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Joined: 09 Apr 2008
Posts: 1
PostPosted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 11:25 am Reply with quote
yeah... if u like paula deanda , there is a compilation series you should check out called "Euro Club Hits" --

it's pretty clear that dance music is coming back around the world -- just check the recent big American hip-hop and R&B hits which are clear rip-offs of the european dance style.....

here's the direct iTunes link to the "Euro Club Hits" series.....

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Joined: 16 Apr 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2008 3:16 am Reply with quote
Well this is more like a re-introduction. I haven't been here for years due to all sorts of things. But here we go:

Sex: Male
Age: Just turned 21
Currently Watching: Bleach, One Piece, Monster
Currently Reading: High School of the Dead, Naruto, Tenjho Tenge, Gantz, and Midori's Days
Just Completed: Death Note (Brilliant Series)
Hobbies Besides the Obvious: Writing, Cooking, Hanging with friends.
Music: All Kinds. I like Eminem, Linkin Park, Jamiroquai, Porno Graffiti, Rip Slyme, Lupe Fiasco, Gnarls Barkley, Gorillaz, Nine Inch Nails, Kanye West, and N*E*R*D to name a few. lol.
Games Being Played: SSBB, Chrno Trigger, and DMC 4
TV Shows: SCRUBS!!!, The Boondocks, Family Guy
Movies: Kung Fu Hustle, Most Any Jackie Chan movie, Most any Kevin Smith film, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust, Ninja Scroll.
Fears: Dragonball coming April 8, 2009 (god, I hope they make it watchable)
Favorite Quote:
"Your pain is the breaking of the shell that encloses your understanding, it is the bitter potion by which the physician within' you heals your sick self. Therefore, trust the physician and drink his remedy in silence and tranquility." - Huey Freeman's take on the words of Khalil Gibrans "On Pain"

So that's my little reintroduction, hope to be seeing more of you all!
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Joined: 23 Jul 2007
Posts: 34
Location: Kinston, NC
PostPosted: Sat Apr 19, 2008 7:56 pm Reply with quote
How about another re-introduction?

Kinda dissappearred soon after I joined up here didn't I? Granted it's doubtful anyone would remember my short existance. None the less I have returned and I bring with me honesty, so don't ask me if you look fat in that dress.

Name: That guy.
Age: Old enough.
Sex: Yes please.
Blood Type: Warm.
Currently Watching: Myself typing.
Recently Finished: Eating.

Ok and now for the non-sarcastic answers copy & pasted from before and updated.

Name: Jamie
Sex: Male
Blood Type: A positive
Location: Kinston, NC
Marital Status: Single
Age: 25
Ethnicity: Besides being a honkey, I have no clue what so ever being an adopted bastard.
Religion: None, but I do believe in some kind of higher power/being.
Pets: One dog named Bigfoot.
Drink/Smoke: Nope, yet I look like I do.
Likes: Sexy women, the smell of high octane racing fuel and honesty.
Dislikes: BS in any form, liers and theives, ignorance and lack of intelligence.
Favorite anime: Inital D, Tenchi Muyo!, Akira, Gankutsuou, Master Keaton and many, many more.
Favorite Manga (Light novels): Berserk, Gunsmith Cats, Hyper Police, BECK, Monster, Emma and Vagabond.
Favorite Books: The Count of Monte Cristo, Sherlock Holmes, The Three Musketeers and Edgar Allen Poe's collected works.
Favorite game: Currently Rock Band.
Favorite TV shows/Movies: Catch Me If You Can(not that Leonardo DiCaprio movie) Escape from NY/LA, Evil Dead 1 & 2, Army of Darkness, House, My Name Is Earl, Shark, Top Gear, Courage the Cowardly Dog and a whole lotta other cool and great shows and movies.
Favorite Drink: Read above, I don't drink.
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Dr. Pepper.
Favorite Foods: Pizza, Bojangles chicken, Burgers, Spaghetti and other fine Italian food, Pringles chips, Steak dinners and breakfast food in general.
Favorite Sites: animeOnline.com before it died, finalgear.com, clubgp.com, 2kmc.mymonte/discussion/index, good number of sites I can't list here, ctrlaltdel-online.com, coopstuff.com/index and zzperformance.com.
Favorite Sport (to watch): Automotive racing.
Favorite Sport (to play): Automotive racing.
Favorite Music: Mostly rock & roll.
Job: Owner of H & H Perfomance Dyno.
Hobbies: Anime, Manga, Comics, Gaming, collectiiong what I see fit and cars(more of a lifestyle really).
Fun facts about ShiroAkuma: Has two tattoos with plans for more, actually a nice guy despite his appearance, use to wear a 9 year old pair of cowboy boots, owns too many blades and owns a ton of anime on DVD.
Favorite Quotes: "Nothing is Impossible, just Improbable."
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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Location: Fredericksburg, VA
PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:28 pm Reply with quote
Name: Alecia

Sex: F

Blood Type: O+

Location: Fredericksburg, VA (for now)

Marital Status: M - with two of the cutest little monsters you’ll ever see!

