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Mnemosyne - Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi.

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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 11:01 am Reply with quote
Mnemosyne - Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi

Saw episode 1......OH F*CK YES!!! I've been eying on this OVA series for a couple weeks now and it delivered! Rin Asougi (voiced by the awesomeness of Mamiko Noto) seriously ranks up as one of the most sexy, badass chicks ever made (props to the characters designer whom I've heard did designs for really edgy bishoujo visual novels for Nitro+). And this doesn't skimp on the violence and nudity at all. spoiler[And not to mention that aftermath scene of Rin getting sexually tortured by another chick named Sayara who has a thing with piercings. I bet guro fans will get a huge kick out of this! Laughing]

As for the plot, spoiler[it seems to go forth an episodic pace since it dealt with Rin who was looking for some lost cat and ended coming some guy who can't remember who he is. Stuff happens, and it led to some plot with that sadistic psycho lesbian Sayara (well she could be bi Surprised ) hording a bunch of zombies.

Of course there were a few intriguing moments like how Rin became immortal and what's with those floating orbs.]

And since this is an OVA, animation is higher than usual which Xebec actually delivered very well. Also the OP and ED sequences were pretty hardcore. Next episode will out on March 3rd!

[EDIT: Added this topic to the All Discussions thread. -TK]
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 2:54 pm Reply with quote
Agreed,I haven't been lit up like that since I began anime.Mnemosyne is truly a rush.I drink in the morning too, but to see an anime do it.Hell yeah.Every drop of alcohol,is like a drop of blood!spoiler[Rin jumping and clinging to the building(the beginning)only to get her arm shot off.Sold me right there.Rin getting pierced was awsome,as well.Sex and violence.I'm there.]
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Joined: 13 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:07 am Reply with quote
Well i just finished the 1st OVA (forgot it came out) and dam I have got to agree, this first episode was indeed great. The OP and ED were a bit hardcore as dark said, but I like them. Come on guys razor wire bondage ftw!!....

Plot wise spoiler[I was waiting for the horror aspect, but it didn't come, so then i waited for the demon aspect, and there were only a few glimpses. Instead it turned out to be about cats, clones, and a really kickass main char (oversimplification). The ominous bubbles with the glowing DNA (AP Bio is getting to me) was a bit weird. Plus I can't tell if the gigantic black object is a tree or a volcano... or something totally different. I'm not seeing the relationship between demons and the plot right now aside from the fact that the main char ressurects herself, and that person Asop saw when she was lying in her pool of blood]

Anyhow, a solid show based on the first ep, and I can't wait till the second. I unno if I grabbed a bad copy, but the video quality was subpar, however I'm betting its not Xebec's fault.

Oh... one thing though... Rin Asougi's hair is green >=(

@Darkchibi07 where did u pick up on those comments? I totally missed them... lol
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Joined: 27 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:29 am Reply with quote
Ragg wrote:
however I'm betting its not Xebec's fault.

Well, imo, Xebec is probably one of the worst animation production teams. Look at Negima!, Love Hina, and Busou Renkin, just to name a few. They completely ruined them in the way that they changed how story's originally went and took a different route of getting by those show's more ecchish moments by doing still shots of and the like of torn clothing. More notoriously is probably Negima!, where is was so bad that new animation was drawn up and added for the DVD's.

The only thing that they are good for is the filler animation, I think it's called inbetween animation sketches or something.
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Joined: 31 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 4:46 am Reply with quote
I just saw episode 1 - it's a little less than I expected it to be, but it was good enough. It kinda reminded me of Darker than Black though - the feel, the music, the characters, Rin's fighting style (it was similar to Hei's).

I loved Noto Mamiko's work. Rin is so different from the characters she played before (at least the ones I'm familiar with). Rie Kugimiya was great too as Mimi too, with her usual tsundere loli-ness Laughing

The nudity was a bit too much, but it didn't really bother me. I guess I watched enough ecchi-filled anime to get used to it Laughing spoiler[The piercings were "painful" to watch.] It was definitely a surprise.

Hopefully the next episodes are just as good.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 12:22 pm Reply with quote
Ragg wrote:
razor wire bondage ftw!!....
I'm pretty sure that was barbed wire, not razor wire.

RedTigerWolf wrote:
Well, imo, Xebec is probably one of the worst animation production teams. Look at Negima!

Funny you should mention that, as Rin's green hair and glasses had me thinking of Xebec's green-haired Chisame.

jetz wrote:
I loved Noto Mamiko's work. Rin is so different from the characters she played before (at least the ones I'm familiar with).

I could tell it was her, but still had a hard time believing it was her.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:54 pm Reply with quote
Man, this chick is HOT!!! I'm way into guys and even I kinda want her. Almost makes me wish I were gay so I could really appreciate it all. Gotta love those sexy tough broads, that and she's naked through half the first episode. I may have to forward this one to my husband. Seriously, this show must be a fan boys wet dream.

