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The Best and Most Memorable Manga of 2015

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Joined: 16 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:45 am Reply with quote
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi over His Favorite? Well Sekaiichi Hatsukoi is good but I definitely enjoyed it and His Favorite and a few more BL from suBLIme this year. Nice choice.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:49 am Reply with quote
I just want to second that Lucifer and the BIscuit Hammer is amazing! At ten volumes, it's not a long series, but it really does do a lot in that space. I really like how it subverts its own premise while embracing much of the tropes of its genre. (A bit like the Lego Movie, in a way!)

An absolute blast from start to finish, and I need to buy the rest of them, as soon as the final volume is back in stock! (Grr!)
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Joined: 13 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 10:55 am Reply with quote
Maaan, I'm behind on most of this. I've pretty much been reading Master Keaton, One Piece and Jojo's, plus My Hero Academia, One Punch Man and the returning Vinland Saga in the later half of this year.

On top of that, I've been rereading GTO, so it didn't leave too much space to go out and explore. Not sure what on this list would be good for me.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:12 am Reply with quote
For me the series that really stuck out for me was So Cute It Hurts I'd been through a period of time where I didn't want to read any Shojo Manga for a long time. this is series contrivances aside helped me see what I loved about the demographic so much.

2015 was a year where I had a lot of trouble getting into anything partially personal stuff partially burn out so it's hard to say "this was good" or "this was bad" but So Cute It Hurts really helped me reestablish why I like Manga.

Along with Dragons Rioting in many ways it takes the dumb action and fan service aspects of Tenjo Tenge that I enjoyed in the first half removes the uncomfortable rape and misogyny and has the potential to have a really interesting idea to play with.

Really 2016 is what I'm looking forward to with the release of Irregular at Magic High School, Legend of The Galactic Heroes, My Monster Secret, Galko, and The Monster Girl Encylopedia. Along with the re-release of Fruits Basket

I always kind of wished I could get into Wandering Son but the main conceit always made me way too uncomfortable sure it's great and all but finally just had to say "nope not for me".

Tokyo Ghoul was another one I wanted to like but the art (and I don't know if it's just how Viz has printed it) has been smeary mess that I can't look at. While Silent the first volume kind of irked me so I never bothered to read it after that.

Last edited by Parsifal24 on Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:20 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 25 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:20 am Reply with quote
It's great to see the Tartarus arc get the respect is deserves, hands down Fairy Tail's best arc, great emotion, fights and set up for the future.
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Joined: 24 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:30 am Reply with quote
Яeverse wrote:
Sekaiichi Hatsukoi over His Favorite?

I'm not sure "over" would be the right term here...After all, Rebecca didn't award Sekaiichi "best BL" or anything like that...She awarded it the number one spot in "kind of bad manga that I'm not really enjoying but for some reason I'm not sure of I'm still reading it". Laughing It's not exactly a compliment to the series' quality...
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Yuri Fan

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:32 am Reply with quote
I love Whispered Words. It's one of my favourite mangas ever. Too bad about the translation and typesetting quality though...
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Joined: 04 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:36 am Reply with quote
As for Umineko When They Cry...when the series began, it was an interesting mystery with many possible solutions, inspired by some of the greats of mystery fiction. Now? When author Ryukishi07 decided to give Knox's Commandments (ten guidelines for mystery writers) a moe personification, that was it. All along the author had been taking a supercilious tone in his commentaries and using Beatrice as his voice in the story, but with the most recent story arc to see English translation, “The End of the Golden Witch,” the plot has gone from an intriguing mystery to flat-out obnoxious as Ryukishi07 tries to taunt readers with his increasingly silly devices and annoying characters. Had this stuck to actually following Knox's Commandments instead of making then fanservice, it might have been a worthwhile read for mystery buffs. But the farther Umineko strays from its genre roots, the less interesting it is. Maybe a better analogy than “train wreck” would be that Ryukishi07 jumped the tracks entirely and is just running his train in circles on the grass, his head out the window while he crows about how awesome he is.

I'm gonna be going on a little rant here, so if I accidently get a little too rude here, please note that's not my intention.

