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INTEREST: Buyers Beware: Here's How to Spot a Yuri! on Ice Fake

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Joined: 25 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:35 pm Reply with quote
I'm surprised people are making fakes for YOI. It seems like they put out so much merch now that no one knows what to do with it. A lot of the blind box items are on discount at Animate lately, and K-Books and Lashinbang are overrun with items. Oddly, that particular Yuri mascot character is going for a lot of money on resale right now (3500 yen, originally sold for 600?), so I guess there's a market for it...
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Joined: 22 Dec 2016
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 9:54 pm Reply with quote
Its kinda sad that I think that the fake merchandise looks better than the real merchandise....
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Joined: 18 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:01 pm Reply with quote
Kyjin wrote:
I'm surprised people are making fakes for YOI. It seems like they put out so much merch now that no one knows what to do with it. A lot of the blind box items are on discount at Animate lately, and K-Books and Lashinbang are overrun with items. Oddly, that particular Yuri mascot character is going for a lot of money on resale right now (3500 yen, originally sold for 600?), so I guess there's a market for it...

It's not that they put too much merch out, it's that they put out too much merchandise of minor characters. For some reason the YOI merchandisers seem to think people want a crap ton of Mickey and Seung Gil merchandise or whatever instead of just Yuuri, Victor, Yurio (and occasionally Otabek, Phichit, etc).

Merch of the main three sells well and doesn't tend to go on discount. Those blind boxes sit around because fans either bought the whole box and got rid of the rest as not to risk not getting the main characters, or they bought them separately from an aftermarket source or an auction. That's much smarter than buying blind packs and getting 800 keychains you don't care about just to get the ones you want.

It's not odd at all that the Yuuri mochi is going for that much on resale. Aftermarket merchandise of Victor and Yuuri that's out of print always goes for high prices, and that set does especially because preorders for it closed in like November of 2016, before a lot of people had jumped on the YOI merch train, so many fans missed it.

There is a HUGE market for merchandise of the main characters; Yuuri and Victor especially (Yurio does tend to get a little cheap on the aftermarket at times depending on the merchandise). There's just very little market for... almost anyone else in the cast, even though the merchandise companies seem to think there is.

They DID rush out a lot of merchandise at once though, and I think that has started to ebb a bit the past couple months. I know my preorder list has shrunk.

However, they continue to do big collabs so it's clearly very lucrative, and undoubtedly the merch will pick up again in the leadup to the movie, whenever that's released.
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Joined: 25 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 10:37 pm Reply with quote
Actually, the prices for the main three have dropped significantly on resale over the last year. They're still much higher than the minor characters (most of which are going for 100 yen or so at K-Books at least), but not like they were last year. (2000 yen for a Victor button seems crazy now.) I'm used to seeing the Victor mascots for more, but last week was the first time I'd seen the Yuri as well for so much. (I think he was only selling for 1200 or so once that set originally came out last year?) Just surprised because the second mochi mascot set had more of the main three, so I didn't think the original set would be so much. But, that Yuri is a lot cuter...

Granted, this might be different in some other resale shops in the country, but just what I've been noticing in Ikebukuro lately. Yuri and Victor are still going for a premium, just not as much as they did before.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:12 pm Reply with quote
Kyjin wrote:
Actually, the prices for the main three have dropped significantly on resale over the last year. They're still much higher than the minor characters (most of which are going for 100 yen or so at K-Books at least), but not like they were last year. (2000 yen for a Victor button seems crazy now.) I'm used to seeing the Victor mascots for more, but last week was the first time I'd seen the Yuri as well for so much. (I think he was only selling for 1200 or so once that set originally came out last year?) Just surprised because the second mochi mascot set had more of the main three, so I didn't think the original set would be so much. But, that Yuri is a lot cuter...

Granted, this might be different in some other resale shops in the country, but just what I've been noticing in Ikebukuro lately. Yuri and Victor are still going for a premium, just not as much as they were before.

Well of course. Late last year and early this year these things were going for ludicrously high prices because there was barely any YOI merch out, so what was there was treasured. Now that there’s more there’s no reason to pay 6,000 yen for one Victor keychain or whatever absurd price (though that being said some cafe exclusives still go for that much).

But they’re not making ‘too much of them’ because they’re not going for absurd prices any longer. They still go for above retail on the aftermarket, which shows the demand.

