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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 12:40 pm Reply with quote
I will definitely be there. I don't want to miss this panel. Following the announcement on this acquisition I've never seen this show but I've heard quite a bit on it. This will be a nice acquisition to our library collection as well.
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Joined: 14 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:28 pm Reply with quote
Last NYCC all the people from the previous event just stayed in the room so I couldn't get in. So I probably won't go because I don't feel like waiting for hours and hours just to get in.
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:46 pm Reply with quote
Can you guys guarantee that you will be hosting an actual panel and not just a misnamed Q&A session with prizes?

This is one of the few times I sour at being overly harsh here, but the memory of the 2011 Anime News Network panel @ Otakon still haunts me, the panel where you guys opened with "We hate it when panelists don't prepare any material and just open the floor for questions, but that's what we're going to do here today." (paraphrased) and spent the bulk of the panel just answering questions (generally inane) asked by attendees, for the sole purpose of obtaining prizes from your ample bounty on display.

That bait-and-switch was bad enough at Otakon, with its fairly long queues to get into the panel, but at NYCC it would be most heinous as its queues dwarf Otakon's massive queues. Please don't troll us again IRL, we have enough trolling here on the forums.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 5:54 pm Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:
Can you guys guarantee that you will be hosting an actual panel and not just a misnamed Q&A session with prizes?

This is one of the few times I sour at being overly harsh here, but the memory of the 2011 Anime News Network panel @ Otakon still haunts me, the panel where you guys opened with "We hate it when panelists don't prepare any material and just open the floor for questions, but that's what we're going to do here today." (paraphrased) and spent the bulk of the panel just answering questions (generally inane) asked by attendees, for the sole purpose of obtaining prizes from your ample bounty on display.

That bait-and-switch was bad enough at Otakon, with its fairly long queues to get into the panel, but at NYCC it would be most heinous as its queues dwarf Otakon's massive queues. Please don't troll us again IRL, we have enough trolling here on the forums.

That's usually what we do at all of our panels, but to my knowledge there won't be an ANN panel at NYCC.

It's not trolling. People have questions, we answer 'em and give stuff away. If you don't like that format then you know not to attend next time.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:24 pm Reply with quote
Here's a sample of the ANN panel at the 2010 NYCC/NYAF.

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Joined: 03 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 10:56 pm Reply with quote
Last year at NYCC you guys had been given a whole box of DVDs to give away. They were nice and you could pick up a few if they were from the same series. So belated thank you guys for half of Master Keaton. I think my question would be why do you think Geneon used to number the screener copies but not the finished product?
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Joined: 03 Apr 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:04 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
Echo_City wrote:
Can you guys guarantee that you will be hosting an actual panel and not just a misnamed Q&A session with prizes?

This is one of the few times I sour at being overly harsh here, but the memory of the 2011 Anime News Network panel @ Otakon still haunts me, the panel where you guys opened with "We hate it when panelists don't prepare any material and just open the floor for questions, but that's what we're going to do here today." (paraphrased) and spent the bulk of the panel just answering questions (generally inane) asked by attendees, for the sole purpose of obtaining prizes from your ample bounty on display.

That bait-and-switch was bad enough at Otakon, with its fairly long queues to get into the panel, but at NYCC it would be most heinous as its queues dwarf Otakon's massive queues. Please don't troll us again IRL, we have enough trolling here on the forums.

That's usually what we do at all of our panels, but to my knowledge there won't be an ANN panel at NYCC.

It's not trolling. People have questions, we answer 'em and give stuff away. If you don't like that format then you know not to attend next time.

Seriously? The link to this forum, from the main page, tells the date and location for the ANN panel @ NYCC. It's why I bothered to post here. Though this lapse is pretty darn hilarious, an ANN head honcho being in the dark about something posted on the main page of ANN itself. Thanks for the chortle Very Happy
ANN Main Page wrote:
ANN Panel at NYCC Anime News Network's New York Comic Con panel will be on Friday at 17:15 in room 1A23. Come see us and say "Hi." As usual we'll be giving away lots of gifts.

Now, I remember that you, Zac, were not present at the ANN panel @ Otakon that I mentioned. So I related the part where the ANN crew that was present literally opened the panel by telling us that the panel would be what they despised, a thinly veiled Q&A session.

If it is just a Q&A session, then please call it that. To borrow from the snarky language that is the norm here, note the "session". Q&A sessions are just that: sessions. Not panels.

If nothing else, could you guys please answer the inane questions with some funny, barbed replies, a la Bob Napton or Clarine Harp? You know, spice up the usual canned answers and dodges/circumlocution with some sardonic humor? Could...could you do that for us? Wink
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Joined: 13 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 11:55 pm Reply with quote
Due to suffering a mild concussion last week, I will be unable to attend NYCC.
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ANN Executive Editor

Joined: 05 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 4:51 am Reply with quote
Echo_City wrote:

Seriously? The link to this forum, from the main page, tells the date and location for the ANN panel @ NYCC. It's why I bothered to post here. Though this lapse is pretty darn hilarious, an ANN head honcho being in the dark about something posted on the main page of ANN itself. Thanks for the chortle Very Happy

Strange, that wasn't there when I replied.

You now have the opportunity to be horribly let down by this panel, though, because they aren't doing... I guess whatever it is you decided they should be doing.

ANN Main Page wrote:
ANN Panel at NYCC Anime News Network's New York Comic Con panel will be on Friday at 17:15 in room 1A23. Come see us and say "Hi." As usual we'll be giving away lots of gifts.

Now, I remember that you, Zac, were not present at the ANN panel @ Otakon that I mentioned. So I related the part where the ANN crew that was present literally opened the panel by telling us that the panel would be what they despised, a thinly veiled Q&A session.

If it is just a Q&A session, then please call it that. To borrow from the snarky language that is the norm here, note the "session". Q&A sessions are just that: sessions. Not panels.

If nothing else, could you guys please answer the inane questions with some funny, barbed replies, a la Bob Napton or Clarine Harp? You know, spice up the usual canned answers and dodges/circumlocution with some sardonic humor? Could...could you do that for us? Wink

I'll ask my boss to amuse you as best he can.
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Joined: 01 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 10:52 pm Reply with quote
Can't wait for the ANN panel at NYCC! Saw ANN at Otakon too... Should be great! Anime hyper
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