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Pacific Pikachu

Joined: 20 Jun 2004
Posts: 89
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:13 pm Reply with quote
Name: Kristin
Sex: Female
Location: Nevada City, CA (Little itty-bitty town between Sacramento and Lake Tahoe)
Marital Status: Single, not really looking
Age: 19
Religion: I worship the great Yoko Kanno.
Drink/Smoke: Neither--never have and never will.
Likes: Outside of anime, rehabbing wild orphaned/injured birds (I specialize in crows, magpies, and jays), watching The Office (US), collecting weird pets, writing, drawing, reading, sleeping, listening to music (Yoko Kanno FTW!), and playing excessive amounts of Pokémon. Wink
Dislikes: Babies, intolerant people, animal abuse, shallow/meaningless entertainment, tomatos, and meat.
Favorite anime: Pokémon for nostalgic value, Cowboy Bebop, Wolf's Rain, Monster, Mushishi, Gankutsuou, RahXephon, Haruhi, Haibane Renmei, Last Exile, Kino's Journey, Fullmetal Alchemist, Naruto... Many, many others.
Favorite game: Pokémon Diamond! I'm addicted.
Fun facts about Kristin:

- I currently have nine birds in my room.
- I'm a vegetarian and have been since birth.
- I have over fifty pets.
- I'm obsessed with the number 528.
- I cosplay!
- I have worn nothing but shorts in twelve years, despite living in an area where it snows. Anime hyper
- I hope to write and publish novels, and I actually mean it
- I have no recent pictures of myself.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:21 pm Reply with quote
BrothersElric wrote:

Religion: Mormon. Ineligible to serve a mission due to learning disabilities.

It's good to know that I'm not the only LDS member using ANN

I'll give it a shot also:

Name: George
Sex: Male
Location: Dublin,CA(lived here for almost 2 years, lived in San Francisco before).
Age: 16
Marital Status: single
Religon: Mormon(I'm not that devout, you can say).
Ethnicity: Chinese
Drink/Smoke: Nope, I probably won't and I would end up in the slammer if I did).
Likes: Lots of things, everyone should know what one of them is.
Dislikes: Narutards, Japophiles(I think that's how it's spelled), people too obsessed with religon and talk non-stop about it, people who don't have proper manners and people who say "animes and mangas" too much.
Favorite anime: Evangelion, the Rurouni Kenshin OVAS,Big O, etc.
Favorite video games: almost any FPS game, KOTOR and KOTOR II...
Facts: none, if I did, I would sound conceited.
Pictures: No, that would just get a bit too personal and I don't want a stalker.

Last edited by Nerv1 on Mon Jul 23, 2007 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:28 pm Reply with quote
TestamentSaki wrote:
Was considered a 'devil-worshipper' at her school because she loved anime, and ironically was the soloist in the choir (soprano).

Found that pretty odd but funny. So is the city you live in one of those places that's pretty much all one religion and if you declare yourself otherwise or have certain activities they don't approve of, you are considered a heathen or devil-worshipper? Things like that really bug me, but even being in the conservative, bible-belt midwest it's not so bad and there is still a plethora of diversity of beliefs and interests.
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:40 pm Reply with quote
Past wrote:
This forum is for Anime related matters. I'm no mod but the person, although an ANN staff member, who spawned the idea is not exactly a mod either so I wouldn't put it past her that an actual mod determines what the acceptability of this thread is.

I am definitely a mod. Plus if we're going to clutter up the Answerman thread with stuff like this, we may as well move it. People seem to be enjoying it, anyway.
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Joined: 05 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:50 pm Reply with quote
Name: brittany. but I hate that name. brit is fine.

Sex: Female

Location: Detroit, Michigan. (and no , I haven't seen any shootings)

Marital Status: Single

Age: 20

Religion: Its complicated. I believe in God and that if you're a good person and do good things you'll be a'ok. But if I had to choose i'll go with Baptist.

Drink/Smoke: Drink socially ::cough:: and doesn't smoke (except hookah randomly)

Likes: Playing video games, writing, reading, driving.

Dislikes: Getting my hair wet

Favorite anime: One PIece, Princess Tutu, Mugen no Rvyius, Paradise Kiss

Favorite Manga: Tramps Like Us (kimi wa pet)

Favorite game: Pokemon Blue & Red...but Zelda OoT was my favorite

Favorite Drink: Coke

Favorite Foods: Eel, Chicken (yeah I know...), french fries, and ice cream

Favorite Sport: Golf & racing

Favorite Music: I like a bit of everything. On rare occasions I can stomach hardcore rap and even country. I really loved NSYNC though. <---and I still do. If they went on tour right now i'd buy tickets.