Minor characters OTOH may as well be filler in most boxes though. Poor guys.
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Joined: 31 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2017 11:51 pm Reply with quote
Kyjin wrote:
Actually, the prices for the main three have dropped significantly on resale over the last year. They're still much higher than the minor characters (most of which are going for 100 yen or so at K-Books at least), but not like they were last year. (2000 yen for a Victor button seems crazy now.) I'm used to seeing the Victor mascots for more, but last week was the first time I'd seen the Yuri as well for so much. (I think he was only selling for 1200 or so once that set originally came out last year?) Just surprised because the second mochi mascot set had more of the main three, so I didn't think the original set would be so much. But, that Yuri is a lot cuter...

Granted, this might be different in some other resale shops in the country, but just what I've been noticing in Ikebukuro lately. Yuri and Victor are still going for a premium, just not as much as they did before.

"Yuri on Ice goods are reselling high but no as high as they were when there was almost no merch right after the series ended."

Great observation there sherlock.
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Joined: 24 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 12:08 am Reply with quote
Kyjin wrote:
2000 yen for a Victor button seems crazy now.

Uhhh you can definitely find can badges, straps and acrylic stands that go for way more than that, especially the ones from cafés and other limited collabs. There's a young victor can badge from the animate café that's at 6500 yen on Mandarake

I gotta say though, I am a little burned out from the Sanrio collab. It's cute and all but it feels like they've put out nothing but SanrioxYOI merch the past two months. It's obviously a huge success since a second campaign with new promo art is already in the works even though the first one barely started, but I'm starting to grow tired of Pochayuri et al
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Vibrant Wolf

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 1:43 am Reply with quote
another thing I noticed about the fake: the seem of the hood was coming undone. then again, who knows where it was before the photo was taken.
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2017 4:37 pm Reply with quote
There's TONS of bootlegs for merchandise. A really good site is https://myfigurecollection.net just go to an item you are interested in and there is a section where people have kept track of bootlegs.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 12:00 am Reply with quote
Ditto for feeling "why so much Sanrio", though it's good for my wallet in that I'm not interested in it personally.

The exclusive set of items from Thailand with the characters in Phichit's hamster skating outfits are still going for high prices. I'm not sure if they'll still be at the Animate in Bangkok when I visit it in a couple months, but I'm tempted by those. But we'll see. A major Yuuri figure was just promo'd so I might go for that instead.

If they really want me to go crazy with my money, however, they'll start putting out more things with Yuuri and Victor wearing their rings (already bought a couple official standees with the rings) and in their Duetto costumes. I'm grateful to the Japanese fans that complained and got an official fanbook publisher putting out the one bonus standee of the Podium Family at Barcelona to reinstate Yuuri's ring (Victor was wearing rings). The artist had included it, but the fanbook publisher removed it in the promos. Can't have the queer folk dirtying up the merch now can we? I don't blame MAPPA, but the conservatism of some of the merch and collab businesses.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 11:26 pm Reply with quote
The lack of rings bothers me as well, but the pervasive Podium Family stuff ticks me off more. I got into the show specifically for Yuuri and Victor and considered Yurio more of a side character. I used to be fine with Yurio in the series, but I've grown to resent his presence for how inflated it has become. I've been spending more money on fan merch instead of official merch because it's been giving me more of what I want - Yuuri and Victor without the angry child interrupting.

I'm a sucker for cute cuddling and/or date scenes with Yuuri/Victor and a big fan of the Stammi Vicino costumes (and, yes, the rings are an important detail). I've been disappointed with the options for figures (other than the nendos). Like, we're sitting on a gold mine with how beautiful the skating costumes are, and our first figures are Victor skating in black shirt and pants and Victor in coach-mode? And then they release a Stammi!Victor but his facial proportions look kinda wonky. And after 3 Victors, we finally get figures for the main character, but... GEM is doing the same thing as they did with their Victor where Yuuri is wearing normal clothes. And, well, Toy Works is doing a Yuuri one as well (in his YOI costume?), but I am hesitant considering how their face for Victor turned out. I'm still holding out hope that we'll eventually get something on level of the God!Madoka figure (Stammi Vicino pair skate between Victor and Yuuri, please?), but for now I'll just skeptically sit and wait.
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Joined: 05 Nov 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 12:16 am Reply with quote
willag wrote:
The lack of rings bothers me as well, but the pervasive Podium Family stuff ticks me off more. I got into the show specifically for Yuuri and Victor and considered Yurio more of a side character. I used to be fine with Yurio in the series, but I've grown to resent his presence for how inflated it has become. I've been spending more money on fan merch instead of official merch because it's been giving me more of what I want - Yuuri and Victor without the angry child interrupting.

