
PostPosted: Sat Nov 22, 2008 11:46 pm Reply with quote
Name: myHELENA

Blood Type: O+

Sex: Male

Location: Philippines

Marital Status: Single.
Age: 23

Profession: Registered Nurse

Religion: catholic

Drink/Smoke: seldom drinks beer but have not tried smoking


i'm also a big fan of Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs in NBA

Dislikes: i don't like arrogant and lazy people

Favorite anime:
Ah! My Goddess
Dragon Ball Z
School Rumble
School Days
Boys Be..
fruits basket
please! teacher
please! twins
rumbling hearts

Favorite game:
diablo 2 LOD
max payne
stronghold crusader
delta force BLACK HAWK DOWN

Favorite books/authors: world history

Favorite foods: rice, meat and chololate

Favorite drinks: coke and mountain dew

Favorite sport: basketball

Favorite Music: RnB, hip hop, rap metal

Fun (and true) facts:
- i go berserk whenever i have not eaten a meal without rice
- i spend most of my time at home when im off duty
- i sometimes go on mountain biking
- i'm a big fan of anime so that is why i'm here.. hehe
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Joined: 29 Sep 2008
Posts: 78
Location: Texas
PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 12:05 am Reply with quote
myHELENA wrote:

i'm also a big fan of Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs in NBA

Booo~ Go Rockets! ;D

I'm from Houston, but I'm actually going to college in San Antonio right now. >_> Too many Spurs fans here.
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Joined: 23 Nov 2008
Posts: 4
PostPosted: Sun Nov 23, 2008 10:25 pm Reply with quote
Name: Mikey

Sex: Male

Location: Seattle Washington, USA

Nationality/Ethnicity: Caucasian

Marital Status: single

Age: 21

Favorite Animes
Trigun,Cowboy bebop,Outlaw Star,Great Teacher Onizuka,Berserk
Wolf's Rain,Akira,One Piece,Gun Grave, Samurai X OVA's, Full Metal Alchemist,Blue Gender,Samurai Deeper Kyo

Smoke/Drink, Both

Favorite Food: Pizza

Likes:Smoking,staying up watching anime till 5am,College,club Hoping,Reading

Dislikes: Yaoi fan girls, having Dyslexia,
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Joined: 12 Nov 2008
Posts: 19
Location: Tokyo, CA
PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2008 3:42 pm Reply with quote
Name: Andrew

Sex: Male

Location: Northern California

Marital Status: Not married

Age: 18

Ethnicity: Japanese

Religion: I don't have one

Pets: 1black kitty =]

Drink/Smoke: Neither really

Likes: Watching anime and doing other stuff

Dislikes: Needing to do stuff

Favorite anime: 5 Centimeters Per Second, The Place Promised In Our Early Days, Code Geass, Blood+, Deathnote

Favorite Manga (Light novels): Deathnote, Cowboy Bebop, Tsubasa, Idk I don't read a lot of manga

Favorite Books: Idk wut books

Favorite game: Persona 3 (original & F.E.S.), Okage, Disgaea, hopefully Persona 4 =]

Favorite Movies/TV Shows: The Seven Samurai, Fight Club, King of the Hill, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

Favorite Drink: Milk lol

Favorite Foods: Sushi, Rice, Safeway Sandwiches, Tempura, Tereyaki Chicken

Favorite Sites: This site, Myspace, Suicidegirls, and I guess Pbnation

Favorite Sport (to watch): meh

Favorite Sport (to play): Paintball

Favorite Music: Anime Soundtrack stuff & Techno/Trance

Job: Movie Theatre =[

Hobbies: Watching anime online

Favorite Quotes: "What speed do I have to live, to be able see you again?" -5 Centimeters Per Second
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