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My Hero Academia (TV + movies).

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 31, 2017 5:15 pm Reply with quote
JayHairston wrote:

For those who didn't know:

We were only going to be able to bring you 6 episodes of dubs that air the same day as the subs, but studio BONES in Japan and our team at Funimation kept up the pace for a whopping 14 episodes!

The fan response was so great we plan to do more same-day dubs in the future. But for now, episode 27 was our last same-day scheduled for Season Two of My Hero Academia, and we will be returning to our usual dub schedule of airing two weeks after Japan. Stay tuned for the episode 28 SimulDub™ airing tomorrow July 29th, only on FunimationNow!

Wow, that's a damn impressive effort. Keep up the good work.
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 12, 2017 11:22 pm Reply with quote
Season 2, Episode 19 (Episode 32)

Tsuyu is still one of my favourite characters in the show, so I quite enjoyed her taking up so much of this episode. That we saw her internship with Selkie, actually, she seems to be a rare person who actually finds him cute when he tries to act as such, and with her name Froppy I wonder.

By the octopus guy being called Mr Insmouth, it seems to be a pretty clear Lovecraft reference. Although because I have been into Splatoon (2) recently, him and his squid underlings instead had me thinking of the Nintendo game, he even shot out ink which had me say "splat!".
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:09 pm Reply with quote
Well, I finished the second season today.

That was a great season even with the addition of that one original anime episode.

Very faithful to the manga and sets up for the next season with AFO tease and League of Villians. I like Toga and Dabi's voice acting so far as well. Deku's encounter with Shigaraki was also a highlight as we see how twisted he can be. Not to mention, we got to see him in civilian clothes.

Uraraka is now more conscious about Deku, something that I found to be amusing.

Rating as excellent.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 9:00 pm Reply with quote
Episode 38 (season 2 finale)

They say that the best villains are ones you can maybe get a glimmer of what makes them tic, what makes them want to destroy what is good. And by hints in this episode I think we started to get a glimpse at what does this to Tomura, that he hates how everyone can just act like everything is okay and fine, when really it a false narrative to a world where things can just go bad. The hands he has clasping on him seem to be connected to some past event, that by the story may imply that All Might made a mistake and was unable to save him or someone else. He sees the symbols as a falsehood rather than a genuine attempt to try and spread that ideology.

Anyway. The second season of My Hero Academia has been far better than the first season. There has been more time to really touch on the varied characters, with some really good characterisation and growth. To pick a best episode of this season or something, I am going for the Ochako fight, where she showed a determined spirit, that showed her more than some girl. But far from an outlier, where the Deku and Todorki was also amazing. There was much character growth to be had.

I only rated the first season as Good, but I am giving second season an Excellent (9/10), where amongst other things it feels like it overcame weaknesses of its genre, and did not feel like it was trying to fill in time, or undercut its characters. Yet as a small aside, I think that it can do even better, and have hopes that it will.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 26, 2018 2:40 am Reply with quote
New season (Season 3) begins on September 7th. Very excited!

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2018 3:58 am Reply with quote
Season 3, episode 1:

OohI like this new OP song. A lot of hype in it with the characters and lyrics by Uverworld is catchy. Nice to see some spotlights of the villians too.

We got reintroduction of the heroes and everyone as usual. Now I did wish they didn't reuse footage from the previous season for this episode but whatever. Lol, the episode had fan service. Shirtless guys and girls in swimsuits. This season knows what the audience wants!

It was a fun start timo. Not very serious but got me back into the mood of the show again. I'm excited to see more episodes for the main plot soon.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 2:08 am Reply with quote
Episode 63 (Season 3 finale)

It did not get a lot of talk here, but season 3 certainly had the series being in a pretty strong stride. Pretty much starting with the training camp arc, really introducing with the new villains, Bakugo captured, the awesome fight between All For One and One For All, dorms, ultimate moves, the licensing exam, and into their second semester. Knew the season had to be ending, but could be excused for thinking that it was not slowing down. Still a couple of weak episodes, mainly the pool episode that the season started, and the weird episode that appeared in the middle of the test arc, also set during the summer with the weird murder mystery thing, that second one felt like a big ad to the All For One movie that has had mentions.

