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Posts: 2651 Location: Colorado, USA |
Anime Nation no longer sells anime.
If somebody already mentioned that I apologize for missing it. |
Posts: 6680 Location: London, UK |
Without mentioning any staff members by name, I have certain suspicions as to why he was included. |
Posts: 2267 |
I think ANN is doing a pretty good job in my book and its become my primary site for getting anime coverage.
A few points: I'd like to see Pile of Shame brought back, just change the name (the number of posts wasted explaining the title was nuts). I'd like to see more manga coverage with more reviewers. Different perspectives is always a good thing in my book. I have my Adblock turned off on the front page and try to click on the interesting ads (I don't click on anything that says aniplex though), but will no longer visit ANN while in work environment (there's been a few ads in the past that were too much). I would pay a subscription that turned off all ads and had some kind of perk that made it worth it. So far there isn't that perk that makes me want to bite. I listen to ANNCast fairly regularly, but I'm not sure I would have time for another podcast. I'm not too big into videoblogs or stuff like that. The ones I've seen it seems that even if people have something interesting to say they become too concerned with acting out or they think they are more charismatic than they actually are. I wouldn't mind seeing more news and cultural coverage of Japan. Everything doesn't have to have some connection to anime or manga. |
Posts: 16 Location: Detroit, MI |
Pile of Shame is the thing I miss the most. I know I'm in the minority with the shows I like but more classic coverage would make me really happy.
Anncast is by far my favorite thing ANN provides so I would not complain more podcasts. Video content would be nice but far from a deal breaker. I like video but I do find it harder to find the time for it. One thing I would like to see would be a preview guide wrap up article done. I love reading the preview guides but it is easy to miss something. Just a simple these are the show to really look out for would be nice. I think using the community score and comparing it to the staffs picks could be interesting. I tend to sway much more towards the staff opinions Maybe a season wrap up that's more short form guide that leads into the more in-depth weekly write ups. |
Posts: 1 |
One earlier survey didn't have my nationality as an option but this one was great way to spend my few minutes. I hope it helps the site.
bemused Bohemian
Posts: 404 Location: central Mizzou (Moral Oralville) |
Your website is a great site. Kudos to all of you for all your hard labor and intellectual efforts giving us the better experience and surpassing our expectations accomplishing that.
My only gripe/concern: I realize everyone comes from a different cut of cloth and this site is yours to operate as you wish. We all have our opinions for better or worse how we as a people want to be treated, respected, loved. So far, you guys have done a good job filtering out superfluous fare as there's plenty of room on the net or elsewhere for agenda-driven right-fighters versus left-fighters to express their valued opinions besides the ANN format. However, Re ANN Podcasts: could you PLEASE empty your guns and check your verbal bullets in before recording the interview and leave politics (right, left, wrong, indifferent, vitriolic, whatever) outside? It really ruins the audio experience listening to you guys/gals interject and/or wax/wane your agendas re politics/social engineering instead of stuff anime related. If I want to get informed about hot, relevant (or not) topics in politics laced with social engineering all I have to do is put on hip-deep fishing waders, make an emergency appointment for a lobe lobotomy, turn on my hearing aid, then watch cable. It would be nice if ANN Podcasters could give those of us outside the production sphere insight about anime, gaming, Japan, other related topics rather than incite about political or social topics relevant to your personal space(s). |
Posts: 51 Location: Wisconsin |
I thought it might be worth mentioning non-anime conventions.
I typically go to WisCon every year, a feminist sf/f convention in Madison, Wisconsin. The convention has a literary focus, but there are at least a few panels about manga and anime every year, and the number has been slowly expanding over time. Like others, I have also been to Japan (twice), but I still checked "would like to go," as I'd definitely like to return some day. |
Posts: 653 |
PLEASE bring back Pile of Shame!!! (And maybe a tiny bit more convention coverage, like for some quickly growing conventions like OMG con or E-ville con.)
Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
Forums Superstar Posts: 16974 |
I have to agree with the many users who have already said this, more manga coverage and more resources towards the encyclopedia. I know there are plans in the works already for the encyclopedia, if I am not mistaken, so hopefully that fulfills that part. So that leaves more coverage for manga. I think you guys do plenty for anime with the rise in the streaming reviews and more being covered with simulcasts. I feel though manga, and light novels which could be handled together, could use a bit more attention. There re plenty of options to preview anime out there now digitally. But not nearly as many, legally, for manga. So having some more coverage on new titles or hidden gems would be nice to help people make more knowledgeable choices with their manga purchasing over blind buys.
