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NEWS: Kano Duo to Star in I.G's Abunai Sisters Anime DVD

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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 9:25 am Reply with quote
I think that the article should read: Japanese "celebrities" Rolling Eyes
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:05 am Reply with quote
I said this before, but those character designs look pretty bad to me. On that alone I am not sure what kind of market there will be in the States. The only thing I can think of is a mix between Family Guy and Drawn Together, and it being straight up comedy. Then it might work. But if it never airs on TV, then it has no chance.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:18 am Reply with quote
...are, in fact, secret agents on a mission to discipline the wicked men of the world.

When I think of Production I.G I generally think of concepts more interesting than this. Those character designs look like voluptuously-figured 'bratz'.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:42 am Reply with quote
Dargonxtc wrote:
I said this before, but those character designs look pretty bad to me. On that alone I am not sure what kind of market there will be in the States. The only thing I can think of is a mix between Family Guy and Drawn Together, and it being straight up comedy. Then it might work. But if it never airs on TV, then it has no chance.

Not to mention that the "worldwide" distro is pre-order only!

So the only way anyone would ever buy outside Japan it is if they pre-ordered it completely blind!?

Now I'm sure these sisters think they are world famous and all, but I have a hard time believing that more than a handful of anime fans outside of JApan knew who they were before this ANN article.

If they expect to sell more than, say, 100 copies of this outside of Japan, they had damn well put up previews, advertisements, clips, heck, put up streams of a few of the 3 minute "episodes" and hope to god it's really really good.

Oh, and don't even think of charging R2 prices. If the DVD is 30 minutes long as the article seems to indicate, and you think that anyone outside of Japan will pay more than $20 for it, you're nuts: no matter what crazy goodies are included.

Putting aside the content of the show and the "star power" completely: This is a set up for a complete and utter marketing disaster. No one in their right minds would pre-order a DVD of a show they've never seen that consists of 10, 3 minute shorts, unless they were giant fans of the Kano sisters. But outside of Japan, I really don't think they have many fans, and especially not many anime watching fans.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:52 pm Reply with quote
It's Pedo Bear approved, apparently.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 12:59 pm Reply with quote
saishokushugisha wrote:
It's Pedo Bear approved, apparently.

If they put that on the DVD cover, I'll pre-order it. No, really I will.
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:16 pm Reply with quote
Wait, wait! I didn't look at the actual site. They list the prices already on the sliding scale!

Oh my god, this is f*cking ridiculous!

Keep in mind that Macross F only sold 45,000 copies in japan, and most one piece volumes sell around 4000 copies (yes, that's all).

They are asking 30,000 yen for this DVD unless more than 1500 orders come in. That's almost $300 for a 30 minute DVD.

If you're lucky enough where more than 10,000 orders come in, you only have to pay.... 6,000 yen. Yup, only $60 for 1 DVD of 10 3 minute episodes. What a bargain! Oh, but if the sky opens up and angels fall from heaven and more than 50,000 people order it, (which by the way would make it the second biggest anime DVD this year right behind Rebuild of Eva 1.01) you only have to pay... 4500 yen! And what awesome gift to you get for this preorder? A digital trading card, i.e. NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL!

Wow, I never thought I'd say this, but I hope no one orders this at all. I hope this project never even gets made and that anyone who preorders by mistake gets a refund when someone realizes how incredibly stupid and poorly thought out this was.

Well, perhaps I am underestimating the pull that the Kano sisters have in Japan itself and there will be more than 90,000 DVDs pre-ordered. Then finally the price becomes as almost reasonable 2500 yen. But still, there's no discount so that's $23 (which I'm not sure if that includes shipping as they don't say) for a 30 minute DVD (although I suspect there will be a lot of extras of the actual Kano sisters).

Boggles the mind.
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Joined: 17 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:25 pm Reply with quote
samuelp wrote:
And what awesome gift to you get for this preorder? A digital trading card, i.e. NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL!

There's more than digital trading card. Read again here.

For the benefit of others who don't read Japanese here's what they are:
First 500 orders: Your nickname appears in the credit in the booklet
First 1500 orders: 15cm figures of the sisters' anime form
First 2000 orders: Penned signiture of the sisters.
First 3000 orders: 3-5cm figures of the sisters' anime form
First 5000 orders: Digital trading card

Over 5000: Everyone gets the digital trading card.

EDIT: There's an english version here too.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 12:25 am Reply with quote
houkoholic wrote:
samuelp wrote:
And what awesome gift to you get for this preorder? A digital trading card, i.e. NOTHING, NOTHING AT ALL!

There's more than digital trading card. Read again here.

For the benefit of others who don't read Japanese here's what they are:
First 500 orders: Your nickname appears in the credit in the booklet
First 1500 orders: 15cm figures of the sisters' anime form
First 2000 orders: Penned signiture of the sisters.
First 3000 orders: 3-5cm figures of the sisters' anime form
First 5000 orders: Digital trading card

Over 5000: Everyone gets the digital trading card.

EDIT: There's an english version here too.

Well, what I meant was if you aren't one of the first 3000 orders that's all you get.

