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Joined: 07 May 2006
Posts: 742
Location: California, USA
PostPosted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 2:49 am Reply with quote
Capt Hungry wrote:
Age: Old enough

Oddly, I stumble across an answer similar to this more often than I'd expected from an online anime forum site.

Ah, it's good to be young. Wink
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Joined: 24 Mar 2008
Posts: 25
Location: Denmark
PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 6:58 pm Reply with quote
Hi - I finally registered after been using this site for a long time now...

Name: Anne

Sex: Female

Blood Type: I don't remeber - a common one, though

Location: Denmark

Marital Status: single

Age: 22

Ethnicity: I think I might be a little german - and then there is this story in our family about a vietnamese soldier - haha

Religion: I wouldn't call myself an atheist. Thats a little to hard. I may believe a little in God...

Pets: If I had one it should be a parrot (or a cat -maybe both) - and its name would be Mester.

Drink/Smoke: yep/ sometimes (usually combined with the former)

Likes: Dancing, summer, sneakers, fashion, silence- nature, city life, (and the mood in the Cowboy Bebop movie really fascinated me)

Dislikes: "Summer of 69", Bush (hope I'm allowed to say that), Denmarks government, NGE, the fact that all happends so fast (I'm getting confused - stop and let me think).

Favorite anime: Samurai Champloo, Death note, Naruto, Ouran HSHC, Haruhi Suzumiya, fruit basket - i can't remember what I have seen.

Favorite Books: Milan Kunderas books (they are amazing - try to read "The unbearable lightness of being"), the New Yorker trilogy, Haruki Murakamis books, of course Harry Potter and I can't recall all of the other books right now...

Favorite Movies: Cowboy bebop (Knockin' on Heavens Door), Donnie Darko, Master and Commander, American beauty, Beyond (animatrix), The Boy Who Wanted to Be a Bear, The island on bird street, Akira, Spirited away and more

Favorite Drink: Beer - its cheaper

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Definitely not water - anything but that.

Favorite Foods: Christmas food (for me that's duck, sweet potatoes, and some other things I don't know how to say in English)

Favorite Sport (to watch): I think there is nothing more time wasting than watching sports... (its boring - year I'm a girl)

Favorite Sport (to play): Volleyball!! Basket

Favorite Music: Funk/soul, classic, folk, oldschool hip hop, electronic music, world and jazz - oh and I listen to soundtracks a lot...

Occupation: Studying

Hobbies: Watching anime (it swallows my entire spare time...for now), finding second hand clothes, reading, walking, daydreaming, finding new music, being childish (donald duck magazines ) and drawing a bit.

Other facts:
I suck at finding cool forum names - just look at the current one...Oh well
I'm absent-minded
I collect Donald Duck magazines with Don Rosa stories in it.
I'm really confused about profilepictures...I'm a girl - am I supposed to have a boy or a girl as my avatar?
I'm danish so please ignore my spelling/grammar...

And thanks for a great forum with lots of quality in it:)
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Joined: 16 Aug 2006
Posts: 3
PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:38 pm Reply with quote
Name: Ryan
Sex: Male
Blood Type: don't know
Location: Newton Ma
Marital Status: Single
Age: 18
Religion: Protestant
Pets: None
Drink/Smoke: Sometimes/Never
Likes: Running, Anime. Gaming
Dislikes: Mean people, Red Jelly Beans
Favorite anime: FLCL
Favorite Manga: Eureka 7
Favorite Books:All Quiet on the Western Front
Favorite game: Final Fantasy, Warcraft, Half Life
Favorite TV shows/Movies: The Office, Star Wars, Indiana Jones
Favorite Drink: Jack Daniels, Vodka
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Cranberry Juice, Mountain Dew, Water
Favorite Foods: Chinese
Favorite Sites: ANN, Drudge Report, Facebook
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Sport (to play): Track
Favorite Music: Muse, The Killers
Job: None atm although I do work at a summer camp in the summer of course =D
Hobbies: Running
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Joined: 17 May 2006
Posts: 317
Location: Paris, France
PostPosted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 9:44 pm Reply with quote
Fuusamurai wrote:
Favorite Drink: Beer - its cheaper

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Definitely not water - anything but that.

You're definitely a Northern European.

Fuusamurai wrote:

I'm really confused about profilepictures...I'm a girl - am I supposed to have a boy or a girl as my avatar?