Would also be nice to see more staff guests on ANNCast. Get some more of the reviewers, columnists, or other staffers on episodes from time to time. If possible of course. |
Posts: 8202 Location: England, UK |
My Pension. |
Get off my lawn!
Posts: 88 Location: The great state of Vermont |
You left out a couple of my favorite (old school) anime companies that are still kicking:
I did not see Rightstuf/Nozomi listed, nor AnimeEgo. I've loved RightStuf since the late 1990s, so their releases have a special place in my heart. And though AnimeEgo hasn;t been too active, they are still alive, and recently released a kickstarter Bubblegum Crisis Blu-Ray Another question to ask might be: "If you pirate/download anime, what change(s) could be made to convince you to buy instead (if any)?" For me, I like to collect things and own them forever. If not physical, then DRM-free downloaded copies of anime. So I DO download fansubs for simulcasts, but I would prefer if there were legal options, and I have the money to do so. The problem is that this option just don't exist. If large simulcast sites like cruncyroll and funimation did this, I would be happy to pay for simulcast (or 1-2 week delayed) HD downloads of a quite a few series. |
Posts: 1 |
We really need an option to share our lists with friends. I have a small anime group, but I'm the only person who uses ANN because no one wants to create a list on here that no one else can find or see. Or if that is already an option, it needs to be made much more clear cause I have never been able to find someone who knows how to do it.
Posts: 1120 |
You guys are my favorite anime site.
Regarding the survey: I had a little trouble with the legal vs. illegal streaming sites question. I always thought was illegal, but I'm relieved to know it isn't. I'm interested in knowing what makes a streaming site illegal or not. I would like more reviews on light novels. I hear light novels turn into anime all the time, but never heard about the novel until then. Same goes for manga. I'd also like more interviews with English voice actors. I also don't see as many reviews from you guys anymore. I like reading reviews from you guys so I hope you increase that. I'd also like more reviews on products that aren't released in America. Lastly, maybe even some J-drama reviews. I haven't watched one in a long while, but if I saw some coverage from you guys I might take time to watch some again. Keep up the good work guys! |
Posts: 2900 Location: California |
I think that mostly has to do with the fact that most light novels are not available in English until after the series gets animated and then a company picks up the original source for domestic release. Most light novels will fly under the radar until it is proven to be a success with an anime series. There's a lot of risk involved with licensing them before there's an established fanbase. ANN will only review things that are available legally, so that'll cut down on the chances of J-drama reviews as well, unless they can find someone in Japan who can watch them on TV and then write up something decent. |
Posts: 9 |
This ended up long. spoiler[Feel free to skim over the bold bits for any interest, or otherwise completely ignore this due to length.] Just don't let it deter anyone from responding to previous comments.
My List can be shared publicly. Under "My ANN" -> "My Anime" in the right column, the "Customize my categories" link will let you create lists and use the 'edit' links to make them public. It's very rudimentary but does it's job. Links to give your friends are under "My ANN" -> "Public Anime Lists", where Pyro_cheetah's list links will be under the P's once shared. The 'Seen All' page has links on the right side for the other lists; or give them Pyro_cheetah's master page once shared. I stopped updating mine here in favor of other sites long ago, but don't let that stop you from using it to share your lists.
Nozomi not being on the licensors list also saddened me (I looked twice). I suppose we can't have everything, so I settled for my second. It may not be that big/relevant of a data point for ANN's concerns. Adding it at this point might only skew results, unfortunately. A write-in that doesn't show up could help, but it's likely not relevant to ANN's targeted question.
The Encyclopedia is one of my main draws to ANN beyond news articles. It's fairly complete for most titles, is wonderful for connecting/referencing in articles, and provides a concise/consistent listing and linking of Staff/Company/Creators/Licensors; which is honestly an invaluable resource to me. Incomparable to other more generalized databases/wiki, it's what brought me here many years ago.
Anime News Nina was simple and enjoyable commentary on the niche. It'd be nice if something similar were to take it's place; though, I was personally ok with leaving it up to R.Sevakis/ANN's decisions to move on from it. That's not to say I didn't enjoy the ride, the references, and seeing new topics! If there's an artist/team up for it, I'd also be interested in editorial comics.
