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Joined: 14 Dec 2005
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:07 am
OK, first let me start off with this....I am a dubbie, but I am not some random n00b that all I know is dubs, I read alot of Manga aswell.
Now.....Why do people hate Dubs & people who like dubs so much? They act like their opinions on which cast of VA's are better or which music is better are factual things. I'll admit there are/were some bad dubs, such as Card Captors & One Piece (though I do watch One Piece Dub). Fact is, just because a certain VA came first doesn't mean his voice is more suiting of a character. Or just because certain Music came first doesn't mean it's a better fit in the scene. Why should I have to illegally download Subs or spend alot of cash on subs just to be accepted in the minds of others when I could spend money on dubs which I (& many others) enjoy more.
Thoguths? (Please don't bash)
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Joined: 21 Aug 2004
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:16 am
I don't know. Sometimes people feel that the voices don't sound close enough to the japanese ones. But I watch most things dubbed, as I have a hard time reading the subtitles and watching what's going on on the screen at the same time.
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:17 am
That'd depend on who it is, and what exactly it is about dubbing they do not like. Some people are aghast at the very principal of it, that it's a "violation" of the original work. Others prefer certian actors and studios over others, and some prefer subbed anime in general (which is usually misconstrued as anti-dub, which is silly). Some watch all of their anime fansubbed, subbed or raw first, therefore the japanese acting seems more proper. Some dislike the idea that dubs slow a DVD release down. Others find them condescending.
You'll find there's much less hate when you don't ask why people hate things, and just accept that some people won't like it.
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Joined: 12 Dec 2005
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:20 am
hmmm probly the main reason is the fact is that it is a dub. wut your seeing is basicly like a watered down copy. its not the orignal format. and since it has been dubed certian events/ words are taken out/ replaced.
with that said u can be missing out on seeing certian things that u normal dont get to (ie. Outlaw Star Networks Adult Swim had a entier episode that was taken out due to the content). the reason people enjoy the Subed version is because u get the Culture's humor in it aswell (Japan in this case) and in the American dub they tend to make it more "American" to suit our customs and culture. and with that difference comes the difference in the people. thats realy all that is, nothin to complicated. but the ones that say OOO i hate it because of this, are just narrow minded and should feel as stupid as their coments. in other words, ther eis no realy reason u should be asking "y do people hate dubs". there is no real reason to even care weather they do or not. and there is a difference between Hateing and Dislikeing. with the dislike of something people can quickly mistake oppion for rudness, but again i say "who cares wut other people think".
i hope that i explained it well enough
Last edited by 2Real on Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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The Ramblin' Wreck
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:23 am
Oh no.
Not again.
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:23 am
You're going on the assumption that every dub doesn't keep the Japanese script in mind, and that the content is always altered to appeal to American audiences, which it isn't (and if this isn't what you're trying to say, then sorry).
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:26 am
The eternal debate continues...
I usually watch subs, I like them better for a number of reasons. English VA can never match up to the uber cuteness of Japanese ones. Many Japanese VA also perform theme songs for the anime they work, which I find pretty neat. Often times Japanese VA also perform side vocal CDs for the series and sometimes are even professional vocal artists themselves. I don't dislike dubs, I'll watch them, I just prefer subs.
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Joined: 14 Dec 2005
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:34 am
LOL, well I sometimes have a problem with Japaneese VA's...such as they make men sound like a girl....i.e. Goku....I mean the voice was fine when he was a kid, but once he got older, c'mon unless he's gay (which he's not) his voice box muscles will chance thus making him sound older, I mean when he screams it seriously sounds like a Teenage girl. I feel that Sean Schemmel does a better job at Goku being that Goku has the sweet wouldn't hurt a fly tone to his voice, yet still does sound like a guy. And it's more than just Goku, I find it in alot of Anime's.
I mean sure, Dubs may not drop an F-bombs, but that doesn't change the series, it's not like by not saying "F" that somehow the series changes & the outcome is different. Ya know?
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:35 am
Yeah, but this wasn't the point I was trying to get across. You were, from what I was able to pick up, assuming all dubs changed content, which they do not. A remix of a song vs. the original is in no way a good way to compare the two. The remix of a song requires changing the structure of the score, adding and replacing things. This could be more comparable to something like One Piece or Yugioh, which do heavily alter it's original course. But something like Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Outlaw Star (uncut), or hundreds of other titles, are simply just in another language. The actors and writers understand the history, intention, and fullness of the characters and story, allowing the actors to essentially well.. be that character.
Also, no one can answer that next question about downloading for you. Well, no one's allowed to. If you look around, maybe at the top of this forum, you'll see why.
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Joined: 16 Dec 2005
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:43 am
I perfer fansubs over dubs for a few different reasons.
First, it's easier to obtain fansubs. They are subbed by fans, for fans. I like to acknowledge the hard work of the groups who made the subs.
Second, I perfer listening to the Japanese language over the English lanuage. It sounds much more beautiful to me and flows better. But I can easily see how people can have a differing opinion on this.
Thirdly, it's the same thing you get striaght from Japan, except with subtitles (well most of the time I think...). I enjoy the fact that I am watching it without too much fooling around with the show itself.