Yes, I'm not really a Yurio fan; I identify much more with Yuuri and Victor and their adult concerns. I actually enjoy him more if I ignore his stans, or rather those stans who want him to become the main character, or think Victor and/or Yuuri were mean/unfair to him. *eyeroll* Well, fandom, you know! Happily most Yurio fans and stans don't make those arguments.

Luckily there are some Yurio-free things, but I suspect the excitement over Welcome to the Madness and younger fans who prefer a teen hero/older fans who like more obnoxious characters may have caused them to continue to push Yurio. I guess they feel they cover all the bases in official art. And to be fair he did keep Yuuri from retiring in the end. Now, if they'll only allow Yuuri to get some golds lol.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 12:34 am Reply with quote
I don't mind the Podium family stuff as long as there's a clear closer intimacy between Yuuri and Victor like this one. And I wholeheartedly agree with willag about the necessity of a Duetto scale figure and the travesty that is the current lineup of YOI figures (minus the Nendoroids) All the Victor scales have been such a disappointment so far, and the preview of GEM Yuuri looks terrible. Honestly what I desire most is Victor and Yuuri figma so I can pose them together to my heart's content and I don't understand why we've had such scarce amount of figures versus other franchises like Love Live and Touken Ranbu that seem to be releasing one beautiful and ostentatious scale figure + 3 nendoroids per month. All these companies are sitting on a goldmine and failing so hard to exploit it it's ridiculous.
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Joined: 21 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 4:59 pm Reply with quote
Songster01 wrote:
And to be fair he did keep Yuuri from retiring in the end.

The first time I watched the ending this didn't bother me too much. I didn't consider the ending perfect (it was too rushed to be perfect), but I was so satisfied with the Duetto pair skate at the time that I didn't consider what I found disappointing beyond, "Aww, Yuuri didn't get gold." And then I started reading reviews and interviews.

Kubo Mitsurou - PASH! 2017/03 Interview

The director said that she wanted Yuuri, that has spent half of his life with Victor as his goal, to try his hand at a program with the same difficulty as Victor’s, and I agreed. The development where Yuuri gets his best score and wins against Yurio in the FS is something we had decided from the start. Since not having a perfect ending is what spurs him to continue, we aimed for a conclusion that is not too nice, therefore we made it so that Yurio wins but is not completely satisfied with the result.

The selfish decision ultimately taken by the selfish Yuuri Katsuki is to continue competitive skating. I think there were many reasons that led to this conclusion. Not only what Victor gave him, but Yurio’s performance in the FS also managed to pull Yuuri back to the ice, and maybe he was influenced by the other athletes’ performances too.

Kubo Mitsurou - Spoon 2Di vol.21 Interview

I was very happy to see Yuuri continue in the end, after he had previously decided to retire at the end of the season. I think Victor had a great influence in Yuuri’s decision to continue, but did also Yuuri himself, deep down, feel that he didn’t want to retire?

I’m not sure about that. It’s possible that after some time he would change his mind and think that he actually wants to try again, but I believe that, beside Victor, Yurio’s existence was also important in strengthening Yuuri’s feelings that he couldn’t end like that. As someone who watches, you may think that a skater can still do his best in the next season, but if he deeply feels that he can’t do it anymore there is no way to change his feelings. I think that they have a motivation inside that is not only linked to their physical strength. There are quite a few real skaters who have regained the will to participate in tournaments while recovering from injuries, therefore I really think that it mostly depends on their personal feelings. However, as much as I do think that it’s also important to find the strength to fight again inside you, I also believe that this resolve can be born from your relationship with others. When you’re on the ice you are necessarily alone, but your relationship with someone can make your future go in a direction that you would never have imagined on your own. I wanted Yuuri to experience this feeling, and also I wanted him to become someone who could have the same influence on others.

