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Answerman - What Will Happen To A Convict's Voice Acting Work?

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Joined: 16 Oct 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:23 pm Reply with quote
Life goes on is the short answer to this ask I'd say. Of course they aren't going to stop releasing something/redub all the shows he's been in because we've just found out he's a criminal. All they can do is just not associate themselves with him again.

It is a shame though. I feel like there is a stain on every show these types of people are in and it keeps nagging at me whenever I want to watch the show again.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:31 pm Reply with quote
I thought this would be pretty obvious. It evens goes the same way in Hollywood. Like, take Lindsay Lohan for example. She started in plenty of movies, most of which were aimed at kids/teens, but in recent years she's only been in bit parts (most of which tends to make fun of her) Obviously they'll want to do no further work with a crimnal, but they won't waste money to re-do past things either. Last I checked, there's no new Freaky Friday or Parent Trap coming out ;P
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Joined: 21 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:34 pm Reply with quote
This actually raises a much bigger question with regard to how much the private life of an artist affects the work that he/she is in. The idea of artists getting into legal trouble is not new. We have tons of news stories like "'On Your Mark' Pulled from Miyazaki Box Sets After Aska's Drug Arrest" and "Power Rangers Wild Force Actor Ricardo Medina Jr. Arrested for Murder". Here, it is understandable to see their work in a tainted light. However, there are also times where many of us get upset at the fans that get angry with Idols for falling in love.

While the cases are hardly comparable or analogous, the idea of private life spilling into the work life is still prevalent. So, I guess the question is, will the enjoyment of a show be ruined for you if you do not agree with something that the artist has done in real life?
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:35 pm Reply with quote
However, if you're hoping to see the dubs revised to remove Freeman from any of his previous work, that will not happen. The budgets on these dubs are already stretched thin, and it's not like Funimation can prevent people from seeing something that's already been out for years, sold a bunch of copies and has more still in warehouses, on retailer shelves, and on streaming servers owned by everyone from Netflix to iTunes to Hulu. The cost of re-doing anything with that dub is just not worth avoiding the potential embarrassment of selling a show with the voice of a guy who they didn't know at the time was engaged in illegal activities. They have a good excuse, and that's enough.

Or rather, to find something positive in this whole mess, the West, whether anime or media in general, doesn't really have a tradition of holding works hostage for some bad deeds yesteryear.

And we should be glad for that. Remember the debacle over On Your Mark anime music video, after singer Aska got arrested for drug possession? Also a renowned work released a long time ago, to critical acclaim, suddenly it's collateral damage and pulled out of the first-hand market completely...
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:37 pm Reply with quote
Actar wrote:
This actually raises a much bigger question with regard to how much the private life of an artist affects the work that he/she is in. The idea of artists getting into legal trouble is not new. We have tons of news stories like "'On Your Mark' Pulled from Miyazaki Box Sets After Aska's Drug Arrest" and "Power Rangers Wild Force Actor Ricardo Medina Jr. Arrested for Murder". Here, it is understandable to see their work in a tainted light. However, there are also times where many of us get upset at the fans that get angry with Idols for falling in love.

This reminds me of an Answerman from a few months ago, the one about Vic Mingona being cast in Free and the backlash that caused and how it was unfair to damage a actor's career based solely on personal morals.

Now Freeman is a different case but you're point about private life affecting personal work reminded me of that.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:54 pm Reply with quote
I've gotten in touch with an anime VA (who I will not name to respect privacy) about how I felt as a fan about Freeman's conviction. The VA told me, "It's important to separate the actor as a person from their performance."
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:01 pm Reply with quote
revolutionotaku wrote:
I've gotten in touch with an anime VA (who I will not name to respect privacy) about how I felt as a fan about Freeman's conviction. The VA told me, "It's important to separate the actor as a person from their performance."