Fun facts about Brit: well...what to share here. I'm an English major Japanese minor. I love to race on the weekends in my Ford Exploer Sports Trac named Blue. I sleep a lot and i've failed the same math class 4x. (I hate math) Evil or Very Mad

The many hair colors of Britannica Moore

Blue hair
no glasses
purple& blue hair- funny face
Nice? you decide!

i told you I was a camera whore...wow that's a lot of pics. (they were taken over the last year but they all are me)

Hope someone saw something they liked!
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Joined: 27 Sep 2005
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Location: Kentucky
PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:56 pm Reply with quote
Well, what the heck, I'll just join in on this too. Anime hyper I think the sex thread and the picture-posting Answerman thread have actually made me want to post more lately..

Name: Marie is my real first name, that's all I'm really comfortable giving out. Not that I think anyone is really gonna hunt me down or something, but I'd rather not give out my full name on the net.
Sex: Female
Blood Type: O- if I remember correctly...
Location: Kentucky
Marital Status: Single
Age: Teenager...
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Religion: Agnostic
Pets: cats-- Precious, Mimiru, Kyo, Cutie Pie, Midnight, Chiyo, White Nose, Shippo, Patrick, and 3 of Cutie Pie's kittens that have yet to be named (Some of these are outside cats, btw.); dog-- Lucky; turtle-- Henryeta
Drink/Smoke: I'm not old enough to drink and I probably never will anyway since I think alcohal smells horrid. I think smoking is gross too, even though my dad does it constantly.
Likes: anime and manga (obviously), cats, shopping, fashion, drawing, guys who wear black thick-rimmed glasses, watching music videos, occasionally writing poems, I'll add more stuff if I can think of any...
Dislikes: public schools, people who can't respect other people because of religion/race/looks/etc, my allergies, politics, going to the doctor or dentist, probably a million other things I can't think of...
Favorite Anime: Haibane Renmei, any Hayao Miyazaki movie (especially Princess Mononoke), Fruits Basket, RahXephon, Fullmetal Alchemist, Kaleido Star, Azumanga Daioh, Paradise Kiss
Favorite Manga: Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Monster, Full Moon O Sagashite , Alice 19th, Death Note (well, mainly the first 7 volumes or so of it)
Favorite Books: I really don't read much books other than manga to be honest Anime smile + sweatdrop
Favorite Game: Not much of a video game person, but I really like Xenosaga and The Sims 2 (for PC)
Favorite TV Shows: Spongebob Squarepants, Heroes, American Idol, House, Ugly Betty, Daria, Jem and the Holograms (I watched recorded tapes when I was younger), Project Runway (I just recently started watching some reruns, but I love it)
Favorite Movie: Titanic, Memoirs of a Geisha, Labyrinth, Nightmare Before Christmas, The Spongebob Squarepants Movie, Spider-Man 1 and 2 (haven't seen 3 yet), Shrek 1 and 2 (again haven't seen 3 yet), School of Rock
Favorite Drink: Mountain Dew, strawberry or grape flavored water
Favorite Foods: chicken tenders, pepperoni pizza, any Reese's candy
Favorite Handgun: I kinda dislike guns...
Favorite Sites: Well, I don't think there's any site I like more than ANN. Smile
Favorite Sport: I've never been able to get interested in any sport. And I fail at all things athletic. DX
Favorite Bands and Singers: Linkin Park, Clay Aiken, Evanescence, Daughtry, 3 Doors Down, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson (odd combinations of music I know Anime smile + sweatdrop)
Job: homeschooled highschool student, but I hope to one day be a fashion designer
Fun facts about LilacShadow: I don't think there's any fun facts about me. I'm rather boring. D:

All pictures except for the last one are from a few years ago. The last one is recent, but my hair is shorter now. I always look very bad in pictures though. Also, these really aren't the best quality photos, but it's the best I can do.

Me and one of my cats, Patrick
Me and my best friend, Alya/Bendy Straw
Recent pic of me (my nose looks red, I know Mad)

Edit: I added some more info and a new picture.

Last edited by LilacShadow on Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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Joined: 14 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:59 pm Reply with quote
SakechanBD wrote:
Past wrote:
This forum is for Anime related matters. I'm no mod but the person, although an ANN staff member, who spawned the idea is not exactly a mod either so I wouldn't put it past her that an actual mod determines what the acceptability of this thread is.

