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Ladies Comics

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Joined: 04 Sep 2002
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 28, 2003 3:04 pm Reply with quote
The World of Japanese "Ladies Comics":
From Romantic Fantasy to Lustful Perversion
Kinko Ito, Ph.D.
University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Any thoughts about this paper?
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Carol Maxwell

Joined: 17 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 10:08 pm Reply with quote
From what I've read of this, it seems to be the person is blaming a lot on manga, like this one part where it metioned the childbearing ages and the ages where manga is read. They're blaming teen pregnancies on that?! Mad There are a lot of things that happen with that, but, that would be like blaming violence on video games/movies. The person did bring up good points, some manga does equal to some American porn, but, hey, is that a bad thing? What kid after the age 10 now I think, doesn't have any clue as to what's going on, or doesn't want to see something like that?! Mostly girls (save a few), but, vast majority of boys go after it like a two magnets, the pull is there. So, this article is pretty wrong about manga from what I've read. There's good manga too! Such as Excel Saga. That's about all my thoughts about that evil article.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Dec 10, 2003 11:20 pm Reply with quote
After reading the article, I'm still not quite sure just what the heck his point was....

And frankly, I'd be much more concerned about the various comics for older men, such as the infamous rape comics and other pornographic manga styles.
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Carol Maxwell

Joined: 17 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Dec 11, 2003 11:26 am Reply with quote
That is something to really worry about, again, blaming the rapes that go on in the world because of a manga, would be like blaming video games for violence. To me, a persons actions shouldn't be blamed on something like that. It was that person's actions, their choice. It's like the one guy who sued the fast food industry for making him fat, it was his choice. It's not really right to blame something someone else made up for fun, for something someone did. Mad
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Joined: 30 Jun 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 27, 2004 8:37 pm Reply with quote
It looks like Viz has licensed one of those "ladies comics". The title is showing up in the computers systems and the scanlation site is estatic. The title is "Despotic Lover," by Mayu Shinjo. ( "Haou Airen" in Japanese.) Anyhow, it's got all the smut you could ever want. [Since it is a scanlation site that found this out, I cannot give you the address.]

It's really strange to see that Viz is going to be releasing one of those here.
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Joined: 02 Mar 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 28, 2004 10:14 am Reply with quote
First off - after finishing the paper I am hard pressed to decided exactly what type of paper it is - it starts as a formal report of Rediisu Komikku (Redi Komi) but turns in to an opinionated paper while discussing the manga in more detail; and concludes as an opinionated report. So I did some hunting around and found her staff listing at University of Arkansas at Little Rock - Gender Studies Faculty

UALR - Gender Studies wrote:

ITO, KINKO. Associate Professor. Sociology. Dr. Kinko Ito received her M.A. and Ph.D. in Sociology from the Ohio State University. She came to UALR in 1988 and has been teaching Sociology of Family for Gender Studies since then. Dr. Ito teaches the course in Summer School only, and her classes entail lectures, case studies, class discussion, and student presentations. Topics covered include mate selection, communication, sex, finances, dysfunctions, and so on. Students learn not only theory but pragmatics about their own family life.

So I think it maybe safe to assume that this paper can be treated as an opinionated report. Note that when I say this I treat an opinionated report as one where you allow your thoughts to show through in the document, and an non-opinionated report as one were you report the facts and what empirical evidence shows.

Now as to the content of the paper itself - personally I find it a bit unfairly opinionated, because of the application of Western values (Note the comparison of the Redi Komi to American XXX in the paper and the choice of words in the description of sex in the manga) to a non-Western society - even if modern Japanese society does draw from Western societies.
However, I am a bit inclined to agree with her final assessment in that Redi Komi is a form of escapism for female Japanese - however, I think it is applicable to most forms of manga a anime. Also, I do believe it is applicable to note - like the author does - that most Redi Komi have more than just escapism manga, and contain education manga and other non-manga sections (This is from the small sample that I was able to look though back in college - knew someone that imported them Razz ) The author does raise some interesting points able be 'male fantasy' bias of some of the manga (Side note: I would love to see a paper on what she thinks of male oriented hentai Confused ) however, without further research as to the extent of this in Redi Komi I find it hard to form an opinion as to the subject - however, you can find it apparent in other forms of manga.
In summary I found the paper interesting to read, and it did raise some interesting points on Redi Komi, but the authors jumping style of opinionated to non-opinionated made it hard to follow the paper at time (Personally I think this is a rough draft).
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Joined: 24 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 11:58 am Reply with quote
me like fushigi yuugi inuyasha neon genesis and love hina. oh and cowboy bebop!!!! Very Happy
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Joined: 12 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 2:23 pm Reply with quote
Two things I have to gripe about this paper. First is the lack of pictoral evidence. It's nice to describe the manga, but there's the famous expression, "a pictures is worth a thousand words." Secondly, she makes a lot of generalizations about Japanese women. Granted they are probably true (given how much I know about Japanese culture), but I would like harder.

With that said, this appears to be an overview of "ladies comics," both the history, types and purposes they play in Japnese society. For me this was quite insightful, particularily how powerful manga is at providing escapism for these women (I knew that manga was escapism for almost all people, but to go as far as what was described here was depressing). Perhaps the Romance/Drama genre described was more haunting for me because not only does it target the majority of its audience, but I get the notion from this article that "ladies comics" almost prevent progression.

Now the sexual aggression... I don't want to get into that...
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Joined: 24 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 4:24 pm Reply with quote
ok, so im about to get off of work here. and i was reading this, but im only half way through i have to go soon so i stopped reading, i'll read the rest and post again later...but umm...i thought the title was "A Brief Introduction to Japanese Manga" yeah...anyways i'll dicuss more about the article when i read the rest of it later. bai! ^^

me like fushigi yuugi inuyasha neon genesis and love hina. oh and cowboy bebop!!!!

yeah, well....thank you for that....

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Joined: 09 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 24, 2004 6:52 pm Reply with quote
I find it poorly written. Anime smallmouth

It doesn't have a definite path that it follows. First it trys to explain manga in general. Then jumps into Rediisu Komikku (Ladies' Comics). Explains its history, readership and content focusing mainly on the Porno aspect of it. It makes some unsubstantiated comparisons to Men's Comics here and there. (I would have liked to see some quotes and pictoral proof personally) Then it introduces the 3 genres of Ladies' Comics. I think the writer tried to explain each one in depth but it kind of all ran together and sounded like the porno type. Then in closing it didn't sum up what is was talking about. It kind of went of on a few tangents all dealing with the Porno side of the books and how women still have no power in Japan. Question The heck?!?! I thought this essay or report or whatever was about Ladies' comics.

Reading through this, I find myself thinking the writer is biased. It looks like the writer took information out of a few books dealing with how Men see Women in Men's comics not Ladies' comics and he only read 24 comic mags. (It bothers me that the writter didn't list the comics he read in the bibliography) If the writer only read 24 porno types of comics then the facts and opinions stated are all biased. I think 100 is a good number of comics and they all should be from different publisher.

So I think more research needs to be done and who ever wrote this needs to learn how to outline and write a paper in an orderly fashion. This jumping around from pillar to post, opinion to fact, and melting in the middle without a real point is frustrating.
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