The rule is boys have girl avatars and girls have boy avatars.
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Joined: 31 Jan 2008
Posts: 586
PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:20 am Reply with quote
Urd wrote:
Fuusamurai wrote:

I'm really confused about profilepictures...I'm a girl - am I supposed to have a boy or a girl as my avatar?

The rule is boys have girl avatars and girls have boy avatars.


(choose whatever you prefer)
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Joined: 07 Apr 2007
Posts: 743
Location: Texas City, TX (ajd: 6/11/05)
PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 1:20 am Reply with quote
Urd wrote:
Fuusamurai wrote:

I'm really confused about profilepictures...I'm a girl - am I supposed to have a boy or a girl as my avatar?

The rule is boys have girl avatars and girls have boy avatars.

Ha Ha! Urd is just joking with you. You can have whatever avatar you want. Male, female, plant, or animal(or any combination you want Razz)
The only thing that matters is that it matters to you. Enjoy! Smile

Oooo, beat me by seconds BladedragoonZETA
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Joined: 24 Mar 2008
Posts: 25
Location: Denmark
PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:49 am Reply with quote
Urd wrote:
Fuusamurai wrote:
Favorite Drink: Beer - its cheaper

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Definitely not water - anything but that.

You're definitely a Northern European.

true haha (we scandinavians have a bad (drinking) reputation, right?)
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Joined: 10 Jan 2008
Posts: 15
PostPosted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:41 pm Reply with quote
I thought since I'm a new(ish) member, I might as well introduce myself.

Name: Dylan

Sex: Male

Location: Nebraska

Marital Status: Single

Age: 16

Ethnicity: pretty much a European mutt

Religion: Agnostic

Pets: None right now.

Drink/Smoke: No/No

Likes: friends, food, anime, music, philosophy, psychology, animals, food, chocolate, sleep, books, good, well-written stories in any medium

Dislikes: tomatoes (I don't know why, they just taste weird to me), reality shows, narutards, ignorance, intolerance, war, murder, sadists... lots of bad things. Oh, and also high school.

Favorite anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion, FLCL, Fullmetal Alchemist, Kino's Journey, Gunslinger Girl, Cowboy Bebop, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, Satoshi Kon films

Favorite Manga: Fruits Basket, One Piece, Death Note (yeah, I know, I know, I haven't read a lot of manga)

Favorite Books: Hmm... anything good, really. I especially like witty satires like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. I'm also reading the Buffy season 8 comics.

Favorite games: Super Smash Bros Brawl, Guitar Hero 3, FFXII, Kirby games...

Favorite TV shows/Movies: Lost, Scrubs, The Office, South Park, Battlestar Galactica, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (not airing anymore, but still a favorite of mine)/V for Vendetta, Donnie Darko, Pan's Labyrinth, Pay It Forward, any Satoshi Kon film

Favorite Drink: Too young to drink yet.

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Root beer, I guess.

Favorite Foods: pizza, cantaloupe, sandwiches, chocolate, popcorn... I could go on if I waned to...

Favorite Sites: ANN, YouTube, uncyclopedia, Lodias' Haven(a roleplaying site)

Favorite Sport: Not really into sports.

Favorite Music: The Killers, Franz Ferdinand, Arctic Monkeys, whatever sounds good, really.

Job: High school student

Hobbies: Anime, reading, video games, hanging out with friends, the Internet

Favorite Quotes: "The world is not beautiful; and that, in a way, lends it a sort of beauty."
-Kino's Journey
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Joined: 19 Feb 2008
Posts: 2
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 4:23 am Reply with quote
Name: Call me Soma! Anime smile

Sex: Male

Blood Type: B positive

Location: Oxnard, CA... quite a ways from LA

Marital Status: In a relationship

Age: 24


Pets: 2 dogs, I perfer cats though but my dad is allergic to them

Drink/Smoke: Social drinker... sometimes. I dont care much for the stuff. Non-smoker.