Anyway, seriously? Dlanor is what makes you drop the series? To say nothing of the fact that her talks with Battler and Virgilia, as well as her relationship with Erika later on make her a surprisingly engrossing character in her own right, it's honestly pretty ridiculous that beforehand, you had demonic sisters dressed in the Angel's Mort uniforms, as well as bunny girl snipers, and something so tame in comparison is what makes you give up on the series?

And it's clear that Umineko does follow the commandants if you payed attention to the series. In fact, it's perfectly possible to solve the entire mystery with just the first two arcs alone. Difficult, but possible. There are times when the manga doesn't exactly translate scenes from the VN that well, but being able to figure out the core mystery still remains possible. In fact, originally the VN never explicitly told you the answer. Not only because R07 wanted to genuinely challenge his readers, but also because that fact plays an integral part in Beatrice's motive. The manga flat-out giving the answer in the final arc is kinda dissatisfying in my opinion, as it somewhat goes against what the series was trying to say. The truth itself is a satisfying and heartbreaking one, but I wish it was left hidden.

And your talk of straying from it's roots is silly because it's not straying from anything. In fact, it's getting closer to what it always has been. Umineko is not primarily a fantasy, or a mystery, although the latter is definitely a large part of the series. It's a romance with fantastical mystery Jungian-psychological elements.

The Umineko fandom knows that the series can be pretty darn silly sometimes, but it's hardly ever a problem when it's usually pretty self-aware and entertaining about it. And sometimes Umineko is just being silly for the sake of it, but when most of those "silly" elements are just symbolism or allegory for something more meaningful, like Sakutarou representing Maria's purity and innocence before he was destroyed, or more spoiler-y, spoiler[the Seven Sisters taking the form of previous servants of the Ushiromiyas, and being an extension of Beatrice's power fantasy (because she's obviously not a witch)], I fail to see the problem.

And your talk of R07 apparently being egotistical is also silly, and also kind of insulting, when the man is in fact almost adorably humble and modest in person. The guy got enough hate and death threats when he initially refused to spoonfeed people the solution, lay off him.


Anyway, if we're talking about my favorite manga of 2015, I'd say Tokyo Ghoul was definitely one of the better ones of the year, but that's mostly because of what it is now, rather than what it was a few years ago. The art didn't start out that good, but has since improved drastically, and Kaneki as a character is now one of the best protagonists in recent manga history, even if near the beginning, while he was still engaging and sympathetic because of his troubles adjusting to his transformation, he wasn't particularly interesting. I'm really eager for when the stateside releases catch up to where the manga is now in Japan.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:38 am Reply with quote
It grew on me like a Fungus
is the best description of every single Nakamura BL manga ever made. No wonder Junjou vol. 20 made the best-selling list or why I'll watch any of her anime adaptions. It's like that fungus thing that controls ants brains, forcing it to obey its every command...only its badly drawn gay smut instead.

Sad to hear that Wandering Son might be discontinued. Heard on Twitter sales have been low and they might not complete the translations. I'm three books behind Fantagraphic but, if it stops, I'll get the Japanese edition because the series has been wonderful so far.

Totally need to check out Yamada and the 7 Witches; hated the rushed ending and I wanted to see what other werid stuff went on at the school.
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:49 am Reply with quote
After reading the review for LDK a month or so ago, I went and binged all of it that's available online so far xD Definitely agree with the comfort food rating. It was complete shojo garbage, which is my guilty pleasure and I loved it.

I'd want to give an award to Kamisama Kiss. The past arc was wrapped up really nicely. But at the same time, I'm wondering where the series has left to go. I REALLY don't want it to end, but it also feels like it's coming to a point where if it doesn't end, it'll just drag out and turn sour. Here's hoping she finds some fresh way to keep it going
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Joined: 06 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 11:59 am Reply with quote
Glad to see Yamada-kun and the Seven Witches on the list. I started reading the manga digitally on Crunchyroll after watching the anime and it's really become a favorite of mine. The story that continues past where the anime ends almost feels like it wasn't part of the original plan when the series started, but it's immensely entertaining regardless. So many characters that I just love to watch, though I feel occasionally Yoshikawa has issues with drawing characters eyes level with each other. Sometimes it looks odd like an eye is dropping off a face.
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Joined: 29 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:06 pm Reply with quote
ThatGuyWhoLikesThings wrote:

And your talk of R07 apparently being egotistical is also silly, and also kind of insulting, when the man is in fact almost adorably humble and modest in person. The guy got enough hate and death threats when he initially refused to spoonfeed people the solution, lay off him.

agreed-reiterate the points I deleted from the quote; readgarding this, since I was there back then, I understand where the reviewer gets that feeling because it might feel liek that in retrospective, but the historical context there was that the games were getting released one episode every 6 after releease, readers would contact ryukishi giving possible solutions and theories, so ryukishi would reply back, sometimes on his blog, lots of times in the game, the third arc we got was somethigncompeltely different to waht we got planned and the way some of the emta characters also reflect that (and we did not get fire loli in the novel because of that too).

so, it looks like ryukishi is being needleslly "agressive(?)" in retrospective, since obviosuly one can't see the other side of the argument anymore, but back then it was some fun friendly banter.
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Mr. Nescio

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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:07 pm Reply with quote
ThatGuyWhoLikesThings wrote:

And it's clear that Umineko does follow the commandants if you payed attention to the series.

You likely know the following words, maybe Rebecca doesn't (taken from here, doesn't contain spoilers for Rebecca):

No Dine.
No Knox.
No Fair.
In other words it is not mystery.
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Joined: 04 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:25 pm Reply with quote
Mr. Nescio wrote:
ThatGuyWhoLikesThings wrote:

And it's clear that Umineko does follow the commandants if you payed attention to the series.

You likely know the following words, maybe Rebecca doesn't (taken from here, doesn't contain spoilers for Rebecca):

No Dine.
No Knox.
No Fair.
In other words it is not mystery.

Nah, that was in reference to all the weird magical happenings that seemingly occur on the island; that made it clear that Umineko's mystery wasn't gonna be conventional or traditional by any means. Pretty much all revelations in the series are given a fair amount of setup and foreshadowing. Beatrice herself even states in EP2 (I don't know if the manga clarifies this) that her game does follow Knox's rules, albeit slightly revised for the sake of the story. Umineko however, does not follow Van Dine's 20 rules, which EP 7 makes explicit.
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Joined: 18 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 1:00 pm Reply with quote
While I'm not sure if I can say this year was really anything special for me manga wise it's still a heck of a lot better than what I thought of anime this year (which for, sucked hard). This was over all more of a year of personal change, that being said I finally was able to get a job so I could start buying manga I actually like and this year has been all about one punch man and my hero academia.

If there was anything "grew on me like fungus" it was definitely MHA though. To say this is the weekly serialized manga I've been waiting for would make me sound like I have very little sense of scope for what kind of stories can be done in that medium but in a way it's true. Rather than being a series that pushes my mental artistic buttons MHA is fun in a way that never really insults me intelligence *cough*fairytail*cough* and can I just say it's great to have a weekly action manga from jump that has great art and not be completely piss poor in narrative quality for a change? Because it is. Even though it's not from jump (and I only state this because seeing it be used as a genre label ticks me off) but I have cursed fairy tail's name for years for having such great art with narrative quality that either annoys me or ticks me off, now that MHA is out, it's finally become obsolete. I can move on and actually ENJOY something for a change. I'm sorry for harping on it for so long but fairy tail was THE manga series that sapped a lot of the zeal I had reading these types of series and in addition to a lot of other issues I have with it I cannot forgive it for that (as silly as that sounds, I know).

As for manga that are on this list I do need to get started on buying A silent voice and perhaps Yamada (oh I can hear my wallet weep). Yamada is a series that's had it's ups and downs in terms of how engaging I find it week to week, but it never once became unlikable (well it nearly did once but that was a one time thing and it never happens again). Considering how little trust I have in Kyoani towards A silent voice I feel like that's all the incentive I need to get it aside from it being a great series in general. I've heard people complain about some of the slower in between parts and while I do agree that not all of them are necessary, it sort of helps ring a bit of truth into how long it really takes for people to show any kind of change on the level the characters do in the manga.

Also this list reminded me to read wandering son, which I've wanted to do for a while but never go around to it.

Lucifer and the Buiscut hammer is also great and I hope I can get Spirit Circle as well.
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