I am definitely a mod. Plus if we're going to clutter up the Answerman thread with stuff like this, we may as well move it. People seem to be enjoying it, anyway.

Just to clear up any misconceptions from anyone an admin can do anything a mod can do and more. The admin are the banners, not the mods. So even though Sake and Dan may not act as moderators they have the power to do so, and I guess probably did before Nagisa and Tony joined as mods. That last part is just a guess though. The admin here are, from what I have gathered, the movers and pushers at ANN. They're part of the actual paid staff and usually are too busy to mod, hence why we have moderators to simply do that specific job. I hope that helps anyone with questions on the matter.

oh and Kolibri, one of my 2 best friend is from Finland. So I actually know where the country is lol. I would come over as a kid and always here his parents speaking Finnish and wonder what they were saying about me lol.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:03 am Reply with quote
Updated with more detail seeing as how yesturday I was too sleepy.

Name: LuckySleven would be fine.

Sex: Male

Location: Anywhere

Marital Status: For now Single

Age: 16

Religion: I don’t have one and yet I go to a Catholic School. Oh well let’s stick with Haruhiism

Drink/Smoking: My vital organs are my best friends. Though I have drank wine before and the only smoking I get to do is second-hand if you know what I mean.

Likes (besides anime/manga): Drawing (one of my noticeable aspects), Gambling (I like to make a lot of bets but at times my luck seems to run out on me to be with a better and more handsome person), going to the library (yes I like to go to that very quiet place with all those books of vast knowledge, I mostly stick around the forensic science area), walking (yes God gave me legs so I use them how ever I can to please myself; not only is it good exercise but the views you get to see can sometime be interesting), decorating rooms (Yes I like to do such things even if it’s not my room)

Dislikes: Normal people (What’s the point of living a normal life when you can live an abnormal one? All my friends are weird, I’m weird, and you should be too), Narcissistic People (I really hate people who are too infatuated with themselves to realize that there is a world out there beyond their own)

Favorite anime: For now I’m going with Death Note. Why Death Note? Death Note has one of the most original plotlines I ever seen. Basically to me, it’s genius~!

Favorite manga: Fruit Basket, just really love the story of it all.

Favorite game: Dance Dance Revolution (Yes, that game where you have to step on those four panels with the arrows on them), Initial D (Yes that arcade driving game)

Favorite Food: Has to be Phở

Favorite Drink: Old fashion coke

Favorite Sport: Tennis, badminton (back in the days they used to call me the Prince of Badminton Wink )

Favorite Music: R&B, Rock, J-Rock, and any thing that really has good vocals in it.

Fun Facts about LuckySleven: I had my own art exhibition at age 14 at the Living Arts Centre. In the future I’m aiming to be a full time staff surgeon then try to become the Head of the Department. I like acting in front of an audience or camera. I try to design my own cloths. I think that’s it for now.

I'll post a picture when my friend pays be back; never going to stand near her at Niagra Falls ever again Anime hyper"

Last edited by LuckySleven on Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:52 pm; edited 3 times in total
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:11 am Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:
The admin are the banners, not the mods. So even though Sake and Dan may not act as moderators they have the power to do so, and I guess probably did before Nagisa and Tony joined as mods. That last part is just a guess though.

Bamboo had been acting as a moderator actively for quite some time. Dan rarely steps in unless there's no admin available (e.g. all at a con) and something technical and/or urgent happens (such as a swarm of spambot).
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:19 am Reply with quote
one3rd wrote:
psycho 101 wrote:
Name: Sean Patrick Michael Francis Tugwell (yes that really is it, see religion for explanation)
Religion: Roman Catholic (I'm confirmed hence the long name...it's a catholic thing)

What, exactly, are the occasions for the extra naming? I've never really quite understood.

Sorry just noticed this question. Alright, in the Roman Catholic church you go through this process called confirmation. In the church this is the process for becoming an adult in the eyes of the church. You take some sunday school type classes, take a test (yes they test your knowledge on your faith), and then there's a special mass usually lead by a Bishop and not just a normal priest. Part of the process is you take another name. Generally it's preferred if you use a saint or other holy figure. I was born Sean Patrick Tugwell and I actually took 2 names at my confirmation. This is rare and actually has to be approved by a Bishop or Cardinal to be allowed. Mine was. I'm Irish so of course my father gave me Patrick, as in Saint Patrick the patron saint of Ireland, as my middle name. I took Michael in reference to the Arch Angel Michael, protector and guardian of heaven. Also the patron saint of police. Francis refers to Saint Francis of Assisi (spelling?) who was loved by animals and one with nature. So hence I am now Sean Patrick Michael Francis Tugwell. Can't get a much more Irish name then that let me tell you. If I had been a girl I would've been name Erin Bridget Tugwell. Saint Bridget is the other big Irish saint. This concludes our Catholic study lesson for the day.

dormcat wrote:

Bamboo had been acting as a moderator actively for quite some time. Dan rarely steps in unless there's no admin available (e.g. all at a con) and something technical and/or urgent happens (such as a swarm of spambot).

