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(The) Morose Mononokean (TV).

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 4:49 pm Reply with quote

The Morose Mononokean (TV)

Genres: comedy, supernatural
Themes: demons

Plot Summary: In a certain tea shop there lives a man called the Mononokean. This morose looking man gained his name for his ability to work with yōkai, guiding the ones that wander in our world into the next.

Episode 1

I thought the first episode was alright, not extraordinary but got the point across. The humor and chemistry between the two main male leads is fun to watch so far. It gave me a fuzzy feeling after seeing how lighthearted is including the presence of the youkai.

Ashiya is the average protagonist imo so I expect to get some development from him. In the meantime, the episode did a decent job at adapting the premise.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 11:56 pm Reply with quote
Episode 1

Regardless of being cute, I would still be pretty annoyed if some demon was sapping my strength and ruining my life, regardless if it was not knowingly be malicious. The other guy seems to have practically blackmailed him, so not quite likable person yet, although of course he just wants him to help so that he will realise a calling as an exorcist.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:17 pm Reply with quote
One can always count on Summer bringing on one series related to the supernatural, and this series looks to be this year's offering.

Quite a standard set of characters thus far, it's not like seasoned anime viewers haven't seen these character archetypes before. Regardless, the episode is entertaining and one could do a lot worse with the execution.

Aside from being cute and being absolutely lethal to humans, the white puffball has the added advantages of being easy to draw and animate for the producers which saves on budget and effort. That last scene implies Hanae's apprenticeship is going to be a busy one with every demon and spirit in the human world drawn to him like bees to nectar.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:59 pm Reply with quote

New monster(s) of the week and viewers find out a little more about the shop itself. Apparently the original owner was a denizen of the other side and Abeno is now in charge despite being a human.

The series has a similar vibe to Natsume Yuujinchou but it's more cheerful in its outlook and presentation. The big difference with that series is that all of the demons and spirits in this series have distinctly negative effects on humans they come into contact with.

I wonder where Abeno got that medicine from since he knew what were the consequences for the parent Gigigi were it to be consumed. Opening and closing the gate even twice a day as is his limit seems to take a considerable toll on the shop owner as well.

New character introduced next week. Since this is based on a web-comic, there's got to be some kind of overarching plot further down the line rather than a weekly monster theme for the rest of the season.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 1:26 am Reply with quote
Yep, this is my kind of series. Youkai, cute and otherwise, onmyouji, not many characters, simple emo plot that even I can understand.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 6:45 pm Reply with quote

Following on immediately from last week we see Hanae's first solo job, but as expected he almost botches it due to his inexperience. Fortunately his earnest demeanour and conversational skills redeem him before his head gets bashed in.

The Mononokean confirms what last week's guest made a reference to, although she/it is surprisingly up-to-date with modern technology and its conventions.

I like the grinding sound effect which plays when Mitsuchigura-sama makes a movement (such as bowing in greeting). It's clear what inspired this character's design.

Zenko's just as morose as the title of the series, but her seriousness is probably due to her father's influence.

I didn't have a look at the ED animation before, but this week confirms that the scene will evolve as more and more characters are introduced. Worth looking at for those interested.

Last edited by Harleyquin on Wed Jul 13, 2016 9:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2016 10:26 pm Reply with quote
This series is simple, has nice art, good use of CGI and emotional tales that is easy to understand. I like it a lot, too bad about the poor reception.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:22 pm Reply with quote
For anyone interested:


Check out the movies numbered 1-4 on the bottom half of the episode. It's the first episode narrated by the series voice actors using the manga source material done up with simple animations.

The trailer movies on the page also give names and voice actors for the various youkai coming up in the new few episodes.
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 6:12 pm Reply with quote
Despite close to a full week to work on a proper translation, there's either something wrong with this website reviewer's English comprehension or a fundamental flaw in the subtitles.

It's clear that Ashiya Hanae's grandfather isn't mentioned at all about potential career paths. Hanae's mum said becoming a florist was her dream and that Hanae should pursue his own dream rather than feel obligated to continue the family business. There is NO mention whatsoever of Hanae's grandfather's interference with his mother's dream and it's a huge stretch to make an inference which isn't there to be made from the dialogue.
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Joined: 20 Aug 2015
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 7:36 pm Reply with quote
@ Harleyquin = I don't remembered seeing Ashiya's grandfather being mentioned in the subtitle. Maybe I take another look when I get home.

