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R.O.D -The TV-

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Joined: 28 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 1:53 pm Reply with quote

R.O.D -The TV-

Genres: action, drama, mystery, science fiction
Themes: conspiracies, secret agents, superpowers

Plot Summary: Three girls named Anita, Michelle and Maggie are hired to protect Japanese author Nenene Sumiregawa during her stay in Hong Kong. In an incident where the "Paper Sisters" save Nenene from a disgruntled author, Nenene discovers that the sisters have the capability to control paper at their own will - an ability once used by her long-lost friend Yomiko "The Paper" Readman. Arriving in Japan after an airliner incident, the Paper Sisters move into Nenene's apartment and become her freeloading bodyguards.

Anime Marathon Discussion (Nov. 6th, 2015 - Nov. 15th, 2015) starts here


Hi all, I just finished Read or Die the TV and really liked the first 12 episodes. The last 12 were ok. It became too far fetched to really believe. But I have some questions:

1) What’s up with the Joker at the end? spoiler[Did he see the gentleman in dog and remembered is his goal to restore him?]

2) Who is Junior’s mother? spoiler[He said it was not Nancy. For a while I was thinking it was Michelle (He looks after her like she is his mother and they have similar hair). But then I thought Michelle is just a surrogate for the mother he never had, and that Wendy is his mother.] Any thoughts?

3) Finally from an early point in the series I could help but think that some how Nenene created/wrote Michelle, Maggie, and Anita. spoiler[Is it possible she knowingly or unknowingly helped create their past for the Dokusensha?]
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Joined: 09 May 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 3:05 pm Reply with quote
subforry wrote:

2) Who is Junior’s mother? spoiler[He said it was not Nancy. For a while I was thinking it was Michelle (He looks after her like she is his mother and they have similar hair). But then I thought Michelle is just a surrogate for the mother he never had, and that Wendy is his mother.] Any thoughts?

It's Nancy. I thought it made that pretty clear. Actually, I remember them flat out saying it in the series. Which shouldn't have been any suprise to anyone who saw the OVAs as his ability was identical to Nancy/Miss Deep's in the OVA. Wendy was sort of a surrogate mother or at least acted like one until near the end but she is not related to him.

3) Finally from an early point in the series I could help but think that some how Nenene created/wrote Michelle, Maggie, and Anita.

It's been a while since I saw the series, but I don't remember anything to suggest this.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 3:34 am Reply with quote
subforry wrote:

3) Finally from an early point in the series I could help but think that some how Nenene created/wrote Michelle, Maggie, and Anita. spoiler[Is it possible she knowingly or unknowingly helped create their past for the Dokusensha?]

It has been a little while since I've seen it too, so I might be wrong but spoiler[ I thought that in the end the engraving with the sisters name really exists proving that they really did experience that past together. ] I love the last ending credits is integrated into the story. It reminded me of the credits for Nadia in the last episode.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:08 am Reply with quote
This show was a big surprise for me. I loved the OVA but was reluctant to get the tv series. I figured why not give it a shot and I'm glad I did. spoiler[They do flat out say that Nancy is Juniors mother plus as stated if you watched the OVA you'd see their powers are exactly the same.] It did get a bit far fetched but I mean seriously, like people who can make paper do their bidding and whatever they want isn't far fetched enough? My only 2 complaints about the show were how they spoiler[made Joker the main bad guy after being a good guy in the OVA. It just didn't work for me. The other thing I truly hated was they made Yomiko sound like some damn British liberian. That nasally British accent was just horrible. They simply should've gotten the same VA's for her and Nancy from the OVA. ]
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:09 pm Reply with quote
psycho 101 wrote:
spoiler[made Joker the main bad guy after being a good guy in the OVA. It just didn't work for me. The other thing I truly hated was they made Yomiko sound like some damn British liberian. That nasally British accent was just horrible. They simply should've gotten the same VA's for her and Nancy from the OVA. ]

Well spoiler[I didn't mind really that Joker ended up being the bad guy it was really an interesting choice and made sense. He dedicated himself to his country and from his view point he would do whatever it took to make his country powerful. ] as for the VA spoiler[They bother me for a little bit, but after a few episodes I didn't mind them. But then again I don't normally mind VA unless they are truly god-aweful. ]

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 1:04 pm Reply with quote
Okay, I could be wrong on this but spoiler[after Junior is enlightened by the Gentleman's book, he says Nancy is not his mother. I he refering to the idea that in the OAV Nancy died in space and the this is really Mata Hari?] That is why I asked this question.
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Randall Miyashiro

