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![]() Posts: 13246 |
Mutants, actually. Though in recent years they're being replaced by Inhumans.
Actually both Mu and Rau (and his various clones) have been called NewTypes by Fukuda. Anyways, so far as NewType power rankings go, in various cross over games Judau and Tiffa are the strongest, though the nature of their abilities are different. And lets not forget the NewType monkies who piloted this thing. |
![]() Posts: 1277 |
It's worth remembering Judau is also an orphan doing whatever he has to to support what little family he has in a backwater colony. Is there a V Gundam review on the way? |
Charred Knight
![]() Posts: 3085 |
To be more precise Mu La Flaga, and Rau Le Cruset were supposed to be the last of the newtypes, but that got thrown out the window when Gundam Seed Destiny rolled around, and they introduced characters like Morgan Chevalier (in the Gundam Seed Destiny Astray manga) and Kira Yamato became one then they begin to refer to it as having high spatial awareness.
For all extensive purposes they are low level newtypes which have some psychic abilities but nowhere the level of say an Amuro Ray, or Judau Ashta. |
Posts: 3479 |
Kira can barely be defined as newtype, the whole seed things is never explained, but it doesn't give him any psychic power or even really make him do anything special beyond being slightly better at piloting. And the seed things has pretty much nothing to do with him being a good pilot (I think he use it like 4 time total), it's about him being a coordinator (spoiler[and eventually it's revealed he's the ultimate coordinator]). Personally I like that way more, rather than having space psychic that exist "because" and are really good at piloting for no explain reason there's some form of explanation for Kira skill.
Anyway I've never been into the mystic aspect of gundam, you already have giant robot, did you need the space wizard too? I'm glad that's something newer gundam are pretty much all walking back on. |
Posts: 2425 |
SEED isn't about being a coordinator because Cagalli also has it.
Actually while the word is never used, they do exist. An interview with the director explained that Mu was in fact a newtype. Seeing as how Kira later in Destiny can do all the standard newtype stuff that Mu can even accompanied by the standard newtype flash, he clearly is one too. Sorry, but SEED mode doesn't let you do things like sense a newtype across the battlefield.
There isn't really any indication Kamille was in danger from his own power. What screwed up his head was Scirocco's last psychic attack. I kind of expected Maria Armonia and her ability to heal people with her powers to be in the list somewhere.
I think you have that backwards. I'm pretty sure the original description for the Moebius Zero mentioned the high spatial awareness so I don't think that was added later. The newtype flashes were added later past the initial airing though.
I don't think C.E. newtypes seemed as strong as higher end U.C. newtypes, but you also have to keep in mind that a lot of the U.C. newtype shenanigans is possible because they developed technology to assist with it (biosensor, psycho frame, etc). If you look at Amuro in First, he didn't really do anything much past what C.E. newtypes do. Of course there are U.C. newtypes like Judau that when angry exert enough mental pressure to scare the crap out of even a bad ass like Haman. Oh, one other thing from the article
I don't think Kira is really a pacifist except at the very beginning before he willingly agreed to join as a pilot. I would say he is a realist, but just overly caring. The reason his often joked about "Stop fighting everybody!!! *blast blast blast*" happens is because he knows they won't stop, but if he can shoot them down, it will stop them from killing each other (which probably isn't much consolation for those that fell into the sea and were vaporized by cyclops). That just keeps happening too. He goes with Cagalli to confront the Orb fleet knowing he will be fighting and her words won't stop them. A pacifist doesn't run into battlegrounds carrying weapons fully intending on fighting. You can't even say he is a pacifist because even if he fights, he doesn't kill people. He does in fact kill people if that is the only way. Last edited by SilverTalon01 on Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Lynx Amali
It's not actually. Otherwise, Cagalli wouldn't be able to use it as well as she's not a Coordinator. From what I remember of the original SEED, Kira does bring it up but it's a very minor moment that could easily be a blink and you miss it moment. He brings it up with Mwu during the desert arc and it's brought up by Waltfeld too. The later compares it to a Berserker of Norse mythology where its a state brought about from intense emotion, which explains why it triggers when it does. It also explains why Shinn has it happen all the time (outside of lolstockfootage) in Destiny, given his anger issues. Last edited by Lynx Amali on Wed Oct 12, 2016 12:45 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 1415 Location: End of the World |
Can someone tell me why more and more Gundam stuff's appearing on ANN all of a sudden?