I give this season also a rating of Excellent (9/10), they have kept up the hard work in making this show a definitive anime for the decade.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 11:40 pm Reply with quote
Pretty good season....AMAJIKI IS ADORABLE, OKAY.
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 3:55 am Reply with quote
Season 5 returns today with a new episode Cool
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Joined: 03 Aug 2019
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:26 pm Reply with quote

The one thing I never liked about My Hero Academia: the "tutorials". Aka, "what's this character's name and their Quirk". We're in season 5 now, and I feel like I've remembered all their Quirks since Season 1 because the whole show revolves specifically around their Quirks.

Either you're completely new in this show (it would be unusual to follow this show only from season 5, imho), or you have questionable memory.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 01, 2021 2:31 am Reply with quote
One of the anime I've been watching on TV as of late is "My Hero Academia." But,I have noticed some things about the show that I'd like to discuss here,things that I hope interest you too. This might not be to everyone's approval but hey,that's how things are. So,if everyone's ready,let's dive into this show.

1.Of all the ships that people have put up for "MHA,"there are those that I can see for many of the different characters,but I've been confused about some of them. But,the one that has me the most confused is the Izuku/Bakugou one. I don't know why it even exists. One major reason for that is if you've read any of my previous posts on this guy,you know how I feel about him. For those who don't,let me sum the guy up. He's an obnoxious,nasty,temper-prone cretin who's basically a big jerk.
Why anyone would think that he and Izuku could have those sort of feelings for each other baffles me. He doesn't seem to like him very much,even telling Izuku to commit suicide simply because he didn't have a Quirk. He may redeemed himself a little bit by helping out his teammates in the competition with Class 1-B,but considering his previous behavior,it's not by much.

Also,it kind of clashes with Izuku's character. Throughout the show,he's been shown to like girls. During junior high,it's fair to say that not many of the girls noticed him at all. In fact,for that amount of time,the only female he spent any real time with is his mother. So,when a girl who's not his mother talks to or even compliments him,that's a major event for someone like him. He blushes slightly whenever that happens or when they touch him.
So,knowing that and the way Bakugou's treated him over the years makes this one of the least likely ships in the whole show. I know they've known each other since childhood but to call them "friends" is a bit of a stretch for a lot of people. For a long time,he's basically treated Izuku like garbage. Why he kept hanging out with him is a mystery to those like me.

I'm sorry if I'm spoiling the BL imaginings of those in the fandom about this particular character,but that's the way it is. Bakugou doesn't even seem to have a romantic bone in his body. In fact,he's one of the nastiest characters in the whole show. How or why anyone would want to be with him would come as a big shock to someone like me. I just can't imagine him dating anyone,the least of which is his "friend."
Let's be honest here. Deku would be much happier dating any of the girls not just in his classroom,but at his school. I know that the main pairing is with him and Uraraka but any of the other girls at UA would do just as well. Those like Mina,Momo,Kyoka,Toru. Heck,he'd even do well with Tsuyu. Even Kendo would be a better match for Izuku. Why anyone in the fandom would think that Izuku and Bakugou would have that sort of relationship is something I don't really understand. They just seem so incompatible,not just as potential romantic partners,but as friends as well.

2.Speaking of Momo,there was one scene in the show in which Kendo wondered why she hadn't been in any school beauty contests. It's a good question. While it's probably due to her intelligence and not wanting to do anything that's a bit undignified,it's something to think about. If I were honest,I think she'd probably win any teen beauty contest walking away. Why would I think that? Well,let's take a look at the obvious.
For one thing,she's extremely gorgeous. She's smart and able to handle herself in a fight. That and her ability to create things from her own body would be a huge advantage in that type of setting. In a lot of ways,it would be difficult to see her lose to anyone in those circumstances. She'd be hard to beat in any competition,especially something like a beauty contest. But,what do you think of this? Is Momo competing in a beauty contest even a possibility? Please tell me. I'd like to know so please do so.

