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Joined: 29 Oct 2006
Posts: 17
Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 9:55 pm
Hi, im prety new to anime. I mainly started watching it a few months back. When i was younger i had watched DBZ, Pokemon Ect. More recently i began watching FMA, my friend showed it to me and i liked it, and finished it all. I began watching naruto but around 140 i began to get bored, it had too many fillers and not enough story line.
Then i recently started watching Eureka Seven and ended up finishing the series in a few days. I thought it was an amazing anime. The story line, action and emotions in the series hooked me. I was so sad when the series ended i was on the verge of tears. It had a great ending but left me wanting so much more, i hope they make a movie or an oav(i think thats what its called) to wrap things up.
Anyways i would like to see other peoples opinions on this anime, how do you think it compares to other animes?
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:13 pm
Well i for one believe its one of the best Mecha anime out there, it is very emotional and has good action and quite a bit of mystery and suspense and good character development, not to mention the music OOOOOOOOOOOOOH the music is awesome. I haven't finished it though, im on ep 44, it took FOREVER for (unmentionable fansub group) to put it out and i haent got around to watching it yet.
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Joined: 29 Oct 2006
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Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 11:36 pm
You should really finish the series, only 6 episodes left for you, it has a really great ending. It would be nice if there was a movie but there isnt much left to add.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2006
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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:25 am
Zath wrote: | You should really finish the series, only 6 episodes left for you, it has a really great ending. It would be nice if there was a movie but there isnt much left to add. |
I completely agree. I got so into Eureka 7, and it has left a pretty resounding mark on me. Although, Eureka 7 really wasn't mecha, but more towards Renton and Eureka's relationship, the mecha seens were done very well, plus just the action all around. The ending was a bit wierd for me, but acceptable.
The thing I liked about this anime, was all the characters. All of them were great. I mean personality and model wise.
Most definitely I think there needs to be a movie or an OVA. However, the best would be to just release another 50 episodes
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Joined: 04 Mar 2006
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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:29 am
I, for one, loved this show. It is among the best in my books like NGE and Rahxephon. I don't know, but for some reason I love mecha anime's that don't focus on the mecha, but have them there, and focus on characters and story. I can't stand any Gundam show, not even wing(hides). The show focuses on pushing the mecha aspect and it just is hard to get into.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2006
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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 2:18 am
I have only watched the first 3 DVDs (up to Episode 14) and I am so stoked (hehe) about this series. E7 is easily the best mecha anime I have ever seen, and I can say that not even having seen 1/2 of the total episodes. I also have to agree with the above poster: the music is so totally awesome that it should be illegal.
I was hesitant to watch it at first, but now that I have started it's almost painful having to wait for each new disk, especially considering there will probably be at least 12 disks and as of next Tuesday only 4 will have been released. The agony of having to wait for a year for them all to be released, as Renton is want to say, sucks.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2006
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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 5:14 pm
I have to agree with some of the points made in the above posts. I really think the E7 storyline had great characters and character developement. I became very attached to the main characters and really felt the emotion in the story. The whole mecha theme I liked, but to me it was not the driving froce behind why I liked it. I have to say after getting started, I flew through episodes as fast as I could. It was a bit wierd when the last 6 or 7 episodes the fansubbing switched and they brought back some of the mis-translations, but I couldnt stop. As a result of seeing the fansubs, I have bought every DVD out thus far, the mangas, and have pre-ordered the Volume 5, and will continue to pre-order the rest as they come available. I even took the next step to obsessive fandom and had a custom E7 t-shirt made, in addition to wearing the ones I got from V1 and V3. By the time this is done I will have a E7 T-Shirt for evey day of the week, LOL.
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Joined: 29 Oct 2006
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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 6:35 pm
Yeah, im feeling depressed. Thats how into the show I've gotten, i find my self daydreaming about it during school. I wish they made more . I think im gonna rewatch the series, theres lots of things i still dont understand. near the end of the series i was moving so fast to finish it and see the outcome i missed alot. Like why did dewey have a compac drive in his chest, and that rock they found on earth with a ring in it what was the point of it. Also just the whole ending, what happend did eureka become the command cluster?
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Joined: 29 Jun 2005
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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 9:39 pm
I thought it was a "good" series. Nothing outstanding in my books but certainly worth a watch. The series, like too many others, felt as though it had a rushed ending in which it tried to do too much in the last 10 episodes that it got a bit ahead of itself. Sure only an OVA or a half season is really needed to wrap everything up properly but does that really fix it? The characters and music were definately well done and the only technical failing point would be the art in my opinion which unlike the animation was a bit lazy with details (I'm an art perfectionist). The actual story reminds me somewhat of Full Metal Alchemist with mechas instead of alchemy because of the moral dilemas faced (killing people for your goals), the minority descrimination and the endings all being similar in my opinion. Still the E7 was enjoyable. Oh, what did the "7" stand for if anything at all? (use spoiler please if you know) I never really thought about it until this post.
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Joined: 29 Oct 2006
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Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:51 pm
I think that Seven in the name is for the ultimate move they use with nirvash, the seventh swell. Could be wrong though, its the only thing i really know of. Oh yeah and Eureka Seven is made by Bones, the creaters of FMA. So maybe thats why you see some similarities. I personally think Eureka Seven was alot better then FMA.
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Anime Wench
Joined: 04 Jul 2006
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Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 7:44 pm
This is definitely one of my fav anime shows. I have seen all of it and find that unlike some of the other shows, I thought every character was interesting. Although Renton and Eureka are the two main characters, the rest of the characters at some point have their shot in the spotlight. And for those of you that haven't seen all of it, wait until you see episode 34. If floored me.
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 10:06 pm
Anime Wench wrote: | This is definitely one of my favorite anime shows. I have seen all of it and find that unlike some of the other shows, I thought every character was interesting. Although Renton and Eureka are the two main characters, the rest of the characters at some point have their shot in the spotlight. And for those of you that haven't seen all of it, wait until you see episode 34. If floored me. |
I agree completely. It's not just the great animation and use of color, or the main characters or action and so on. The part I love the most about the show is the large cast and just how unique, interesting and likeable they all are.
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