Likes: Art and being able to purge creativity, the outdoors, nature, photography

Dislikes: People that don't signal when changing lanes

Favorite anime: One Piece

Favorite TV shows/Movies: The Office

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Freckled Lemonade

Favorite Foods: Pad Thai, Lasagna

Favorite Music: Kick-back music. A lot of folk, rock, folk rock, classic rock, acoustic, artists like Jack Johnson, Matt Costa, Jason Mraz, Emi Meyer

Job: Afterschool program instructor. I teach kids photography

Hobbies: Photography, action figure customizing, designing things from graphics to tangible things like toys

Fun facts about Soma:
-Is an adventurer
-Pretty risky within reason
-Cuts own hair
-Recently won a designer toy contest. Soma's designer toy will be mass produced and sold and he gets a percentage of the profit Anime smile
-Wants to teach photography at a junior college or higher
-Wants his own photo studio

Favorite Quotes:
"The art of photography isn't of that which comes after the shutter, but of that which is before the camera" ~Soma (me)

"If you're focused on what you've left behind, you will not be able to see what lies ahed. Now go up and look around!" ~Gusteau (Ratatouille)

Check out my webpage Anime smile
Or my Deviantart
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Joined: 26 Apr 2007
Posts: 1
PostPosted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 2:44 pm Reply with quote
Name: Maximiliano
Sex: Male
Blood Type: 0-
Location: Argentina
Marital Status: Married
Age: 19
Religion: Catholic
Pets: 3 dogs, 2 cats
Drink/Smoke: Every weekend/A lot
Likes: Spending my time at this dumb box =p
Dislikes: Tomatoes ;O
Favorite anime: Detective Conan
Favorite Manga: Monster
Favorite Books: Before we fall to pieces
Favorite game: Ragnarök Online
Favorite TV shows/Movies: House MD, Saturday Night Live, Grey's Anatomy / Zoolander, LOTR
Favorite Drink: Tequila Sunrise
Non-Alcoholic Drink: Diet Coke
Favorite Foods: Chow Mien
Favorite Sites: ANN, AN, Fotolog, Blogger
Favorite Sport: Basketball
Favorite Sport (to play): Handball
Favorite Music: Arctic Monkeys, The Kooks, Razorlight
Job: Chief Programmer at Editorial IVREA
Hobbies: CSS Design
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Joined: 25 Mar 2008
Posts: 10
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 9:59 pm Reply with quote
Name: anything's fine

Sex: Female

Location: WA, U.S.

Marital Status: single

Age: 18

Religion: Buddhist

Pets: none

Drink/Smoke: socially/never

Likes: anime, reading, books, writing, surrealism (in art, stories, poetry, music, anime, manga), philosophy, economics, sweets, baking

Dislikes: Intelligent Design, shallow love stories, fan service in excess, the idea of cliques, Hemingway, pink, naruto, political extremism, most chat speak, George W. Bush

Favorite anime: Perfect Blue, Slayers, Bubblegum Crisis, and currently Moyashimon, One Piece, Gundam 00

Favorite Manga: Domu, Bleach, all of the Boogiepop Phantom, Petshop of Horrors, Mushishi

Favorite Books: Brave New World, The Doors of his Face the Lamps of his Mouth, Lavondyss, Lord of the Flies, The Death Gate Cycle, the Volsungen Saga, the Prince, the Origin of Species, and anything by Kurt Vonnegut, Isaac Asimov, Neil Gaimon, or C.J. Cherryh

Favorite game: Xenosaga, Devil May Cry, Halo, all .hack and FF

Favorite TV shows/Movies: South Park, Star Wars, A Scanner Darkly, The Dark Crystal, Star Trek

Favorite Drink: Laced Coffee, sparkling desert wine, very dry red wine (yes i'm underage, but my father's really cool and i've worked at the Wine Festival every year since I was 7)

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Fresh black coffee

Favorite Foods: truffles, death by chocolate pie, chocolate bourbon pecan torte, strawberry rhubarb tart, almost any pastry, and melon bread (can you tell I have a sweet tooth?)

Favorite Sites: ANN, writing.com, youtube, and a long list of sites that are against the ANN rules.

Favorite Music: eclectic and ever changing. currently Streetlight Manifesto, Danny Winn and the Earthlings, The Big Spank, the Toasters, and anything by Yuki Kajiura

Job: College student with varying side jobs

Hobbies: Baking, candy making, beading

It is a pleasure to meet you all.
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Joined: 15 Dec 2007
Posts: 152
Location: Vancouver
PostPosted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 10:26 pm Reply with quote
Where's Psycho101 and his greatly amusing welcoming posts?

@Thousandfold Perception: Your likes and dislikes greatly interest me.
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
Forums Superstar

Joined: 14 Aug 2006
Posts: 16979
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 12:19 am Reply with quote
Animastryfe wrote:
Where's Psycho101 and his greatly amusing welcoming posts?