Article Comments being kept in the forum is something I like. I don't comment much, but I do like choosing to load the comments only for articles I'm interested in. I couldn't say if/how-much this hinders chances for valuable feedback; however, I feel it helps filter types of replies. Of course, this is at the sacrifice of not having a modern way to get a 'prioritized' ranking of the better/active threads of conversation. ------- Non-linear modern commentary designs allow for conversation threads to diverge, for better or worse. Linear forums guide users to carry a continuing conversation, but unlike inline e-mail threads or modern comment systems, when discussions diverge it's much harder to track separate conversations late in the game. Having the option to hide the comment section (via profile/local/cookie preference), and a link to (ajax) load them only on request, might satisfy my initial attachment to keeping comments in forums. If extending the forum, quote wrappers that default to linking back to the referenced comment's anchor helps slightly with following conversation threads. Forum posting does provide freedom to reference/reply in a way to tie together multiple threads of conversation, which may be harder in a modern system. Either, to toss out old conversations and start repeated/evolved (but compartmentalized) conversation threads as time moves on in a modern system; OR, with forums, to get lost backtracking else to skip reading the first half of the forum posts; these seem to be the two styles, based on the behavior of online commentors in recent times. Do we expect most articles to have lots of comments, and for which carrying diverging conversations 'in the now, with recent commentors, and old threads hidden by show-more' is needed? With forums are we frequently finding that adhering to no-double-posting is very much difficult/blurring conversations? Should we consider how much of an initial burst or scale is there, and how long the comments section of an article will even be kept open? My experience with comment systems could be different or off-base, so additional feedback on what might be an appropriate comment system could be beneficial, if that was under consideration. Mostly the above is just a scattering of food for thought. -------
Subscription service plans - I agree that a description of existing benefits or features in the works would help, otherwise I really don't want to give ANN the wrong impression of how much I'd budget for it. For me, subscription service costs are highly dependent on what such a (more) tailored plan might entail. Sadly, I can't guess a max price point due to my lack of knowledge about the current plan, feasibility of new features, others input on interesting feature proposals. -- Maybe it should it be the cost of a magazine subscription or less/more than a paid streaming service? I apologize, I just don't know and fear I fell under the category of those not paying for an existing plan. I suppose I should have started with asking myself how much I'd donate a year, even if nothing changes. Don't get me wrong, I'd like to add/improve features for more, not take them away and give them a cost, but ANN is doing a great job for me as it is.
Worth considering trying the above, in a polite manner.
Advertisements and even promotional artwork/themes can be awkward. For the Ads, I'm not sure as AdBlock is usually engaged by default; though even a few of the promotional themes I could have lived without but I imagine those are sponsored in some fashion. (I never knew I could change the site layout around, or if layout affects those themes). Thus if the themes are promotional and provide revenue, I've felt they were just since I'm not currently a premium member. And as Oraculo notes, it's accepted as a part of the industry, so here we stand. I'm my own person, so only under specific circumstances is it outside my control when referencing the site in front of others; though, under those circumstances there's a good chance I'm not going to be logged in on that device anyway, making it moot.
The questions on Traveling to Japan and Language are likely to determine interest in How-to / Tips (?), but I believe knowing what audience has already visited could help guide/target other niche interest for articles, in categorization or topics. Questions are now optional, though. Unfortunately radio boxes are not easily un-toggleble to opt out of voting once selected (without writing js or remembering a browser specific way). I had to restart the survey due to this, for a different question. What about methods of consumption? There were several questions about devices, presumably regarding site format or how to deliver content and Ads. I am very much attached to the RSS feeds as they let me quickly tear through article titles/intros, and then I consume the content on the site with a Desktop/Laptop. Server side filtering options for more customization of feeds might actually be beneficial (though maybe that's just me). I wade through all the 'Interest' articles easily (offline even), separate from 'News' articles, and it's well worth it in is this format. Something I'd like? I use my tablet for a lot of things, but with the number of articles on the site I can currently better consume them with an RSS feed reader and a full browser. If a custom App for news is ever under consideration, then additional categorization/tagging and server side filter parameters delivering json could be extended to rss. Device notification's (real-life-interruptions) wouldn't be important to me, unless it was notification on user-specified trigger words; or if it was a server-side user-customized feed of topics or anime of personal interest. If something like that was a feature for subscribers, server-load would be up; but that, or tools that allow for customized/filtered consumption (rss for me, but most may want web consumption options), are something I'd likely pay more for. Money for filtering to save time and convenience. Not sure about others interest in customized/filtered streams of articles or feasibility with the current system. Pile of Shame and Buried Garbage/Treasure have been fun. 'Right Turn Only' was ok for quick manga reviews, though now 'House of 1000 Manga' on occasion has lead me to new titles. It does require a pool of readers or tastes that line up. |
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