Posts: 2425 |
That doesn't fully explain it though because Kira eventually can do it when he is completely calm. Also, Lacus has it too, and she doesn't fit the berserker thing at all. It almost seems close to Shining Gundam's Super mode where Domon can trigger it either that way or with his serene state of mind, except that in G Gundam, doing it the latter way has a stronger effect. |
![]() Posts: 8 Location: Wisconsin |
But she never activated the Satellite System. The beam seen at the end of that particular episode was a foreshadowing to the New UNE working on the Double X on an island out in the Pacific, and they were using data from Jamil's wrecked Gundam X from the war. As far as we know, the New UNE never even had any knowledge of the dolphin's existence. If we're not even referring to that, the GX the Freeden had at that point in the series had already been remodelled into the GX Divider, which is incapable of using the Satellite System anyway on account of no longer having the Satellite Cannon. And if the author was referring to the Flash System and misremembered the correct terms...the dolphin never used that either. The only thing she really did that affected any system was short out/destroy the D-Navi. Overall, this section of the article read like something from someone who's barely paid attention to Gundam X beyond a few cursory viewings and only wanted to mock the show for having something so weird; it's not the first time I've seen this author come off as dismissive of the show. If we were going to mention any super-powerful Newtypes from GX and actually be serious about it, I'd have expected a mention of Lucille Lilliant, who was basically a blend of Lalah Sune and Four Murasame and was exploited in one of the worst manners ever seen in a Gundam series. |
Lynx Amali
Kira's got resolve, doesn't he? That's probably one of the triggers. It's never really expanded on outside of that one section of the original show so I dunno. I doubt its anywhere close to Domon/Shining's Super as in early SEED, it only happens a couple of times. It doesn't start happening when he's absolutely calm until Destiny, iirc, at least to the same extent Domon starts using his Hyper/Super Modes. |
Posts: 2425 |
The SEED factor is mentioned a couple of times, but never explained at all. I guess I wasn't doing the best job explaining that comparison. I just mean that both can be activated in an uncontrolled way by something sort of like the berserker reference, and both can be controlled completely and activated calmly. I wasn't really going for the triggers being identical for them, and again in G, the calm method being substantially stronger is a big difference. Late edit: It seems to me like resolve might be a requirement for any SEED activation. The section of Destiny where Athrun clearly has none, he never uses SEED. Even the berserker like activation moments, I think you could say they had resolve. Granted during that section of Destiny, Athrun is also pushed around by pilots he curb stomped without SEED using a mass produced suit so that could just be more poor writing. Last edited by SilverTalon01 on Wed Oct 12, 2016 1:21 pm; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 562 |
![]() Posts: 630 |
I think the female doctor talked about it in one of the "recap" episodes. It's been awhile since I've seen it though. |
Posts: 425 |
Oh cool another Gundam editorial where Lauren boringly craps on Kira for the same generally poorly thought out reasons have been spouted for the last twelve years (then ignores those similar issues in other characters).
![]() SEED mode gives a human enhanced senses and peak physical fitness, but it lacks the very, very important psychic aspect, so it can hardly be called the 'same damn thing' as Newtype. It really shouldn't be on the list. Last edited by kazenoyume on Wed Oct 12, 2016 2:00 pm; edited 3 times in total |
Posts: 2425 |
This didn't occur to me until I saw this article on the main ANN page again after reading it, but it seems really odd that Kira's picture was used for the article image given the article is about newtypes and the author didn't realize Kira was one.
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