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Chainsaw Man (TV) (w/ index).

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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 12:36 pm Reply with quote

Season 1: Chainsaw Man (TV)
Season 2: Pending

Source: Manga (ongoing @ 15 volumes, by Tatsuki Fujimoto)

Demographic: Shounen

Animation Studio: MAPPA

Genres: action, comedy, drama, horror, supernatural

Themes: conspiracy, demons, ecchi, gore, monsters, superhumans, superpowers, transformations, tragedy, yakuza, zombies

Plot Summary: Denji is a destitute young man who lives in a world filled with bloodthirsty monsters called Devils. One day, he befriends Pochita, who is a Devil dog-thing that is also a literal chainsaw. If that wasn't already a weird, things take a real turn when Denji is murdered by gangsters, and Pochita fuses with his soul to save his life.

This turns the perpetually hungry and horny Denji into the titular Chainsaw Man, who ends up hunting other Devils for the enigmatic Makima, a woman who works for a governmental bureau of Devil Hunters, and strings Denji along with vague promises of sex and fortune, even as she treats him as little more than a dog himself.

Air Date & Platform:
Season 1: October 11, 2022 (Tuesday)
Available on: Crunchyroll

Season 2: Pending
Available on: Crunchyroll

Episode Count / Runtime:

Season 1: 12 episodes
Season 2: Pending

Total: 12 episodes


(Clicking on the episode will take you to my post that has a summary, comments, and screen-caps)

Episode 01: Dog & Chainsaw
Episode 02: Arrival in Tokyo

(Bat Devil)
Episode 03: Meowy's Whereabouts
Episode 04: Rescue

(Eternity Devil)
Episode 05: Gun Devil
Episode 06: Kill Denji
Episode 07: The Taste of a Kiss

(Katana Man)
Episode 08: Gunfire
Episode 09: From Kyoto
Episode 10: Bruised & Battered
Episode 11: Mission Start
Episode 12: Katana vs. Chainsaw

OP1 (w/ Lyrics): "Kick Back" by Kenshi Yonezu
ED01 (w/ Lyrics): "Chainsaw Blood" by Vaundy
ED02 (w/ Lyrics): "Time Left" by Zutamayo
ED03 (w/ Lyrics): "200 Million Centimeter-long Blades" by Maximum the Hormone
ED04 (w/ Lyrics): "Tablet" by Tooboe
ED05 (w/ Lyrics): "In the Back Room" by Syudou
ED06 (w/ Lyrics): "Rendezvous" by Kanaria
ED07 (w/ Lyrics): "Chu, Diversity" by
ED08 (w/ Lyrics): "First Death" by TK from Ling tosite sigure
ED09 (w/ Lyrics): "Deep Down" by Aimer
ED10 (w/ Lyrics): "Dogland" by People 1
ED11 (w/ Lyrics): "Violence" by Queen Bee
ED12 (w/ Lyrics): "Fight Song" by Eve


Haven't read the manga. But just reading the summary and the fact that it's a MAPPA production has me excited.

Last edited by Tony K. on Sun Sep 24, 2023 10:21 pm; edited 7 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 9:50 am Reply with quote
Chainsaw Man is one of my favorite manga of all time, something I would genuinely say is a masterpiece. At least part 1 is (part 2 is still ongoing so could turn into total crap though I find it unlikely it will) and part 1 is able to stand on it's own regardless. So yeah, I'm super excited about this. Not only is the source material great, but because part 1 is already finished, they should be able to plan the anime well and adapt the manga properly, and not run into some of the unexpected pitfalls that can happen when you adapt a series still in progress and don't always know what is or isn't important and what to focus on and then cut out things that seem meaningless but are actually super important plot threads with later payoffs and... anyways I digress.

I'm also really happy that the voice of Denji is someone who seems pretty new, they've done some game stuff but basically no anime. In the trailer Denji's voice was really good, and Chainsaw Man is super popular right now, so this could be a great breakout hit for some new talent.

I also look forward to the weekly discussion that will happen with the anime. There are so many amazing moments in the manga, and it will be great to read the thoughts of people experiencing them for the first time.

All in all, my most anticipated upcoming series by far.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:46 pm Reply with quote
Let's hope that the anime would be as lit as the manga.
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Tony K.