Age: 38 – You people are all so damn young!

Ethnicity: Scotch Irish/ Cherokee

Religion: Agnostic. I’m spiritually confused. I was raised with no religion because my parents wanted me to choose for myself. So, I absorbed just enough Christianity from the culture around me to get the “fire and brimstone” and the “guilt” parts, but none of the redemption. Kinda like opening Pandora’s Box. I have some Buddhist leanings but have trouble with the reincarnation angle.

Pets: A huge long haired shepherd, a sweet border collie/lab mix, and 2 very arrogant cats.

Drink/Smoke: I started smoking at age 12 and every day is a struggle to quit. I’m a reformed party girl so drinking used to be a big part of my life, but I very rarely do it anymore. Generally, I only go out drinking about three times a year now when I visit old college buddies in Baltimore.

Likes: Smart men with a dark side, sushi (well, any kind of food really), erotic novels, the smell of someone barbequing in the summer, fireflies, really good coffee, the sound of sea gulls, my daughter’s laugh and the smell of my son’s hair.

Dislikes: Nickleback, misogynistic redneck homophobes, intellectual snobs, sea urchin (I tried so hard to like it but I swear it tasted like a loogy), the idiots in (insert random store here) who can’t seem to figure out how to walk without ramming into me with their carts.

Favorite anime: HMM. There are so many and it changes almost daily. Monster, Nana, Speed Grapher, Gantz, Baccano, Mononoke, Ouran High School Host Club, Beck Mongolian Chop Squad, Furuba, Bokura ga Ita. I could bore you with this for days…

Favorite Manga (Light novels): Lovely Complex, Nana, Gantz, Honey X Honey Drops

Favorite Books: Machiavelli’s “The Prince,” Jung’s “Memories, Dreams, Reflections,” The Consolation of Philosophy by Boethius, Wuthering Heights, The Secret Garden, Where the Wild Things Are, anything by Thich Nhat Hanh, Ann Rice, Laurell K.Hamilton, or classic sci-fi authors like Heinlein, Clarke, Bradbury and Huxley.

Favorite game: None. My husband’s the gamer. I’m a WOW widow.

Favorite TV shows/Movies: I mostly watch anime, but when I do watch TV- I like House Hunters, Dr. Who, Torchwood, Monty Python reruns, Ghost Hunters, Anthony Bourdain (he’s so sexy) and The Colbert Report (he’s even sexier). I used to watch Battlestar Galactica religiously but I’m really behind on that one.

Favorite Drink: Cheap beer, gin and tonic, anything with an umbrella stuck in it.

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Mocha Frappuccino

Favorite Foods: Just about anything under the sun except lima beans and sea urchin (see dislikes above). My current weird craving is for macaroni casserole smothered with Tabasco sauce. It’ll be something completely different next week.

Favorite Sites: ANN, CNN, The Onion

Favorite Sport (to watch): My single friends dating

Favorite Sport (to play): Trying to navigate my home without tripping over a dog or kid.

Favorite Music: Jazz, funk, Motown, old country (Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline not the new crap), Techno, Industrial, Disco, Blues, Reggae, Punk, Metal, DC Go-Go, opera, classical, Etc…Etc…

Job: Formerly a paralegal for a non-profit, now a house mommy

Hobbies: Tickling my kids, fine dining, planning house projects that I never complete, gardening, reading, taking my dogs to the park.

Fun facts:
I’m a reformed wild child that’s always harbored a geeky side. My college friends were always shocked to discover that I liked Sci-Fi and anime, though I was always pretty open about it. One guy even said he’d never have “spotted me for a geek.” He so did NOT get a second date.

Whenever my single friends ask me where to meet guys I tell them to go to a sci-fi convention. I figure, at the very least, most of the guys there have an inquisitive mind and are more likely to be employed than the ones they meet in bars. None of them have taken my advice yet, foolish women.

