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NEWS: Paper: Police Investigates If Sandy Hook Shooter Emulated Game Scenario

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Joined: 19 May 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:18 am Reply with quote
Oh goody... the police are still drawing straws instead of doing any actual investigation. Has no one told the police that they could randomly investigate any male twenty-something and find thousands of dollars worth of violent video games? What legally sold video game would allow someone to simulate shooting up a kindergarten classroom? Something like that would never be put on sale to begin with.
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Joined: 27 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:29 am Reply with quote
Splitter wrote:
Oh goody... the police are still drawing straws instead of doing any actual investigation. Has no one told the police that they could randomly investigate any male twenty-something and find thousands of dollars worth of violent video games? What legally sold video game would allow someone to simulate shooting up a kindergarten classroom? Something like that would never be put on sale to begin with.

Like you, I believe that this investigation is completely idiotic and will lead to nothing substantial, but it's not hard to envision an FPS with a level editor allowing you to make a recreation of a place like a classroom.

As for the investigation: old people still haven't gotten it in their heads that violent video games do not violent people make, news at 11. It's almost as if "naturally violent people seek out violent games", and not "violent games make people naturally violent".
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Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:37 am Reply with quote
I'd like to know what the hell kind of game there is that involved going into a school and killing kids. Let me answer that: None.

I love how they try to link it to Dynasty Warriors - a game that takes place in ancient China for the most part.

Im sorry, but it's stupid to try and reconstruct a mind set that you cant reconstruct. He could have got the idea from anything, yet they still want to focus on video games as a straw man.
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Joined: 17 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:41 am Reply with quote
Nocturne123 wrote:
Im sorry, but it's stupid to try and reconstruct a mind set that you can't reconstruct.


They are trying to rationalize crazy... doesn't work like that.
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:46 am Reply with quote
Nocturne123 wrote:
I'd like to know what the hell kind of game there is that involved going into a school and killing kids. Let me answer that: None.

I love how they try to link it to Dynasty Warriors - a game that takes place in ancient China for the most part.

Im sorry, but it's stupid to try and reconstruct a mind set that you can't reconstruct. He could have got the idea from anything, yet they still want to focus on video games as a straw man.

Well are you modding fan for pc games?? If so you can do this for fallout 3.


This is the only game where you can do this via modding along with new vegas. Keep in mind he did smash his hdd but even then it's what you call Schrodinger's cat box theory. Did he actually own this game?? If so did he have it for the pc?? Was he member of steam?? Did he belong to falloutnexus?? Did he actually download the mod in question??

Even if these where all yes there is still no proof that this caused this break, but I do love throwing theories out there for the hell of it.
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Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 12:49 am Reply with quote
Cecilthedarkknight_234 wrote:
Nocturne123 wrote:
I'd like to know what the hell kind of game there is that involved going into a school and killing kids. Let me answer that: None.

I love how they try to link it to Dynasty Warriors - a game that takes place in ancient China for the most part.

Im sorry, but it's stupid to try and reconstruct a mind set that you can't reconstruct. He could have got the idea from anything, yet they still want to focus on video games as a straw man.

Well are you modding fan for pc games?? If so you can do this for fallout 3.


This is the only game where you can do this via modding along with new vegas. Keep in mind he did smash his hdd but even then it's what you call Schrodinger's cat box theory. Did he actually own this game?? If so did he have it for the pc?? Was he member of steam?? Did he belong to falloutnexus?? Did he actually download the mod in question??

Even if these where all yes there is still no proof that this caused this break, but I do love throwing theories out there for the hell of it.

Either way thats just giving him an outlet that his mind is constructing. If he could draw, he could do this, if he could do 3D modeling in general he could create a short movie of doing this. He could write it out in paragraph form. Should we ban and tax books? If anyone ever suggested to do that, people would be up in arms. It's bigoted and ridiculous.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:02 am Reply with quote
Nocturne123 wrote:
I'd like to know what the hell kind of game there is that involved going into a school and killing kids. Let me answer that: None.

Super Columbine Massacre RPG
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Joined: 10 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:02 am Reply with quote
I can only recall a few games that actually take place in a school. The bully series, and the Newgrounds Avatar-themed flash games.

Otherwise, I got nothing. This is dumb.
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Joined: 26 Jan 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:04 am Reply with quote
Splitter wrote:
What legally sold video game would allow someone to simulate shooting up a kindergarten classroom?

Dunno, but here's a handy list of films you can get your hands on.

I say, burn the witch!
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Joined: 02 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:07 am Reply with quote
Nocturne123 wrote:
Cecilthedarkknight_234 wrote:
Nocturne123 wrote:
I'd like to know what the hell kind of game there is that involved going into a school and killing kids. Let me answer that: None.

I love how they try to link it to Dynasty Warriors - a game that takes place in ancient China for the most part.

Im sorry, but it's stupid to try and reconstruct a mind set that you can't reconstruct. He could have got the idea from anything, yet they still want to focus on video games as a straw man.

Well are you modding fan for pc games?? If so you can do this for fallout 3.


This is the only game where you can do this via modding along with new vegas. Keep in mind he did smash his hdd but even then it's what you call Schrodinger's cat box theory. Did he actually own this game?? If so did he have it for the pc?? Was he member of steam?? Did he belong to falloutnexus?? Did he actually download the mod in question??

Even if these where all yes there is still no proof that this caused this break, but I do love throwing theories out there for the hell of it.

Either way thats just giving him an outlet that his mind is constructing. If he could draw, he could do this, if he could do 3D modeling in general he could create a short movie of doing this. He could write it out in paragraph form. Should we ban and tax books? If anyone ever suggested to do that, people would be up in arms. It's bigoted and ridiculous.

nope not at all that is why it's called a theory, only the person in question know's why he did this. Now if you want a crazy theory with little to no logical reason, there is hard core right-wing conspiracy nuts that believe this was a set-up to take er guns.

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Joined: 09 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:15 am Reply with quote
Hey, he probably had hundreds of dollars of clothing with mean pictures in his house too. Personally, I say that's what made him lose it.
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Joined: 29 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:23 am Reply with quote
If he was using an ancient Chinese sword, then this investigation would have some merit.

As it stands, this all cycles back to the NRA trying to blame anything but guns for the cause. The only problem with that conclusion is that everywhere in the world has the same violent video games, but the US is the only first world country that has such a high rate of gun violence. What is the difference? I would say the guns.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:33 am Reply with quote
There are plenty of places with just as many guns but less violence(heck, breaking things up state-by-state, the levels of violence and gun ownership vary heavily and independently). Blaming his decision to murder a bunch of kids on guns is just as facile as blaming it on video games.

This was almost certainly something that had been brewing for quite a while; there may not have even been a single factor that pushed him over the edge, let alone built him up to it.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 1:36 am Reply with quote
Goddamnit, here come the stereotypers...
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Joined: 12 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:40 am Reply with quote
Polycell wrote:
Blaming his decision to murder a bunch of kids on guns is just as facile as blaming it on video games.

No. The claim that video games played a role in this is patently absurd. It is based on literally nothing but the empty panic mongering of the ignorant and the stupid as they latch on to something new and different that they don't understand. It is sheer, unadulterated idiocy.

If you are seriously going to sit there and equate it to the suggestion that "gee, maybe the fact that he had access the actual physical tool that he used to murder all these people...had something to do with him murdering these people, then you're utterly intellectually bankrupt.

I'm not saying that you have to agree that this automatically means getting rid of guns would have prevented this but come on dude. If there is to be even a shred of legitimacy to your argument you have to acknowledge that questioning the culpability of gun law is a hell of a lot more plausible than questioning the culpability of video games.
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