I disagree. In cases like this I just cannot separate a person as an actor from them being a convicted sex offender. It is disgusting.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:06 pm Reply with quote
wonderwomanhero wrote:
revolutionotaku wrote:
I've gotten in touch with an anime VA (who I will not name to respect privacy) about how I felt as a fan about Freeman's conviction. The VA told me, "It's important to separate the actor as a person from their performance."

I disagree. In cases like this I just cannot separate a person as an actor from them being a convicted sex offender. It is disgusting.

Then it would be a good thing to learn how to do that.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:09 pm Reply with quote
this is about the guy who got arrested for child porn?

well with animation.. you don't see their face anyway.. so he will be forgotten after 1-2 episodes

but he still has a chance in voice acting though

if there's a role to voiced as pedophile in some hentai (i'm sure there are a lot).. that guy would be a perfect candidate
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Joined: 06 May 2011
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:20 pm Reply with quote
I wonder if they'll just recast Todd Haberkorn as England in Hetalia, considering that he already did some dubbing of that character in the later segment of this episode and no one really noticed the difference. (and yeah, I know he's already Italy but the episodes are 5 minutes long so its not like there's that much dialogue for each character anyway.)
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Joined: 18 Mar 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:21 pm Reply with quote
revolutionotaku wrote:
I've gotten in touch with an anime VA (who I will not name to respect privacy) about how I felt as a fan about Freeman's conviction. The VA told me, "It's important to separate the actor as a person from their performance."

I agree completely. Doing something bad doesn't define you as a person. Granted, this was a very bad thing and definitely not something to be taken lightly, it doesn't mean every single thing they've done in their lives has to be defined by this moment. He did the crime, he's paying the time, and he's extremely unlikely to be hired again in the future. That should be more than enough humiliation and people should just ignore the fact that the voice belongs to him and enjoy the roles he was in regardless. If he gets cast in something in the future, by all means, get up in arms about it then.

Last edited by WashuTakahashi on Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:46 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:25 pm Reply with quote
wonderwomanhero wrote:
I disagree. In cases like this I just cannot separate a person as an actor from them being a convicted sex offender. It is disgusting.

If you cannot separate a fictional character or story and real life, then that's a failure on your part. It's not Funimation's fault, or anyone else's fault.

I own the first season of High School DxD, and I don't intend to toss it or to only watch the subbed version. The fact that the VA of the main character ended up being convicted of possessing child porn has no bearing on my enjoyment of a work of fiction. In RL, he is paying the price for his wrong-doing, and that's all I need to know about it.
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Joined: 21 Nov 2010
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:26 pm Reply with quote
AnimeAddict2014 wrote:
if there's a role to voiced as pedophile in some hentai (i'm sure there are a lot).. that guy would be a perfect candidate

Not sure if you meant it as a joke, but I suppose we should also get a convicted thief to voice Lupin and a disabled kid to voice Hayate. Yeah, you see how insensitive this is?

WashuTakahashi wrote:
If he gets cast in something in the future, by all means, get up in arms about it then.

This is where we disagree. If someone is convicted of a crime, they should always be given a second chance.
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Mr. Oshawott

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:37 pm Reply with quote
I'm going to feel quite a bit rattled watching a show that features any voice acting from Scott Freeman, but it won't be too long before I'm over it. I enjoyed him as Issei from High School DxD, but I despise his interest in child porn and I'm satisfied that he's in prison.

As long as Funimation remains distant from him, I think this predicament will eventually blow over.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:50 pm Reply with quote
Tuor_of_Gondolin wrote:
wonderwomanhero wrote:
I disagree. In cases like this I just cannot separate a person as an actor from them being a convicted sex offender. It is disgusting.

If you cannot separate a fictional character or story and real life, then that's a failure on your part. It's not Funimation's fault, or anyone else's fault.

I agree with you. No one else is responsible for a person's own ability to distinguish between fiction and reality. Not being able to do so is a pretty big problem. Usually when this comes up it is the other way around, but this is fundamentally the same problem being unable to separate an actor's sleazy / disgusting role from the actor himself.

Now if we are just talking throwing away discs in protest, well whatever. Idc what people do with their discs or other merchandise.
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