I've never actually seen her step in the mod shoes so to speak. No discredit to her, I know she's busy as a full time columnist and article writer. I knew she could at any time since she is an admin, I just have never seen her do it as best as I can remember.
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Joined: 03 May 2007
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Location: Melbourne, Australia
PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:24 am Reply with quote
Name: I was christened Eric, but don't answer to it anymore! Everyone knows me as Ric, a short form of my nickname Riccardo.

Sex: Male

Location:Tecoma, an outer suburb of Melbourne, in the Australian state of Victoria

Marital Status: Single

Age: 26 in less than 2 weeks (July 2nd)

Religion: I'm nominally a Christian, but I don't believe in "religion", more in "belief systems".

Drink/Smoke: Don't smoke or drink at all.

Likes:I love sport, anime (obviously), I'm also into Warhammer and love the painting aspect of the game.

Dislikes:Arrogance really annoys me, as do grumpy people. Not much upsets me, really.

Favorite anime: Soul Hunter/Houshin Engi, Wolfs' Rain, Rune Soldier Louie

Favorite Manga:I don't really read manga to be honest, but I've been flipping through Battle Royale as a fan of the movie

Favorite game: Dynasty Warriors, particularly Empires and Extreme Legends 5

Favorite Drink: Hot Chocolate and brown Creamy Soda

Favorite Foods: Anything chicken, particularly fried or Chicken Kiev. I'm a real sweet tooth and love jelly beans and salt water taffy

Favorite Handgun:no comment. Laughing

Favorite Sport:Australian Rules, Rugby League, Soccer

Favorite Music:I love the theme songs used in anime, other than that I'm fairly eclectic, apart from rap, opera and country.

Fun facts about riccardo:I have 2 tattoos (Aussie rules related) and am about to get a third (Anime related), I have a twin brother who is also into Anime and, as a wannabe cosplayer am fully intending to go to this years Manifest anime festival in Melbourne as Yuri Shibuya from Kyo Kara Maou.
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:24 am Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:
Francis refers to Saint Francis of Assisi (spelling?) who was loved by animals and one with nature.

Yeah you got it right. I go to a school that's in his name. Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:26 am Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:
I've never actually seen her step in the mod shoes so to speak. No discredit to her, I know she's busy as a full time columnist and article writer. I knew she could at any time since she is an admin, I just have never seen her do it as best as I can remember.

1. She is not a full-time columnist. Both she and I are biologists.

2. You just have not been here long enough.
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Redbeard 101
Oscar the Grouch
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Joined: 14 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:38 am Reply with quote
LuckySleven wrote:
psycho 101 wrote:
Francis refers to Saint Francis of Assisi (spelling?) who was loved by animals and one with nature.

Yeah you got it right. I go to a school that's in his name. Smile

Wow, someone actually knew what I was talking about lol. I'm amazed, even with people that are familiar with the Catholic religion when I mention his name I usually get blank stares.

dormcat wrote:
psycho 101 wrote:
I've never actually seen her step in the mod shoes so to speak. No discredit to her, I know she's busy as a full time columnist and article writer. I knew she could at any time since she is an admin, I just have never seen her do it as best as I can remember.

1. She is not a full-time columnist. Both she and I are biologists.

2. You just have not been here long enough.

Thanks for the info dormcat. (seriously thanks Very Happy )

Before I get too OT I have noticed a trend starting I wanted to comment on. This is by no means an insult to anyone but I'm noticing the majority of people so far don't smoke or drink or even want to if they're not of age yet. I've also noticed many people for their favorite food like chicken. Where's the beef or lamb lovers?!
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Joined: 14 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 12:52 am Reply with quote
I've noticed a lot of anime fans tend to be non-smokers. Can't say much about drinking since I think most of the people I drink with are my friends who are also anime fans.

Last edited by P€|\||§_|\/|ast@ on Thu Jul 26, 2007 11:24 pm; edited 1 time in total
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