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Fate/Zero (TV).

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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:28 am Reply with quote

1st Half: Fate/Zero (TV)
2nd Half: Fate/Zero (TV 2)

Sequels / Alternate Routes
- Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works (TV) (discussed here)
- Fate/stay night: Heaven's Feel (movies) (thread pending)

Source: Light Novel (completed @ 4 volumes, written by Gen Urobuchi, illustrated by Takashi Takeuchi)

Demographic: Seinen

Animation Studio: ufotable

Genres: action, drama, magic, psychological, supernatural, tournament

Themes: assassins, conspiracy, dark fantasy, gore, knights, legendary warriors, magical items, mythology, occult, sorcery, spirits, superpowers, survival game, swordplay, tragedy

Plot Summary: Taking place 10 years before the events of Fate/stay night, this series chronicles the events of the Fourth Holy Grail War.

Air Date & Platform:
1st Half: October 1, 2011 (Saturday)
Available on: Crunchyroll, Hulu

2nd Half: April 12, 2012 (Saturday)
Available on: Crunchyroll, Hulu

Episode Count / Runtime:
1st Half: 13 episodes
2nd Half: 12 episodes

Total: 25 episodes

Anime Marathon Discussion (Nov. 6th, 2015 - Nov. 15th, 2015) starts here

Identity of servants:
Sabre: spoiler[King Arthur in Arturia form]
Archer: spoiler[Gilgamesh]
Assassin: spoiler[the original assassin in history, Hassan-i Sabbah]
Berserker: spoiler[Sir Lancelot du Lac]
Caster: spoiler[Gilles de Rais]
Lancer: spoiler[Diarmuid Ua Duibhne]
Rider: spoiler[Alexander the Great]

For a fan of the franchise this has got off to a great start. Highlights are a revealed connection between the spoiler[Emiya and Einzbern] families that I for one didn't know; an almost entirely adult cast of magi (the youngest appears to be about university age); some fascinating looking servants; a willingness to provide intricate plots and back stories for the mage families; some stupendous voices and voice acting (Kirei Kotomine and Tokiomi Tohsaka stand out); and a scene stealing appearance from a 6 year old Rin Tohsaka who nicely puts Kotomine in his place.

Looks to be a darker, more intricate and (if the first, extended episode is any guide), much more coherent effort than the previous two tales.

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Joined: 17 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 10:54 am Reply with quote
I'm rewatching episode 1 in a bit because I skimmed through it yesterday.

Like I mentioned in the preview thread, it throws a lot of information to the viewer. Whether that's to refresh fans or give new viewers a general idea of terminologies in the Fate franchise, it was a tad boring for me. The characters are interesting though so far. While I was bored, I admit that the introductory episode is quite well done to introduce many characters. The ED is sounding delicious and the spoiler[summoning of the servants at the end was REALLY awesome.] So far, the high points of the show, for me, is the animation. So good for my eyes.

I can't wait for the action scenes.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 1:47 pm Reply with quote
Pretty good episode (and I wasn't expecting a double episode as the file was just 400mbs). I'm wondering who is the Berserker this time. In Unlimited Blade Works thespoiler[ Beserker (who happened to be the strongest of the class, Hercules) died so easily to Gilgamesh.] And no, I don't like Gilgamesh, that bastard is just way too overpowered.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:15 pm Reply with quote
EmbraceMe wrote:
I'm rewatching episode 1 in a bit because I skimmed through it yesterday.

Like I mentioned in the preview thread, it throws a lot of information to the viewer. Whether that's to refresh fans or give new viewers a general idea of terminologies in the Fate franchise, it was a tad boring for me. The characters are interesting though so far. While I was bored, I admit that the introductory episode is quite well done to introduce many characters. The ED is sounding delicious and the spoiler[summoning of the servants at the end was REALLY awesome.] So far, the high points of the show, for me, is the animation. So good for my eyes.

I can't wait for the action scenes.

the first EP has nothing to do with refresh fans or give new viewer general idea. It's just follow the LN. This anime is probably not for you if you don;'t like the first few eps. All Type Moon stuffs have alot of talking. Of course, they don't have to follow the LN. They can just cut out most of the talking/info and just put all action senses in the anime like UBW movie.

Berserker is spoiler[Lancelot of the Lake, and he counters Gilgamesh]. Archer is not that overpower in this one because other servants are very strong too. This Saber is much stronger than the FSN version because she has a better master ^^
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 2:47 pm Reply with quote
Given that this episode spends a lot of time giving exposition that was done in Fate/Stay Night, that the two series were released years apart, and that this is a prequel, I am not sure this thread should be made with the assumption that the viewer has seen F/S N. As such, we can guess that Tosaka's servant is spoiler[Gilgamesh based on the first snake skin ever shed relic,] but we don't have enough information to guess that spoiler[he is an Archer.]

Are the episodes going to be 1 hour long, or is it just the first episode that's special. The amount of exposition didn't mesh well with the length of the episode, but now that the groundwork is set, maybe the later episodes will improve.
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Joined: 29 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:46 pm Reply with quote
Someone 100% new to this series "probably" wouldn't know spoiler[Gilgamesh] is spoiler[Archer]. But on the other hand...

