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Kakuriyo -Bed & Breakfast for Spirits- (TV).

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 8:26 am Reply with quote

Kakuriyo -Bed & Breakfast for Spirits- (TV)

Genres: drama, romance, supernatural
Themes: cooking, growing up pains, other world

Plot Summary: A female college student named Aoi inherits the ability to see spirits from her late grandfather. Aoi prides herself on her cooking, and one day she's feeding some agricultural spirits when suddenly a god and the master of the "Tenshinya" (Heavenly Inn) appears and takes Aoi away. He says that due to her grandfather's debts, she must become his bride. Aoi hates this idea and instead declares that she will pay back her grandfather's debt by working at the Tenshinya.

Spring 2018 anime, listed with 26 episodes.

Episode 1:

Hmm...I think this first episode was okay. We got Aoi who can apparently see spirits...

It didn't really take long for her to encounter a strange character with a mask. We already see a little bit of her past and pretty sure that's going to be recurring throughout the show as we learn more about Aoi. The connection she has with that ayakashi will probably be a big part of the show as he calls her his "bride".

Seems like a really lighthearted show so far.

Now I'm hoping this series will be able to develop its plot more as anime like this can be repetitive at times.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 02, 2018 6:19 pm Reply with quote
This together with the upcoming Hoozuki is my fix for the supernatural this season. The themes aren't the most original (I'm immediately reminded of the Yuujinchou series and Spirited Away) but it looks like it's a pleasant diversion from heavier fare. Shoujo series done well have a wider appeal than its core audience so I'm hoping this is the same despite only airing for one quarter.

I'm betting on the mysterious Ayakashi with the bun being the master of the inn, but it's baseless speculation and I'm curious to see how that develops. One interesting matchup would be to pit Hoozuki against his fellow higher demon...
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:01 am Reply with quote
I hope that we don't have it an extended part of the Oni trying to have her as a possession, because it really comes off as creepy and disempowering after she has been kidnapped by him. Which makes her person strength to solve it her way with not being forced to marry him, all the better. She has shown personal strength, that she won't just be pushed around, which is one of my favourite characteristics for shows like this.

Although, I do like Oni.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 8:53 am Reply with quote
Let's see... a young female who can see spirits has been taken as a bride by a monster... YAY, IT'S TAMB the sequel!

Well, not quite, but still looks like a decent show. I trust we will learn more about the ayakashi who "fed" Aoi as a child, thus saving her life (somehow). I also assume there is more than meets the eye with respect to her grandfather using her as collateral for his debt.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2018 6:46 pm Reply with quote

A little background on what kind of person Ali's grandfather was while he was alive. Somehow I don't think him teaching his granddaughter how to cook was a whimsical move, she was probably collateral by then so he did his best to prepare for what was to come.

If Shirou was allowed to live a long life without dying from violence, it appears Aoi has inherited some of his devil's luck. She's made a strong ally who should give her business while her eatery is finding its feet.

Some secondary cast members are starting to show interest in Ali's cooking, which is most likely the key to her eventual acceptance in her new community, the success of her eatery and eventual repayment of her enormous debt.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 1:23 am Reply with quote
I suspect further that the debt thing is more pretence than the real deal, because a few were concerned over her possibly bypassing the debt by the tengu buying it.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 10, 2018 6:08 am Reply with quote
I found it kind of dull episode. The chat between Aoi and the tengu seemed to go on forever. The floating ships, tengu and tanuki all give me mild Eccentric Family vibes which is too bad since this show doesn't benefit from the comparison. I'll watch some more, but if things don't pick up, this will be a drop.
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PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 12:19 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2 gets more into the normal plot pacing and character development, which I appreciated. This looks to be the "unexpected gem" of the season for me, in a packed lineup of hyped remakes, continuations, and manga adaptations.

I can relate a lot better to Aoi than her younger counterparts in other series (Spirited Away, Book of Friends). Plus the fact that she's got a lot of can-do / DIY spirit but still retains a little sense of wonder & adventure is a big win in my book.

Folklore references that get more into the scary & sexual are a bonus - really refreshing to see a more "old-school" spirit world, before everything got cleaned up for children's stories.

