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REVIEW: Digimon: The Movies - Movies 1-3 - Anime Blu-ray Review

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Joined: 09 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:47 pm Reply with quote
While it makes me question the canonicity from what I remember about the TV series

Digimon Adventure as a whole has a weird issue in canonity where characters and general populations seem to forget incidents when convenient for the plot, or as a consequence of production of the show, but all three films are explicitely canon to the TV series, even to the point where the three films are referenced in the shows. Adventure does this most explicitely by later showing snippits of the movie's events onscreen, with the cast recalling the events suddenly, as if a trauma veil was finally lifted. The incident inspired Homeostasis to choose the chosen children with the greatest potential for rapid evolution from among the witnesses, and later again, in Adventure 02, the bridge where Parrotmon first appeared acted as a gateway for Oikawa to use Vandemon's old cards to try and make his way to the digital world. The second film is referenced in Adventure 02 as well, albeit by dialogue when the 3 new kids reveal they witnessed Omegamon's battle with Diaboromon on the netーMiyako/Yolie herself was actually shown watching it in the film. The third film has an actual plot hole with the TV series canon (Tailmon was not supposed to be able to evolve into Angewomon during the timeline when the movie takes placeーthis was a production issue, as the TV series had only just aired episode 14 when the movie released, but this information was only revealed a dozen or so episodes later), and fans have debated its canon for years, but the film is still beloved, so both Kizuna and The Beginning recall it in the background by showing us Wallace/Willis with his twin digimon, even getting them dragged into Kizuna's conflict alongside all the other cameos from the series (including Mei and Meicoomon, thus confirming Tri's canon, too).

Thank you for the review! My friends set up a watch party together (most of us had already bought our own copy lol) and we watched the new English dubs, even though none of us usually watch English dubs anymore. It was genuinely an experience, and both a surprise when we realized how many actors still sound exactly the same, and sad when some of them showed their age. The dub is largely less "exciting" than the first dub, but its authenticity made it a genuinely great experience. I loved the playful references, like the unintrusive lines carried over from the first dub and the Yagami-Kamiya sign. The blooper reel was short, but great, and Mona's "momentai, Willis" line had me in absolute stitches. The interviews also dispensed an assumption I had about Our War Game's primary film influences, too. We hold so, so much respect for the team that put this together. Flawed movies, but they are still very dear to me. The loud, standing round of applause from myself and all of my friends was earned. If any of them have the opportunity to read this comment, just... thank you so much. This will live on in my heart as one of the most ambitious passion projects I've seen on this side of the pond, and that notion expands to the other discotek digimon releases as well. I hope to continue to see this level of love in any future digimon projects.
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Joined: 10 Apr 2024
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:47 pm Reply with quote
Digimon was definitely one of my favoririte series as a kid especially season 1 and 2. I still love the movie despite how goofy it is (still have a copy of the soundtrack) and it's really cool that this can even exist. I'm not big into Digimon anymore but I think I'll have to get this if only for nostalgia.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 12:58 pm Reply with quote
I have an old DVD with Digimon: The Movie that I bought at Walmart in probably like, 2006 or something. I'm so happy to replace it with the Bluray, though I haven't gotten a chance to sit and watch the movies yet. I still can't believe Discotek was able to release the originals AND our silly Americanized version! I saw it in theaters as a kid and loved it so much.
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Joined: 22 Sep 2021
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:03 pm Reply with quote
I've been waiting for this release ever since they announced the project. Digimon means everything to me and I will forever hold the campy 2000s dub close to my heart. I won't defend certain decisions and I am glad that dubs have since moved past the practices, but I will still enjoy the weird jokes and aggressively 90s/2000s soundtrack.

The original dub of the movie was my favorite as a kid, but looking back on it I do notice the awkward edits. I was thrown for a loop when I was a pre-teen and discoverd the actual movies via Digimon fan-websites.

With that said (and I may be alone on this), I do like how in Our War Game, the original dub rewrote Diaboromon so he was connected to and looking for Willis. It made his chaos more interesting to me, because it was all done in desperation. It is one of those infamous and despised "dub changes the plot" cases, but I just can't hate this one.

