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Happiness for Subaru
Joined: 24 Feb 2011
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:19 pm
Thanks for talking about the making-of disk. I was really curious about that.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2005
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:30 pm
Wow even I liked the show a lot but didn't think it was anywhere near that great. When did ANN's reviewers suddenly get so generous. I'll continue to have my own theories about what's going on with that.
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Joined: 03 Jun 2013
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:46 pm
Really glad to hear the ENG dub is top notch as the show is easily one of the most enjoyable shows I've seen in such a long time.
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Angel M Cazares
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:50 pm
Kaioshin_Sama wrote: | Wow even I liked the show a lot but didn't think it was anywhere near that great. When did ANN's reviewers suddenly get so generous. I'll continue to have my own theories about what's going on with that. |
So you are still saying that Aniplex USA has paid the ANN stuff to favor its shows? That might make sense if Kill la Kill was not a great show. You also forget that Zac destroyed Sword Art Online in an ANN Cast.
ANN consistently gives harsh reviews (except for Theron Martin who tends to be generous with badly written shows like SAO and trash like CROSS ANGE) to the crappy stuff that AoA and other publishers release.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:28 pm
I don't think that the four generals are sympathetic. One of the biggest narrative flaws of the anime is that Satsuki and her minions fight tyranny by being no less tyrannically evil themselves. Worse, the show ends up making them into sympathetic figures and attempting to justify what they'd done, despite not exploring any other way to combat Satsuki's mother. Was there actually any need to kill the spy in episode one and string his corpse up across the entrance? Does Gamagoori need to terrorise the students even as he pays lip service to the idea of protecting them? Does Satsuki need to be a complete social darwinist in order to train up the students to help her? If you want your villains to turn out to have been good all along then you have to build up to it carefully. You can't just have them do a complete one-eighty in behaviour overnight.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 1:38 pm
Ahhh, sounds like Bang Zoom! really this one out the park again. Even their other recent dub Toradora (well, first the 6 episodes I've seen) was outstanding so far.
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Joined: 11 Nov 2007
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:36 pm
Good and unique series. I hope they can come up with something to top it if they decide to be creative again!
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Joined: 13 Sep 2008
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:49 pm
I still don't understand what makes the reviewer think the animation for this show was good let a lone an A. I personally would have expected a C or less for the animation. I know it's stylized, but it's also still really bad. What am I misunderstanding? I mean, I have seen so much anime and I can say with a clear head, that this animation (not art) is crap. I truly would like someone to explain how someone could consider this animation to be high quality, because I sure as hell don't get it.
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Joined: 24 Apr 2006
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:52 pm
Albeit, Kill LA Kill is more one of my "highly liked; enjoyable for the most part", rather than "all time favorite EVAR" series (i.e. how I can be sooo much more critical than Chapman in this review, which, out of mercy, I will not go into detail).
This, in addition to the fact that I indeed relish the final handful of episodes, presumably against the normal trend (HIGHLY anticipating the release of Vol.4 & 5; I know- I'm weird; shaaddaaap)...
Regardless of all that, I will admit I have ordered this volume, based mainly on how gorgeous the boxset is (Vol.1 went a looong way towards that line of opinion), despite the need for me to save towards purchases of one of Aniplex's other absurdly expensive licences.
I really need to get that second job soon. Damn you, Urobuchi.
Wait, wrong topic.
Last edited by h8GWB on Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:13 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Joined: 23 Dec 2007
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 2:59 pm
I personably found it to be the directors "worst" anime outside Inferno Cop(to be fair Dead Leaves is too short to compare but FCLC i count due to his excessive involvement) and way too many reviewers are forgiving and just overlooking the shows many flaws. Like budget( gainax does it again) or one dimensional characters that can´t carry their weight. Mako is worse that JarJar. Do i even like any of them outside of their introduction episodes and their one big fight? I gave KLK a "decent" at the end so i liked it enough but almost none of that is due to the shows biggest problem. It´s award-winning writing. Especially the second half was frankly badly written. Almost none of the character motivations made sense(Dtm42 did you read my mind ?) and the actual villains were just horrible on every levels. I almost had a feeling that the team changed halfway though. The "taste" part was a bit problematic too later on but lets not go there. I was genially surprised when i found out that Mr. Lagann wrote this series. That one i gave a masterpiece rating. Oh well Trigger you didn´t save anime as some expected but the first half was a nice nostalgic comedy trip. So lets focus on that or do something that isn´t a retread and most of all get a better writers room involved. Less cocaine and more empowerment for the leads is the way to go. You ex Gainax goons dazzled me before after all.
Last edited by residentgrigo on Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:25 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Joined: 26 Jan 2012
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:22 pm
Kaioshin_Sama wrote: | Wow even I liked the show a lot but didn't think it was anywhere near that great. When did ANN's reviewers suddenly get so generous. I'll continue to have my own theories about what's going on with that. |
Have you ever thought of the possibility that maybe she has a different opinion to you? I'd give the show a similar rating.