Joined: 18 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2022 7:34 pm Reply with quote
Episode 01: Dog & Chainsaw

Summary: Denji has been burdened with a massive debt left behind by his deceased father, and works as a demon hunter to sell the corpses. His companion, Pochita, is a small dog-chainsaw devil, who helps him with his job. When Denji's boss reveals his group has allied themselves with devils, the Zombie Devil then reveals itself and has Denji dismembered and thrown into the garbage. Shortly after, a whole Denji bursts from the garbage, noticing Pochita's pull string on his chest. He pulls the string and grows chainsaws from his head and arms, slaying the zombies and the Zombie Devil. The next morning, the remains of the carnage are found by a woman and her sidekicks.

Comments: Well, that was nice and bloody! This is probably the goriest title I've seen labeled as "shounen," and, coincidentally, just in time for Halloween season. Having not read the manga, yet, but hearing that it's targeted at the shounen crowd, I have some guesses as to how this can be a kind of dark comedy actioner, so I'm looking forward to how that goes. I was actually a tad horrified at how grisly Denji was killed before he turned demi-demon. But I love how he literally wiped with floor with all their blood and guts as revenge.

I think MAPPA's already established themselves as pretty good in the animation department (*points to Jujutsu Kaisen*), so I'll ease up on the praise for that. But I really gotta' give props to the sound team. All those chainsaw and flesh-squealing effects were a real treat. Try to watch this on a good sound setup if you can. That stuff is a horror/gore fan's wet dream.

Other than that, I got nothin' else. I feel like this was mostly about world-bulding and setting the tone of the series, which I feel is gonna' be super, super bloody. And hopefully, there will some character development and fun. We'll see how many more movie references outside of the opening they can sprinkle throughout (First Blood (1982) as he's walking down the road in that jacket!). I'm really liking what I see, so far!


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2022 1:10 am Reply with quote

This series has been heavily hyped by this website and most English-speakers following the series, so I'm not expecting much more than an action gore-fest with high production values as MAPPA (Jujutsu Kaisen) are at the helm. So far, it's been up to expectations. I'm not really rooting for the characters thus far, since the creator has gone too far into depicting one of the most pitiful protagonists ever seen in living memory and just about anything that happens in this series from now on is considered paradise for someone who epitomises "living hell".

That's some debt Denji has found himself in, monthly debt instalments of 700,000 Yen without touching the principal and despite his new pet he still couldn't make ends meet and had to sell off various body parts to keep up. It's a wonder he hasn't starved to death; just one piece of bread a day shared with Pochita makes me wonder how long he's been doing this as he should have died from malnutrition ages ago. Regardless, the tone has been set and finally his life is looking up, even if he's effectively upgrading from a cage which can kill him at any date to one which is gilded and has effectively the same hold over his life.

The OP animation is heavily influenced by the Jujutsu Kaisen series, I can see a lot of similarities between the two OPs. There's a separate article which talks about the various movie homages in just one episode, but they're all lost on me so I'll just read up on that to see what's to expect moving forward. No ED animation, but the song is a typical fit for a series like this.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 4:58 am Reply with quote
Let me be clear from the onset that, like virtually all the anime series I've watched prior to this, I have not (in fact, do not) read the original manga. I only take anime for what it is, and I will continue to do so. Chainsaw-Man is no exception.

So, without further ado.


Probably the single. Most. Hyped. Anime. In recent memory.

I know, I know. Everyone talked about this anime like, months (maybe even a year?) before its debut. Everything there was to speculate about it, from when it's actually making its debut to even the fact that every episode will have a unique ED song, it was on the rumor mill. Imagine how glad I am that all the speculations are finally over since it's here at last. Thank goodness.

I will be honest: the first episode didn't completely win me over. I can think of a few other shows with incredible first episodes that did a better job than this one. BUT! This isn't necessarily a bad thing. One common pattern I see for several anime series is how they had a stellar opening, but then fizzled out towards the end. It's unfortunate, but it's something I see happening all too often. Shows that have a decent opening episode can have an amazing climactic finish, and I hope that that's the case for this show.

Secondly, THE STORY HAS JUJUTSU KAISEN WRITTEN ALL OVER IT. A deal with the devil (quite literally here). A good guy born on the wrong path. An employment with an organization that deals with these Devils. A Blade-like story of Devils being a Devil Hunter who's also a Devil himself. Hence, the originality of the show: near zero. I will give props for the presentation of the idea—what is it with heads replaced with weapons? We had Gunhead with No Guns Life, and now a chainsaw—and I am getting good vibe with the style. The whole teens with style and attitude—which is also very Jujutsu Kaisen—will be a winning trait for the show.