With that all said- I am so SO happy that this exists. I am thankful to everyone involved in this for not only preserving my childhood but also updating it for modern audiences. And best of all, thank you for going out of your way to preserve the original cast as much as you could. Watching this made me feel like such a kid again.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:03 pm Reply with quote
Here in South America we got the original soundtrack so it was obvious the films were edited. Probably the funniest and most subtle gag is when the evolution song "Brave Heart" plays but Izzy/Kojiro becomes sick. This somehow puts the song into an endless loop of the same lyrics. The third movie was weird to me especially when the Angels for the first time reach their mega or true final forms only to waste unlocking 02 eggs that appear and never return
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Joined: 26 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:09 pm Reply with quote
This whole redub project is such an incredible dream come true and I'm so delighted to see it fully realized like this, I'm sure there are countless older early 2000's anime dubs we watched as kids that we'd deep down, only dream of getting treatment like this. It's interesting and I fully agree that while the old dubs haven't aged well, they're interesting precisely because they're a representation of the times from back then, and the parts of them that were genuinely still charming can still charm us today.

I still love and watch plenty of dubs today, and while some things in the industry feel like they exist only to churn talent and sap the life away from them (simuldubs especially were rough on everyone involved in production back in the day), it's been amazing seeing how much love and passion get put into them, and also just how much respect and professionalism goes into them these days as well.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 1:26 pm Reply with quote
It's a shame Diabolomon Strikes Back was not included. It serves like a better closure to both 01 and 02 generations than the 02 tv series and Tri without relying padding content, and instead bring some cool fight scenes that use original animation. It's not Mamoru Hosoda level but it fits. Talking about movie 2, Hosoda explictly said that he wanted to write Tai in a more realistic way as a kid which is why he has so many problems trying to address his issues with Sora.

I can't tell if Hosoda intended a romantic subtext considering 02 for some reason created some scenes where Daisuke's/Davis' sister revealing that Sora is actually into Matt/Yamato and I don't think a bare teenage Tai gets time to address that.The same tone of this love trianlge was kept ambiguous in Tri if I recall though Mimi was enjoying to tease that.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:00 pm Reply with quote
Akamaru_Inu wrote:
I have an old DVD with Digimon: The Movie that I bought at Walmart in probably like, 2006 or something. I'm so happy to replace it with the Bluray, though I haven't gotten a chance to sit and watch the movies yet. I still can't believe Discotek was able to release the originals AND our silly Americanized version! I saw it in theaters as a kid and loved it so much.

I'm also happy it has the Japanese audio with English subtitles, so young kids with advanced reading skills and kids that want to practice their compare & contrast skills can use Digimon the Movie to practice that.

There's another reason why this film (both the American cut, and the original Japanese version) should be taken more seriously: Mamoru Hosoda (yes, that Mamoru Hosoda) directed 2 of the Digimon films in this collection. I'm happy to see his name being mentioned there but I wish Discotek would've heavily marketed this film with his name on there. Hell, I would've loved it if Discotek can team up with GKIDS to maybe give this film particularly the 2 Digimon standalone films that Hosoda directed maybe a limited theatrical re-release given that Mamoru Hosoda is now a big name amongst mainstream audiences on the same level as Hayao Miyazaki, and Makoto Shinkai. This would help raise awareness amongst the younger fans of his work, and also maybe to help boost the sales of the film collection as a whole.
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Joined: 27 May 2018
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 2:46 pm Reply with quote
This gives me hope that the original Digimon anime will receive a new dub that sticks more to the Japanese script. Out of the 3 I would say Movie 2 is my favourite, mostly because of the threat level of Diaboromon.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 4:17 pm Reply with quote
tintor2 wrote:
It's a shame Diabolomon Strikes Back was not included. It serves like a better closure to both 01 and 02 generations than the 02 tv series and Tri without relying padding content, and instead bring some cool fight scenes that use original animation.