@Thousandfold Perception: Your likes and dislikes greatly interest me.

Did someone call for me? Very Happy My apologies to one and all. I am severely slacking off in my welcoming duties in the past 2-3 months. My job has been crazy and constant 6 day double shifts and covering for other people has taken it's toll on my stamina and energy lately. Doesn't help my boss just left for 3 weeks to back to the old country (Vietnam) for some family business and I'm left to run the carryout myself. I promise though to get my act together and get those welcomes out more quickly.

So without further ado a big ANN belated and current welcome to thousandfold_perception, Charca, somakun, Yukonxcr, *kino_the_traveler*, Fuusamurai, vigilas1890, Capt Hungry, Kirkdawg, shinta66, eothemina, insocchick, HadouRemy, fokkusuhaundo, and Olliff. Hopefully you'll all find some small piece of anime paradise here and enjoy your stay. And if not.....well Razz Razz Razz on you heh. It is nice to see someone else though who likes to bake as much as I do thousandfold. Do you prefer baking cakes, pies or breads? I myself love baking bread and pies personally. And Fuusamurai also gets +5 awesome points for having beer as his favorite drink heh. I'd love to know your brews of choice as a beer fan myself. You might also say hi to our very own Dannish moderator abunai. Maybe you can study the dark side under him and then one day you guys can launch in invasion and take over ANN. Then we'll have the Danish flag as our background under our new overlord abunai heh. I better shut up now before I give him anymore ideas.

And as part of you your welcomes everyone you all get you're very own mystery welcome bag of goodies for joining. *hands out a brown paper bag to everyone* So you lucky guys and gals are all the proud owners of 3 used spark plugs, 2 random chess pieces that have been chewed on slightly, 4 buttons of varying sizes and colors, and 3 pieces of crust from month old pizza. I hope you all enjoy your fabulous gifts and don't forget these words of wisdom as you enjoy your time here; Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
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Joined: 30 Mar 2008
Posts: 2
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 1:59 am Reply with quote
So anyway I finally registered. I'm kinda known to procrastinate but it's all good, I promise
Name: Ryan
Nickname: most of my friends call me either Cuban, my dad's "official" nationality, or Valido, my last name.
Sex: Male
Location: Slidell, LA. 15 minutes out of New Orleans
Marital Status: Single. Looking, but nowhere near desperate
Age: 22
Ethnicity:1/2 mutt, 1/2 mutt. According to school records: Hispanic. In reality, pretty much everything. Guess I look white.
Religion: Altered Christianity. heheh, no details.
Pets: A skinny street cat and 2 dogs
Drink/Smoke: I detest both. although I drank for a while then swore it off.
Likes: In-depth discussion about things that don't matter.
Dislikes: Otaku. Sorry, I lied. I guess English class, and I'm only just in 101 Sad
Favorite anime: I refuse to answer this question.
Favorite Manga (Light novels): I love spin-offs, like angelic days and the paper sisters side stories.
Favorite game: Why, the one based on my favorite anime of course!
Favorite TV shows/Movies: Scrubs
Fav drink: 2, cocoa milk and RoOt BeEr
Favorite Foods: cheap chinese takeout and all seafood, especially. boiled crawfish
Favorite Sport (to watch):UFC, boxing, (staged) wrestling
Favorite Sport (to play):Soccer, Martial Arts
Favorite Music: Meh
Job: I was just a drifter, searching for girls with wings. When I discovered they weren't real, I went back to school, working part-time doing post-Katrina construction. Also part time at best-buy working in computer department. I've had to stop doing independent work on computers because of that place but oh well.
Hobbies: Drawing, video gaming (mainly fighting games), card gaming, competing with friends in trivial matters.
Crap about me:
I am the current leader in dvd count for anime between my circle of friends.
There is a bottle of Jack Daniels from like 5 years ago on one of my anime bookshelves, surrounded by chibi figurines and the Halo3 helmet thing.
I know more Japanese than I do Spanish. Still isn't much though.
My car sucks.
I am opinionated, but am pretty much accepting of just about anything that anyone says to me. Also fairly honest about myself.
I also do the most computer crap of my friends/family/co-workers, whether it be repair work, some video editing, scripting and stuff.
I try to write my own manga, but it's just stuff I never show anybody so don't worry about it.
I live with mommy Very Happy bless her soul.
I dislike guns, very much. Not because of war or self-defense, but when it comes to street fights, just unnecessary and cruel.
I enjoy sad/bad/disappointing endings sometimes, so long as there is a freaking ending.
I guess that's enough crap about me
Favorite Quotes: I don't really know "where" it's from, but I've loved this one since I was younger. "Before you insult someone, walk a mile in their shoes. Therefore, when you do insult them, you are a mile away and you have their shoes!" Very Happy
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Joined: 29 Mar 2008
Posts: 101
Location: Waco, TX
PostPosted: Sun Mar 30, 2008 3:00 am Reply with quote
Howdy y'all! There. Got my Texas greeting out of the way. Now I can talk normally. Laughing

