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Hayate the Combat Butler: Can't Take My Eyes Off You (TV).

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 12:32 pm Reply with quote

Hayate the Combat Butler: Can't Take My Eyes Off You (new Hayate the Combat Butler)
Genres: Comedy, Parody, Shounen, Harem

Plot Summary:

The story of Hayate Ayasaki working alongside with maid Maria at Nagi Sanzenin's mansion continues. One day, Nagi receives a phone call from "Area 51," inviting her to the universe. Nagi wants to accept the offer, only to be stopped by Maria.

Episode 1
Cute episode tbh.

The animation art style is a little different but I don't really mind it. The beginning was funny with Nagi stranded in the desert with a car and being the tsundere that she is.

I lol'd @ the spoiler[bike chasing scene as Hayate gets into his berserk like mode while owning the bad guys to recuse Nagi from the kidnapping.] It was a funny episode overall and that ED song was pretty catchy.

Can't wait to see more.
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Bargain Hunter

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 7:46 pm Reply with quote
Well, I certainly like the production values. This series clearly has a higher budget than the previous ones. Overall, I enjoyed it but there seems to be a certain ... innocent spirit ... missing so far. The show seems harder-edged and kind of meaner than previous incarnations.

It is nice to be back in the Hayate Universe, for sure.
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:37 pm Reply with quote
This season is done by Manglobe, the same company that did the movie "Heaven is a place on Earth". And it shows! The animation may be better, but there is the glarring lack of the awesome narrator (only noticed half way), there is no breaking of the fourth wall, and is just less funny than previous seasons. And this is set a number of months after season 2, and even though I have been collecting the manga in English this is way past what I have read, kind of sad since season 2 finished with previews of new characters. I wanted to see Fumi (reference pic), Izumi's father, and the scariest movie theatre ever.

It seems they will end up in Vegas somehow, I can see that the alien thing might have something do with the alien she met in season two. And I am also aware that spoiler[Wataru's mother] was living in Vegas, a manga spoiler, but may be ok to know due to this being set afterward, still don't know how that was resolved. I found the music in the episode was good, better than you should expect from a parody anime, although I found what was wrapped around the girl's head in the ED was a little silly, I think we are meant to know who she is based off the movie, but I don't know her connection to the main characters.

And we need Hinagiku, the baka trio and Yuukiji were one of the parts that felt like normal silly Hayate, seeeing him angry is so funny.
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mad mac

Joined: 04 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 9:55 pm Reply with quote
Well, I certainly like the production values. This series clearly has a higher budget than the previous ones. Overall, I enjoyed it but there seems to be a certain ... innocent spirit ... missing so far. The show seems harder-edged and kind of meaner than previous incarnations.

This is true. It's more in line with the manga this way, which has gotten a little darker and harsher over time. (Also, the first season aired in a kids slot, so naturally they brightened things up a bit.)

Personally, I loved it. I was nervous coming in, and I do miss the narrator, but this has the potential to be my favorite season.

And this is set a number of months after season 2, and even though I have been collecting the manga in English this is way past what I have read, kind of sad since season 2 finished with previews of new characters. I wanted to see Fumi (reference pic), Izumi's father, and the scariest movie theatre ever.

This is actually set about two months ahead of where the manga is at currently. It's one month ahead of the movie which was also one month ahead of the manga.

I think we are meant to know who she is based off the movie, but I don't know her connection to the main characters.

The singer girl is Ruka, she's been a major manga character for ~2 years now and is actually closely connected to Hayate and Nagi but it would be difficult and spoilery to explain.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 10:39 pm Reply with quote
I love it. The upgrade to the mansion is fabulous. The new artwork is stunning and notice that the props are now up to date (Nagi has a iPhone/Android-like phone).

Hayate certainly seems to have grown into himself. He now handles crisis with the best of them. Of course I would think that he would have learned to use the resources of the family more.

It is pretty obvious what they have set up to happen. Nagi is going to get pissed off at Hayate and fire him, then end up in the desert. Since they gave that part away already the fun will be in seeing how it comes about.
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 7:02 am Reply with quote
I loved the first season, didn't care for the second, and thought the movie was utter dreck. It is safe to say I was approaching the third season with trepidation. Well, so far it's been okay. The Nevada bit at the start was quite amusing, and there were some good gags in this episode. The tone does seem less frivolous, I get the feeling that the snowball fight bit at the start and end was to add some of that old Hayate feel back in. And Izumi's twittering mom was great, just great. But Hayate works best as a series of non sequiturs and slapstick slice of life comedy. When it tries to do drama or long story arcs, it so far failed. So, good first episode, but there are still storm clouds on the horizon.

And I've kind of always had this problem with Hayate, but the heads of characters seem way too large. And something about these new designs seems to accentuate this. It was distracting.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:16 pm Reply with quote

And this is set a number of months after season 2, and even though I have been collecting the manga in English this is way past what I have read, kind of sad since season 2 finished with previews of new characters. I wanted to see Fumi (reference pic), Izumi's father, and the scariest movie theatre ever.