Considering that this release is "Movie Collection 1", I imagine the other Digimon movies, at least the other four up through Frontier, will be announced soon as their own collection. Those movies were all dubbed on their own in the 00s using their respective OG casts, so they wouldn't need anywhere near the amount of work that this first collection got. Maybe they'll also toss in X-Evolution & the Savers movie, too, just for completeness' sake, even though neither of those were dubbed back in the day.
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Hagaren Viper

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:36 pm Reply with quote
However, despite being paced better and giving more context, this is the weakest of the three films. It feels like a first draft. I give it a lot of credit for trying to go for something more emotionally mature and character-driven. Still, I am unsure what exactly the lesson of the movie is.

For what it's worth, I thought this post made a good argument on the takeaway from Willis Wallace's character in the movie - despite how the vague the movie is about things, I thought it made sense.

Really appreciated the care that went into casting these dubs compared to the Tri/Kizuna/Beginning dubs that would frequently cast actors that sounded nothing like their previous voices (Poor Kizuna Armadillomon...), and it was fun that the new actors were all pretty stoked about these roles - made me wish they got to do more with them. Also shoutout to Bob Glouberman who ended up having my favorite performance out of the three movies.

This gives me hope that the original Digimon anime will receive a new dub that sticks more to the Japanese script.

I don't have a source handy but I'm fairly sure the main reason these new dubs exist is that they weren't sure they'd actually be able to get the rights to The Movie. I imagine at best we might get new dubs for movies 4-7 if they're in a similar situation, but we're probably best off praying for Applimon or Ghost Game dubs.
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Joined: 13 Apr 2014
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:36 pm Reply with quote
As a Digimon fan, this new release is awesome! Especially with the redub.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 5:44 pm Reply with quote
mdo7 wrote:
Hell, I would've loved it if Discotek can team up with GKIDS to maybe give this film particularly the 2 Digimon standalone films that Hosoda directed maybe a limited theatrical re-release given that Mamoru Hosoda is now a big name amongst mainstream audiences on the same level as Hayao Miyazaki, and Makoto Shinkai. This would help raise awareness amongst the younger fans of his work, and also maybe to help boost the sales of the film collection as a whole.

That would be up to Toei Animation and their American branch and with their track record, they would have likely screened them through Fathom Events.
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Joined: 23 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 6:13 pm Reply with quote
NJ_ wrote:
That would be up to Toei Animation and their American branch and with their track record, they would have likely screened them through Fathom Events.

I still would like to see GKIDS to get involved since they hold the current license to most of Mamoru Hosoda's films and since 2 of Digimon films were directed by Hosoda, it would make sense for Discotek, Toei's American branch, to maybe team up with GKIDS and Fathom Events to hold a limited theatrical re-release for this Digimon movie. I wish Discotek had marketed the Mamoru Hosoda part of the film.

Also, there's another reason why I want this movie to be given a limited theatrical re-release: When Digimon: the Movie first came out in the US, Hosoda was still an unknown director at that time. But now this time Hosoda has reached the mainstream fame like Hayao Miyazaki, thanks to film like Belle, Mirai. Hell, some of Hosoda's past films like Wolf Children, The Girl who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars, & The Boy and The Beast have now been re-licensed through GKIDS. So that indicate that Mamoru Hosoda's films are now put on the same level as Hayao Miyazaki. If Hosoda is very well-known on the same level as Miyazaki, then I think this is where Discotek, Toei Animation, GKIDS, and Fathom Events should maybe look into giving Digimon: The Movie a limited theatrical re-release in the US/North America. It could sell out because not only because of Digimon nostalgia, but now because Hosoda is a big name, and anything that he directed could cause ticket to sell out even if you put it as a limited re-release in theaters. So Digimon: The Movie could experience a 2nd life and a better critical acclaim amongst fans of Hosoda's work, and the current anime fandom.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2021
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 13, 2025 7:42 pm Reply with quote
Welp, this will probably force me to get off my ass and properly watch Adventure in all it's forms.
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