Definitely looking forward to more, and I find myself hoping that either the manga or source novels get licensed.
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 16, 2018 11:58 pm Reply with quote

A little exposition about the world beyond with new characters thrown into the mix. Everything shown so far follows the traditional depictions of Japanese mythology fairly closely, even the rarely seen Tengu fan gets a chance to shine outside of video games.

I don't think the Master has quite given up on having Aoi as his bride, but that personality of his probably rubs quite a few shoulders the wrong way. That ship of his is nifty with its anti-fire protection.

Aoi won't have a better chance to win over the young hostess, looking at how it's going I'm expecting her to join the staff at the eatery because of her insubordination. Suzuran will probably lie low at the inn until the womanising VIP is bought off.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 12:57 am Reply with quote
Huh, at the beginning of episode 3 I was thinking the ayakashi that fed her was the kitsune, since the mask reminded me of some fox masks once I got a better look at it this time. I wonder why he seemed so sad/concerned that she remembered it in the first episode?

I was on edge for half her trip through the city (until things actually started to hit the fan (pun not originally intended, but I'll keep it) because she just kept amassing things to lose, like the fan (stuck in the back of her obi ripe for effortless picking) and hairpin (easy to fall out without noticing) and mask (which she seemed to be kinda cavalier about putting on before going out in public). But it was nice to see her remember that she had such a powerful weapon once she realized it was.

And I really appreciated that she called Ōdanna on lecturing the other guy about forcing an unwanted marriage on someone. Very Happy
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 2:03 am Reply with quote
Yeah, him protecting the girl from an unwanted marriage, did seem a bit on the nose depending on how he has acted, which I feel like is again another point that it is a lie. So fox boy is the nice youkai, which just more makes him better than oni god.

Also, Aoi continues to take act role, which is makeing her great.
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:18 pm Reply with quote
Ep 3 - Gotta say, ogre-boss is growing on me - he & Aoi are starting to find some kind of working dynamic, and I'm hoping that improves as she earns some respect on her own merits. Kitsune-boy is just a little too deferential to Aoi - she seems to have a lot of her grandfather's fire and tendency to find trouble, so she'd just drag him into it. At least ogre-boss would pause a moment for a sanity-check before jumping with her into fire.

I saw the comments here before watching the episode, so I tried to listen carefully during the flashback. I think they might be layering the two VA voices to purposely obfuscate the identity of Aoi's childhood savior. If so, then damn, that's a lot of effort to avoid "First Guy/Gal Wins" ship-bias. Shocked

I'm beginning to suspect that Aoi may have made some kind of Dire Promise back when she was a kid. The free food by itself was suspicious, but all that talk of wish-granting screams devil's (ayakashi) bargain.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2018 9:51 pm Reply with quote
^ You're probably right. At only episode 3, it's hard to tell how nuanced the writing is. The mask and the blatantly dropped hint about curry and rice point to the kitsune, but his attitude about it is off. He certainly knows something though. It's probably that red-headed ayakashi we saw at the end of ep 1 or his half-hidden subordinate sounding all sinister and stuff.

I really liked the ED music this episode. Will they be changing the EDs regularly or was this a one-off?
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PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2018 10:28 am Reply with quote

More character exposition for the staff members. O-Ryo and Aoi have a lot more in common than at first glance, so perhaps the latter feels sorry for the former because she knows what it's like to starve. O-Ryo doesn't seem to mind scrounging off Aoi's cooking while she's in rehabilitation.

Interesting that the true forms of Akatsuki and Suzuran are of the tsuchi-gumo, which explains why the former has such a formidable reputation as the head of reception. His miniature form is a mismatch with his human facade, but what I really found funny was the shot of him facing Aoi's Oyakodon with a pair of chopsticks placed in front of him (how on earth does she expect him to eat in that form?!)

As always, the show places great emphasis on good food and its presentation as part of the show's appeal. I don't know what her cooking will ever taste like, but watching this show each week always makes me hungry by the end of the episode.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2018 1:37 am Reply with quote
It strikes me as rather counterproductive to treat a fever in a snow woman by feeding her cold things while still wrapping her in a thick comforter on top of her multi-layered kimono. It's not caused by infection, so it's not like maintaining a fever is helpful, and she probably doesn't get chills, so it's not even about comfort.
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