And lastly, I am quite surprised by the overall MOOD of the show. Very slow and muted. Surprisingly muted. I was expecting something more over-the-top, wild action sequences à la Jujutsu Kaisen or even Dorohedoro (I was expecting something like Doro, to be honest). But no, quite the opposite. Mappa produced this, so why does the show remind me so much of Kara no Kyoukai's mood, produced by ufotable? Is it a bad thing? Not at all! It's amazing, but just surprising. The production values are evidently top-notch and it looks to be Mappa's best-looking show yet.

Of course, I am stoked about this show, regardless of the fact that basically everyone in the anime community is definitely tuned to the show too. And of course, I want more.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 6:10 am Reply with quote
Chainsaw Man is the best anime ever. All other shows suck. Heh. I'm joking, but I really liked the first episode. Haven't read the manga but I think I'm really going to love this. Favourite show of the new season, easy.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 5:53 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2:

Awesomeness, thy name is... CHAINSAW MAN!!! Boy, you know you've linked up with a hot simulcast when your very first thought at the end of the episode is - DAMN, I HAVE TO WAIT A WHOLE WEEK FOR THE NEXT ONE!!! I love it.

So Denji goes from being a yakuza dog to being sort of a police dog. The police dog is definitely a better gig. He's hot for Miss Makima but I don't like his chances. She'll have no trouble keeping him on a leash. Power looks like fun. I had to snicker at Denji's rationale for not going full Devil on the Fiend... gotta keep that porn dry, yo.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2022 8:29 pm Reply with quote

If I hadn't watched Jujutsu Kaisen, I would have enjoyed this episode (and the franchise) more. Unfortunately I have watched the former, and the similarities between this franchise and that one are quite obvious. Having the same animation studio in charge of adaptations doesn't help, as there's a determined effort to appeal to fans of the former by incorporating elements of that adaptation into this one. Whether or not it's a fault of the source material is hard to say, but I'm sticking to my earlier opinion that the show is best watched as an action gore-fest.

Denji's life prior to the contract is so terrible that just about anything is an upgrade. That includes being treated to a meal and fed hand to mouth by the first female with good looks he's ever met in his life. At least the contract restored the body parts he sold off prior to his resurrection, so Pochita did him a huge favour as far as his overall looks are concerned. As for Makima, she's a mix of decency and ruthlessness. So unlike Denji and Hayakawa, I'd say she's neutral and is willing to do anything required to manipulate her subordinates into doing their jobs. If they won't work, she'll dispose of them without a second thought.

If the ED animation is anything to go by, then Hayakawa probably kicks out Denji from his small apartment and tells Denji to live at the downstairs rubbish dump. Denji won't mind or run away, since he's used to living in appalling conditions and has something motivating him to stick around. The first encounter between these two is a textbook example of how not to start the first day in a professional setting. Hayakawa is stoic but presumptuous, so seeing him get kicked in the nether areas as retaliation was entertainment. Neither party introduced themselves formally to each other to begin with, nor were interested in knowing about each other. The outcome was thus obvious, although Hayakawa did divulge his own background later which does give Denji some pause for thought.

As for Power, the comparisons between her and Jujutsu Kaisen's Kugisaki Nobara as far as looks and special abilities are concerned are there. Besides that, Power is less appealing to me as I'm not fond of uppity braggarts with a delusional complex and a voice pitched precisely to grate with my sense of hearing. Not a great first impression, but maybe the creator has more planned for her than meets the eye in later episodes. At the very least, seeing her smash Devils with enormous Blood Hammers is the main reason why I'm sticking with this show.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:01 am Reply with quote

Not once, but twice. RIP his balls.

The more I watch this, the more I am reminded of Jujutsu Kaisen. In every possible way. An experimental (read: ragtag) team. A trio made up of a lackadaisical dude who never thinks about anything; an uptight, overly serious guy, and The Crazy One (no different from the main trio from JJK tbf). Denji is basically a ticking timebomb, the same way Itadori-Sukuna is in JJK. Devils == Curses, with Fiends == humans possessed by Curses. Public Safety Devil Extermination Special Division 4 == Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.

Mildly interested in Makima (two bucks: 1) she seems nice, but is incredibly terrifying in truth, and 2) she's nice toward Denji just to keep him wrapped around her finger), and of course Power. Only thing that surprised me a little was that I was expecting to see her in episode 3, with an introduction at the end of this episode (typical setup, right?). But no, we already get to see her now; that's quick).

