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Some suggestions about submitting cast and staff

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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 9:56 pm Reply with quote
xuebaochai wrote:
In particular 演出 that seems to be translated differently by every anime website and probably every contributor.

Literally, 演出 is the person who tells animators how to translate text screenplay and sketched storyboards into animation (usually in an episodic manner; rarely exist in movies), and 監督 supervises the overall quality and aesthetics of the entire show. Both are jobs for a 'Director'. Anime dazed However, a well-known and respected director would be called a 演出家; I don't think there's a 監督家...

xuebaochai wrote:
I found this list http://www.animelyrics.com/forum/topic_show.pl?pid=250584 from another site, and I wonder if ANN could post a similar list with standardized "site policy" translations for the various task names.

That's a useful article, yet it's not without error. 演出 is definately not 'Production', and I really don't like 脚本 to be translated as 'Scenario', which can mean a screenplay but usually refers to the outline of a screenplay. There are some titles using シナリオ as the position, though. And this list forgot a very important position: シリーズ構成 (Series Composition, construction, story editor, script supervisor, you name it; it's the staff position with most diverse translations).

xuebaochai wrote:
I'm thinking on the line of Dormcat-sensei's short list of problem job titles, extended.

See my old post.

Dormcat-sensei? I'm flattered. Embarassed Anime smile + sweatdrop
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PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 10:39 pm Reply with quote
Sensei indeed! Very Happy

I've been advised to enter 演出 as "Technical director". D'you reckon that should be the site's standard?

I may be imposing, but could you or someone other staffer compile a longer list of "recommended translations"? It should be a matter of picking one translation, any one, and suggesting we lowly contributors stick to it. I've noticed that even simple things like 録音 seem to be entered as "recording" "recording engineer" "sound recording" and other small variations that may be a problem for searches.
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PostPosted: Thu May 12, 2005 2:43 pm Reply with quote
Is there a way to actually change all of the job titles (all the different Scenario/Screenplay/etc) or does it have to be done manually? I was putting in a lot of scenarios for that job, but.. x_X
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 6:09 am Reply with quote
Hi! I'm new here. Charmed to meet you all.

I was wondering how to add credits for a voice-actor who did the same voice roles for the same series, but in two rival channels, because whenever I try to add the role but specify it as a dub in a rival station, I am forced to remove it (the site won't let me add/save anyway)

I'm talking about Mr. Montreal (Ka Monty) Repuyan. He played both Zagato and Lantis in both the ABS-CBN and GMA dubs of both seasons of Magic Knight Rayearth (credited here as MKR and MKR 2 respectively). Unfortunately, he's only credited as Zagato in the ABS-CBN dub, and NOT in the GMA dub, and if I recall correctly he is only Lantis in the GMA dub, while he was also Lantis in the ABS-CBN dub. But I've seen both and he IS still Zagato in the GMA dub as well as Lantis in the ABS-CBN dub. (We kept the Lantis-Zagato peculiarity that the original Japanese voice-acting had.)

I hope everyone can answer this question when I get back online because right now, I have to log off due to eye strain. Thanks heaps!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 11:22 am Reply with quote
Michi wrote:
Is there a way to actually change all of the job titles

Yes, we can change all the "X" job to be "Y"

But Scenario and Technical director aren't the same thing, so I can't go and change all the "scenario" to "technical director."

Is that what you meant ?

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 8:33 am Reply with quote
Well, what I do is translate it like this:

演出 - episode director (EXCEPT in films [yes, it does happen!] as Technical Director)
絵コンテ - Storyboard
脚本 - Script
制作進行 - Production runner
シリーズ構成 - Series composition/ Scenario <<<- I think this should be standardized because this is a very important position (more so than episode director)... and should be brought to the "top list" (Currently "Scenario" is.)

Is this correct?

I think "Sound director"/"Audio director" 音響監督 should be put in the "top list" too. They're quite iportant - they're always shown with the main credits in the OP, and how good the seiyuu work together (or sometimes even how well the seiyuu reads) depeds on the audio director.