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:54 pm Reply with quote
spoiler[I believe that Nancy and Mata Hari have come from the exact same genetic stock. I felt that this is one of the main messages of R.O.D. that people are shaped by their environments and their upbringing.] As for the VA's I watched the Japanese track (being Japanese and since most of the series takes place in Japan) but I wondered when watching it how they translated Anita's English class. It would seem odd for someone to say "translate this passage from a famous English/American novel" in English. I wondered about this while watching Azumanga in Japanese as well. I will occasionally watch the English if the English is in 5.1 and the Japanese is not, but these DVDs are 5.1/5.1 which is nice.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:06 pm Reply with quote
As for the VA's I watched the Japanese track (being Japanese and since most of the series takes place in Japan) but I wondered when watching it how they translated Anita's English class. It would seem odd for someone to say "translate this passage from a famous English/American novel" in English.

In the dub, she translated it to Japanese.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:27 pm Reply with quote
HitokiriShadow wrote:
As for the VA's I watched the Japanese track (being Japanese and since most of the series takes place in Japan) but I wondered when watching it how they translated Anita's English class. It would seem odd for someone to say "translate this passage from a famous English/American novel" in English.

In the dub, she translated it to Japanese.

And she did a pretty damn good job at it! New Generation Pictures rocks! Cool

(source: DubReview)
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 8:54 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, she did a great job (at least to my gaijin ears). I thought the whole dub was awesome. It's my favorite dub.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:24 pm Reply with quote
subforry wrote:
Okay, I could be wrong on this but spoiler[after Junior is enlightened by the Gentleman's book, he says Nancy is not his mother. I he refering to the idea that in the OAV Nancy died in space and the this is really Mata Hari?] That is why I asked this question.

He's lashing out at her in anger and denial. That's why he said something hurtful and untrue to her.
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 11:45 pm Reply with quote
Nobuyuki wrote:
subforry wrote:
Okay, I could be wrong on this but spoiler[after Junior is enlightened by the Gentleman's book, he says Nancy is not his mother. I he refering to the idea that in the OAV Nancy died in space and the this is really Mata Hari?] That is why I asked this question.

He's lashing out at her in anger and denial. That's why he said something hurtful and untrue to her.

If I remember correctly: Of the two Nancy's - Nancy the First who was the one that originally became Yomiko's friend and Nancy the Second who tried to kill Nancy the First, it was spoiler[Nancy the Second who survived but with amnesia about the things that she did. And yes, like everyone else said, N2 is Junior's Mother and he was just angry.]

And weren't all three of the Paper Sisters spoiler["created" humans as well? And/or were they just brainwashed into their sisterly attraction to each other?] Sorry, I forgot that part of the story.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:22 am Reply with quote
I thought the nerdy british librarian voice fit Yomiko spot on, as that's exactly what she was, a bookworm who spent her days reading from her massive private library, well-educated but rather eccentric. Nothing wrong with the OVA voice actor either, though I would have prefered they use the same cast as the OVA for the TV series, just for continuity's sake. However, as stated above it's one of the best dubs ever made so I'm not complaining, Same group also does an awesome job on Ergo Proxy too.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:34 am Reply with quote
LydiaDianne wrote:

And weren't all three of the Paper Sisters spoiler["created" humans as well? And/or were they just brainwashed into their sisterly attraction to each other?] Sorry, I forgot that part of the story.

I don't know if they were "created" humans, but there is one episode where they reveal to Nenene that they weren't blood sisters, but just really good friends who decided to call each other sisters. Near the middle of the series, there's one episode where they realize that they were brainwashed into their sisterly attraction. I think it was when they were in their apartment right after Joker's squad came in and kidnapped Nenene. How they met and what they do for a living was all a big set up, I think.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 1:01 am Reply with quote
subforry wrote:
2) Who is Junior’s mother? spoiler[He said it was not Nancy. For a while I was thinking it was Michelle (He looks after her like she is his mother and they have similar hair). But then I thought Michelle is just a surrogate for the mother he never had, and that Wendy is his mother.] Any thoughts?

More than just who's the Mother Spoilers, my theory of why he said what he saided:
spoiler[Don't listen to Junior ... he was just upset. He's on the run from The British Library who he thought he could trust, but as it turns out ... their long term goals for him are vessel for the dead guy. That's a pretty big deal, and all Mommy dearest seems to care about is "Where's Yomiko? Why did yall come after us? I want Yomiko!". She was still acting more like a child at that point in the series, so I could see why he wouldn't want to admit that she's his Mother.]
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