Name: Matthew

Sex: Male

Blood Type: I have no clue. I donate blood from time to time but I've never had the common sense to ask what my blood type is when I go down there.

Location: Waco, Texas. Interesting fact: I went to High School in the original Branch Davidian compound before David Koresh and his cronies moved to the one that got royally blown up.

And for those of you who are curious.. that incident actually happened in Elk, Texas and NOT Waco. Walter Cronkite simply reported from Waco (since Elk would not let reporters stay at their hotels) and Waco got stuck with it!

Marital Status: Single and lookin'. Wink I've been looking for a girlfriend who loves Anime for a while now. They're kinda hard to find where I live!

Age: 22

Religion: Protestant Christian. God rocks!

Pets: Two cats. One is 10 years old, black like a Halloween cat and the biggest flirt you'll ever know. Her name is Cleopatra. She's also a masochist. My other cat is 19, named Sassy. She's as fat as a bowling ball and likes to stare at the wall for hours on end. It's fascinating to her... don't ask me why.

Drink/Smoke: No smoking, but I occasionally go out for a drink. My current favorite is sake (and no, not because I like Anime. I just like the taste).

Likes: Archery, jogging, tanning, weightlifting, computers, reading, politics, Anime, socializing, baking various foods (even though I suck at it), and sampling new cuisine. Yum yum. I also volunteer at my old high school as an assistant Debate Coach. Can you imagine what it's like to deal with about 30 teenagers who try to argue you into a corner every weekday? o.O;; Thank God I love it.

Dislikes: Stupid people. Period. I can't stand them.

Favorite Anime: Ah! My Goddess. -_- I know, I'm such a wuss. I'm secretly a hopeless romantic, but shh.

Favorite Manga: I'm not really into Manga yet.

Favorite Books: Fantasy writing, particularly Forgotten Realms books.

Favorite Game: Fallout 1 & 2, Commander Keen, Duke Nukem, Marathon (1, 2, and Infinity), Myth: The Total Codex, Neverwinter Nights, and Resident Evil 4.

Favorite TV Shows/Movies: Lost, Heroes, I Am Legend (almost anything with Will Smith in it)

Favorite Drink: Sake!!

Non-Alcoholic Drink: Virgin Piña Colada

Favorite Foods: Lasagna, Cheesecake, anything chocolatey

Favorite Sites: News sites and Anime sites in general

Favorite Sport: Gymnastics, particularly watching the Olympics

Favorite Sport (to play): Soccer and Baseball

Favorite Music: Within Temptation, The Birthday Massacre, Red

Job: Best Buy sales associate and full time college student.

Hobbies: I sometimes make 3D artwork with Poser 7 but haven't really done that in a while. Weightlifting is a hobby I guess.. in addition to it being exercise. I enjoy watching movies with friends and trying to guess what's going to happen in political elections, that's tons of fun! And I also paint little metal figurines when I'm bored, even tho' I'm not that good.

More About Me:

I'm opinionated but unfortunately extremely gullible. Especially when it comes to phone pranks and being the butt of jokes. Poor me. Sad

I love romance above all things. I'm still looking for my angel and unlike my friend who posted before me, I still believe they exist. Very Happy I will nevaarrr give up searching! I just have to find her; she's out there somewhere.

Despite my opinionated nature, I'm very nurturing and have a kind of servant's mentality in most things. I just figure that the best way to change the world is to begin with yourself, you know? It's not easy and you get stepped on a lot but hey, at least you make the world a little bit better.

I love learning. Teach me stuff and I will listen to you endlessly.

And last but certainly not least, I'm a great shoulder to rest on. I try very hard to be empathetic to people.


So there's me in a nutshell!
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