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Joined: 30 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:38 am Reply with quote
What is it about Anime that appeals most to you? I'm trying to get more responses so that when I hear someone say, "It's just a cartoon" I can gently "correct" them. Very Happy

I think for me personally, it's more than just a cartoon... I've always been the kind of person who loves a good story. That probably explains why I got into RPGs as a kind (a hobby that I've had for 21 years now). So to me, anime is just a way to tell stories that you just couldn't tell using regular actors and real-life special effects. Thanks to anime, I've been transported to the depths of space with the Robotech crew, and later with Spike, Faye, Ed, and Jet. I've watched Saiyans battle it out for the fate of the earth. I've watched a class clown in the Ninja academy of the Hidden Mist Village grow stronger and closer to his friends Sasuke and Sakura, and his teacher Kakshi. And so many more, but you get the idea...

So what about you? What about anime makes you want to watch?

Sage Of Halo
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Joined: 29 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:34 am Reply with quote
I like to watch anime because it's not like the Hollywood crap that is aired on TV day in and day out. I also like how I can be an adult, and watch cartoons and not feel like a little kid watching because I know that a kid would probably not want to sit through something like Jin-Roh, Ghost in the Shell, and other shows that make you think. I guess it's a way to grow up without giving up cartoons. By cartoons of course I mean "animation".

I still like to say I watch anime because it can't be done on TV, but with recent movies like King Kong and even Star Wars gives me the feeling that if someone really wanted to make a high budget live-action "anime", they would be capable.
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Joined: 06 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:04 am Reply with quote
The plot, really. I like how it can be really out there sometimes. Or for other shows not so out there but smarter than half the schlock that's shown on TV now.

Sorry, that wasn't much of an answer. I'll get back to ya when I'm awake.
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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 11:15 am Reply with quote
I guess it all began with the simple stuff that's given to me as a kid. The typical DBZ, Sailor Moon, Samurai Pizza Cats, y'know. I guess as I got older and more exposed, I just liked watching anything that gave me a good story and, as a bonus, was visually appealing as well.

Anime mainly gave me whatever it was I wanted when nothing else could satisfy me.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:10 pm Reply with quote
Because Anime has no set boundrary's. Totally original Ideas, that would never make it here because its not "MAINSTREAM". Anything can happen, anyone can die, even main characters. You can't get that in America.
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:16 pm Reply with quote
Why not? It's a diverse medium like any others and has a large selection of titles, good and bad. There's simply no logical reason to dismiss it. Like television or movies or a book it has unique stories that have just as much potential to entertain as another medium so there's simply no real reason to not watch it.

As for the last comment though, I think someone doesn't watch enough American TV/movies outside the broadcast networks.
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Joined: 19 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 2:16 pm Reply with quote
I watch it for the great storylines and unique universes that can't be portrayed very well in live action. There's also nothing better to watch really aside from a handfull of other shows.
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Joined: 04 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:54 pm Reply with quote
Anime that i like makes you think, while your watching it, and for many hours after watching it. I'm the type of person that doesn't talk but just sits and thinks basically all my life. I love stuff that makes me think. Its entertaining and usually has the greatest plots you would ever find.
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Joined: 02 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:00 pm Reply with quote
I really like the art and colors. There's something about the animation that makes the story more intriguing than if it was in real life using actors. A slight difference is that animated characters are able to do exactly what the story is meant for he/she to do, while real life movie characters have a piece of the actor in them. In many ways, it's like watching a story, and I like it since it's more interesting to me than reading.
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Alex K.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:29 pm Reply with quote
I like anime because there are consequences. People die. There is violence. It's not this "He's just unconscious," or "Thank goodness everyone escaped in time," crap you see in American cartoons. I watched Static Shock the other day Mad and some mutant threw a cop car. Of course, they had to throw in a shot of the airbags coming out so you know the cops were okay. And then the mutant threw the car at a fighter plane and after the plane blew up, you could see the pilot using a parachute and saying, "That was close." Rolling Eyes

Oh, and what's with this whole "Oh my gosh!" thing? What, you can't say "God"? Seriously, I think it's stupid that even in the trailer for United 93, some woman says, "Oh my gosh!" when the planes hit. Now they're censoring reactions to terrorist attacks so the conservatist groups don't get upset. But that's for another topic.

Bottom line - I like anime because it has things American cartoons will never have - substance.
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Joined: 22 Feb 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:02 pm Reply with quote
I watch anime for the elements american TV shows, and movies lack. Infact for the things that american tv, and movie producers seem to think is in bad taste. So I am big into listing so maybe listing the elements will help.

First on my list is serialization. I remember a year ago I was watching the extras on one of my DS9 dvds, and I beleive it was one of the writers saying how near the end of the series. They had made an effort to add serial elements to the series. Obviously just saying that seemed to make him feal the way someone cheating on their taxes might feal, and getting away with it. There is obviously this oppinion in hollywood that serializeing any show, or movie is very bad. Many anime titles do not do this. They are perfectly happy with arcs, or overall series story lines. Whereas american shows are usually held together merely by the cast.