This is actually set about two months ahead of where the manga is at currently. It's one month ahead of the movie which was also one month ahead of the manga.

I didn't watch this season or season 2, yet I am currently on the english 20th Volume of Hayate no Gotoku which is at spoiler[the Greek Isles after the vegas vactation] Should I skip watching this season or is it all just original content?
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PostPosted: Thu Oct 04, 2012 10:46 pm Reply with quote
ShinnFlowen wrote:
I didn't watch this season or season 2, yet I am currently on the english 20th Volume of Hayate no Gotoku which is at spoiler[the Greek Isles after the vegas vactation] Should I skip watching this season or is it all just original content?
I am currently waiting for the 20th volume, so you are in the same boat as me really.
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mad mac

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 6:54 am Reply with quote
I didn't watch this season or season 2, yet I am currently on the english 20th Volume of Hayate no Gotoku which is at...Should I skip watching this season or is it all just original content?

If you're up to volume 20 you are already past where Season 2 ends. You are totally fine to jump in with the new anime.

This season is set ahead of the current manga in Japan and you might miss some character introductions and brief references to things that happened in the 21-34 volume range, but nothing too bad. It's all original content and set so far ahead of where you are now that it's basically spoiler free.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 10:07 am Reply with quote
my complains, the head is too big, no narrator.
Nagi got bodied by the Nevada desert is funny.
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 05, 2012 12:55 pm Reply with quote
mad mac wrote:
I didn't watch this season or season 2, yet I am currently on the english 20th Volume of Hayate no Gotoku which is at...Should I skip watching this season or is it all just original content?

If you're up to volume 20 you are already past where Season 2 ends. You are totally fine to jump in with the new anime.

This season is set ahead of the current manga in Japan and you might miss some character introductions and brief references to things that happened in the 21-34 volume range, but nothing too bad. It's all original content and set so far ahead of where you are now that it's basically spoiler free.

Okay that sounds awesome so i guess i'll check it out than. I only hope we get less Nagi and more Isumi/Hina/Maria. I cannot get enough of Isumi getting lost.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 1:58 pm Reply with quote
never got very far in season 1. i guess i got bored. definitely going to give this new series a shot
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2012 4:33 pm Reply with quote
I was originally worried about this new take on Hayate, but after watching the first episode I'm liking the direction they're going in. As for the way the show looks, I think it matches with the manga a lot better than the first two series. (Hayate & Nagi look exactly like how they're portrayed on the cover of the manga's first volume, IMO.)

BTW was anyone else playing the Danzig song from The Hangover in their head during spoiler[the opening Las Vegas scene]?
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 6:19 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2
The testimony for Ruri! Is she...

A) Nagi's real sister or...
B) An imposter

One thing I do know for sure though is that song. Ugh. Well, at least the OP song was alright as well as the ost soundtrack.

Anyways, it was a fun watch with the fight and spoiler[Ketaguri]. Nailed it but poor Anime cry
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Joined: 10 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 10, 2012 8:11 pm Reply with quote
Episode 2

Laughing This series is still funny, even with the problems I mentioned in my first post, or perhaps I just my guard down enough to enjoy it this time.

For one I think Ruri's voice actress is a really good choice, she does have a slight Rie feel, but we know her more from roles like Index, Maria from Haganai, and Tsukihi Araragi. Kind of feels like the perfect formulae to be Nagi's illeged sister. I was wondering how they would handle the bombshell, the pre-show narrating talked it up, and this series has always been self aware. I laughed when spoiler[they just chose to ignore her, and even Nagi decided that breakfast was more important than figuring it out,] oh and how Nagi decided spoiler[it was a stupid revelation and instead it should instead be done to Hayate, with 12 imoutos.] It looks like a very likely case she is spoiler[not her real sister, Nagi is very aware of the chances being quite low, Nagi jumping on likely motives quickly.] But Ruri did manage to get a few hits in, especially from hitting Nagi's weak spot, spoiler[being caled Onee-chan, isn't that the same way Nagi let in two young looking theives in the first season into the mansion].

But Hayate does not feel right without it's extended cast, and we got a few back, firstly having Nishizawa being the punished emotionally for her bad singing. We also have Chiharu, who now seems to be Nagi's friend, I am pretty sure I remember her bonding with Nagi in the manga over spoiler[Otaku] things, and I think her name is Kayura who I recognise from the movie being a spoiler[cosplaying] friend. It jumped into full shounen (although heavy parody to it being obvious rediculous) when they put Ruri to spoiler[fight Hayate, in true style they had Hayate take a beating, and Nagi refuse to lose. And then they went right into making Hayate looking bad for hitting her when he did fight back] Laughing, kind of saw it comming but funny anyway, but then had spoiler[Ruri show it was an act before Nagi hit her for playing dirty. Funny thing is the dirty act makes the sister thing look more likely].

Just talking to myself, but does Ruri Tsugumi sound like the name of a certain person.
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