Also, the mouth movements are indeed weird in most dubs, and in subs they fit better, making it, for me anyway, more appealing to watch.
Another very important factor, as to why many people perfer subs over dubs, is because it's something that once your into it, you just can't go back. I used to watch the dubs on CN a long time ago...and saw my first subbed anime (Naruto) Over a year ago. I perfered it greatly over the dubbed series and now i only watch subs.
Most of the anime I watch has Dual Audio and subtitle options, so what i'll do is sometimes watch it in English with subtitles, just to see the severity of the differences. Or once in English, once in Japanese.
Sometimes the changes are very minor but sometimes they're too great to go unoticed, and once you notice them you can't help but think "Wow...why did they do that!! That was the best line ever and they ruined it!"
All this aside, I can understand why someone would perfer watching dubs over subs. The Japanese language just appeals to me far more than the English language...and i just feel creepy when i watch a show made in japan...once in in English...
Last edited by CyberViper on Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:43 am
Gozar wrote: |
LOL, well I sometimes have a problem with Japaneese VA's...such as they make men sound like a girl....i.e. Goku....I mean the voice was fine when he was a kid, but once he got older, c'mon unless he's gay (which he's not) his voice box muscles will chance thus making him sound older, I mean when he screams it seriously sounds like a Teenage girl. I feel that Sean Schemmel does a better job at Goku being that Goku has the sweet wouldn't hurt a fly tone to his voice, yet still does sound like a guy. And it's more than just Goku, I find it in alot of Anime's.
I mean sure, Dubs may not drop an F-bombs, but that doesn't change the series, it's not like by not saying "F" that somehow the series changes & the outcome is different. Ya know? |
You'd find that the swearing in subtitls is entirely taken out-of-context, especially in series based on Shonen Jump/Childrens properties. Just because someone in Gantz said F, doesn't mean Goku would say F, ya know?
And I can sort of see where you're coming from with Goku, but you have to understand a LOT of people liked that voice and Nozawa's acting, so they didn't want to tamper with a good thing. You do notice that she does put a slightly more grown-up version on the older Son family, so it's not so bad and doesn't make them all sound exactly the same.
Also, Japan, due to certian circumstances does have a lot of femenine, or just lighter sounding men. It is taken to a bit of an extreme in some anime, but sometimes it's really not that exaggurated.
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:48 am
CyberViper wrote: | I perfer fansubs over dubs for a few different reasons.
First, it's easier to obtain fansubs. They are subbed by fans, for fans. I like to acknowledge the hard work of the groups who made the subs. |
Well, this kind of isn't a "fansub vs. English language releases" thing, it's more just "Japanese track in general vs.", which is something that's included on most DVDs.
Quote: | Thirdly, it's the same thing you get striaght from Japan, except with subtitles (well most of the time I think...). I enjoy the fact that I am watching it without too much fooling around with the show itself. |
This is kind of bringing it off topic, but not a whole lot of "domestic" anime dumbs down/alters content in regards to the Japanese track.
Quote: | Also, the mouth movements are indeed weird in most dubs, and in subs they fit better, making it, for me anyway, more appealing to watch. |
While it won't change how you feel, this is actually due to English studios synching up to the lip flaps (which is a standard practice amongst most studios, whether it is actually the best thing or not is up to someone else), where as in most cases the Japanese track is done based on storyboards while the Animation is being done/already has been done, so the lip flaps dont always match up.
Man, this thread could have been way worse than it made itself out to be good work fellas!
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:49 am
Oh goody, here we go again, these threads always go so well.
A lack of acceptance of diversity really. Despite the fact the options exist for them to watch their "pure" versions many of the purists still find it necessary to attack what they perceive as "impure" and those who enjoy them even though they're under no obligation to watch them. Unfortunately it's common human behaviour and views of what is pure and impure have been a center of conflict for as long as recorded history. Such conflicts never have been viewed kindly in the eyes of history though but history doesn't teach people lessons as often as we'd like to think it did.
It's not the original simply and for many it's not what they're accustomed to hearing. Some contain various minor alterations and there's a few that are really badly butchered, although in modern anime those are easily the exceptions and not the rule. I hated dubs once, but then I grew up and dubs grew up too, if they were still as they were a number of years back I might still be inclined to at least prefer subs but times have changed and so have my views on the matter. The whole thing is rather pointless in this digital age as the option is presented and you no longer have to buy it in one or the other, some people just can't get beyond the past.
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:51 am
Please show me where I can buy uncut, English subtitled One Piece DVDs or Saint Seiya past episodes 60, and then I'll take your "the option is presented and you no longer have to buy it in one or the other" comment with open arms.
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Joined: 25 May 2005
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Posted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 1:53 am
Steventheeunuch wrote: | Please show me where I can buy uncut, English subtitled One Piece DVDs or Saint Seiya past episodes 60, and then I'll take your "the option is presented and you no longer have to buy it in one or the other" comment with open arms. |
Quote: | and there's a few that are really badly butchered, although in modern anime those are easily the exceptions and not the rule. |
It pretty much fits right into that comment. Of course generalizing the bulk of something based on a limited array of extreme samples would pretty much follow the same basic premise as nationalism and racism.
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