I have a large hentai collection and I’m not ashamed to admit it! Yes, I’m a perv, so sue me.

Favorite Quotes: “Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or nation.” – I got that off a fortune cookie.

**Updated after I remembered this one I really loved...

"When you're dead you don't have to cry anymore." - My 4 year old son after his great grandmother died.

Pictures: Here’s one of my tiny dude and me.

Last edited by Ishmoo on Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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Joined: 14 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 1:11 am Reply with quote
Now that we've got a handful of more newcomers it's time for some more welcomes. So a big ANN bonjour and hola to Jenipa, Onmyoji, ShiroAkuma, Ishmoo, and GhstDreamer. Please enjoy your stay here. And if you don't, then we'll have to release the hounds on you. Twisted Evil Though the hounds are old and lazy so that's not much of a threat really. I should probably keep that to myself though....oh well. Before I release the hounds though you each are the lucky recipients of your very own Mystery Welcome Bag of Goodies. *hands them all a brown bag* (We're on a budget). Inside each of you will find 100 Kenyan Shillings, a broken Sega Genesis controller, a used dryer sheet, and 1 can of pork & beans from 1965. I hope you all enjoy your awesome gifts and don't forget; Borrow money from pessimists - they don't expect it back.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
Posts: 1996
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:28 pm Reply with quote
Ishmoo wrote:
Religion: Agnostic. I’m spiritually confused. I was raised with no religion because my parents wanted me to choose for myself. So, I absorbed just enough Christianity from the culture around me to get the “fire and brimstone” and the “guilt” parts, but none of the redemption. Kinda like opening Pandora’s Box. I have some Buddhist leanings but have trouble with the reincarnation angle.

Just out of curiosity, and in a way maybe I feel like me asking this might help you out a bit, nothing more, nothing less, but have you ever tried investigating the LDS Church? (Mormons, in case you don't recognize the former Wink ) There's no fire and brimstone or guilt trips or anything there. It's a religion that's pretty much solely based off of the redemption part of it all (I'm a member myself, in case you didn't already know Wink ). Just thought I'd throw that out there is all. Anime smile + sweatdrop
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Joined: 08 Jan 2006
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Location: Seattle, WA
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:36 pm Reply with quote
Ishmoo wrote:
Favorite Sport (to watch): My single friends dating.

OK. That's just... mean! Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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Joined: 14 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 2:44 pm Reply with quote
ManOfRust wrote:
Ishmoo wrote:
Favorite Sport (to watch): My single friends dating.

OK. That's just... mean! Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop

But funny. And as someone who has done the same thing in the past I can say it truly is entertaining. Especially when you see some of the "catches" they bring home. One particular girl my friend brought home one night made me instantly think of Robin Williams saying, "I wouldn't even **** her with a Koala's d***. Talk about trashy and skanky looking. I can could see her track marks from across the room.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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Location: Fredericksburg, VA
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:08 pm Reply with quote
Psycho 101 wrote:
ManOfRust wrote:
Ishmoo wrote:
Favorite Sport (to watch): My single friends dating.

OK. That's just... mean! Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop

But funny. And as someone who has done the same thing in the past I can say it truly is entertaining. Especially when you see some of the "catches" they bring home. One particular girl my friend brought home one night made me instantly think of Robin Williams saying, "I wouldn't even **** her with a Koala's d***. Talk about trashy and skanky looking. I can could see her track marks from across the room.

Seriously, you should see what they come home with sometimes. My best friend went on vacation to Key West and brought back a homeless guy who had been living in his car. She let him move in to her place, and after 6 months she was shocked that he'd never gotten a job and was just sponging off her. I asked her why she expected anything else from a guy who was happy to live in a dodge dart. She really does provide me with endless entertainment.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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Location: Fredericksburg, VA
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:30 pm Reply with quote
BrothersElric wrote:

Just out of curiosity, and in a way maybe I feel like me asking this might help you out a bit, nothing more, nothing less, but have you ever tried investigating the LDS Church? (Mormons, in case you don't recognize the former Wink ) There's no fire and brimstone or guilt trips or anything there. It's a religion that's pretty much solely based off of the redemption part of it all (I'm a member myself, in case you didn't already know Wink ). Just thought I'd throw that out there is all. Anime smile + sweatdrop