I mean sure there's a great deal of corruption in many forms of journalism (It's pretty much undeniable that IGN were paid for those Call of Duty reviews) but I can genuinely believe this review is the writer's actual opinion. I don't have an absolutely flawless opinion of this site or the people who run it but... really? You really think there's something behind this?
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:35 pm
Kaioshin_Sama, the anime industry isn't even wealthy enough to pay reviewers for sympathetic reviews.
residentgrigo wrote: | (Dtm42 did you read my mind ?) |
No I didn't, but great minds think alike.
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Eisenmann V
Joined: 06 Nov 2013
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 3:51 pm
residentgrigo wrote: | I personably found it to be the directors "worst" anime outside Inferno Cop |
Imaishi didn't direct Inferno Cop - he's credited as a supervisor. He's the primary director only on Dead Leaves, Gurren Lagann, Panty and Stocking w/ Garterbelt, and Kill la Kill.
residentgrigo wrote: | Mako is worse that JarJar. |
De gustibus non disputandum, I guess.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2010
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:25 pm
looks at negatives
We weren't supposed to talk about THAT!
Glad to hear you're enjoying yourself Hope. I hadn't watched many Japanese cartoons in a LONG time and Kill la Kill reminded me why I adore the medium including the many tropes and flaws.
I don't know if that will guarantee a purchase from me, it can easily be seen as offensive by people who aren't familiar with the medium, and I'm easily influenced by others' opinions that contrast mine.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2005
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Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 4:45 pm
dtm42 wrote: |
Kaioshin_Sama, the anime industry isn't even wealthy enough to pay reviewers for sympathetic reviews.
residentgrigo wrote: | (Dtm42 did you read my mind ?) |
No I didn't, but great minds think alike. |
Aniplex is. It's funny how many unknowing fanboys they've managed to accumulate in a little over 5 years this decade that'll just dogpile anyone that dares to suggest that maybe just maybe they have a fanboy cult with the types of licenses they like to play around with and more than likely a little bit of an understanding with certain blog sites and what not going on. Frankly sometimes I'm not entirely unconvinced that they don't also have employees going to sites and registering just to try to direct opinion in a certain direction. Frankly nothing would surprise me anymore. Some people would call it conspiracy theorizing and mock it and I say whatever, I just call it being eternally skeptical of media conglomerates.
animemaster1 wrote: | I still don't understand what makes the reviewer think the animation for this show was good let a lone an A. I personally would have expected a C or less for the animation. I know it's stylized, but it's also still really bad. What am I misunderstanding? I mean, I have seen so much anime and I can say with a clear head, that this animation (not art) is crap. I truly would like someone to explain how someone could consider this animation to be high quality, because I sure as hell don't get it. |
Yeah it's stuff like this that makes me kind of wonder wtf. Like the show is pretty fun don't get me wrong, but the animation quality while hyper stylized (like pretty much any Aniplex sponsored show since that's what they do in order to drum up their hype which they pretty much need since almost all their shows are style over substance titles that would never hold up otherwise) is so far from top tier quality that it just kind of makes one curious as to the reasoning behind that particular score.
Kill la Kill is to me the quintessential example of what I refer to as Aniplex Hype shows that are currently all the rage. They're basically there to be loud and in your face, have lots of popular staffers and voice actors involved, hit on all the trends and guilty pleasures of the era as well as a couple from past eras and just be sort of kind of fun for the most part but ultimately come off as rather soulless and assembly line in construct because the end goal is so blatantly clear in being for them to make quick money as fast as possible while putting as little effort into anything beyond advertising and the audio-visual experience as possible.
Considering people don't really care about things like storytelling anymore or even a show that can feel genuine and like the staff really truly enjoy what they are doing (I feel like Kill La Kill managed to buck that sort of trend for at least the first quarter or so but after that you can kind of tell the creators/producers barely gave a damn beyond just coming up with hype moments for people to get hype about) that's become sort of a dominant business model and template though. It makes it really hard to get into their anime because while they're far from what I'd call shitty they're just so soulless and commercialized that even as someone that is into gar I just wasn't feeling it with Kill La Kill after a while.
Part of the problem might be that I just HATED the soundtrack though. Just such a low effort loud and irritating mess of noise and bad vocal singing from Sawano who really started to fall out of favor with me ever since this soundtrack. It's really bleeding edge and modern like just about everything Aniplex craps out nowadays, but boy does it make me miss the genuine passion and solid fit for the work that was Taku Iwasaki's Kill la Kill soundtrack. So much variety, not just all noise on top of noise. I mean you could have a grunge rock track like Viral's theme to sate the people that like their noise, or you could have something inspiring like Libera Me from Hell.
For me personally at least Kill La Kill would be something like
Art: A-
Animation: C-
Music: D+
Story: B-
Overall: C+
Just really not what I had hoped for out of this show going in but a decent albeit guilty pleasure to pass the time. If anything it really was what started my theory that Aniplex just does not give a single flying fudge about anything other than making as much money as fast as possible and doesn't really understand what I personally at least want out of TV anime so much as is focused on just generating hype for hypes sake ala the Hollywood Blockbuster model so that teenagers will get excited and flock to their works in droves.
Last edited by Kaioshin_Sama on Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
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