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Anime Expo: New Record Set With 100,420 Unique Attendees

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Joined: 20 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:27 am Reply with quote


...well anyway last I heard about this one was some less than encouraging things regarding the artist alley and cooling, so I hope they'll manage to keep up with this growth. I haven't been to an AX since the infamous Long Beach one, buuut I do miss the yearly trips of my high school days...
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Hiroki not Takuya

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 9:38 am Reply with quote
Hey, Vegeta what's the attendance this year? Over 90,000? That's IMPOSSIBLE!!! Cool I was hoping, good for you AX. I thought someone would complain about Artist Alley... (they always do) though it was greatly expanded and many artists should have made a good amount compared to last year or a few years ago. I'm happy for them and for anime (and gaming apparently) becoming more mainstream. And for the record crowd, the staff handling was also vastly improved so no real problems that I encountered. As I mentioned elsewhere, the staff were in charge and knew what they were doing and did it efficiently, though there are bound to be incidents where they didn't. Now the only question is what to do if this keeps up? Move it to 'Vegas??
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:07 am Reply with quote
Hiroki not Takuya wrote:
Hey, Vegeta what's the attendance this year? Over 90,000? That's IMPOSSIBLE!!! Cool I was hoping, good for you AX. I thought someone would complain about Artist Alley... (they always do) though it was greatly expanded and many artists should have made a good amount compared to last year or a few years ago. I'm happy for them and for anime (and gaming apparently) becoming more mainstream. And for the record crowd, the staff handling was also vastly improved so no real problems that I encountered. As I mentioned elsewhere, the staff were in charge and knew what they were doing and did it efficiently, though there are bound to be incidents where they didn't. Now the only question is what to do if this keeps up? Move it to 'Vegas??

I would normally agree with you, but the hall was so hot that there were artists fainting from heat exhaustion. It was a serious misstep by AX and I hope that they reflect on it and make strides to improve it in the future. They did kick up the A/C after that so I do applaud them for that.

Only thought was that the line queues could have been improved on. Especially for main events. When I was queuing for the LL Sunshine event there were hundreds of attendees and we zigzagged to the entrance? Just do like Japan and have them face the same way and pull each row one at a time. More of a process improvement suggestion and observation than a real issue I suppose.
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Andres Rosales

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:23 am Reply with quote
Kicksville wrote:


...well anyway last I heard about this one was some less than encouraging things regarding the artist alley and cooling, so I hope they'll manage to keep up with this growth. I haven't been to an AX since the infamous Long Beach one, buuut I do miss the yearly trips of my high school days...

Long Beach 2001 was the last I attended before last weeks. What made it so infamous? I remember long lines but not much else.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 10:30 am Reply with quote
Has anyone found any English language reviews of the Anisong World Matsuri concerts?
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Joined: 08 Jul 2016
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 11:53 am Reply with quote
the moment you realize they messed up their information and 2017 marks the 25th anniversary of Anime Expo~ Smile
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Joined: 17 May 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:00 pm Reply with quote
Kicksville wrote:


...well anyway last I heard about this one was some less than encouraging things regarding the artist alley and cooling, so I hope they'll manage to keep up with this growth. I haven't been to an AX since the infamous Long Beach one, buuut I do miss the yearly trips of my high school days...

I attended. I believe these rumors are rather exaggerated. That said, 2014 was the year when AX grew 20,000 attendees and management was a bit flustered. Since then, SPJA has taken appropriate measures to improve the experience.

This year, Artist Alley was moved to its own hall, which was the major change. This means 1) Artist Alley was allowed to be larger and 2) the Exhibit Hall became 40% bigger. The aisles in the Exhibit Hall, previously notorious for being cramped and toasty (and smelly) were generally more spacious and cooler. SPJA is doing an excellent job mitigating problems from the growth, including reducing badge pickup times and improving security policy. I'm looking forward to an even bigger con in the coming years.

