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RIGHT TURN ONLY!! - Here Comes the Bride

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Joined: 12 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:44 pm Reply with quote
Historical fiction dry and stuffy? Not if its by Kaoru Mori! Her spectacular art makes even her factual musings on fireplaces and corsets (both in the anthology "Everything and Something") interesting.

I'm surprised you didn't mention Mr. Smith's turn as "Dr. Smith" in volume 4 of Bride's Story, or the stunning images of the twin's swimming like mermaids in the Aral Sea. Even when I find her slife-of-life style getting banal, Mori's art takes my breath away, and her humor gives me something to snicker at!

As for the first chapter, I suspect Mori wanted an excuse to draw Amir in the women's bath-she's written about how much she enjoys illustrating nudes. I sometimes wonder if Mori's editors have a "if Mori wants to draw it, let her" policy. I would! Smile
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:04 pm Reply with quote
I keep telling myself I should pick up A Bride's Story but usually my policy is if I haven't read it or saw the anime (and want more of the story) I don't buy it. But I made that policy when I was collecting a good number of series.

Right now besides Natsume Yuujinchou & Yotsuba there is nothing I am collecting and there is so little coming out that interests me at all.

As for Kaoru Mori's other work Emma, I tried it and honestly while I acknowledge it is a quality piece of work it never did much for me. There is so much wonderful period pieces about the UK out there that I didn't feel Emma offered me anything new.

However historical fiction about Central Asia is something that interests me a lot more.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 1:46 pm Reply with quote
Kaoru Mori - Only manga-ka I go out to the book store with a twenty in hand and go "TAKE MY MONEY AND GIVE ME MY BOOK NOW!"

Of course in hindsight I'm sure in person I do so much more politely.

I love that they're hard covers, and they're worth every penny. It's just sad I have to pre-order with Barnes and Noble now to get it since the one near me has since decided that since vol 1 didn't really sell (outside of me?), that they can't afford to keep it on the shelf at that location.

And I am ALWAYS interested in Amir.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:13 pm Reply with quote
littlegreenwolf wrote:

I love that they're hard covers, and they're worth every penny. It's just sad I have to pre-order with Barnes and Noble now to get it since the one near me has since decided that since vol 1 didn't really sell (outside of me?), that they can't afford to keep it on the shelf at that location.

I have never seen it at either of the B&N I frequent.

Well I might just try to catch the next time Yen Press has a sale on TRSI.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 2:51 pm Reply with quote
Likes look the Bakuman Anime has now overtaken the Bakuman Manga in the States. Not too much material left to cover I hope.

I wish I read Manga so I could send in some entries for Reader's Choice.

[Oh, and isn't it supposed to be spelt Readers' Choice? (note the apostrophe) I know that Eric P. sends in most of the submissions but surely there is more than one reader?]
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Joined: 05 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:04 pm Reply with quote
As always, I can't wait to read the next volume of Bakuman!

I can never understand why people always complain about too much dialogue. Sure, there is a lot, that's a given, but it really helps pull you into the story more than if it was just the art. Because that always seems to be the biggest complaint about the series, but its one of the best parts of it in my mind.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 3:25 pm Reply with quote
Carlo Santos wrote:
Mori apparently feels obligated to keep readers updated on the series' original bride and her relatives.

I'm quite happy that we still see a bit of what's going on with Amir's new family and their lives, since things hadn't been settled. You'll be (un)happy to know that spoiler[40% of the next book focuses on Amir's new community (not that it _seems_ to address those unsettled issues, but I can't read the dialogue) after Mr. Smith leaves the twins' village].
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:19 pm Reply with quote
I think that if you go back and carefully pay attention to the politics of Mori's story you will realize that the scenes being reviewed as pointless obligations that no one is interested in are going to turn out to be anything but. She is laying groundwork for what is coming. I predict that Mr. Smith will eventually be arrested by or betrayed to the Russians as a spy [It's already been foreshadowed], as this story is set in the time period of the Great Game in Central Asia. Also, we now know that Amir's birth family has allied with a branch of the clan who are allied with the Russians. Can everyone see where this is likely heading and why these scenes may be important? Did everyone look past the Afterword and read the little 4 page epilogue Mori sneaked in? I think that the stories of Mr. Smith and Amir are far from done with each other. They're on a collision course that will bring them, and likely many other characters we are meeting on the way, back together.
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:35 pm Reply with quote
I'm looking forward to reading A Bride's Story volume four on Friday night. I've like it a great deal. The story has gotten more engaging as it's gone on and I've been enjoying the anthropological detail immensely. Kaoru Mori's geeky enthusiasm for her subjects is very evident and refreshing.

Her artwork is, of course, magnificent. That she draws the intricate details on those costumes over and over and over again without faltering or brazenly cheating is a marvel.

I adored Amir, so a chapter revisiting her is for me, to the book's credit.

Agent355 wrote:
As for the first chapter, I suspect Mori wanted an excuse to draw Amir in the women's bath-she's written about how much she enjoys illustrating nudes. I sometimes wonder if Mori's editors have a "if Mori wants to draw it, let her" policy. I would! Smile

She does draw lovely nudes. It's curiously refreshing to see naked women drawn with great deftness, but without crass exaggeration and sexualization. (That said, as Everything and Something demonstrates, she can draw very sexy women) Hell, I'd buy a book of Kaoru Mori nudes in a heartbeat.

I have a feeling that Carlo is harsher on Dorohedoro than I would be, but I understand his complaints enough to pause briefly over my intention to read it.

I'm still mulling Sailor Moon over; I'm leaning in favor, but it's a subtle, slight lean.

Girl Friends is hobbled by some hoary conventions of romance, but too pleasant and sincere for that to have dissuaded me from liking it.
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Joined: 12 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 12:18 am Reply with quote
Viz: Why must I wait until August to read all of Bakuman in print?

I know, I know, it's my fault for not subscribing to Shonen Jump Alpha during Bakuman's run, and now I have to bear the consequence of sticking my fingers in my ears to avoid spoilers, especially now that the anime has past the point of the U.S. print run, but it's really annoying. I watched *one* (recent) episode of Bakuman to see what it was like in anime form and spoiled most of volume 18. I usually don't care about being spoiled so much, but it really does take the fun out of devouring a new volume of Bakuman...and volume 19 doesn't come out 'till May! C'mon Viz, can't you rush order the print run just this once? Twisted Evil
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Joined: 19 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:19 am Reply with quote
y'know im really not a fan of people who use the "nobody cares" line. I care about the plot started in volume 1 of brides stories and the characters and the old family and their dealings. You can tell that its building towards later events.

Same with dorohedoro, i am interested in the characters of the book and even if you dont care for em i feel that world building is never irrelevant.
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