1)Process of elimination pretty much pins Gilgamesh as such. We already know who Saber, Assasin, and Berserker is. We know Gilgamesh isn't Lancer thanks to the OP theme they played in the end. Same goes for Caster. And Rider is already taken as well.

2)He was stated to be an Archer in F/SN...not that those who never watched it would know of course.

The decision to have spoiler[Gilgamesh] as Archer has always seemed odd. There's nothing remotely "archer-y" about him. I guess he's Archer by classification because most of his attack are ranged. Same can be said about the Rider of bother series.

I wonder what it is that made Gilgamesh so overpowered. All I know is that he's a joke character in some of the FF games, a band name, and...that's about it.

As for F/Z's Berserker...not really happy about his identity. I'd like them all to be standalone characters...like make Berserker the Monkey King or something.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 5:54 pm Reply with quote
@ Spotlesseden & Gingin,

I must have missed something. How do you know that Berserker is spoiler[Lancelot]? If so, it provides for fascinating possibilities for interacting with Sabre.

@ Raftina,

I took Tohsaka's servant to be spoiler[Assassin]. Tosaka calls him forth and has a conversation with him part way through the episode.
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Joined: 30 Oct 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:12 pm Reply with quote
YES it feels like I've been waiting sooooo long for Fate/Zero!!!!! So glad it's here. I didn't really mind the information dump; in fact I was kinda glad of it cause I was intending to rewatch Fate/Stay Night before this came out but haven't gotten around to it yet. Originally I was going to wait to watch Fate/Zero until at least 4 of the episodes were out but I couldn't stop myself when I saw this thread =)
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Joined: 09 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:17 pm Reply with quote
errinundra wrote:
I took Tohsaka's servant to be spoiler[Assassin]. Tosaka calls him forth and has a conversation with him part way through the episode.

I was pretty sure that was spoiler[Kirei's].
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:20 pm Reply with quote
@ Yttrbio,

Makes sense from a character point of view. Kirei is a snake.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:21 pm Reply with quote
How do you know that Berserker is ...

Because they've already read the books or been spoiled themselves. You were not supposed to know till the end. Very Happy

What concerns the Assassin, that was Kotomine's servant, he gave him orders. Tohsaka was the one that made the summoning at the end of the episode.

Last edited by jl07045 on Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:47 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:36 pm Reply with quote
Gingin wrote:
1)Process of elimination pretty much pins Gilgamesh as such. We already know who Saber, Assasin, and Berserker is. We know Gilgamesh isn't Lancer thanks to the OP theme they played in the end. Same goes for Caster. And Rider is already taken as well.

2)He was stated to be an Archer in F/SN...not that those who never watched it would know of course.

1) Explain why this episode gave enough information on whether it's spoiler[Waver<->Rider and Tosaka<->Archer or the pair.]

2) I specifically objected to making this thread with the assumption that the reader has seen F/SN.

As an aside, we don't know who Berserk is, because we aren't shown the relic used to summon him. However, we can assume that spoiler[he is Kariya's servant and thus not Gilgamesh.]
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:41 pm Reply with quote
Raftina wrote:
...I specifically objected to making this thread with the assumption that the reader has seen F/SN...

I shall do further updates of the servant identities in the OP as they are revealed in the series. Smile
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yamata no orochi

Joined: 23 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 6:50 pm Reply with quote
Gingin wrote:

I wonder what it is that made Gilgamesh so overpowered. All I know is that he's a joke character in some of the FF games, a band name, and...that's about it.


spoiler[The Servants of Fate/stay Night are heroes of legend. The Epic of Gilgamesh is for all intents and purposes the first recorded epic. Therefore, Gilgamesh is basically the prototype of every legendary hero ever. He also happens to own every weapon ever, including the original versions of essentially every Noble Phantasm to ever exist, most of which are stronger than their later, diluted versions. He doesn't even have to use any of them properly--he just rains them on people until they die. That's what you call overpowered!

Actually, say whatever you will about Fate/stay Night, but if there's one thing it does really well (the visual novel, at least) it's that when characters are overpowered, they're overpowered consistently. Gilgamesh's ridiculous ability is not only totally justified in the context of the story but also sets Shirou up as a perfect counter--while Gilgamesh has every Noble Phantasm in existence, Shirou has a theoretically infinite stockpile of imaginary magical swords to draw on.

tl;dr A Servant's powers is defined in part by the magical weapon they possess. Gilgamesh owns basically every magical weapon in existence and can summon them any time he wants, in bulk. So yeah!]
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 7:37 pm Reply with quote
yamatat no orochi,

It's not quite that simple. There is also the issue of mana. Mana is provided to the Servant by the Master. When a Servant unloads its noble phantasm, it can use up *a lot* of mana. This became a pretty big issue in Fate/Stay Night because Shirou wasn't a skilled enough mage to replentish Saber's mana via normal means, and so... er... alternative means had to be used. In short: the ability of the Master matters in a duel between Servants.


Are you saying that people who watched 'The Phantom Menace' shouldn't have been assumed to know that Anakin Skywalker becomes Darth Vader? It's a PREQUEL. I don't have a problem with a prequel assuming that people are at least somewhat aware of what happened in the events to which it pre-dates.
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