Second I am tired of people in kansas decideing what I am going to watch. Either it is a show biz legend, or fact. Apparantly execs are really concerned if people in kansas will get it. Ergo I must deal with unimaginative, and oversimplified premises on television. You know what my oppinion is I could care less. No offense to kansas people, but if you do not get it either get smarter, or start moveing around on all fours. I am just sick of good, and smart programming being buried for 8 CSIs, and 5 law and orders. I am also sick of the eight shows that go on in hospitals. Anime atleast gives me alot of originality, and it is willing to delve into complex social phenomenas.

Third since american TV is run by bean counters. They like shoveing out a hundred sitcoms a year, and all of three fantasy, or sci fi series. The net result is the fantasy, and sci fi elements in anime are generally far more varied, original, and even creative. You can see why though after all a animation is the same price no matter the genre. While a scifi series can cost upwards of ten times more then a sitcom. Never the less anime can always be more creative, and embrace more genres.

I think anime is alot of things to alot of people. Depending on which anime you choose to watch. That is because anime has the freedom to be varied. Whereas hollywood just loves to recycle the same things over and over, or try to copy something else. The creators of anime seem to have the freedom to try all sorts of things.
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the Rancorous

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:13 pm Reply with quote
1. I've always loved making hand-drawings. Even as a small kid, I would make intricate stick-figures (yes, those can exist!), and I could duplicate most things I saw in life onto paper by the end of 6th grade. So the artwork and inspiration is one big point. Its just that the art in american animation can not even begin to touch that of anime.

2. Great, tantilizing and thought-provoking stories. 650 minute long stories tend to be a hell of a lot more indepth than a two hour movie. Characters actually develop through a constant storyline that is mostly absent from most citcoms and such.

3. I have a fascination with kick-ass chicks, and anime is a plethora of them. Not in a perverted fetish way, I just really like it when the story fetures a strong female who is the opposite of frail and dependent. Even in video games, I tend to play as a chick character.

Well, those are my main reasons.
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Maken Buster

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 8:37 pm Reply with quote
I love the art (currently watching Gunslinger Girl, which is just gorgeous to look at!), the character design, the humor (it's a nice break from the Simpsons/Family Guy/South Park mold), the plots (be it paper thin or ocean deep), the music and the "buzz" I get from watching the stuff. I get it with Puroresu (Japanese Pro Wrestling), too, that feeling of wanting to just plant myself and watch for a few hours...it's a weird high, not something I get a lot.

I like the diversity you get with anime, too, there's a lot of different genres and hybrids to pick from, depending on one's mood. Anime also tends to really hit nerves that many other mediums fail to, which can be very additctive...and that's probably the biggest reason right there: Anime is VERY additctive.

Yup, I think that's why I watch anime...
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Joined: 28 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:20 pm Reply with quote
I was channel surfing and caught an episode of Sailor Moon on Cartoon Network and because of just that small portion, I taped all the other episodes that were on that day (it was a marathon). And I found that I really enjoyed it.

So, I bought the VHS tapes of the DiC edits that were availble. Then I saw an issue of Animerica with Sailor Moon on the cover and learned about the wider world of anime.

I like watching anime because it is different. It doesn't cater to the lowest common denominator like American sitcoms and other TV shows do. It provides different stories that we do not and can not see here because this group or that group find it "offensive" (That is not just aimed at conservitives. Liberals can be just as bad.)

I also agree with what opaquescum said. I may have said the same thing he did, but that's just the way I feel.
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Joined: 17 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 9:23 pm Reply with quote
SageOfHalo wrote:
What is it about Anime that appeals most to you? I'm trying to get more responses so that when I hear someone say, "It's just a cartoon" I can gently "correct" them. Very Happy

You're not getting much of that, are you? If people say "It's just a cartoon" they aren't fans. I don't see any reason for a non-fan to be a member of ANN. Wink

A lot of why I like anime has already been said. Like b214, I like that anime makes you think. I don't talk much either; I'm a thinker. I hear you, b214! The story. Like StupidMan007 said, It's like watching a book--and I used to like reading but anime is much more entertaining as it appeals to one's visual stimulus as well as the intellectual. As opaquescum said, anime has the freedom to vary. It is more creative and is not censored or "taken down a notch" when its controversial. Art should never have limits or requirements. A lot of anime has deeper meanings, messages or points in the work as a whole, something not present in most other forms of media art.
To sum that all up, as Alex K already said, anime has substance.

My biggest reason for watching anime is something that hasn't been said directly...
I am totally a drama guy. I like the drama in anime that isn't present in American animation. I want to be affected. I want to cry, dammit. When I see any screen or stage production, the biggest factor for me is the emotional impact that arises from a tightly woven story, driven by well-developed characters, that drives home its message into my heart, mind, and spirit.

THAT is why I watch anime.
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