Last edited by Snomaster1 on Wed Oct 27, 2021 1:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 5:01 am Reply with quote
Season 5, Episode 25 (Episode 113, Season Finale)

This season has felt very uneven. Almost the entirely first half being a kind of tournament arc, where class A and B fought each other. It did have some cool parts to it, but couldn't help but feel like it didn't do an incredible lot to push the general narrative of the story, up until Deku suddenly got a new quirk. The quirk leading into Deku trying to master something rather difficult, which led to more hero experience stories, which could be either way of whether it pushed story, except for Endeavor taking up mentoring the three boys rather than just his son. And then the last several episodes kind of had a focus on the league of villains, which in ways is kind of confusing in how much it wants us to sympathise with them, but at least the tragedy of Shigaraki's life was interesting.

My rating is going to be Good (7/10), it has not really reached a lower tier yet, but at the same time not much that felt like it reinvented itself to keep on going on so long, considering it went over the 100 episode mark this season.
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 26, 2021 8:44 am Reply with quote
I liked this season for one particular reason: My Villain Academia. I've always gravitated towards the villains in this show (or villains, in general), and the villains' background stories have always been more interesting than the heroes'. Frankly, the heroes' stories are kinda boring and over-done.

Enjoyed the second arc of this season way more than the first because it gave the villains more exposure that they deserved. Especially Shiragaki. Good on him.

My grade for this show has always been 7/10, and it remains that way. I still think this is the benchmark for shounen genre today (barring Demon Slayer, because I'm not too sure about its genre).
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2022 11:36 pm Reply with quote
I admit it's rare for me to do an episode review of any show,be it anime or not,but when one does happen,don't worry. There's a very good reason for it. Because it's got something you might not expect. That's what I got when I watched "Mirko,the No. 5 Hero" from "My Hero Academia." It's near the beginning when Mirko smashes through the wall to the doctor's hideout and she says "What's up,doc?"
Now,from what I've gathered,it wasn't in the original version. That was something the dub writers added on,but to be honest,I don't mind it. It felt like this was something that the people behind the English dub was waiting to do,so they just did it. And,it added something to Mirko's character. It made her seem more gutsy and tough then it would have been without it.

I can imagine that it would have been something that Horikoshi himself would have done if he had the chance to do it,but I like that it was done. Not only did the dub use Bugs Bunny's most famous catchphrase but it did so in the most effective manner possible,and it also made the character a much better one in my opinion. What amazes me about this is that Mirko has a quirk that gives her the powers of a rabbit.
For a lot of people that might think they drew a bad lot in the quirk lottery when they got the powers of a rabbit,but what amazes me about Mirko is she took what she had and made herself into a powerful heroine. You can see it as she fights off wave after wave of Nomu with all the confidence in the world. It's no wonder she's at number five in Japan. If she can take the powers of a rabbit and can fight effectively with them,then she's earned a lot of respect,not just in my book,but in others as well.

The rest of the episode isn't too bad,with the other heroes doing their thing as well. But,the thing near the opening,when Mirko says "What's up,doc?" in Ripleyesque fashion was one of the best scenes,not just in the anime,but also in the "MHA" dub as well. It was a very good one and a memorable one as well as it deserves to be.

Last edited by Snomaster1 on Sun May 19, 2024 5:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2023 1:22 am Reply with quote
Season 6, Episode 25 (Season finale, Episode 138)

I guess that is the end of the season, things went almost apocalyptic with villains running loose, but everyone is supportive of Deku's true nature, and somehow they will save the day.

In general I think that the whole world falling apart with villains from people losing faith in heroes, was kind of dumb. Like they couldn't see this sort of thing coming from some breakouts, and apparently people losing faith in the private "super" cops. The series always did 'villain' characters in a kind of an odd way, where they are always ridiculous people that just do villainy, and I can only say the show thinks these people would apparently trash the world if they got loose. It has tried to play around with some things like codes or societal problems, but the show has done a pretty poor problem of showing what these societal problems are supposed to be.

The villains kind of act as both authoritarians and anti-authoritarians at the same time, that I am kind of confused by what a lot of characters stand for outside of nebulous ideas. And the league especially just come as a lot of mentally ill people. And I am not even sure the heroes stand for anything like positive mental health.

My rating for the season will be Decent (6/10).
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