The only thing that substantially separates this show from JJK is the presentation style. Normally I would expect this show to have the same high-energy, dynamic feel of JJK but instead it is taking the slow, moody and atmospheric approach instead. Unusual yet novel.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 12:21 am Reply with quote
Blood- wrote:
I had to snicker at Denji's rationale for not going full Devil on the Fiend... gotta keep that porn dry, yo.

I'm very bothered when things go to waste, especially consumerist things like food and porn. They're there for consumption. Don't waste good leftover food. And don't waste good leftover porn.

ACxS wrote:
The only thing that substantially separates this show from JJK is the presentation style. Normally I would expect this show to have the same high-energy, dynamic feel of JJK but instead it is taking the slow, moody and atmospheric approach instead. Unusual yet novel.

I think that's gonna' be the main difference. JJK has style and lore. CSM will be just as stylish, but with more gore than lore. Either way, they'll still be super-entertaining in their own right, and I'm totally fine with that.

Episode 02: Arrival in Tokyo

Summary: After Denji is rescued by the mysterious woman, he learns her name is Makima, who then recruits him into the Devil Hunters at Tokyo Headquarters. He, then, gets paired with veteran hunter Aki Hayakawa to learn the ropes of Devil Hunting. After successfully suppressing a Fiend, Denji is, now, paired with a Devil Hunter Fiend by the name of Power.

Comments: A lot of world-building in this episode. We get a basic setting of who's who and what they do (people and Fiends kill bad demons and fiends) and are introduced to more of the main cast (hopefully it's not as huge a roster as some other shounen titles *thinks of My Hero Academia*).

I'm actually glad it didn't go all-out with the action like the first episode. While it certainly has some great choreography and shows a ton of potential for future sequences, I'm all about setting tone and getting some character exposition, too.

I find it pretty quirky that Denji is a human-dog hybrid. I guess all Fiends are half human, half whatever their demon was and that they inherit a mix of human thinking with animal instincts or something. I feel it'll make for some really great (funny) or terrible (fearsome) combinations, at some point.

I'm already liking the chemistry Denji has with Hayakawa. It's very buddy cop style, but with Denji being way more crass and a doesn't-give-a-shit kind of guy. Power also seems really hyperactive and gung ho and more than makes up for the lower levels of enthusiasm from the two guys. Makima seems like a pretty chill lady. She acts stoic, but I feel like it's mostly a smokescreen to hide her true vicious nature for when she's murderizing demons and stuff. Can't wait to see what she's capable of.


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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 8:53 am Reply with quote
Can I be a bit heretical here, folks? You won't stone me? Okay. *breathes deeply*

I'm a huge JJK fan but... it is possible I may end up liking Chainsaw Man more. I haven't seen enough of CM to make a definitive judgment yet, so I'm just going on instinct. Like I say, I love JJK, but I sometime finds its lore hard to follow and confusing. Say what you will about CM but it sure ain't... complicated... at least not so far. We'll see, I guess.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2022 7:05 pm Reply with quote
At this pace, I feel like CSM is becoming a modernized and more intricately-animated version of Hellsing, minus the super over-powered protagonist (so far), with much more world-building elements, lots of crass comedy, and some actual attempts at character development.

Comparing JJK and CSM, I'd say the former's supernatural flavor is more along the lines of sorcery and mythos that borders on fantasy/magic. The latter's supernatural flavor feels more along the lines of demons and ghouls, bordering on creature feature/horror.

I agree CSM seems like it'll be way less complicated to follow. Both are really freaking stylish, though. The production effort put into Denji's double ball-kicking on Hayakawa has already surpassed entire seasons of crappier shows.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2022 7:47 am Reply with quote
Tony K., I meant to mention this earlier and this thread is as good as any for doing it: Thank you for all the work you are doing in the Series' Discussion Forum. You and Stark700 do most of the thread starting work which is really appreciated and I love the effort you put into the actual discussion part, including the posting of screenshots from episodes. Really spruces the joint up!
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 25, 2022 7:22 pm Reply with quote
Episode 3

Denji learned a very important lesson this episode, one that is really crucial for a horny young dude to take on board: if a chick readily agrees to let you fondle her jumblies, there's probably a catch. Chalk it up to experience.

Other than, more mindless fun cutting up Devils.
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