As for the show itself, it really is slow paced and interesting. Really like seeing how pretty and small our (possible) heroin are. Wink
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 18, 2016 8:34 pm Reply with quote
Afezeria wrote:
@ Harleyquin = I don't remembered seeing Ashiya's grandfather being mentioned in the subtitle. Maybe I take another look when I get home.

As for the show itself, it really is slow paced and interesting. Really like seeing how pretty and small our (possible) heroin are. Wink

Actually I'm the one with English comprehension problems. There is nothing wrong with the reviewer's comments on Zenko's father, somehow I managed to misconstrue Zenko's father to Ashiya's mother's father (i.e. Hanae's grandfather).

Pride comes before the big fall I guess. I'll leave the comment alone as a reminder to read text more carefully in the future.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2016 4:17 pm Reply with quote

Ashiya's first trip to the other side and as expected he breaks nearly all of the rules set to him by the shop. In some ways it's understandable he acts the way he does since he didn't have to conform like Abeno did but the warning given last week has proven to be quite prophetic.

The apothecary and her assistant have very distinctive personalities although I wouldn't want to make a deal with the former if it was going to cost me body parts and the eternal enmity of the latter.

The shopkeeper turns up in the ED animation so viewers might not see the last of him even after next week.

Considering how long Ashiya was at death's door with the puffball in the first week, one would think he would recognise the difference between one tail and three. He's lucky that the real one turned up to save his hide, although it seems he's getting into more trouble now that reunion with the puffball has made him lose all sense. I'd like to put it down to the debilitating effects of the other side which Abeno mentioned at the start, but Ashiya's reaction is a bit over the top.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 4:50 pm Reply with quote

This episode is best watched back-to-back with the one last week. Together they form their own discrete arc and help move the story along nicely.

For all the commotion and talk this week, there are a few things which stood out:
1. The ordinary demons in the spirit realm know Abeno is the 2nd head of the shop, plus rumours abound he killed the 1st head to assume the position.

2. Abeno isn't fully cognisant about the rumours surrounding him, but he doesn't seem to care and even uses them to his advantage against the unreasonable shopkeeper.

3. The spirit realm is ruled by three beings (who oddly enough have Kanji names corresponding with their roles unlike regular Youkai). The sister-complex Rippou (Legislation) is Abeno's "boss" but knows about his secret and derives entertainment from Abeno's interpersonal reactions.

4. Abeno's relationship with the shop and the spirit realm appears to be much more complicated than at first glance. Viewers are only given a partial hint as to why Abeno repeatedly refused recommendations for Youkai part-time help and his evidently hostile reaction to Rippou's apology just before he returned to the shop.

5. Ashiya must come from some bloodline of exorcists or spirit merchants since even Rippou changed his mind after hearing the candidate's surname. Viewers will probably have to wait a few weeks to figure out the secret behind Ashiya's sudden and mysterious ability to terrify ordinary Youkai.

A delayed dubbed online broadcast kills interest in a quarterly series, especially if the formula isn't original and not exceptional in any shape or form. I'll see how many consecutive posts I can keep up on this end while everyone else ups sticks to the talkback section.

Last edited by Harleyquin on Wed Jul 27, 2016 5:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 12 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 6:32 pm Reply with quote
Could I make a request that if you want to discuss the latest episode of this show before it is delaycast on Crunchyroll (the Sunday after it airs in Japan), please use spoiler tags? Thank you.
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Joined: 29 May 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 1:07 pm Reply with quote

What I like about this series is how each episode seems to follow on from the previous one with little to no time lag. The only one which had a significant gap was between #3 and #4.

New cast member introduced this week with the winged serpent Manjirou asking the shop for help. Each time I watch this series, I'm convinced Ashiya is from some kind of diviner or exorcist bloodline which has somehow granted him in particular a huge boost in power comparable to what his ancestor had. 15 minutes to find a ring in a stream and he's still complaining that was slow?!

Going back to a pattern established in the first episode, there's a bit of catharsis at the end when Ashiya somehow proves Abeno wrong in his decision not to drop off the ring and run away. At least viewers know another way in which Youkai are created (slightly different method from episode 1); my Shinto knowledge is perfunctory but it seems consistent with the belief that humans pass on and become spirits in their own right.

First signs of a main storyline in this series with the final scene, I think I know who that might be based on the trailers on the official website but will have to wait and see if I'm right or wrong.

Next week sees another new member (hinted at in the OP) and Zenko's return (isn't she in a different school from Abeno and Ashiya?)
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