So, when a show comes out from RightStuf and you preorder, you get your name burned onto the DVD as an extra for a 20% preorder discount, whereas here if you want your name printed in the booklet you risk paying more than $100 for a single 30 minute DVD.

Look, sliding scales are fine and all, but this one starts way, WAY, WAY!! too high. Is anyone going to order this if they know they are almost sure to pay more than $60?
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Joined: 17 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:01 pm Reply with quote
samuelp wrote:
Well, what I meant was if you aren't one of the first 3000 orders that's all you get.

So, when a show comes out from RightStuf and you preorder, you get your name burned onto the DVD as an extra for a 20% preorder discount, whereas here if you want your name printed in the booklet you risk paying more than $100 for a single 30 minute DVD.

Look, sliding scales are fine and all, but this one starts way, WAY, WAY!! too high. Is anyone going to order this if they know they are almost sure to pay more than $60?

You should know better than anyone else (since you're in Japan) that comparing the business practices between the US and Japan is just asking for needless headaches......
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:30 pm Reply with quote
Dargonxtc wrote:
I said this before, but those character designs look pretty bad to me. On that alone I am not sure what kind of market there will be in the States.
I can't speak for this particular DVD project but the artist Susumu Matsushita is very well known.Or at least to the hardcore otaku crowd.He's also done illustrations for numerous videogames in the 80's,90's.His artwork is an acquired taste.This is definitely a weird project.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:35 pm Reply with quote
houkoholic wrote:
samuelp wrote:
Well, what I meant was if you aren't one of the first 3000 orders that's all you get.

So, when a show comes out from RightStuf and you preorder, you get your name burned onto the DVD as an extra for a 20% preorder discount, whereas here if you want your name printed in the booklet you risk paying more than $100 for a single 30 minute DVD.

Look, sliding scales are fine and all, but this one starts way, WAY, WAY!! too high. Is anyone going to order this if they know they are almost sure to pay more than $60?

You should know better than anyone else (since you're in Japan) that comparing the business practices between the US and Japan is just asking for needless headaches......

But that's the thing, this isn't just Japan. They announced this anime at Otakon; the site is designed for "worldwide release".

They are attempting to use this pricing structure for international distribution and it's a joke. If this was a normal R2 DVD then I wouldn't be making an issue out of it, but they are specifically targeting "the world" here.

(and to be honest this is pricey even for R2: If less than 5000 people order it, which wouldn't be to unlikely given recent R2 sales figures, that'd be overpriced even by R2 standards... 20,000 yen for a single DVD? That's nuts even by R2 standards.)
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Joined: 17 Oct 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 2:05 pm Reply with quote
samuelp wrote:

But that's the thing, this isn't just Japan. They announced this anime at Otakon; the site is designed for "worldwide release".

They are attempting to use this pricing structure for international distribution and it's a joke. If this was a normal R2 DVD then I wouldn't be making an issue out of it, but they are specifically targeting "the world" here.

The standard of working to "the world" here in Japan is "take the Japanese business practice and export it" (though to be fair, it's the same in most cases), and that's if they even know what "the world" means (obviously in this case they don't - US is not the world, announcing at Otakon with its relatively small attendence in general con size is plain silly if it is indeed targeting "world"). Again, you should know this is very much par for them.
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:07 pm Reply with quote
houkoholic wrote:
samuelp wrote:

But that's the thing, this isn't just Japan. They announced this anime at Otakon; the site is designed for "worldwide release".

They are attempting to use this pricing structure for international distribution and it's a joke. If this was a normal R2 DVD then I wouldn't be making an issue out of it, but they are specifically targeting "the world" here.

The standard of working to "the world" here in Japan is "take the Japanese business practice and export it" (though to be fair, it's the same in most cases), and that's if they even know what "the world" means (obviously in this case they don't - US is not the world, announcing at Otakon with its relatively small attendence in general con size is plain silly if it is indeed targeting "world"). Again, you should know this is very much par for them.

And every time they continue to make this mistake I will call it for what it is: Stupidity.

Just because they've done it before doesn't make it any less idiotic.

Part of me wonders if this has nothing to do with overseas sales at all: Perhaps the notion that this is a "worldwide" release is actually a selling point to Japanese customers? That the english site and the announcing overseas is really just a ploy to make the product seem "exotic" and "new" instead of just some local celeb cash in.

It's very hard to tell what their expectations are for the show. With the sliding price scale, I guess they'll make back their money as long as they can find 1500 suckers that'll pay $300 for a figure and a 30 minute DVD.

Also, one thing I've wondered about this sliding price scale thing: How do you know they are telling the truth? If 3000 people pre-order, what's to stop the company from charging them all 30,000 yen each and telling everone only 1000 people ordered it?
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Joined: 09 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:40 pm Reply with quote
Well, as ridiculous as the prices are, the "sisters" seem to be rather popular in Japan, if the wiki is anything to go by, and this won't be the first insanely expensive merchandise they release. Also, apparently one of them released a nude photo collection which became a huge bestseller that was popular even with women, and sold more than 200,000 copies. Of course that was back in 2006, but still.

So... as insane as this idea is, it might actually work.

(Dammit, why do I never think of such things?)
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