I can see what you mean about the Darker Than Black comparison. Rin is sort of like a green haired evil twin of Misaki.
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Joined: 31 Jan 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 12:23 am Reply with quote
jetz wrote:
I loved Noto Mamiko's work. Rin is so different from the characters she played before (at least the ones I'm familiar with).

I could tell it was her, but still had a hard time believing it was her.[/quote]

As for me, it took a while for me to realize it was her. Like I said, Rin is so different from her other roles (Ana Coppola from Ichigo Mashimaro, Yakumo from School Rumble, Shimako from Marimite, etc). The other characters she played are so proper and delicate and Rin kicks ass Laughing

I can see what you mean about the Darker Than Black comparison. Rin is sort of like a green haired evil twin of Misaki.

She looks like Misaki, but fights like Hei Very Happy
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Siegel Clyne

Joined: 30 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 7:26 pm Reply with quote
One mustn't overlook Rie Tanaka's brilliant performance as the psycho sadist Sayara Yamanobe.

Japanese viewers at 2ch certainly didn't.

Mnemosyune -Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi- Munemusume 1 Hitome

711 : Kaze no Tani no Nanashisan @ Jikkyou wa Jikkyouban de : 2008/02/06(Sui) 23:34:14 ID:7yT8K6lA
Hisashiburini bokki shita sakuhin da
Tokuni yokatta no wa, sado onna ga bodipiasu aketeiku goumon shiin
Ano Tanaka Rie no meiengi de inpo ga naotta

727 : Kaze no Tani no Nanashisan @ Jikkyou wa Jikkyouban de : 2008/02/07(Moku) 01:27:11 ID:dIl4uMyi
Ano Do S no Yamanobe Sayara (Yamanobe Sayara) no koe wo tantou shita Tanaka Rie tte seiyuu wa nakanaka ii ne
Ano ryoukiteki de kyouki ni michiafureta sadisutikku joousama tte kanji no koe zokuzoku shita

783 : Kaze no Tani no Nanashisan @ Jikkyou wa Jikkyouban de : 2008/02/08(Kin) 00:26:12 ID:18+YnfF/
Tanaka Rie no engiryoku ga sugoi ne
Do S kyara no koe ga pittari macchi shiteiru

902 : Kaze no Tani no Nanashisan @ Jikkyou wa Jikkyouban de : 2008/02/10(Nichi) 03:09:11 ([p])[ID:ETGfe44a](5)
900 : Kaze no Tani no Nanashisan @ Jikkyou wa Jikkyouban de : 2008/02/10(Nichi) 02:54:00 ([p])[ID:OBgb06TO](2)
Yatto ima, bideo mirareta

Noto X Kugimiya ga meate mitan daga
Tanaka Rie no kaien ga hikatteta ne w
Anmari Tanaka suki ja nakatta kedo fan ninatta ze
Ano Do S no onna (Yamanobe Sayara) no koe wa meien datta na

Engiryoku dato,

Tanaka Rie > Oohara Sayaka > Noto Mamiko > Kugimiya Rie

No junban darou na
Mnemosyne -Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi- Munemusume Public Notice 1

711 : Mr./Ms. Nameless of the Valley of the Wind @ Live with the On The Spot Board : 2008/02/06 (Wednesday) 23:34:14 ID:7yT8K6lA
It's been a long time since a work gave me an erection.
Especially good were the torture scenes with the woman sadist performing body piercing.
That sublime performance by Rie Tanaka cured my impotence.

727 : Mr./Ms. Nameless of the Valley of the Wind @ Live with the On The Spot Board : 2008/02/07 (Thursday) 01:27:11 ID:dIl4uMyi
The voice actor who plays that dominant sadist Sayara Yamanobe, Rie Tanaka, is really good, isn't she?
Her voice for the sadistic queen overflowed with that madness seeking the bizarre, and sent shivers down my spine.

783 : Mr./Ms. Nameless of the Valley of the Wind @ Live with the On The Spot Board : 2008/02/08 (Friday) 00:26:12 ID:18+YnfF/
Rie Tanaka's acting ability is awesome, isn't it?
Her voice matches the dominant sadist character perfectly.

902 : Mr./Ms. Nameless of the Valley of Wind @ Live with the On The Spot Board : 2008/02/10 (Sunday) 03:09:11 (p) ID:ETGfe44a. (5)
900 : Mr./Ms. Nameless of the Valley of Wind @ Live with the On The Spot Board : 2008/02/10 (Sunday) 02:54:00 (p) ID:OBgb06TO. (2)
I finally saw the video now.

I watched it with Noto and Kugimiya being the center of my attention, but...
Rie Tanaka's extraordinary voice acting performance shone, didn't it? lol
Tanaka wasn't too much a favorite of mine before, but I've become a fan of hers now.
That voice for the dominant sadist woman (Sayara Yamanobe) was a tour de force.

When it comes to acting ability,

Rie Tanaka > Sayaka Ohara > Mamiko Noto > Rie Kugimiya

This is probably the order.