I appreciate the kindness, I really do. My problem is that I've always seen things in a very scientific way, even as a small child. Blind faith is very difficult for me. I'd be an atheist if I hadn't been corrupted by just enough religion to mess me up. I actually minored in religion in college so I've done a lot of research into faiths around the world. At 12 I went to service at a mormon temple for a few months to check it out, but it just wasn't for me. Mine is a far more aggravating problem than the moderators would like me to waste time on here, I'm sure. But it's still very nice of you to offer your help.
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Joined: 29 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:40 pm Reply with quote
Ironically, science is what led me to my Christian faith - particularly the study of evolutionary theory. Trust me, you're not alone in struggling with blind faith.. I don't think many people want to give themselves over to something without substantial proof that the claims are legitimate. But if you keep looking, I'm sure you'll find the answers.
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Joined: 14 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:51 pm Reply with quote
Psycho 101 wrote:
ManOfRust wrote:
Ishmoo wrote:
Favorite Sport (to watch): My single friends dating.

OK. That's just... mean! Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop

But funny. And as someone who has done the same thing in the past I can say it truly is entertaining. Especially when you see some of the "catches" they bring home. One particular girl my friend brought home one night made me instantly think of Robin Williams saying, "I wouldn't even **** her with a Koala's d***. Talk about trashy and skanky looking. I can could see her track marks from across the room.

It is highly entertaining as you all say. Especially from a friend of mine that just can't seem to get a girl at all (I'm the mean one). Except in my group of friends the ones that actually DO date have been going out with their first girlfriends for years (except one, but after breaking up with his last GF he got all churchy and didn't pursue anymore girls), so I don't see them bringing home a bunch of "catches" but it's funny to see how the relationships go sometimes. I swear, my male friends are like sitcom husbands sometimes. It's like they INTENTIONALLY try to piss off their girlfriends.

I like your Robin Williams quote. My roommate has the dvd of that exact show. Razz

Last edited by Veoryn87 on Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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Location: Fredericksburg, VA
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 3:53 pm Reply with quote
ManOfRust wrote:
Ishmoo wrote:
Favorite Sport (to watch): My single friends dating.

OK. That's just... mean! Anime smallmouth + sweatdrop

I actually didn't mean that in an entirely snide way. After 11 years of marriage things can get pretty hum drum, if you know what I mean. I don't get to have the excitement of dating anymore so I have to live vicariously through the exploits of my friends. Sometimes I get a little envious of their freedom to do whatever they want and travel all over the place. I guess that grass is always greener, but I do have a great life so I don't have any room to complain.
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Joined: 06 Dec 2006
Posts: 1996
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:05 pm Reply with quote
Ishmoo wrote:
I appreciate the kindness, I really do. My problem is that I've always seen things in a very scientific way, even as a small child. Blind faith is very difficult for me. I'd be an atheist if I hadn't been corrupted by just enough religion to mess me up. I actually minored in religion in college so I've done a lot of research into faiths around the world. At 12 I went to service at a mormon temple for a few months to check it out, but it just wasn't for me. Mine is a far more aggravating problem than the moderators would like me to waste time on here, I'm sure. But it's still very nice of you to offer your help.

Yeah, it's all good. Smile I know what you mean by "blind faith" though. I don't think one could say that our religion really follows that idea though, because the whole point of it is to come to know it for yourself and not because of what anyone else says or anything. That's the only way you can be truly faithful. In fact, that's the whole point of free agency; so we can find it for ourselves. Not to sound like I'm preaching to you or anything, I just thought I'd clear that up a bit, although I'm sure you know all about it already if you've already investigated it and all. Anime smile + sweatdrop Whatever the case though, I wish you luck in your search for your system of belief. Smile
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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Location: Fredericksburg, VA
PostPosted: Tue Apr 22, 2008 4:10 pm Reply with quote
RMC wrote:
Ironically, science is what led me to my Christian faith - particularly the study of evolutionary theory. Trust me, you're not alone in struggling with blind faith.. I don't think many people want to give themselves over to something without substantial proof that the claims are legitimate. But if you keep looking, I'm sure you'll find the answers.

I certainly hope so. I might be getting closer, maybe. A buddhist monk named Thich Naht Hanh wrote a great book called "No Birth No Death" that really hit me in the gut. He made a comparison between the first law of thermodynamics and the human spirit. THAT makes sense to me. If matter can neither be created nor destroyed then it makes sense that consciousness could follow the same principal. We may not emerge the same on the other side, but some aspect or "energy" would remain. That might be enough for me. Thanks for the input!
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