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Joined: 30 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 11:26 am Reply with quote

Genres: Comedy, Romance, School

Plot Summary:
The story centers around Kanade Amakusa, a boy cursed with the mental power of "absolute multiple-choice"—a multiple-choice quiz will suddenly appear in his mind, and the choice he makes will become his reality. For example, he would have to choose between going nude from the waist up or the waist down in school. While in school, he is given another choice: 1) A beautiful girl will fall before him or 2) he will fall from the rooftop in female clothes. He chooses option 1, and a blonde girl named Chocolat falls before him.

Episode 1
What an awkward start LOL. Dat options. I was not expecting Yukihira to speak with a dual tone of voice though. The themes reminded me of Date a Live..

This episode was weird~
I kinda feel sorry for spoiler[Amakusa. Oop, and his clothes came off. LOL. Chocolat spotted at the end. I have to admit, that is an awkward way to land.]
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Joined: 27 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 2:35 pm Reply with quote
LOL that was honestly a lot funnier than I thought it would be. This is one of the few times I was glad that it takes place in high school. When I was browsing the fall preview site, I thought they looked like middle schoolers so I thought the perverted jokes would be weird coming from 12-14 years old students.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 5:21 pm Reply with quote
This show is....amazing.

From the opening bit on choice to every joke thereafter, this show is a winner. It's fairly rare for an anime to genuinely make me laugh, but this did it. It's one of those shows where you can feel somebody's passion in it, that is, that the people who put it together care for it much more then 'just a show we're making'.

Anyway, I love this show already. That opening on choice was really interesting to watch and I feel the show has a really fresh, interesting concept behind it.

But, uh...Rise Kujikawa really let herself go, huh?

I'd also like to have the Boobies song on my mp3 player, thank you
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Joined: 22 Jun 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:33 pm Reply with quote
WhiteHairGirls wrote:
LOL that was honestly a lot funnier than I thought it would be. This is one of the few times I was glad that it takes place in high school. When I was browsing the fall preview site, I thought they looked like middle schoolers so I thought the perverted jokes would be weird coming from 12-14 years old students.

Yeah, because it's so much better there's another fanservice show with big breast and high school aged characters, which makes it like the 7th or 8th of its kind this season, when there's not a single lolicon series.
How offending it would have been if there were a single one!
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Joined: 27 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:38 pm Reply with quote
Heinzendegger wrote:
WhiteHairGirls wrote:
LOL that was honestly a lot funnier than I thought it would be. This is one of the few times I was glad that it takes place in high school. When I was browsing the fall preview site, I thought they looked like middle schoolers so I thought the perverted jokes would be weird coming from 12-14 years old students.

Yeah, because it's so much better there's another fanservice show with big breast and high school aged characters, which makes it like the 7th or 8th of its kind this season, when there's not a single lolicon series.
How offending it would have been if there were a single one!

Nah I wouldn't get offended. I just thought it would be better if they were in high school because I was thinking the jokes would be limited in middle school. But I completely forgot that this is Japan after all. They have no boundaries.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 8:24 pm Reply with quote
OMFG this was the first time in a while that I had to pause a show because I was laughing too hard to read the subs, on several occassions no less. Instawinner. Also a potential harem series about absolutely needing to make a choice is so meta-hilarious.

At first I laughed at how well the "choices" documentary parodied those real japanese ones that spend half an hour talking about stuff that's common sense but when the alternate choices started flying it got hilarious real quick. 1+1=2 LOL

Also, while I don't care much for the lower head proportion of the girls I must say the ones that've been introduced so far are fantastic. I absolutely love their super quirkiness.

Speaking of choices... wow. TWO silver haired beauties... However will I choose. Hopefully I can Sakura Taisen it and hope a 3rd choice for "both" appears if I wait a few seconds.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 2:14 am Reply with quote
Episode 1

That was hilarious, it reminded me of when Haganai managed to make a good jokes that break your expectations, mixed with Date A Live's random turn of events. I knew from the OP that I would like Yukihira as she had a sort of Koneko appearance, but her personality turned out to feel a lot like Yozora. I had to wait a bit because I was laughing so much from when it read that they could not spoiler[disclose what the ingredients were, and we could tell she was throwing up].