Last edited by Siegel Clyne on Thu Feb 14, 2008 3:30 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Joined: 12 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 12, 2008 10:52 pm Reply with quote
I thought it was awesome, plain awesome, I'm just hoping it will stay awesome all the way trough the series until the end - which most animes have a habit of not doing.
So I'm glad its just 6 episodes short, it's really got a potential of being among my favorites.
It is made of win and guro. And yuri to some extent.

darkchibi07 wrote:
Next episode will out on March 3rd!
Thanks a lot for letting me know! Patience is a virtue _^_
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 12:58 am Reply with quote
Ragg wrote:
Plus I can't tell if the gigantic black object is a tree or a volcano... or something totally different.

Given that one of the production credits is Yggdrassil something-or-other, I'm thinking it's a tree.

I was surprised to see someone describe Rin as badass, as my impression was that she acts pretty dorky at times. Yeah, she has her awesome moments, and letting people think she's dead has obvious advantages, but a real badass wouldn't trip a light sensor like that.

Now, I want to make sure I understand the basics correctly:
Rin is spoiler[immortal, and can regenerate from the dead as well as regrow or reattach severed limbs. Mimi is presumably also immortal.]

Apos was the one trying kill Rin in the beginning and then later in the hotel. spoiler[Apos was unaware that Rin isn't a normal human.]

spoiler[The goal of Sayara's cloning experiments/facility was immortality, the zombie-ish things were just a side-effect.]
spoiler[Sayara probably managed to escape.]

The cat has no apparent significance except as a trigger for meeting the guy spoiler[the clone] who's name escapes me at the moment.

So that's what I've got. Who's Laura? That was the fifth character named in the trailer, right? Was that the person spoiler[who appeared from the pool of Apos' blood?]
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:42 am Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
I was surprised to see someone describe Rin as badass, as my impression was that she acts pretty dorky at times.

Yeah I wouldn't call her badass. Kick-ass maybe? Tough like a badass but not cool like one.

Anyway, this wasn't bad. I can't say it was exceptionally good either though. It was pretty sparse in plot but since it's only the first episode it has potential. The art and animation was really not that great. It was okay for TV but for an OVA I really would have hoped for better.

It was pretty cool though. The action was solid. Lots of violence and nudity. It actually kept it relatively tasteful though (at least relative to the subject matter). They didn't actually show much of the spoiler[piercing] which would have been too much.

All in all, not bad but I'll be disapointed if it doesn't get better.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 8:20 am Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
Ragg wrote:
Plus I can't tell if the gigantic black object is a tree or a volcano... or something totally different.

Given that one of the production credits is Yggdrassil something-or-other, I'm thinking it's a tree.

So that's what I've got. Who's Laura? That was the fifth character named in the trailer, right? Was that the person spoiler[who appeared from the pool of Apos' blood?]

As far as the "tree" vs "Volcano" thing goes, I think it is more metaphysical in nature, like a break between dimensions where some kind of magic is spilling out.

The figure spoiler[over Apos looked like a dude to me. ]I don't think that's "Laura." I didn't see the trailer but I figure she's a character that comes in later. I also think spoiler[that we might be seeing Apos come back again. I suspect that figure will maybe make her like Rin, just a guess. ]

I definitely think Rin is badass. I mean, she kicks the living crap out of everyone she fights. She only tripped the sensor because spoiler[she has some JLo style booty. I laughed my own ass off when that happened.]
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Joined: 11 Nov 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 13, 2008 9:09 pm Reply with quote
Dorcas_Aurelia wrote:
Ragg wrote:
Plus I can't tell if the gigantic black object is a tree or a volcano... or something totally different.

Given that one of the production credits is Yggdrassil something-or-other, I'm thinking it's a tree.

So that's what I've got. Who's Laura? That was the fifth character named in the trailer, right? Was that the person spoiler[who appeared from the pool of Apos' blood?]

Ok, I just now watched the trailer and you're right, it is a tree of some kind. And according to the trailer Laura spoiler[and Apos are the same person,so I think the person standing over her as she was dying is one of the "angels" they mention in the trailer. The trailer also seemed to be including her as one of the "Daughters of Mnemosyne" so he'll probably bestow upon her the same immortality as Rin.]
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 12:47 am Reply with quote
Episode 2, and there's a one year jump! Surprised

This episode actually explained what those orbs and flying demons were in the OP sequence. spoiler[Those orbs when touched by females actually make them immortal. Rin and her secretary Mimi are indeed immortal. But when those things get touched by males, they turned into Angels and pretty much have killing intentions. Also any time those Angels get close to the immortal girls, the girls become hot and horny against their will and will get killed by them (I'm guessing this is the only way the girls can get killed).

This episode dealt with that aspect involving a stamp collector, an assasination attempt, and a girl's brother who turned into an Angel. ]

They REALLY ramped up the sex, violence, and the yuri! I mean, go Mimi!!!! Cool

Next episode will be out on April 6th!
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