Kubo Mitsurou - Febri 2017/03 Interview

Who was the hardest character to write?

I had a hard time drawing the relationship between Yuuri and Yurio. Especially Yurio, I think he’s easy to grasp as a character and I was sure he would become popular, but for the same reason it was difficult to make him unpredictable. I wanted to depict him and Yuuri as rivals, however figure skating is mostly a battle against yourself, a sport where you fight to pursue your personal best, and after their direct confrontation in episode 3 they also become physically separated, so I was careful about the balance when making them think of each other.

Yuuri and Yurio had a kind of relationship that made it difficult to tell exactly whether they were getting along or not.

We had already decided from the start that Yurio would hinder Yuuri’s victory in the Grand Prix Final, therefore I had to think about how to develop their relationship in a convincing way, so that the viewers would also feel a catharsis in that moment. When portraying rivals it’s important not to fall into stereotypes, that’s why I created the stir over Victor, Otabek and Yurio becoming friends in episode 10, and so on. It was for the purpose of reinforcing the fated connection between Yuuri and Yurio, and to consequently cause the viewers to want to cheer on Yuuri in the Grand Prix Final. However, at the same time the bond between Yuuri and Victor became deeper and deeper, and as I couldn’t really find enough place to put the spotlight on the rivarly with Yurio eventually Yurio stopped moving inside my storyboard, to my surprise. In that sense, I had to struggle to depict Yuuri and Yurio’s relationship until the end.

I feel that Yuri on Ice would have been better not giving Yurio such an important role in the story. As stated above, figure skating is mostly a battle against yourself, and the main conflict was Yuuri's own anxiety (how little confidence he has in himself, how he builds barriers between himself and others). Yuuri's FS perfectly captured the emotional catharsis I really wanted him to have. It even ended with him thinking that he "doesn't want this to end" (implicating that he doesn't want to retire). That was the ideal story arc I wanted for him: To realize that he actually didn't want to retire, that he wanted to continue competing and telling stories on the ice, that he wanted to continue inspiring Victor and others with the way he skates. Having a "rivalry" with Yurio suddenly rear its head last second devalues that message for me. Because no matter how much it may be true that he felt like he wasn't ready to give it up earlier, it's muddied by the fact that he didn't win gold and Yuuri really wants that gold. The perfect ending? Yuuri wins gold and realizes that he wants to continue skating with Victor. The story could go multiple ways from there. Victor and Yuuri both continue competing, Victor is satisfied with this new point in this life and would much rather just stay as Yuuri's coach, Victor does the irrational thing by skating and coaching at the same time (which, while squeal-worthy, is still WTF that's so unrealistic especially at his age), or, hell, both of them decide to get into pairs skating competitively (we're already in a world where homophobia isn't a thing, why not take it one step further?).

The creators clearly wanted to go for a different story though. Kubo thinks that Yuuri would have probably retired once he got gold, so in order to keep him on the ice they had to introduce a rivalry that takes the gold away from him. Frankly, that sounds like a bullcrap excuse when you could go the character arc I would have preferred (and more clearly concludes the conflict presented this season), but whatever. Kubo's interviews have made it pretty clear that Yurio is her favorite character, so they were trying to keep him relevant. I think Yuri on Ice could have been done without his character. Things would have to be reworked, but more focus could be on Victor and Yuuri (and Yuuri's anxiety), showing more slice of life moments and working in some additional scenes that feel like they were missing (e.g. Victor wanting to continue competing felt like it came out of nowhere in the last two episodes with little foreshadowing, so there could be a scene or two where Victor is sneaking into the Ice Castle without Yuuri knowing to work on new routines, but then Yuuri sneaks out at one point and sees what he's doing and begins to doubt what Victor wants).

Anyways, I can bitch all I want, but that doesn't change anything, so I've come to terms with the ending and hope for better in the movie and second season. But I still don't like all the Podium Family stuff. I love the intimate Victuuri pieces, like what CrowLia posted, but Yurio feels like such a third wheel every time. Why is he there? Can you please not shove him into every picture of Yuuri and Victor? You don't have to remove him from every single picture, but doing the complete opposite and forcing his presence into every picture is extremely annoying. So I just wait for the fanart of the official art to make its appearance, because I can rely upon the fans to ignore his presence.
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