#859029 wrote:
the moment you realize they messed up their information and 2017 marks the 25th anniversary of Anime Expo~ Smile

I'm stayed with one of the staff photographers and he verified that this year is the 25th anniversary. AX started as AnimeCon, and they're adding that to the count. Next year, they're officially celebrating 25 years named AS Anime Expo.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 12:59 pm Reply with quote
Sploradorali wrote:
I'm stayed with one of the staff photographers and he verified that this year is the 25th anniversary. AX started as AnimeCon, and they're adding that to the count. Next year, they're officially celebrating 25 years named AS Anime Expo.


Count the years (and skip NY and Tokyo). AX started (as "Anime Expo") in 1992. (Yes, "AnimeCon" was in 1991...but that split into Anime Expo and Anime America. Traditionally, AX has not counted that for its celebrations.)

1992 was the first year
1996 was the fifth year
2001 was the tenth year
2006 was the 15th year
2011 was the 20th year
2016 was the 25th year

Of course, when you use the name "anniversary" for an event such as this, things get confusing. Technically, a first anniversary is a year after a date...so if you got married in 1992, your first anniversary would be in 1993. ...so you can't really call 2016 Anime Expo's 25th "anniversary" because that would make their first year their first anniversary.

This is exactly why Anime Boston celebrated "10 years" in 2012 and not a "10th anniversary".

So, yes... Anime Expo 2016 was the 25th year of the convention...but technically 2017 is the 25th anniversary.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 3:05 pm Reply with quote
PatrickD wrote:
Sploradorali wrote:
I'm stayed with one of the staff photographers and he verified that this year is the 25th anniversary. AX started as AnimeCon, and they're adding that to the count. Next year, they're officially celebrating 25 years named AS Anime Expo.

So, yes... Anime Expo 2016 was the 25th year of the convention...but technically 2017 is the 25th anniversary.

I am retired AX staff, and AX's recent policy has been to celebrate both the nth year (which is how milestones are counted in Japan) and the nth anniversary (how milestones tend to be counted here in the States). If you look at AX promotional materials from 5 years ago, this pattern was also followed back then. Before that, the policy might have been different.

AnimeCon is not counted as an Anime Expo, but its year (1991) is considered to be the year the SPJA was founded.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:07 pm Reply with quote
Andres Rosales wrote:
Kicksville wrote:


...well anyway last I heard about this one was some less than encouraging things regarding the artist alley and cooling, so I hope they'll manage to keep up with this growth. I haven't been to an AX since the infamous Long Beach one, buuut I do miss the yearly trips of my high school days...

Long Beach 2001 was the last I attended before last weeks. What made it so infamous? I remember long lines but not much else.

The infamous Long Beach one to which he is referring is most likely 2007. I was there; it was pretty bad on lots of levels. Here's some information regarding AX07:
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 4:34 pm Reply with quote
Gratz to them Very Happy
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Mr. Oshawott

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 6:21 pm Reply with quote
Congratulations to Anime Expo surpassing 100,000 attendees! Smile Here's hoping the next AX gathering will be just as fun (and a bit cooler).
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AJ (LordNikon)

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2016 7:06 pm Reply with quote
That's why too damn many people IMHO. I stopped going to Otakon (on the odd chance I was in the states and not in Japan for work) a decade ago when they hit the 10k mark.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 12:49 pm Reply with quote
i think they can get more people to come if the event is an ideal location

since how many are willing to drive or fly over from the east coast for this event Confused
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 09, 2016 9:35 pm Reply with quote
#859029 wrote:
the moment you realize they messed up their information and 2017 marks the 25th anniversary of Anime Expo~ Smile

That's not how events usually count their anniversaries. While it's been 24 years since the 1st AX, this year was the 25th AX, hence the "25th Anniversary."

Wulf_der_Sturm wrote:

I am retired AX staff, and AX's recent policy has been to celebrate both the nth year (which is how milestones are counted in Japan) and the nth anniversary (how milestones tend to be counted here in the States). If you look at AX promotional materials from 5 years ago, this pattern was also followed back then. Before that, the policy might have been different.
Actually, they've been doing that for at least 15 years. My AX2001 badge refers to the 10th Anniversary. They're was no special mention on the 2002 badge/lanyard.
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