But there are lots of gems, like Ouka spiking spoiler[her mothers food with an aphrodisiac]. I had to pause to read all of the choices during the segment, lol at the spoiler[Little Mermaid being the truer to original failure]. I look forward to more. As it is I was missing a good harem anime. Also a loli teacher, it is like they read my Christmas list. Also looks like they will end each episode by saying what could have happened if he had taken a different choice, kind of like the outtakes in Hyperdimension Neptunia.
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Joined: 23 Apr 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 11, 2013 8:29 pm Reply with quote
I thought it was somewhat funny. The news reporter was my favorite part. I want to see where this goes.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 12, 2013 4:26 pm Reply with quote
that was so stupid, but I enjoyed every minute of it.
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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 12:13 am Reply with quote
episode 2

It's almost meta-comedy.

An episode about a character trying way too hard to make someone laugh and completely failing...

is itself a show that tries way too hard to make the audience laugh and fails completely.

I'm giving it one more episode. I generally like crazy rom-coms with outrageous gimmicks... or at least get some laughs and enjoyment from them... but this episode really tested my patience.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 8:55 am Reply with quote
The weird gender-swap part took the fun out of this episode unfortunately.

I will probably give it one more episode, but seems like the failing at COM is overpowering the supposed ROM (which was only hinted at at the end of ep 2) and ROM has been switched with just fanservice.

The dancing cow in the OP is still the best part.
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Joined: 23 Feb 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 17, 2013 10:05 am Reply with quote
The gender-swap gag did sorta slow things down somehow...I feel like it could have been done in and out in a much quicker fashion, like, inside of minute or so, just to have the gag and show God's power.

Kanade trying to make what's her nose laugh was painful, I seriously felt embarrassed for him.

Overall, the show didn't make me laugh...much...or at all, really, especially when compared to the killer first episode. That's not to say that there wasn't things I enjoyed--I like how it showed the alternate reality after the credits and the opening and endings are really good.

I just think that unless the show tightens itself back up and grows off of what the first episode offered rather then continue down the hum-ho road that of the second, it may not be for me.

Last thing:

This is about anime is general, but I'm using this show as an example: showing shiny parts on female bodies. When they showed a close-up of sky-fall girl, her breasts and shoulders are red and shiny. I guess I suppose I see what they're going for, but sometimes it just looks weird.

Well, maybe I don't see. Hmm.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:59 am Reply with quote
Episode 2

Well I am still liking this, something about the atmosphere keeps me drawn in. Anyone would be pissed if they were just told that they were about to spoiler[talk to god to find out he is like that]. And then he said he spoiler[replaced another god who she apparently had an affair with her girlfriend and got pregnant]. Chocolat's hair has an interesting colouring. It appears that she likes to store spoiler[food items in her blouse]. Although unlike the usual cliché it does not look like the series is strongly pointing Chocolat as the true heroine.

They also said that loli teacher spoiler[also had the absolute choice curse, which explains why she believes him], and according to her also explains spoiler[her personality]. I wonder if her spoiler[body was the result of a choice]?

The alternate reality of him being spoiler[happy as a girl] was kind of awkward, especially with spoiler[him/her getting a boyfriend]. I want to find out more about Yukihira, the ending with her expanded her character.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 9:33 am Reply with quote
DuskyPredator wrote:
Episode 2

The alternate reality of him being spoiler[happy as a girl] was kind of awkward, especially with spoiler[him/her getting a boyfriend]. I want to find out more about Yukihira, the ending with her expanded her character.

i don't think he was happy since he clearly had regrets but he was obviously able to adjust lol.
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Joined: 30 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 12:18 pm Reply with quote
Yea, so far this series is trying way too hard to be funny. Also, the way the girls are drawn is starting to bother my eyes. They are so dis-proportioned lol I hope the series doesn't try to pull a World God Only Knows by giving each girl a dedicated arc. This series is nowhere near good enough (so far) to pull that off well. I'll stick around a bit longer, though.
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