By the way, I mean the top section of the staff list in encyclopedia entries when I say "top list"... where things like Original Work, Director, Art Director, Music etc. go.

Also, I'm wondering how to separate 制作 and 製作 (usually for companies). They roughly mean the same thing - production - but in different cases, I think.
Does anyone know for sure? (At least someone with proper Japanese skills)

In any case they must have some difference because that's why shows will use *both* credits... And to add to the problem sometimes you see プロデューサー or プロデュース ...

Are they different enough or is whoever who did the credits on-screen just being annoying?
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 21, 2005 11:00 am Reply with quote
wao wrote:
シリーズ構成 - Series composition/ Scenario <<<- I think this should be standardized because this is a very important position (more so than episode director)... and should be brought to the "top list" (Currently "Scenario" is.)

The relationship between "series composition" and "(episode) script/screenplay" is similar to "chief director" to "episode director" and "chief animation director" to "(episode) animation director." S/he determines the overall plot, thus s/he is more important than any episodic screenwriter.

wao wrote:
I think "Sound director"/"Audio director" 音響監督 should be put in the "top list" too. They're quite iportant - they're always shown with the main credits in the OP, and how good the seiyuu work together (or sometimes even how well the seiyuu reads) depeds on the audio director.

"Sound director," please. Yes, sometimes he (I have yet seen a female sound director; please let me know if you know one) is powerful enough to determine the cast.... Rolling Eyes I'd say his role is more important than the director of photography.

wao wrote:
By the way, I mean the top section of the staff list in encyclopedia entries when I say "top list"... where things like Original Work, Director, Art Director, Music etc. go.

Yup, we all knew that. Wink
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Devil Doll

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 4:40 pm Reply with quote
(thread necromancy, outch...)

If ambiguity of translation is an issue, then what about allowing the data submitters to enter the kanji version of the staff function instead of some English term, and provide a translation table between Japanese and English technical terms in the database?

Regardless whether the source of information were some Japanese website or the credits within the anime itself, the kanji version ought to be easily available for the people who enter stuff here.

As for the read-only visitors, the Japanese version would not be visible (perhaps except the case when no English translation is available yet - then again the input might be rejected in these cases and a request for a new technical term might have to be posted in a corresponding forum thread before this term can be used).

And yes, I know this would require a change of the database format. But it might actually improve the content quality.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 6:21 pm Reply with quote
Devil Doll wrote:
If ambiguity of translation is an issue, then what about allowing the data submitters to enter the kanji version of the staff function instead of some English term, and provide a translation table between Japanese and English technical terms in the database?

In fact you can enter tasks in kanji.
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Shiroi Hane
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 7:30 pm Reply with quote
I've never thought to try that. Does it convert it automatically to the preferred English term?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 23, 2008 8:41 pm Reply with quote
Yes but only if the database contains the correct equivalence. For example, 監督 will be converted to "Director" but if the task was never entered before, it will be added directly and afterards we can establish the correct equivalence.
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Devil Doll

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:33 am Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
In fact you can enter tasks in kanji.
Great - I'll do that from now on. What a pity that I didn't know that yesterday when I entered about 60 of these mappings... the input dialog ought to encourage everyone doing so.
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Devil Doll

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 12:16 am Reply with quote
Um... I took your word for granted and tried adding staff roles in Kanji.

But so far not a single one was auto-translated to an English variant; instead they all went straight into the database.
You can see the result in My Neighbors the Yamadas (scroll down to the end of the Japanese staff list).

Is this really what you told me to do? Or am I doing anything wrong here?
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:38 am Reply with quote
You did it perfectly fine, it's just that this feature is so rarely used that we never got around to translate those job titles. So we now need official translations for the following:
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 10:48 am Reply with quote
Dan42 wrote:

These two are In-Between Animation and Key Animation, respectively. Other task titles do not exist in all anime titles (or they do have but not publicized / listed in credits roll), so their translations might not as universal. As far as I know 整音 and 演出助手 can be translated as Sound Adjustment and Director's/Directing Assistant, respectively, but I know the latter had already been merged with Assistant Director. The two titles are de facto the same (running errands for the director...) but still not the same on credit rolls.
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